PAGE SIX Plans Indefinite For7ounn High 3ifljlor-Senior SfcWftlS 1 ' lor the Junior-Senior •mapra, and dance which are to. fee ySSIi . on April 18th. are as yet JpSry Indefinite. it was reported by class president, Douglas Overman. The dance will be held ,in theigunn Armory w’ith Neptune’s Court,® the theme, but the ban quet- will not be held in the .high schodgjjdunchroom as previously PHUawB? due to conflicting sclie du(es;',“ t Several bands are under discussion for the dance and the class-te-now trying to find a place to, hold the banquet. ■ -Cdfnmittee chairmen and their dommittee-men will be named Monday in the regular weekly class meetfrig. They will then work out the details of the annual affair. Dues have been set for the year at two dollars per member and money has already been raised by the en tire claiss through Stunt Night, sales, booster plate sales and .various other projects. If Patsy Cromartie Fe*ed Wednesday At Luncheon „Miss Patsy Cromartie, who on March, 30th will becorqg the bride afr~M£&loyd Coats, was feted Wed nesday- afternoon at two o’clock at a, WfieHSon in the General Lee Johnson's Restaurant. Mrs... williams C. Lee was hostess fpr the. social event. iAsriier gift from the'hostess Miss. Oromartie received a silver Revere l*wl.»A. yellow orchid corsage was pjnned—at her shoulder when she amjivedg ►An UEJfusual arrangement of jon qbils ijgps used on the piano and r#4 reads and hyacinths centered IjfiwjPenu for the luncheon con- BfctedSf grapefruit halves topped }»Jth A»awberries, congealed fruit j saUM," smothered chicken, broccoli, whipped potatoes, and pecan pie. attending the delightful; affajr.'Jwere Miss Cromartie, Mrs. R. .lijjiiYomartie. Jr., Mrs. L. L. fcofls;“er.. Mrs. R. L. Cromartie, Br., Mjss Libby Ray Cromartie, Mrs. JJ7W. Driver. Mrs. Earl West brook. -Mrs. C. D. Htitaff, Mrs. DaWl**Clifford, Mrs. Henry Tyler, M*s. jg*X. Corbett, Mrs. Jesse Davie, Mr*-J3ob Warren, Mrs. Ralph Johaaan. Mrs. -L. R. Doffermyre, hostess. IN FLORIDA • and Mrs. Emmett Edgerton and Curtis Ennis are sperramg today in New Bern, on business for the Dunn SSriSK! Club. •”TROM GREENSBORO Mrs. John Armfield and daugh ter from Greensboro are here *Wttdg" Mrs. Arms ield’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitchett. GOT A COLD symptomatic CMDO BELIEF W ** x i 'lMlllil jp \** W fj| ■ f§ J | |f . ■ 1— 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ; —7 • ' v / v : - : I IP te mg I 11! i ■ 1 ' . \ ■ v-f'• VIHHH ’,-4AvHf’i 'mmgM jm gs" ''s** yt ' v MBHHfeP *5 ? JKSnmmmmMWn ■ ■ |g| w fgm mm « H M mtM PBW t- <4 m JR WmmmSmm BRIDE—ELECT HONORED Miss Patsy .Cromartie, one of Dunn’s most popular Spring bride elects was complimented at a beautiful appointed luncheon yesterday afternoon at 2:00. Mrs. Will iam C. Lee was the hostess for the luncheon which was held at Johnsons Restaurant. Miss Cromartie is shown in the above picture at the right end cf the table, Mrs. Lee, the hostess is shown at the head of the table. (Daily Record Staff Photo). Tuesday Review Book , Club Meets Wednesday The Tuesday Review Book Club, was graciously entertained on Tuesday afternoon at four o’clock at the home of Mrs. P. A. Lee. Upon arrival the members and guests were served a salad plate with Russian tea. Lovely arrangements of grape : hyacinths, japonicas, and jonquils I were used in decorations throughout the home for the occasion. Mrs. H. C. Turlington, president, j presided over the business session. The paper for the afternoon was presented by Mrs. J. C. Andrews