* v ri *V» .», ,*1 v <•.- v'" - a *>■••. %>;• _ _ t.j • - . ———> *• ■■ HULLETIIVS J (Continued from pace 1) "i:sth Regiment Armory floor in a deafening roar of splin ® tering timbers. 1 ” . WASHINGTON (W President Truman told Congress today that 1958 may be the “critical” year in Western oEutope’s buildup against communism. In his first report *'tq Congress on the Mutual security program, the Presi dent said Europe has made “marked” and “steady” pro - grcss in building “positions of strength” against the threat "of communism. g PARIS (IP Premier Antoine Pinay said today he " would give up his task of forming a. new government if he fails to get the backing of all parties which voted for him yesterday. • WASHINGTON (IP A congressman demanded to day that Maj. Gen. Robert *W. Grow, whose dairy fell into the hands of the Russians, be given a general court mar tial. The demand came from Rep. Pat Sutton (D-Tenn), frequent critic of the military. CONCORD, N. H. (IP lt’s not true that as Maine —goes so goes the nation in an election. But in every election since 1892 it’s been true of Strafford County, N. H. That’s why the eyes of the nation will be on Stafford County on Tuesday when the New Hampshire primary will be held. WASHINGTON OP The Wage Stabilization Board was expected to call upon oil workers today to postpone a nationwide strike threatened for midnight Sunday. a CHICAGO (IP Chairman G. A. Sloan of the U. S. "Council of the liftemation Chamber of Commerce, says we should limit our aid to Western Europe to strictly mil itary assistance. HOLLYWOOD (IP Comedian Victor Moore, the wist ful little veteran of 60 years in show business, expects to go home this Weekend from. Cedars of Lebandon Hospital, where he has been under treatment for a virus attack. PHILADELPHIA (IP Two bandits wearing rubber ized halltoween masks held up grocer Samuel Greenburg, 40, outside his sfPe in suburban Crum Lynne yesterday and escaped withs6,3oo in cash. . PANMUNJOM, Korea (IP The Reds sought today to extend the protection of a Korean armistice ban on naval blockades to all Communist countries. TOKYO (IP The Chinese Communists charged to day that U. S. planes have extended their germ warfare from North Korea to Manchuria, w • 1 '■■■■■■■ 1 ■ TOKYO (IP Earthquakes shook the main Japanese island of Honshu today. Damage was light. BTH ARHQT HQ., Korea (IP First Division Marines drove off five sm£Tl enemy attacks in their sector of the eastern front today. WASHINGTON (IP Senate Republican Leader Styles Bridges prdclainwd his strict neutrality today in. the presidential primary battle in his home state "of New Hampshire. ' NICE, France (IP Marguerite Delpy, 25-year-old French dancer and only survivor of the Air France plane crash here Monday which killed 37 persons died last night. T YORK (IP The mayor’s reception committee tunced tKM an official reception will be held at for QuHS Juliana of The Netherlands and her Prince Bernhard, when they visit- New York 11 7. ANTONIO, Tex. (IP A 16-year-old San An ;h school boy was branded on the hand bf two ullies” with a wood burning iron. Ray SiMdy said mates grabbed him yesterday and burned the ton tnd with the hot iron used in the Edison High! Sehool electrical shop. C WASHINGTON (IP State Department officials said today that Russia is pouring a far larger share of its money and manpower into arms production than the United States or Wny other free nation. They said the Soviet Unions hew budget shows it is devoting more than half its national fr*-' "eat effort to prepare for war, U. S. defense spending runs only about one-fifth of the national income. FLINT, Mich. (IP Erwin Warner of Corunna, Mich., won the Michigan pipe-smoking championship last night by puffing on 3.3 ptuns of tobacco for one