PAGE TWO -Cake Cutting Is HSTdOn Tuesday : Feilowln* the Wood-McLeod wed v-ding rehearsal Tuesday evening ! Mrs.. aßhary Byrd entertained the s /•-weddtng party members of the 3 r.fuaUf and close friends at a cake .-.•sitting. i ■ TDe> home was decorated through- ; out *n the green and white bridal Mlpifc The dining table was cov . poured the punch. Bridal mints and nuts, .were also served. The* groom presented his bride ) with, .a lovely string of pearls. Bride-Elec* Is Feted Friday With A shower ■ J - T - JerrUgan and Mrs. IffiJS Dean entertained at a mis- \ ceUaneous shower at the home of \ Mrs. Dean in Buies Creek Friday •. guaniLg feting Miss Janice Wood, ; bride elect pf March the sth. | When the honoree arrived she . was given a corsage of white car- j nations and tern. 'TM guests were then invited into I the dining room. The table was I covered with a white linen cloth I and centered with a bowl of white ! carnations, lilies and Jem. Be- j freshmpnts consisting of sandwiches, \ salted nuts, mints, cake squares. | isllu jiith whipped cream and cos- ] fesnwere served buffet style. 'During the ever ing games and 1 contents were enjoyed and prizes j were awarded the Winners. The 1 hostesses gift to the honoree was china in her chosen pattern. Twenty guests were present for this delightful event. .... ... ' ' j Mi-W. P.Hp)tsr, I lA.T OHUf P=3> 1 tm j |V^ '1 Wwv-§ -j IN E WIN m ■ ■ m I : : JK& -4 '‘ft JPFC. AND MRS. THEOPHILUS McLEOD The marriage of Miss Janice Vance Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Leonard VMod of Erwin and Pfc. Theophilus H. McLeod Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Theophilus H. McLeod of Buies Creek was solemnized in a candlelight cere mony Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the First Baptist Church of Erwin. i The Rftv. Forest' Q. Maxwell, pas tor of th/e bride officiated at the impressive double ring ceremony. The vows were spoken before a background of floral baskets of white gladioli, fern and vine. Seven branched candlearbra were used on each side of the altar. Prior to the ceremony Mr. Hugh G. Parser Jr.' pf Carey, brother in-law' of the bride, organist, and Mrs. wood Sawyer sister of the briij#,'soloist, presrr.ied a pro gram muisc. Mrs. Saw ding iVory satin net, with fitted bodice and scalloped sweetheart neckline, with long sleeves ending in lily points over the hands. The skirt was made of double net over satin with bustle back which ended in a train. Her finger tip veil of illusion net was held in place with clusters of orange blossoms. Her boquet was of white carnations and white maline net centered with a white orchid from which fell white satin stream ers. Miss Weece Wood of Portsmouth Va, was her sisters maid of honor and only attendant. She wore a misty blue gown of nylon net over satin with fitted bodice and double netted skirt with matching stole of net. She carried a bouquet of pink roses and carnations entwined into blue, maline net from which fell pink satin streamers. 'The groom had as his best man his father. The ushers were Thur man Jernigan of Erwin and Elijah Dean of Buies Creek, brothers in 1 law of the groom, Billy Lloyd oi , Buies Creek and the University of 1 North Carolina and Pfc. Jerry 1 Holmes U. S. A. F. of Fayetteville. Mrs. Wood chose for her daughters ’ wedding a dress of dusty pink crepe with navy accessories. Her cor sage was a purple orchid. The grooms mother wore a dress of navy blue with white lace and white ac cessories. Her corsage was a laven der orchid. The bridal couple are both grad uates of Campbell College. The bride is presently employed with The Bank of Harnett in Erwin and the groom is with the Army Air Force. Immediately following the cere mony the bride's parents enter tained at a reception at their home after which the bridal couple left for a wedding trip to iinapnounced points. > 7 v •n**hofe?Hus loveft niMifc* with baskets of white gladioli and red carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parker greet ed guests at the door and Mr: and Mrs. Ray D. Caldwell directed them into the dining room. The dining room table was cov ered with a white linen cloth and centered with an arrangement of 1 white gladioli fern and carnations. Mrs. O. R. Simpson served cake and Mrs. R. M. Byrd poured punch. Mrs. Gene Wood presided at the ■ brides book and Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Dean received in "the gift room. ■ Good-bys were said to Mr. and ' Mrs. D. K. Stewart. Out of town guest present for the wedding were. