\\f 'T V :/; • llMar . j " CLASSIFIED RATES Same Ad 3 Time* Only |I.W Thiis Sin Type .. . 3c word 3 Times Only .|jJW • 1 for" SALK HYDRATED Masons Lime for pastures and gtjtej; agri cultural uses. $22.13 per. ton, Cromartie Hdw. Qo., Inc., D&nn, N. C. 2-13-ts-c FOR best results with ail n farm animals,A YN E PEED is the product for you m to‘buy. Yoil will find a com plete line of WAYNE PEED at FARMER’S SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-ts-c FOR SALE: Already financ ed small modem “bnck home. FlVe rooms and bath down stairs, two attip rooms up: stairs. All modem conveni ences. Yf. Carr. St. YJrite Box l ill, care of The Daily Recojjd. 2-25-tf*c for ■ Beauty W>- dous savings. See our large selection before you buy. lye make drapes, slip covers. TOE MILL END ETORE^I^I Fayettpille, N, C. 2-27-l Qt-c ruorn • ?« “<R!Sf set ot drums. 1 base, 1 tom, High hatband for; l^|dcai^h^ so 2'® ’gallon gas taniEwith j. gaUqfa'stroke. see or, wpUiM • s!criales, Cowßt, ~ S-S-StfC ’ “Hw *mm ! HELf WANTED; v fa an 1 thahus mn •' - !&''■ • *' / • .. : for tk* WttMbrfui QMDOflkStt YOil fifflYA VOW* wPPr °hi n *« wn i? *• tmAM * n« bwtowww w» yoy *» •eta*, «i *• &>p» w» may.serve you in all the years to come in •I *? * as y.#M «o»t v,m JACKSON'S SHOE STOIfc % r>#Vjjg I y' ,f » E S - i 3 HI I jig p/HBHHhhHBkT • i ♦ II ,4 $400.00 monthly, spare time. We will select a reliable per son from this area to refill and collect money from our New Automatic Merchandis ing Machines. No selling. To qualify, applicant mu4t have car," references and S6OO working capital. Devoting x 4 hours a week should net up to $400.0Q monthly with the poaaMity of taking over full time. For Interview write giving full particulars, name address, age and phone number. P. O. Box 4096, San Diego 4, California. 3-3-6 t-p SPARE TIME Servicing route of new type vending machines dispens ing 24 carat gold-plated and silver-plated quality charms used for CHARM BRACE LETS. No selling or solicit ing. Devoting 20 hour mon thly, party selected will re alize Up to S3OO monthly with excellent future possi bilities of operating full time. Income increasing ac cordingly. Only responsible party, with car, references, apd. S6OO working capital for inventory which is fully se cured will be considered. In clude phone in application. Box 333, care of The Daily Record. 3-3-2 t-p WAtJttP - WA NT ED; Experienced maid for cleaning rooms. Rrtifer settled woman. Short to I&rs. Malone, “tfo ri at phone, ljjfptel Cotton Dale. “"'Wmw ttCER FQR RENT: Five - room house Ideated onerhalf mile from Erwin In Averasboro TowxiaJhip.' Price $3.50 per week. Abhly to Louise Baer in Quqft. 2-27-tfn-c ' Muses. Nice houses- lights, water. Located on I L&His Baer’s farm. $25 per I mohth. Apply to Louis Baer 1 in Dunn. 2-27-tfo-c ELECTRIC floor polisher. Minimum charge, 75c a day. Johnson Furniture Co. Luck now Square, Dunn. Phone 2427. 2-28-ts-c FOR RENT: Apartment, three-rootoi and private bath. Private entrance'. Located at 510 E. Cumberland St. Call 2373 or see J. Lovett Bare foot, Rt 2, Dunn. 2-29-3 t-p FOR REN*t: 4 room frame house with lights. House in good condition. Located ini “Wondertown” betwe e n Dunn and Erwin. See.M. M, Johnson at J. & M. Grocery. 