hour, 39 min htes and 49 seconds after using only one match. John R. Britt Graduates From Naval School Among the graduates from the Naval Bollerman School, Service School Command, V. S. Naval draining Center, Great Lakes, 111., has John R. Britt, fireman appren tice, USN. son of Mr and Mrs. Nor man L. Britt of Route 3. Dunn, N.J a, ] recruit training* at the Naval Train _* r gTL Calif w™ SEdStSFfn£* S' H*h 8 Students are trained to operate Iwhlk orkiiK board shi the *nd°tSing Vi 1 V ■ VISIT mm HARRIS the ftoerteeath Judicial District, fin rued today wRIt State SuuramT* Court b Jod*e Canada Won't Aid Mother Country- OTTAWA, Ont. —(IB .Canada laid the cards en the table today for mother country England. No gifts of money and no loans. Prime Minister Lonis St. Laurent told British representa tives in Canada that this country I “has not cot the possibility of bal ancing oar own foreign trade un less we get something for every thing that we export.” Using Axe (Continued From Page One) ! her roomers, she called police. The man proved to be Oscar Bass and he was arrested charged with drunkenness and trespass. Bass said he had been visiting a - friend who occupied the room and i that the two had been drinking. His friend had left, he said, and he lay down across the bed where he was found by Mrs. Duncan. Judge Strickland found the de fendant guilty of trespass and con tinued prayer for judgment on pay ment of costs. James Faison and ■ Walter Tim were charged with assault with a deadly weapon for throwing bricks at one, Gilbert Purcell. Purcell told the court that Faison had threaten ed to "layway” him and kill him. Judge Strickland found both de fendatns guilty of disorderly con duct and continued prayer for judgment on payment of costs on condition that they keep away from Purcell premises. Grace Norris was found guilty of giving a bad check for $277.59 to Willard Mixon for some building materials. “I remember the trouble we had collecting a check you gave this court,” commented Judge Strickland. The judge consented to continue prayer for judgment until April 10, in order to give the woman time to secure enough money to satisfy the amount of the check in this case. Clarence C. Cheek, Harry F. Clarke, Frederick Hakefost, Michael L. Hillman and Seymour B. Willett, all. forfeited bonds when they were called and failed to appear to an swer charges of speeding. Catherine Hinton was . adjudged not guilty on charges of assault with a deadly weapon. Bond was ordered forfeited in the case of Frank Jenkins who was called and failed to appear to an swer charges of drunken driving. Charges of improper brakes and careless and reckless driving against Dewey Jemigan were nol prossed with leave. A capias was issued for Cook Kennedy when he was called and failed to appear to answer charges of drunkenness. James Leach drew a fine of $5 and costs with prayer for judg ment continued 12 months ton charges of assaulting Esther Mae McCall. tv- The remaining cases on the doc ket, prosecuted by Solicito J. Shep hard Bryan involved public 'drunk enness and the 1 offenders received suspended sentences and fines. Police Probe (Continued from page one) police have been checking all trans actions involving bills of this de . nomination. However, the missing bills failed to show up. ! A bad feature of the case, from an investigation Standpoint, was the uncertainty of Miss Jones as to just when the money disappear ed. Instead of being narrowed down to a short period it oovers the en tire two days. Stock List NEW YORK Ilf) 2 p.m. stocks American Can 1 120)4 American Car <fc F 35 American Sugar 60 American TAT 155 Vi American Tobacco 56 Atlantic Coast Line 93 Baltimore 8c Ohio 19U Bendfec Aviation 30 Bethlehem Steel 49% Boeing Aircraft 47% Borden 50% Briggs