"' ' yL .’ >r '' ■ '•*■:■■ * <> fi V* •'• ’* , • WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 5, 1952 Lee's Grove Young People Hold Meeting The young people of Lee’* Grove Community met loot Thursday night at the church. The vice-prea - Went called the to order. • Hie congregation sang two con gregational songs led by the Rev. Leo Barefoot. The vice-president asked the re quests for prayer. Prayer was led by the Rev. Earnest Lee. Estelia Coats asked some Bible Questions. 1 Mrs. Leo Barefoot took charge of the Bible reading. The vine president read the sec retary and treasurer's report. , Rev. C. W. Kirby dismissed the meeting. God is really blessing the meet ing. We invite all young people to come and take a part at these meetings each Thursday night at seven o’- clock. Miss Faye Godwin Hostess Monday To Sorority The Delta Theta Delta Sorority met Monday night at the home of Miss Faye Godwin. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by the vice-president. Miss Libby Raynor, . and president Ann Byerly took over later. A short business meeting was held and a devotional was given.' Afterwards the girls enioyed a ses sion of singing. A lovely duet was sung by pledges Betsy Ann Tart and Nancy Jemigan. During the social hour the hos tess served refreshments consisting of pimento and ham sandwiches, assorted cookies, potato chips, pep permint sticks, and cokes. | r 1 Those present for the meeting ' were Misses Libby Raynor, Ann Byerly, Lois Johnson, Peggy Ruth Barfield, Becky Leo, Margaret Cathy, Jewel McLean, Sally White head, Mary Lou Lee, Betsy Lee, Fay Monds, Nancy Jernigan. Betsy Ann Tart. Ann Home Hodges, Glenda Bass, Martha Ann Butler. - 'Catherine Butt, and the hostess. . LADY HAMPSHIRE’S 31 y x VgVrVaVm^ \?lf lOU 1 ..< After a short business session the demonstration oh “Home Gar dens” was given by the garden leader; Mrs. C. M. Saunders. Af ter much discussion each member resolved to plant a vegetable this year that they haven't grown be- The hostess served delicious re l freshments to the following mem bers: Mrs. George Whittemore, Mrs. Henry Morgan, Mrs. LelSnd Mat thews, Mrs. James Flowers, Mrs, O. M. Saunders, Mrs. C. W. Wood and the hostess, Mrs. J. L. Matthews. The March meeting wig be with Mrs. O. W. Wood March 21*t. Each club member feels a great loss in the passing of one of our very active members, Mrs. R. R. Johnson, and our since rest sym pathy and best wishes go with a "Sunshine Basket” that is being sent to the children who survived the wreck that was fatal to their mother and father, Mr. and Mr*. Raymond R. Johnson. Mr. and Mm C. W. Wood at tended the semi-annual sales meet ing of the Knapp Shoe Co., Greens boro, March S of which he is a counsellor. He was a lucky man— wqp tha door prize which was a Ch^h^Supper nmLrs of the Fir* Pros hnlarlan fUtiitwh will hnijl ♦•Vintr Djicnui visurcn ouiv wivir t£ A be hstd with the Circle No. 11l Meets At Home Os Mrs. Wm. Butler The members of Hood Memorial Christian Church Circle No. 11l met at the home of Mrs. William Butler Tuesday evening with Mrs. Flonnie Tart as co-hostess. Miss Esther Ricks gave the de votional and Mist Mabel Lynch re CIJT RATE DREGS ti? fee Chewey Laxative. Bottle 3G ' O Itx.J. PERTUSfTV oq. 12 I9C For Coughs Duo to Colds. 8 oz. Owv t R Baby Powder. 9 ounce can. 49c Ik GILLETTE Hair Tonic. 9 ounce bottle. 79c BLADES Hand Cream. SH ounce Jar.. 98C io g ' 49c IPAIA TOOTH I _L_J Paste. Largo economy tube... ,v r tR up ‘ y° ur doctor proscribes, re- H M&Q *0 ■ I rnember that you can bring your Hj f fl proscription to us for compounding. I L 59 Compound j Fbgo. 12 Si ■ ■ 46 ox. viewed part of the book “We Americans. North and South”. Mrs. Vernon Bass, circle chair man presided over a routine bus iness session and an auction sale was held to help raise money for the circle. Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Tart ser ved refreshments of soft drinks, mints, sandwiches and cookies af ter the meeting. I The members present were Mrs. Cohen Tart, Mrs. F. W. Salley, PAGE THREE Mrs. Vernon Bass, Mrs. Georg* Cuthrel!, Mrs. Ruby Thor Alon, Miss ; Lois Cannady, Miss Mabal tXrnch, li' Mrs. Henry West, Mias-'-Esthe* Ricks, Mrs. Bill LaugftJnglfiimise, Mrs. Ada Gordon, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Tart and Dr. George Cuthreil !*j| who was a guest. • > Marie and R. R. (Buddy*(Johnson are improving nicely new. Marie has gone to her grandmotner’sVMrs. J. M. Baker, and Buddy is still in Dunn Hospital.