for Mrs. A. W. Blanchard. The subject MRS. CROCKETT HERE Mrs. J. E. Crockett of Warrenton has been here for the past two weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Newsome and family. She was called here due to the illness of her granddaughter, Miss Dava Crockett Newsome. . mOM FAYETTEVILLE his funt. Mrs. William Newsome, and family, and his grandmother, Mrs. J. E. Crockett of Warrenton who has been a guest in the New some home for several weeks. DUNBAR STILL IN HOSPITAL It was erroneously stated in the Daily Record at the first of the week that Mr. Milford Dunbar was at home after being a patient in the Dunn Hospital, but he is still a patient there. It is reported that his condition is somewhat im proved. FROM ELIZABETH CITY Mrs. Corinne Stilley. sister of Mrs. Lelia Bren, is visiting her this week at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thad Pope. Mrs. Stilley is from Elizabeth City. ,of ihe interesting and informative presentation was “The Last Pioneer.” Guests present for the meeting were Mrs. H. O. Mattox, Mrs. A. L. Freeman, Mrs. J. W. Thornton, Mrs. Ruben Tart, and Mrs. Earl Mahone. Members attending were Mrs. A. W. Blanchard, Mrs. J. S. Bryan, Mrs. Guyton Smith, Mrs. J. R. Cathy, Mrs. Kenneth Howard, Mrs. H. C. Turlington, Mrs. J. P. Jones, Mrs. Thai'. Pope, Miss Lillian Ezzell, and the hostess. TO ATTEND WEDDING Mrs. W. M. Brannon will leave by plane to attend the wedding in Memphis, Tenn. of Miss Pat John son and Willie Brannon Saturday. Miss Johnsons mother Mrs. E. B. Johnson and her sister Mrs. Lucille Carr and Miss Betty Sue Draughon will leave Friday for the wedding. IN BAYBOBO f,.; • --‘'The--“Trey Godwins weekend tn Bayboro as the guests i of Mrs. Godwins mother and father j Mr. and Mrs. John Cowell. i TRUMAN OPENS RED CROSS DRIVE AT tM WHITt HOUS(, E. Roland Harrlman, president of the American Red Cross, pins a button on President Truman, thus officially starting the 1952 fund raising drive of the organization. This year’s goal for the American Red Cross is $85,000,000. ' (International Sound photo) Quinn's Television Schedule #►— « 12:00 The Egg * I • urmnaouro Jt:18 bR of use . WFMY—TV 12:30 Search For Tomorrow * • 12:45 Kate Smith Show * TONIGHT' 1:00 Film Program 5:38 Howdy Doody * 3:30 Garry Moore Show * g- w 2:3* Hundred Years * 8:30 News, Evening Edition * *|« * »£«* . t ; u Snorts Spotlight 3:00 The Mg Payoff * T M The Lone Ranger % 3:38 Bert Parks Show • 718 CBS News * ' 4:68 Melody Matinee 7:45 Stork Ctab * 4:» Carolina Calling S M Groaeha Man • ' 5:38 Howdy Doody • ' g- M st«n The Mask- * 6:00 C-Gan Playhouse 9:00 Alan Yowng Show • 6:30 News, Evening Edition Jm^SS.' 7:00, Ctab* t Quht ,ln * ton SinE " *!jl Yiul Truman “Mutual 7:3$ CBS News * 11:* »** We, The Peep* * 12:M NewTFina! Editien, »:» Man Against Crime • ci-., , ** s:(s Playhouse at Stars * , Signori *Z ZZ r. 7 TITZ li a Witte - I H * 'll. ■■iMlagil 4m , • Indicates network shown. ■ ■ . TTJTR DAILY MCCORD. DUNN, 17. U {Eason Funeral Will Be Friday Herman' Leslie Eason. 