Mfg 34% Chesapeake 8c Ohio 34% Chrysler ' ' 69% Coca-Cola 107% Colgate P P »42% Continental Can 44% Corn Products 69% Curtiss Wright 8% Douglas Aircraft 58 DuPont 84V4 ■astern Air 24% Eastman Kodak ‘ 44% General Elect#, j !, 65% ijGeneralh Rotors 5J% | Gulf 011 54% I International Chera 20% I International Harvester 33% I International Nickel 44% International T 8c T 18%- I Johns-Manvllle 06% Kennecott 60% I Kroger Co. 34% aßtewtt A Myers 67% |fo£o 95% I Packard 4% I Paramount Pictures 26% I Pennsylvania RR 18% I I Reynolds Tobacco 84 ISS-Li **** 2! i I l!i!18 DAILY KBUOKP UIIHKIL *X> Doffermyre (Continued from page 1) him he was unable to make a pur chase from the woman. They also put on the Robinson woman, who swore she was in Sampson County visiting her mother-in-law on the day in question and then liut on Ear] Massey, another taxi driver who swore that he took the woman to the home of her mother-in-law that day. “There you hav* only one wit ness for the State and three wit nesses who contradicted his testi mony for the defense,” pointed out Doffermyre. • The attorney pointed out that , while there might be good reason to believe the woman guilty, based on reputation and reports, “the fact repiains, the evidence was not of fered and the jurors were sworn tovrender a verdict based only on the evidence.” VI don’t say that the iurv system is perfect.” declared Doffermyre. “but it’s the Constitutional way of trying cases in this country and it’s the best system vet found.” SAYS JURORS ONLY HUMAN He said that jurors, like other human beings, are subject to error, “but there was no error in this case.” “But I don’t like for some self appointed expert to put his or her opinion above those of the court, the Jurors and other citizens.” State Briefs (Continued from page one) carded for the fifth running of the event. RALEIGH -ijlPt— Police sent an officer to Montgomery, Ala., today to return a woman charged with embezzling nearly $5,000 from the Wake Memorial Association, a lo cal burial firm. Capt. R. E. Goodwin said Ala bama authorities notified him yes terday of the arrest of Geraldine Mooe, 27, who has been hunted since her sudden disappearance from here nearly three weeks go. ( RALEIGH BP) The State 'Board of Elections will consider states rights nominees along with Democratic and Republican party nominees in appointing county boards of elections on March 22. Dave Clark of Charlotte, chair man of the States Rights Party of North Carolina; handed his list of nominees for county boards of elec tion to Raymond Maxwell, secre tary of the board, in a surprise visit here yesterday. CHARLOTTE (W Keith M Beaty, Charlotte beer distributor whose name figured prominently in recent congressional investiga tions of tax scandals, was indicted yesterday by a special federal grand; jury on charges of income tax Wasion. £ .. ><»»*.- v-4 MIAMI —fW— A 15-year-old boy calmly to)d homicide (officers today that hi shot a wealthy eccentric man between the eyes so he could go driving in the victim's Cadillac. President (Continued tram page 1) March 14 unless it is rejected by the Senate before that datee. Mr. Truman told Barkley that a pending substitute measure is much like his plan except that it would require Senate confirmation of 99 revenue office appointments —“more political appointments than at pre sent.” "Millions of American taxpayers will be watching the Senate action on the reorganization plan.” he said. “They have been hearing a lot lately about corruption in gov ernment and they are concerned about what is being done to strengthen the federal service against it.” Raining Fish In Tennessee MEMPHIS, Tenn. —<m_ When skeptics questioned Louise Dur ham's story that “It rained fish,” the school pricipal pointed to a CTfUfAPT