fDfhAV AmufteltAAlt i|A4)A|| * tAjrd flllAiAX I sTiAnvn «» ado* 1 w i-mi himip l h in mm M l. r jjSLuil k-* CLASSIFIED RATES This Six* Type 2c word M-Werg Minimum ...59c Sum Ad S Timet Only f 1.99 This Size Type .. . 9c word I Timet Only «LU WANTED ~~ WANTED: Children to keep in my home while parents work. Any hours. -Call at 505 South Clinton Ave. Dunn, N. C. 3-5-3 t-p HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Earn $400.00 monthly, spare time. We will select a reliable per son from this area to refill and collect money from our New Automatic Merchandis .* ing Machines. No selling. To qualify, applicant must have car, references and S6OO working capital. Devoting 4 hours a week should net up to $400.00 monthly with the possibility of taking over full time. For interview write giving full particulars, name address, age and phone number. P. O. Box 4096, San Dkgo 4, California. 3-3-6 t-p $l5O • $250 PER WEEK v I want 2 neat-appearing pipn, with cars, to re present an old national concern, one of the lar gest of its kind in the country, with offices es tablished throughout the state. If you are willing ’to work hard for $l5O and up per week and you are able ter work in the State of North Carolina, Monday through Friday, don’t pass up this ad. If you are a man of average intelligence, I want to talk to you. I know what ydu are probably thinking jui you read this ad, the same I thought to my self many times when I was out job hunting, that this is just another ad (With a let of promises. Be joined this firm and I re gret to this day it wasn’t 20 years ago. I have made more money in the past 1$ months with this firm thah.l earned with other firms In the previous 2 i years. I don’t xpre what your previous experience has been, whether It was selling magazines, books, vacuum cleaners, applian ces, pictures coupons, or any other type of work, n 'yon lire able to open your month and talk to #1 win show you how company. Experience is not necessary. We give you complete training. If accepted you will be em * Sioyed by one of the lar , geSt concerns of its kmd us the Country. You will i be backed by millions of ddUixs to advance adver i tpig: This advertising will keep you busy con | stantly, casing on pro-' Bir territory, leads sent demanding presen tative >This is a rity for^the over this ad. You*have thing to gain Come in ”' flVUtoto; to lose every and let us prove to you Ghaat this is what you- Ite p- /Os wrfte P.O. Bta, 143, Dunn, N. C. 3-7-It-c from- Erwin in Averasboro I month. Apply to Louis Baerr in Dunn. 2-27-tfn-c ELECTRIC fßoor polisher. Minimum charge, 75c a day. Johnson Furniture Co. Luck now Square, Dunn. Phone 2427. 2-26-ts-c ■ ■' APARTMENT: Four room new bride duplex. Hot wa ter, floor furnace, Venetian blinds. Call 2685, A. B. Bur nette. ' 3-5-3 t-c FOR RENT: Five Room com fortable house with all kit chen appliances and space heater furnished. Due to mi litary necessity will rent this convenient three-bed room home for only $50.00 per month. Cali 3860, Dunn, N. C. Lt. Fraley. > 3-6-2 t p FOR. RENT: Downstairs three room apartment with bath, closet and storage space. Recently painted and papered. Available April 1. Mrs. W. R. Howard, N. Wil son Ave. Phone 3028. 3-6-6 t-c “ FOR~ SALE HYDRATED Masons Lpie tor pastures and other agri cultural uses. $22.13 per ton, Cromartie Hdw. Co., Inc.,’ Dunn, N. C. 2-13-ts-c FOR best results with all' farm animals, WAYNE FEED is the product for you to buy. You will find a com-’ plete line of WAYNE FEED at FARMER’S SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-tf- *'. - NOTICE OF SALE. BY t»M*q»5lON UNDER ORDER * and by yirtpc of an order the Commissioner wih House door in Ullington, North Carolina, Harnett County, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash tFo cerUih fewfe /of land lyipg .more particularly described as fol ilows: '••• ; TRACT NUMRER a v : I Said tract. U topwn as the J. C. Surlea property and con sists of the 35 acre tract conveyed lto Hattie Hinson, by deed dated February 4, 1903, and recorded in Book 163 at Page 303, Harnett Coun ty Registry, the lA sore tract con veyed to A B Hinson and wife,’ Hattie Hinson fey & T- Jackson end wife. R r. Jaekaon Sy deed : dated August 10, 1906 and recorded in Book 167, kttoge EM, Harnett County, Registry and the V, acre tract canveyed to.A.;®. Hinson and wife. Hattie Hinson by J- F. Surlea i Begiitolrt at Clinton 1 Amm> 100 feet Ihe r North Street .with