3-3"3t-p Auto Finance AU VO LOANS —REFINANCING— j Reduce Your Present ■ I Payments I Money in 10 M nufc- | MO 1 OR CREDIT CO. j DUNN, N. C. ] _ gj (Continued from page one) That future, he decided, :ay in tele vision. f I TV WAS A NATURAL 1 One of the far-sefeing men of Hollywood, Abe Lastfogel. fejt as ; Clayton did, that television was - made to order for thd Schnozzola’s wirtn, intimate kind of visual com ! edy - Many codterences were held In Jim’s back yard, with the Schnoz zola, Clayton, Laatfowsl, and exec - utives of the broadcasting company l participating. r “It is my dope that Durante will f means an added annual in -1 come of two b un dred thousand - dollars for the next ten years, 'ftjat would, give him security. If he can’t . save something out of Umt for his . old age, then to bell with him!" , Durante procrastinated. He would - 'not sign the contract. Finally early > in May he said to Clayton, "Lou, : suppose you’re hot well enough to r 80 Ea** with me?” , Clayton studied Jim narrowly, as 1 recovery. Then h? said, “Since when 5 (MteWltihiui l “Never.” C “Ah right, then. Now let’s hear . Clem McCarthy broadcast the der , by.'i w«mt to feet np,y mind off your * stubbornness.**' ' ' ' dining put M bdt Igo outdoors Sne, he would *ixwee on occasion Toward the end. Lou told a group of friends: “Take good care of the big-nosed fellow. If, I ever hear of aiiybody hurting him. I’ll cOme down m*n Heaven and kill him.’’ 1 Lou’s i Beneath^the bed linen those once i greaUdknrtng feet kept m rhythm,' subsiding only when he was entirely under the influence ot sedative*/ ' ■^3 TEIC DAILY RECORD. BONN. H. CL E. H. Bost Speaks ! On Lent's Meaning ! i;o Group At Erwin Mr. BS. H. Bost was guest Speaker to members of the Young People’s < Service League of Saint Stephens < Episcopal Church at their regular * meeting Sunday afternoon at' 6 1 o'clock. < The meeting opened with the group singing the youth hymn, -I “Father We Come.” Bill Thomas 1 led the responsive reading and Rog er Sessoms had the prayers. The I group then sang “Ivory Palaces ” 1 Boyer then presented Mr. Bost, < who spoke very interestingly to the ! grotip On “The Meaning of Lent,” ' “Lent,” Mr. Bost told the group, . ‘ls forty days before Easter, which J we in the Episcopal church should • look to as a revival. During this - time We should be present at as 1 many church services as .possible, i and make our communion with a 1 definite purpose and preparation.” Mi-. Bost went on to say that we - should make prayer a daily habit, turhihg to God at all times. The Bible should also be read daily. “The period of Lent is also a period' of ' self-denial.” Each Epis copal church goer should deny himself some luxury and add the cost to his Easter offering. Mr. Host also told the group that , they should examine themselves . daily and undertake some practl- ; cal work and cany it through for • I Christ. ~ During the business session the , “teen age" club was discussed aijd ■ postponed until after Lent. Mrs! ; Johnson and Mrs. Ralph asked the league members to make a special effort to be iweaent at the Friday evening services during Lent. The members were also reminded, to start making some article " for the league booth at the bazaar next fafl.' The meeting closed with the Iroup singing “Sun of My Soul" Members present included Judy Harper, Members 6t Girl Scout Troop 21 with their leader "Mrs. %yim' Ste vens enjoyed a slumber party at the park center chib buildihfe Fri day night. _ Each girl canned a “nose bag” lunch which they spread and en joyed together: They also danced and played, games and as can be expected at slumber partial,' Very little sleep wks had by anyone. Girl Sdouts present were Judy Harper, Janice Byrd, Judy High, ! Hilda Avery, Margaret Smith, Patsy ' Brantley, Sylvia Lucas, Betty West, ; Sylvia Barbour, Ann McDonald, Betty Sue Lednard, Donnie Mc [ Laurin, Janet Price, Peggy Bare foot, Jo Ann Reaves, Wanda Grady ; and Nuicy Avery. , , IN RAfeHGH Mk. Nettie Sewell, Miss Ruby and I Belle Sewell - spent - Saturday 'in CswjAeU. FippJs F^l?speakers for dimpbfll Cul i lege hare been announced by Presi ' dent Leslie H. Campbell. I Dr. J. Clyde Turt#r ol Raleigh i will preach the sermon June 1, and I Drl O. T. Binktey Os LouisvlUd, Ky., will deliver the address June at Wake PJtreat next War. Dr.’ Turner, herb** retiring, was ; for over 30 yean pastor of the , Fiftt gaptist fjhuircii” In Gthssis i boro cided to go East to make the tele -1 vision shows. doin’ rr for lou “I’m only doin’ it,” he explained, ■hecauee Lop tixaX - ; The triumph Durante as " a ’ television star has been witnessed ; in miUMns Os homes all Over the land* He has fulfilled Clay ton ; and dreams^^ ! Durante still wants to return tp : his ' California house ft Beverly Hills. Bat. as Tie has said. “I gotta- I beer by the tali, and a Xs!tow walk; out on his friends. Success , is wonderful in one way, but In 1 another ft's a gatastrostroke.” ? wn us, as great clowns ahtfays stay mil in the hearts of men '4>d women! J and children who seek ip the refuge j t^l Dawn Porter Is Feted On Her 13th | Birthday In Erwin Mrs. Lyrngn Qheppard entertain- ( ed at a part yat the Parle Center Club house Saturday evening from 8 until 11 o'clock complimenting her niece Dawne POrter Os Durham oh her 13th birthday During the evening the group j .played games and Dawne opened her gifts. v Later in the evening Mrs. Shep- 1 pard assisted .by Miss Janet Byrd 1 served fee cream, individual birth- , day Cakes, and salted nuts to: Dawne Porter honoree, Jerry En- J nis, Carl Byrd Jr.. Bill Sewell Jr., ! Jerry 'Taylor, Joe Walters, Judy Harper, Wanda Grady, Bobby Suggs, \ JaniCe Byrd, G. L. Elderbaum, June Dare Turlington, Milton Step- ( hens Jr .'Naftcy Glover, Robert ( Beard, Betty Sue Lednard, Robert Elderbaum, Roger Sessom.s, Ed ward McCaskill, Diane Halph, Nancy Avery, Tommy and Jonny Stevens. Revival To Be At Erwin Church With Rev. I. Shephard “Christ for All—All for Christ”' will be the theme used by the Rev. 1 I. Clyde Shepard In a rev.val meet ing which will begin at the Erwin Advent Christian church Sunday, March 18. The Rev. Mr Shepard has been the pastor of this local church for' more than ergiu years and was recently elected by the church to conduct this revival. Assisting Mr. Shepard wiU be Rev. Thotrias Home, assistant pastor of the Erwin Advent Christian Chtij-ch, Mrs. Thomas Home, pianist and Rev. Everett Ransom of Boone, who will serve as music' director. Dur ing this week and next, pray er meetings wilt be held in different homes conducted hy the ladle’s of the church and at night by the men. Special' prayer services will be held each Wednesday at the church during this period of prep aration. ' •' •" The Rev. Mr, Shepard said today, “I am of the opinion that tod often ; we endeavor to have a revival ipeet ihg directing our efforts tpfe-ard and focusing our eyes dporj our own local chtirch as our, main ob jective. This revival is bne'fdr all people regatdlesi of wty> you' are it where yopcom e from: Our brain, objective is 'reaching the lost and wiim tag them to Christ, lb tljls end we shall be working and praying. We cordially welcome ydii.” Ladies Os Erwip Church Observe Day Os Prayer Ladies from Erwin’s leading churches met togetherat Uy| Chris- : tian Advent ChureK“Friday after noon for ah hour of Worship in observance of, the World Day of j Prayer.' t The theme of the worship service,! “Christ Our Hope” was sounded by Mrs. Novell Suggs of the. Advent. Church. Others taking part were Mrs. L. l W. Griffin, Mrs. JohnWilboume, Mrs. Milton Stephens, Mrs- Rich ard Webb, Mrs. Roy Godwin and Mrs. Forest Maxwell of the Bap tist Church. Mrs. P. G. Parker, Mrs. E. G. Purcell, and Mrs. J. K. Bru ton of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Purcell Was In charge of the music .end Mrs, Bruton sang the beautiful ”*Tne LMd Ts My Shepherd.” Those on the program’ from the JEptfehdjjhl church were Mrs. W. E. Adair, Mrs. E. H. Bost, Mrs Bryan iStpvens. ‘Mrs. E. L. Sewell, Mrs. -Z. E. Matthews and Mr?