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Holland of 1 Southern Pines. 1 Mrs. Archlfe Holmes and Miss Peggy Stewart of Fayetteville, Mr. and Mrs. Billie Weaver of State College in Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Byrd and Mr. and Mrs. Rhary Byrd of Bunnlevel, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh G. Parker of Carey, Mrs. E. V. Windell of Rock Hill, S. C., Mack Wood of Btate College in Raleigh, Miss Margaret Green of Womans College in GreensSpro, Miss Hilda Simpson of Angler, Mr, and Mrs. E. V. Woodard and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woodard of Selma, Mr. and Mr*. W. p. Raiford of Greensboro and Pat and Hettie Lou Raiford of Duke University. Mr. and 4 Mrs.. Jessie Floyd Reaves of Erwta announce the bhth of * son op March the 4th in Good Hope Hospital. Mrs. Reaves is the former I former j Base in Texas!.'‘ JggJ - ■ - -■■■ ■' -. 1-1 '* : Mrs AlsJredge j Is Hostess To Dflta ftecka Club Mrs. Jim Yearby wgs the high score winner last night When Mrs. 1 Emmett Aldredge entertained the \ Delta Decks bridge club gt her home on North Orange Mrs. Yearby received earrings and Mrs. C. 8.. Aycock Jr. was presetted a box of greeting carps Tor tallying, the second highest score of the evening. The traveling award, lip-j stick, went to Mrs- LeWis Godwin. A profusion df spring flowers) decorated the living toon of the Aldredge home for the occasion. A crystal 'howl holding jonquils cen tered the dining room table and the arrangement was flanked by yellow capdles in crystal holders.’ During' play, the hostess aerved coca colas, nuts, and cheese wafers. At the end of the play, club mem bers and guests enjoyed dettclous chocolate pie and coffee. Club members attending were Mrs. Jim Yearby, Mis. C- B. Ay cock Jr.. Mrs. Waite Howard. Mrs. George Britton, and Mrs) Sert Al abaster. The guests included Mrs. Lewis Godwin, Mrs. Hoover Adams, and Mrs. Q. M, Leslie. §*ewpr*-Mdximb Vows Are On March Fir?* The marriage of Miss Iva T. McLamb of Linden and Kenneth R. Stewart of near Benson occurred Saturday, March 1, in the court house in Raleigh. The bride, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laddie McLamb of Linden, is a graduate of Anderson Creek high school. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stewart of near Ben [ son, has been serving in the Mer i chant Marines since 1A45. He hits | recently been stationed in Japan ; and Korea. At the termination' of ; his present leave he will report to j Norfolk for further duty. r : Barbour-Muse : Wedding Is ; Announced Today Miss Bobbie Jean Muse, daughter Os Mrs. S. D. Muse of Hot Springs, Arkansas was married Saturday, • February 8, to Pfc. Theron H. Bar ; bour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus l H. Barbour of Benson. The cere- I mony occurred at the home of - friends in Malvern, Arkansas. The bride, a graduate of Hot Springs high school, is presently ' employed at Artkraft Photograph ' Studio in Hot Springs ' ! Pfc. Barbour entered the U. S. | Army in October 1850 and received I training at Fort Jaokson, S. C. and. Pprt Bam Houston,, Texas. He ,1s t Jtt imtt otmmc at 41m Army a*d I Navy General Hospital. Hot Springs. The young couple resides at (019 Summer St., Hot Springs, Ark. I Baptist Youtfi _ Make Plans For I Annual Fpcus Week . The Baptist Youth Auxiliary met . Wednesday night at 7:30 at the » church. Plans were made for the i yearly Focus Week which begins' Sunday. I The meeting was called to order by the president and the opening s prayer was led by Mr. L. L. Coats. During the business session the [ annual Focus Week was discussed and it waa decided to send a sun -5 shine basket to Hrs. Herbert Tay lor. who is a patient at Duke Hos- J pital, and to carry out several oth ’ er community mission ‘projects dur ; ing the week. On Sunday morning the group wiH sit in a body in the worship service Wednesday night, instead of having the regular meet [ ing, the Auxiliary will go to the , Veteran's Hospital in Fayetteville to present a program. Committees appointed to look af ' ter the various projects of the ' week were Donald Johnson, head of I ushers: Louise McGugan and Jer ; ry Cobb veterans Hospital program: Emil/ Frances AUmap and Mary , mlljev'Rmtiy r&cM^A^an, o^- us As a conclusion of the week's rapKsK faywere (fiases Pat Altman. Melrose ■part. EXfie Lou . W* Wrs ;| '' •*"' | i' v j) Tflfc -Ifjyfy r ■ • • ;l. ~ , _ _ * ffi rSS'SSSSS* S Mrs. John Gglbreath ami the I at g canasta party Tijurs-1 day evening at the lovely new Oal ! breath home in honor Os Miss JBatsy ' Cromartie. bride-elect of Lloyd Coat?. The hostess used lovely bouquets of Jonauils and Japonicas lor the enjoyable occasion. Covers were . laid for dessert when the guest ar- i rived and the three auxiliary tables ; were centered with bubble bowls 1 holding japonicas. j Miss ~Crbmart& received a beau- | tifuj hand-painted milk glass plat-i ter from Mrs. Galbreath and Miss j Lindg Godwin, an April bride-elect' was remembered with a jade cry- ] ' stal bowl. A delicious dessert course consist- ]' ing of bridal ices, exquisitely de-| signed as love birds, weddings' rings slipper and other bridal Hoe ; N Grow Club Hears Gordon Speak On Flowers Miss Pauline Gordon gave a most informative address when members and guests of tie Hoe 'N Grow Clubd met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Snipes Thursday evening with Mrs. R. O. Ennis as co-hos tess. The Snipes home was especially beautiful with unique bouquets of camellias, jonquils, glads, japanese quince and snapdragons. Mrs. Joe Dawson, president of the club, presided over a business session during which the members decided to sell camellias and nzal eas from Orton Plantation in Dunn on March 16th. Mrs. Harold Jerni gan. secretary of the group read the minutes of the lgst meeting and they were approved. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. AUie Cooper, Jr., of Falcon. Miss Gordon, Who is extension spe cialist on home and house man agement at State College gave ideas on flower arrangements and new ideas on bouquets. She also gave very interesting ideas on decora tions far the home. Mrs. John Parker gave an in teresting speech on "Conservation Os Natural Resources Os North . Carolina.” The hostess served tempting re freshments of chfcken salad plates, open face sandwiches, potato chips , and Russian tea: Those present for the meeting mere 11-s. Calvin Wellons, Mrs. i John Wellons,' Mrs. J. B. House Jr.,. . Mrs. Earl Hawley, tyrs. John Par ’ ker, Mrs. Charles HBdreth. Mrs. L. A. Monroe. Mrs. Harold Jenilggn ; Mrs. J. M. Dawson, Mrs. Jessie • Weeks and Mrs. W. E. Turner, i Guests present for the occasion were Mrs. AUie Cooper, Jr., and Mrs. J. W. Berry of Falcon, Mrs. i » Strickland gnd Miss , Pauline I Gordon of Raleigh. BIRTH ANNOUNCED t * : Ist Lt. and Mrs. George R. Jaok son announce the birth of a son, Richard Lee on March sth at tyie Fort Bragg Hospital. Mss. Jackson is this former Mbe Majorie Tur lington. Lt. Jackson is now serving in Germany. ON BUSINESS Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Beasley, Miss Irene Beasley and Mrs. Ale&ie Giles spent Thursday in Lillington and Fayetteville on bus ! iness. * WEI* OF FLU Mrs. John H. Norris is able to be out again after being ill for tyie past two weeks with the flu." ' - • , " HAS MEASLES Waster Charles Henry West, son Qf.Jlr. Mrs Henry West is confined to hjs home with the measles. ’ TP ATTEND GAME Mr. axjid Mrs. ,QUen Jemlggn will attend the Souinern Confer ence Basketball game tomorrow night at the Coliseum in ftaleigh. INSURANCE BgiMlng - Dunn. N. C. gag rniMirirrm um ■ V l j ft . J c zsL't the end of the first progression cokes, potato chips and chocolate fudge were passed. Mrs. Charles I t iff in serving. Miss Fannie Sue Turnage was the recipient of Mgh score* she re» ceived an attractive minature cup I and saucer. Pink Clove cologne went to Miss Effie Lou McLean for second high. The invited guests were Miss I Cromartie, Miss Godwin, Mrs. R. IL. Cromartie, Jr., mother of the I bride-elect, Mrs. L. L. Coats, Libby ' Rae Cromartie, Miss Meredith | Cromartie, Miss Lillian Ezzell, Miss Effie Lou McLean, Miss Melrose j Tart, Miss Nancy Abernathy, Miss ! Pat Snipes, Miss Fannie Sue Tur -1 nage, Miss Ruby Surles and Miss Emma Lou Summerlin. Coats-Cromartie Invitations Are Put In Mail The following