Last Time Today 31 Elf Mill “PHONE CALL FROM A PHONE 3741 STRANGER” ... j * NO. 1 • NO. 2 Johnny “Mad” Blown » s \ - ‘v-gfrvta , "The Wicked I P*'fexas City" . ' City" | R SUNDAY —to MONDAY TUESDAY R w - ■ . .. . ON Alftt >*4r •kC* h m Wmrnlm mJm : 9 V H m t mM (■ > I^B ■ ANOTHER |3IN FOR THE CHAMBER The Dnnn (Chamber of Commerce picked np another $32.50 yesterday afternoon when it auctioned off a fine Cocker Spaniel puppy donated to the chamber by Dr. T. E. Darden, local veterinarian. Auctioneer Nathan Cannady, , left, is shown as he presented the pup to its new master. At (Colonial Ham) Wuilenwaber, right. Wullenwaber was the high bidder at $32.56. Also bidding for the pup were Wesley Coats and Jesse Capps. (Dally Record Photo by Lonis Dearborn). i" - : Benson News MRS. HUBER HOSTESS . ' Mrs. Walter Huber was hostess . Tuesday evening to members of the , Evelyn Stone Y. W. A. [, Cut flowers and. potted plants , decorated the living room. Mrs. ’ Shelton Moore presided and Misa Annie Mae Hill was program , director. Appearing on the Week of Pray i er" program were Mrs. Fulton , Moore, Mrs. Walter Huber, Misses r Melba Langdon, Mae Byrd, Rosalyn Harris, Annie Mae Hill, and Hor , tense Turlington. ; The hostess served peach halves ’ topped with whipped cream, cake, ; and iced drinks. ] MRS. OVERBY ENTERTAINS Mrs. Mack Overby was hostess to members of the Queen of Hearts bridge club Thursday evening. Mrs. Ed Hill was presented a set of guest towels as high score award. Guests were Mrs. Edgar Johnson, I Mrs. Jeff Matthews, Mrs. Ralph I Whltttngon, Mrs. Booker Lawhon, , Mrs. ChrysteUe Parker, and (Mrs. Ed Hill. < f: The barn am served devil’s I*4 r cake, cashew nuts, and coffee. [ MRS. PENNY HONORED | Relatives of Jeff Penny assemb led at his home in upper Johnston County on Friday to celebrate his birthday. With an all-day family party and picnic lunch, with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Penny ax. hosts. A hoon lunch was spread and the invocation said by L. Shepherd Penny, brother of the honor guest. About forty relatives were present. Amohg those present were Mr. 1 and Mrs. Eli S. Turlington, Mrs. | Rufus Penny, Mrs. Esther T. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. L. Shepherd Penny, , Mr. and Mrs. Archie E. Penny, ' Mrs. Jamie Penny and Carolyn Petmy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penny . and Jamone Penny, Mr. and Mrs. ' Lemay Penny, *ll 61 the Benson community, Mrs. Irene P. Herring of Smithfield, Mr. and Bits. Clay borne Stewart, Mrs. Mary P. Coats, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stewart, Joe H. Penny, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stewirt, Jeffrey Stewart, and Mrs. Will -H. Turlington, all of Coats and vicinity. luwdful of silver fish In the cafe teria icebox. “There actually were hundreds of. small flab aH over the ground Monday-all dead,” she .said. "Wo believe they most have been Mown from ,the river by strong winds.” Markets (Continued From Page One) For the week: Fryers and broil ers and handlers FOB local grad ing stations: A large 40, A medi um 37, B large and current col lections 35. For the week: Steady. HOGS RALEIGH —(IP)— Hog markets: Wilmington, Washington, Mount Olive, Wilson, Dunn, Goldsboro, Smithfield: Stronger on good and choice 180-240 lb barrows and gilts at 17.00. ' Whiteville, Jacksonville, Tarboro Kinston, Lumberton, Marion: Slightly stronger at 17.00. Rocky Mount, Fayetteville: Steady at 17.00. COTTON 1 pjn. prices NEW YORK OP) March 4052 May 39.64. • NEW ORLEANS (IB March 4054; May 39.62. New Merchants Group Is Named Appointment of the Dunn Re tail Merchants Committee to serve for 1952 was announced today by President Clarence £• McLamb of the Dunn Chamber of Commerce. Members of the