- Frank a M. Phillips of the Pres byterian church the closing .part of the program and the Rev. D. Clyde Sheppard, pastor of the .hostess church gave the closing benediction. ' w .. * * AUXILIARY TO 9QET The Womans Auxiliary of St. Stopgaps Episcopal Church will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Louis Dear born. AU members are urged to be <preeent. SATURDAY IN. FAYETTEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Whittington l and daughters Carolyn, Rebftca and uettevme ■*™-ppin g I Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sewell and Jidaughter Haffye, and Mr. and Mrs. —■—" larluDgM i . wSSt BM# One) spe's not Evuiui UAuitfal tnm Kevivai Ta(W| Bat Erwin Metho<^t f be at 11; a, ta, i idfey by a nwpb« of f : Raleigh. 4l»tr)!ct an<f cemfpi ip the, phase of the in j H) "preparatjiWi for the revival : cotttige prayer meetings have been conducted ij sections^ of ; riU leader. The speaker Will be later. , i ' *' Thursday sit T:3Q p. m. at, Mrs. Carry Mason's at 108 East “D" Street. Mr. Albert Oldhaln, Jr., - I leader and Mr. Tony J. Harper speaker. Friday evening at 7:30 at Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Norris’ who lives Just off the Cut Off oft the right going to Dunn. Mr. George S. Bennett, leader, apd Rev. D. A. Petty, speak er. WITH PARENTS Arthur Leg Seabolt and Earl Fowler, U. S. Navy, are visiting their mothers Mrs. Jim Adams and Mrs. Ludle Fowler. At the end of their leave Arthur Lee Rill report to Beaufort, S. C. naval base and Earl will report to Camp Lejeune at Cherry Point. <• Information' Column \SALES — SERVICE~~REPAIR& im ,— * —-■! i Muiißsiii" immiiia I »i»m» mi mm—ms ...- www m lit .*§ ■ C c ' 1 II ‘'-'ll If m AUTO FARTS • I DEPEN^IABIjE 1 AUTO I ■ * I ■ 'll ? 1 1 11 ” 1 q AU'ißu RET AIRS * •»»#«» . Bemire Jury iift Is Drawn w -ww 4W "vT! *; ■ far Nfanh 31 Term viptthd', hys siifaky.- was Jacli Cox 0f ? Stale Coflpgfe ahd Pllpt Mountain. Mrs. Oordort E EnnJ popped, ip Fayetteville Friday. ' IN HOSPITAL Jim Fann is a patient in Good Hope Hospital. DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. John Dombolii and { son Nickey, and Miss Pauline Domr bolls of Raleigh were the djnner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pane Lee Sunday. o CLEANERS # * ■ IA QUICK, COURTEOUS , Dry Cleaning paramount (Next to Stewart TfceßtwP I Laundry & Dry j|j I Omrlpr J w^r ivwf | i SSOftK I! I “Thp FvSSjy storo” 11 f 112 E. Broad St. I U ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 3 IA m 1 PAGE FIVE bell, Lillington route 2; Fletcher A Langley, Dunn route 4; J. Welppn -m Erwin; J. P. Allen, Broadway- rpiitp, 1 Joseph A. Ennis, Erwin route 1; J. L. Price, Dunn route ILljt M. Baker, Spring Lake route !.. 4 Warren E. Pittman, Diinp; M. Ralph Maxwell, Dunp; Alex Carney on, Sanford route 8; Clew Horne, Dunn; Elbert H. Patterson,' Broad way route 2; Roy L. Horrell, Dunn; Paul L. Pollard, Lillington 3; James Walter Phillips, DpiMi; J, A Ivoy, Coats, route 1; W. M. John son, Lillington, route 3, "V WEEKEND IN JACK&pN Dr. and Mrs. L W. qf'iyin and children Jennifer, Eleanorjsml Ehu ry and Emily Grant Thomas spent the weekend in Jackson V)th rcfo- tives. . .. H SUNDAY IN SOUTH CAROLINA, E. L. Sewell, Lu Surleg,- Frank Ralph and Z. Efl Matthews wertf on business in Sumter, S. C. Sunday to see the Rev. Frank V. D. i Fortune. »>•"• “' i'i RETURNS HOME Y has retuifced to his home in Smithfield after visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Lee for the past several days. epn, onp of the newer opgaplc phosphate insecticides, his proved eflccti.e in controlling the yellow ' striped army worm which in MM caused extensive damage- to-cottai plants in the Soi'ih. ' - * - t? .Hill Printings I Prompt Service 1

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