invitations are be ing received in Dunn and surround ing areas: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lawrence Cromartie, junior request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Patricia Blanche to Mr. Lester Lloyd Coats, junior on Sunday, the thirtieth of March nineteen hundred and fifty-two five o'clock in the afternoon Divine Street Methodist Church Dunn, North Carolina A 6 o’clock reception will be held at the home of the bride. Mrs. W. Pearsall Hostess To Members Os Friendly Ipozen « The Friendly Dozen Bridge Club members apd Mrs. Leon McKay who was a guest, were graciously en- 1 tertalned when they met at the home of Mrs. William Pearsall, Jr., Thursday evening for bridge. The hostess used lovely arrange ments of mixed spring flowers ana a bouquet of snapdragons in the living room far the enjoyable oc casion. A beautiful centerpiece of red carnations and green fern was on the dining room table. Trays holding delicious chicken salad and pimento cheese sand wiches, potato chips, pickles, olives, cookies, homemade chocolate fudge and cokes were served between the second and third progressions. The high score winner, Mrs. Wayne Justesen received stick col ogne from the hostess. Consolation award, an attractive dish towel, went to Mrs. Bob Dickey. it Those members playing were Mrs. £>. F. -Stephens. Mrs. James Yates. Mrs. Tommy Harrail, Mils.’John Glccone. Mrs. Everett Doffermyre. Mrs. Victor Anderson. Mrs. Wayne Justesen, Mi*. Hubert Peav, Mrs. W. B. Warren, Mrs. Ed Hood, Mrs. Bob Dickey/and Mrs. Leon the guest of the club. MBA- TAYLOR IMPROVED Mrs. Herbert Taylor; who under went an operation Monday at Duke Hospital in Durham, is reported to be slowly improving. WASHINGTON IIP -a House subcommittee on military waste claimed today to heve ‘ turned up names of *ll press agents »«»d ghos( writers 'hidden' frem the subcommittee in its • study of » HAM,MS Pentagon publicity pay roll. -* SPECIAL OF MX ’ ' I We &f* Now Giving Out Business Cards To Pur Custpraers Just think oi it: AU yop do Is save those business /cars givhn yoH wtife I purchases made at our store, and they are redeemable lor hesuMpl , * WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE, In your choice of two exquisite de signs. Start Tour set today and yop will fee agTecabl'y surprised how * J . last yotjr silverware cards will accumulate. j This is made possible lor ypu through a special aryaqgOjpept 855 Sixth Avenue, - ’ { Send the required amount of cards listed on the back of each card or in the catalog, to the New Yoih Office and the silverware will, he , i forwarded to you Parcel Post Insured Prepaid. ‘ • ' .. - ' ’> ’', v ’ “Remember to ask for ROGERS SILVERWARE CARDS” i THif AgE TRULY VALUABLE ' - J,. , mn - I-1 i v 1/ j htlnAJOkK IIE 1 if— I 'W-7 m 9 IMP | 1 HABDWABE COMPANY 1 kl 1 1 17 L ' | AlWottßrW K I ..... . i. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 7, 19&6 k|-. ■ - rv «- • I Hostess To At Home Irt Benso^ Mrs. Mather Dorman was hos tess Tuesday evening to member of < Circle No. 3 of the Methodist Wo man’s Society of Christian Service. Miss Stella Creech presided and Mrs. Walter R. Strickland served as secretary pro tem. Mrs. Mather Dorman presented the devotional and Mrs. Frank Yarborough, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Smith of the School lac- up GOSPEL TABERNACLE CHURCH . West Cumberland At King St. SUNDAY, MARCH « - t 11:00 a.m. "What's The for?' 7:45 p.m. "Mansion Robbed While Owner Gambles." Rev. B. T. Underwood, Pastor MARCH TO THE TABERNACLE IN MARCH ■gß=B== GARDNER'S VELVET jf ■ THE MOST POPULAR ANSWER TO "WHAT'S FOR DfiSStiki'/ .h •• * •<;« -• »• *• *4*l wf ysfeii>f»ir ’iO’d Watch all eyes light up -> whep you serve.' our eKtra-rich, velvet-smooth iefe cream! Rest of a11... here’s one dessert 'tbat’g to eat and healthful’ too! Choose from .- many delicious flavors. On sate at your gro- :.. . cers and served in all leading restaurant*. , Jf * ■ Aw. With the work of" dMconetiw. Jo Jammu, 43-ytar-old gtudent <* I Bdhoois, was it guest and sang sev eral selections tin the program. At the close of the program the young Dunn girl sang The Lord's Pra« ** a.bewjjc.uwa, : *'F The hostess served ginger bread, and nuts. " Special gnesw -were Mrs. D. C. ; Felder of B. C. and Mrs. J. M i Price of Wilson