53, widely known resident of Godwin, Route 1. died Wednesday morning at 11:15 o’clock at his home. He had been ill for about a year. ,» Funeral services will be held Fri day afternoon at 1:30 o’clock at the Antioch Baptist Church at Falcon. The Rev. C. B. Strickland of Fal con and the Rev. Julian Motley of Roxboro will officiate. Burial will be In the Crocker Cemetery In Selma. WORKED IN SELMA Mr. Eason was a textile worker and held a position with the Lizzie Cotton Mills in Selma. He was a member of the Selma Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Collie Mae Eason of Wade, Route 1; two sons. Edward Eason of Selma and Billy Eason of Gftdwin, Route 1; two. daughters, Mrs. Let-tie Mae Steinless of Augusta, Georgia and Miss Wilma Laurie Eason of Selma; . five grandchUdsen; ami seven bro thers, J. K. BKsdtf df”OfcUwin, .Route (1, Clarence, William, Milton. Cleve | land, Herbert, C. P. and David Eason i all of Godwin, Route 1. GO tO RALEIGH i Mrs. W. R. Jemigun, Mrs. Betty Bass: Rebecca Jo Bass and Miss Ida Kate Stewart were in Raleigh for the day shopping Tuesday. P. F. C. JEANETTE HOME P. F. C. Edward Jeanette ot the Army who has been in Korea ar rived in Dunn Sunday. ■ He is the son of George Jeanette and the late Mrs. Jeanette. VISIT AUNT AND UNCLE Mr. and Mrs’. Denzel Craft of Charlotte stopped by to see her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Andrews, Monday night. HERE SUNDAY | Mr: and Mrs. Bill Thames ' and I daughter Judy of West End visited I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Black, Jr. Sun- ! day. The successful establishment of; legume crops requires a fair abun- i dance of lime in the soil. 1 Open An Account In Nothing Flat! *■ ■•" ’ 1 *tsift-f s % i 4 HjH 111 d 4Vy§ * *.W( 1 444% |HHp t! j BROAD ST. DUMH, H. • VISIT IN RALEIGH Mr. and Mrs. Cad Upchurch and , Mr. and Mrs. James Surles visited, , in Raleigh Wednesday. FROM MEREDITH . ' " Miss Rosalyn Poole of Meredith College spent the weekend in Dunn. GEORGE HOME AGAIN George Williams, Jr., who broke ; his leg in a fall at his home has i returned to his home after being in Dunn Hospital. He will be con fined to a cast for the next ten weeks. . *ANN ALDREDGE ILL Miss Ann Aldredge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erfmett Aldredge, has i been ill for the past several days, but is better now. CONDITION BETTER ! Mrs, R. F. Jernigan who has been ' very ill at her home on Clinton Ave. ; is somewhat improved. SHOPPING TRIP Mrs. Jessie Capps and Mrs. Lee rw , ' Sandlin and daughter Pamela were 1 In Fayetteville yesterday on a ghop- I, ping trip. MISS WARREN HOME , Miss AUene Warren, a pharma ceutical student at the University of North Carolina is home for the spring holidays. ; WELL AGAIN Bruce Stancil who has been ill at his home for the' past several days Is able to be out again. GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY The public Is cordially invited to ; attend the ground breaking cere -1 mony by the congregation ol the Falcon Pentecostal Holiness Church on Sunday afternoon, March 9 at 3:00. Robbed While Preaching , ST. JOSEPH, Mich. (W The Rev. Paul Albery, first Methodist Church pastor, complained to po lice that thieves stole his car while 1 he was conducting services. * _ _ .. (Continued from page one) body dangled from one of the posts at the head of the bed. “She got the foUr-year old boy, Richard, in the room next and hanged him from a bedpost at the loot of the bed,” he said. > Slx-year-old Frank Jr„ i was hanged from the other post at the foot of the bed. NO STRUGGLE V Rofheart said there was nb sign l of a struggle in the bedroom, in dicating that the children’s trust in their mother kept them from resisting her. A neighbor who thought the children were ill because she had not seen them all day found the bodies. She ran screaming from the Klemm house and notified , other neighbors who called police. TONSILS REMOVED O Warren Pate had his tonsils re moved In the Clinton Hospital Monday.