committee will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to organize and make plans fur the year. James Snipes is retiring president •of the' organization, which handles all matters pertaining to the re tail merchants of the city. Named to the committee were: diaries Whittenton, Felton Tart, Sam Baer, Floyd Furr, Joe Wilkins, L. A. Monroe, Billy Wellons, Frank Belote, Bert Alabaster, Jerry But ler, R. L. Remsburg, Gene Johnson, Harry Phipps, Marvin Raynor and James Snipes, Friday A* I *' am mm mm umx IfS f-'’ ygfr mm, SKL BITCHUN y— —*~t» WTj _ . _ , _ FRIDAY AFTERNOON. HARCtx . Drivb Contest (Continued from page one) 1 next week, but after conferring it was decided to extend the contest for the entire week. REPORT ASKED j However Godwin used all can : vassers who have received funds to i turn the amount received In to fund headquarters at Butler and Carroll Drug Co., today or tomor row. "We are anxious to determine | just how the drive is going,” he pointed out, “an in order to do this we will have to bring the figures on collections up to date.” Twenty-five dollar prizes will be made to the team in the residen tial area collecting the largest amount and a like prize for the top team in the business section. All contributions will be credited to the team turning them in as they are received. Hog Holding (Continued from page one)) cause “the pig ate It.” He said the also got $3.75 when his wallet fell out of his pocket while he was feeding them three weeks ago. h ||UU Last Time Today IMinn “THIS WOMAN is PHONE 2445 DANGEROUS” SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE NO. 1 NO. 2 Maxie Rosenbloom Whip Wilson |j| in "Skipalong 'Night Raiders' Rosenbloom' 7 Chapter 9 “Captain Video” and Cartoon • SUNDAY through WEDNESDAY. • , ms David*" ° ytm IRaihsmibmM Techmcolop B|Lrirfwrrfiiiiiimii|||m • Alto iVS Guinn's Television Schedule Greensboro ' U:M Kate Smith Show WFMY—TV 1:36 Star of The Family J wrmv 1 * 2:66 TV Chapel * TONIGHT 2:36 One MaT% Family 5:36 Howdy Doody • 3:66 Your State Government 6:66 6-Gun Ptayhonae 3:36 See It Now -J 6:36 News, Evening Edition 1 4:66 Red Bkelton 6:45 Forest Covington Sings 4:36 Ford Festival 1:66 Clab Qol* 5:66 Snper Circa* - J 7:36 CBS News * 5:36 Trouble With Father ’ 7:45 Ferry Como Show * 6:66 Television Playhouse 8:66 We, The People • 1:66 Paul Whiteman 8:36 Man Against Crime * 7:36 This Is Show Business 6:66 Playhouse of Stars • 8:66 Comedy Hour ' 16:66 Cavalcade of Sport# • 8:66 Fred Waring 16:45 Greatest Fight* of The 9:36 Brash The Bank § /-j v Century • 16:66 Celebrity Time - I U:to My Friend Irma • 16:36 What My Line? 11:36 Dennis Day Bhew • 11:66 Martin Kane . 12:66 News, Final Edition, U:36 Mhafl My Name? «:66 News, Final Edition, SATURDAY Signoff •16:36 Hold Er Newt • TTSS 11:66 The Whistling Wizard • MONDAY -w® - 11:36 Bmllin' Ed's Gang • 9:s6Mornttg Chapel «««: 12:66 Big Top • 16:Jf MorWag New* 77*; 1:66 Mr. Wlsard • 16:U Arthur Godfrey JSSe 1:36 Candy Carnival* 16:16 Bride A Oroom m# 2:66 NBC Opera—The Cloak, 16.*« Al Pearce Show Puocini • 11:36 Strßm It Rich ' , 3:66 la The Name of Freedom 12i66 The Egg A I UNO Film 13:1# Leve of life 3:36 The PeeMoA. 12;« btTsmiUi'^^ rT * W l:N Wonderful Taunt • 7:15 TV Say ii‘S n°TMB alb ♦ * tin vSm Tfcwu!tirr v 11:36 Hit Parade • si» Vsfaeuf Fhsstsni “aISfCT rr** n iis *!*?*^b Blues Writer (Tentinned From Page 'One) Negroes today are busy singing and talking in five or six lan guages, and turning up their heees at the blues. Negro musicians won’t play the blues any lease. They’re too good for It now.” HARNETT —■ in ixi i TODAY & SAT. Allan Curtiss ~ in "The Daltons Ride Again" Comedy Cartoon SUNDAY East Side Kids in "Kid Dynamite" 3 Stooges Cartoon

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