QUfefem Avpnye; and South and paraUfl "with .Clinton Avenue 50 fb»t; ihenpe East and N IWI ~ lif > A«. TAYLOR Z -Tnf lulls an , 5 Jgr E-I4^MEj;; v A / of Rrglster 'rt Deeds pf Barnett County, North Carolina, the’ fol- I 1 lowing detoribed lot or, parcel of ptonty. te-wlt: ■Beginning at a -point to the Ma mers-Springhill Road at a large stump afld runs thence N. 34 W. 16.86 chgr to b tork es the road; PMMM I stake comer; thence down the ditch thence as the dttch N. 69 E-465 ft. to the head of Abe ditch, iron stake (POLITICAL ADy|R7fsiMiNT) SAVE SOUTHERN I DEMOCRACY I ANDMVEAMM&mi SEND YOUR DOLLARS NOW ' HELP BEAT TRUMAIftSM WITHOUT yOTING AGAINST THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF NORTHgUSMrtf tip linnn inrnni r iinm m mi iirworwiilir gimniiiii Thw»l* no reraon. elrtler in the law»-ol»S£l)|-eaT»lifll otjp.lSp A* ' I Party, why the Democratic Party of North Carolina cannot joip with the . i other Southern states in refusing to support the fair Deal nominees in Mw'ppraMl (see General Statutes 163-103) it is the rttft* political party must , ’ agtes for President and Vice President. ftqtte laws nor SMprty Plaq ,VrtMßMßtoAAlwqp A recognizes the existence oi the "Democratic" National ConvemtCop, much felpf v&fm jfyt i in to accept Us nominees. The State Democratic Convention 99a mjtepSpe to ! - gpt oh'ifhe ballot in North Carolina next November as the Depocratic OpsApiW I S»^»Wifi3S^T«^ I j '#»* oM ytopTpresident wifho|it consufow cmy otkejr«tc#es. W the verUm candidates for Presidential elector before they are given the Bemocratic nominate*, to WtoWf t tHqt they wifi not nndßr any circumstances cast an electoral veto for Harry S. Truna* vijr#6f i- oqe else whp is for his F.E.P.C. Fair Qml > The regular Democratic Party yvon the Presidential election of 1948 in every ohe jtotes of the Confederate States oi America. In lour of those states the regular Deavocortte j can lor Prmi.i.nttal were pledged to Thurmond and Wnght^THEß^^^^^^^ If the regular Democratic Parties of any four additional Southern states# or Texas. ]J two, had nominated Presidential electors pledged to Thurmond and jFfjiht, ftrflrtdft.WwSwKMMfc i had voted hr Truman In the House jMfflHj j J sooner or later tne nouse would nave «aa to erect i nurmond. TiWJ n M CAfttlr. RSKSBi. ft T 0 B?ING PRESIDENT THAN THE TRUMAffH’fg AND THE REPUBUCjj^.^aflP B WANTED YOU TO REALIZE. There are already more Southern Democratic Parties -TOrtMMl 8 to support an independent ticket in 1952 than |M> 'jMjr.Rolith Caroltod jjHßjJifc 8 dMitorti Iroeddd>e esceltent. || A pamphlet is being prepared which will give futt, detailed iidsstotjjtor Jto;4»to || in |jorfh Parolfna, how to do it, and what YOU can do to help. t 1 B Pftiftvuti Simf-uur : kl r. PrtS If . - - C9ARUIAN . . omm, r. cl burner; Whence N. 69 E. 7»I ft. to the East line at the David field; thence as the Bast Sir VS W.; then* s. 6 deg. 6 min. W. about 3637 chs to a pine tree comer; thence S. 81 degs. SO min. W. 20.96 chs. to a stake; thence 8. 22 dgs. >0 min. W. 3.59 chs. to a stake; thence 8. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 7.05 chs. to the be ginning, containing 70.5 acres, more hr leas, and being the Southern por tion of that certain tract of land described in Rook 308, Page 332, Registry Harnett County. The successful bidder at said sale wilf be required to deposit with the Trustee at time of sale ten per cent UOYui gs his bid as evidence of good faith in bidding. This 19th day of February, 1952. J. R. JACKSON, Trustee. McLBOD * McLBOD, ATTORNEYS Feb. 29-Mar. 7-14-21 C Bride-Elpct is Shower Honor©© ■ At Benson Event Miss Annie Ellen Allen of Bate- ' more, bride-elect of late MatafeTmif ■ honored Friday evening steen her mother, Mrs. Troy Alien, and her aunt, Mrs. Willard SST of Balti more, entertained at' a' party and miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Troy Alien hear Benson. The hostesses presented the honor! guest a corsage of rpses. , The hqma was attractive with early spring flowers- Guests were greeted cm arrival by Miss Sgte Adams who presented teem infor mally to tee hqnorne and her fi i ance, Jack Series of Erwin. Mrs. William P. Adaibs accepted m mm* to tee abßWre of tege on_3tote tv#d;a tonte ym ** r * rtrt rtgy £E i £ USICK Qt U# . 77 1 YtyJNpet, *.Mr> -"-r. f PAGE FIVE ■up. 1 ' ; klieut fifty gueefe fUCW'N I # MSMi whom were Mr* ted Wra STSpßurier es Erwin. Am Leutoe Raleigh. Mr, Wteenf WM .fit Baltimore, Misses