Monday afternoon, march 101952 READ AND USE CLASSIFIED ADS f u, .J.l m + •j, R. A. CHESTNUTT CO. R Fayetteville Highway , PHONE 3591 DUNN, N. C. 3 DAY SPECIAL * % Mi COUPON BELOW BY MONHSHT WEDNESDAY | * THIS VACUUM CItANKR, OREAT FOR Rugs. Hoop*, Mattresses, Upholstery, > Blankets, Mouldinqs.Radiators, etc. *&/ PRICE INCLUDES t YEAR SERVICE GUARANTEE rjl , | APE VACUUM STORES «*p» «[ ’ I ' 710 E. GRACE ST., RICHMOND, VA. II Wo.ld Like « Fr»» Hen* DMonlrallM of a Rebeilt Il.etrol.x I I, W(th 7 AHeckneatt. Plit Sprayer. All For Only 512.1 S » NAME ' j— v * I , ADDRESS l ' I CITY__ .... ~ ’ STATE—! J PHONE NUMBER IS: ■ . j -wf HWf Thi, Low Pt*a»ur» OiMßunwr »m«t.«jntn~who^ th* of Heat yoOr boiltror furn»ce"c.n 1 .fflci.ntiy absorb. •_ 4 Th. kind of borntr* you'v. known in th* pul *, i.lmu mot. h»at than plant n.ada .* at,, brt th. low preaaun principle and can b* 1 1 , eornotly, *ind to th* of th. homa j kr _gtKftLy ~ V*. -' That’# why thla Mnaadonal J v ~bprnar can mak. a aubatan n tlal reduction in yoor oU i l IP* i» ott.rly aimpl, no A\V ««dg*ta or intrieat. adjuat- AeiY.uK' 1 manta. Thla troubl.-fr.a butn.r la not affactad by u . rle openinfs ere Urge enough demonstration. _ Snr* I • .v I *\ m-*m\ r \m * -~ 3t ’■;•. •./Jfc M* , || Denson n wy• ~ L/unri/ iv# v* CLASSIFIED RATES This Size Type 2c word 14-Word Minimum 50c Same Ad 3 Timet Only SI.OO ! This Size Type ... 3c word S Times Only $1.25 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Earn $400.00 monthly, spare time, we will select a reliable per son from this area to refill and collect money from our edeeii: New Automatic Merchandis ing Machines. No selling. To qualify, applicant must have car, references and S6OO working capital. Devoting 4 hours a week should net up to $400.00 monthly with the possibility of taking over full time. For interview write giving full particulars, name address, abe and phone number. P. O. Box 4096, San Diego 4, California. 3-3-6 t-p HELP WANTED: We need a milk route salesman imme diately. Must have high school education, Good ref erences required. Apply in person to James Surles at Gardner’s Dairy in Dunn. 3-10-tf*c HELP WANTED: Young man or woman to learn new business. No previous exper ience required. Must have at least a high school educa tion, good personality, and be able to deal with public. Good salary. Position per manent. Apply in writing to Box 16, care of The Daily Record giving complete in formation concerning pos itions held ih the past. Give references. HELP WANTED: Truck driver wanted. Good job for right man. Wellons Candy Co., Phone 3494 or 2117. 3-10-3 t-c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Five -room house located one-half mile from Erwin in Averasboro Township. Price $3.50 per week. Apply to Louise Baer in Dunn. 2-27-tfn-c FOR RENT: Two five-room houses. Nice houses. Electric lights; water. Located an Louis-Baer’s farm. $25 per month. Apply to Louis Baer in Dunn. 2^7-tfn-c ELECTRIC fPoor polisher. Minimum charge, 75c a day. Johnson Furniture Co. Luck now Square, Dunn. Phone 2427. 2-28-ts-c (FOR RENT: pdhTastjUw I three room mgitinKlt Illy I bath, closet and storage space. Recently painted and papered. Available April 1. Mrs. W. R. Howard. N. Wil son Ave. Phone 3028. 3-6-6 t-c FOR SALE FOR best results With all farm animals, WAYNE FEED is the product fbr you to buy. You will find a com plete line of WAYNE FEED at FARMER’S SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-ts-c FDR SALE: Already fißpnc ed small modem bncknome. Five rooms and bath down stairs, two attic robins up stairs. All modem conveni ences. W. Carr St Write Box 111, care of The Dally Record. 2-25-tf*c FOR SALE: Beautiful fab rics fbr your home. Tremen dous savings. See bur large selection before you buy. we make drapes, slip covers. THE MILL END STORE, 121 Donaldson St., Phone 2375, Fayetteville, N C. 2-27-lOt-C NEW LAW GOES INTO EF FECT SOON; Extra-special on heavy galvanized steel garbage cans. Only $2.97 for 20 gallon size. Regular price $3.97. Completely leak-proof, rust-resistant. Beaded rims rounded and smooth to pro tect hands. Side handles- elvers to keep St, Dunn, N. C. Phone 2187. S-5-3t-c I w I K HU a 1 I /■> Ja fym I j % » • 11'. I r iyi\* ’ II II DIAL SVn tt THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. R Beasley funeral Held On Friday , Funeral services were held Friday 1 afternoon lor Andy Mack Beasley, . W, of Benson, ftoute 2, one of two , persons killed when the automo- : bl’e in which they were riding wrecked between Dunn and Pea- , cock's Crossroads Tuesday mom- , The services were held it 8 j o’clock at the Beulah Baptist Church oh Dunn, Route 2. The Rev. ( A. D. Stephenson of Wilson Mills . and the Rev. J. D. Capps of Benson , officiated. Burial was in the church j cemetery. Mr. Beasley was a naUve of Johnston County, son of Mr. and t Mrs. W. A. Beasley. ( Surviving are his parents; three , brothers, Otha and Shelton Beas- j ley of Benson, Route 2; Charles | Aaron Beasley of Fort Sill, Okla- j homa; two sisters, Mrs. D. M. j Ambrose of Long Beach, Calif- j ornia; and Mrs. J. E. Wilson of | Linden. HYDRATED Masons Lime j for pastures and other agri- i cultural uses. $22.13 pet ton, i Cromartie Hdw. Co., Inc., 1 Dunn, N. C. 2-13-ts-c J EVERYTHING TO ! BUILD WITH ) We Guarantee to furnish everything need- ' ed to build your house— , except ffaming lumber. Skve money,’time and Worry. Godwin Building Supply Co. . In DUiih. Ph. 2323 Or 3875 M-W-F-tfnc i FOR SALE: Two recondi tioned refrigerators, 16 foot > model, 1 seven foot model. ; Ericed to sell. Electric. Motor ; fid Refrigeration Service, : E. Broad St. Dunn. i M-W-F-3t-c f . / j SPECIAL NOTICES YOUR BABIES SHOES pre served forever ip bronze. Let the show yoit my catalog of mounts today. See or call Ezektep>®dwfcrds, 1207 West Cumberland St., Dunn, N. C-, Phobe 3356. 3-10-12-14-p l Auto JFinancq \ AUTO LOANS ! -REFINANCING— Reduce our Present MOTOR 1 CREDIT CO. S DUNN, N. C. E 11 , 11 ■jflry;- sal£s M and SERVICE A Big Compete Shop 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE SEE OUR GOOD UI9 CMS Sillyettes , , , ■■ f . lammumirn ftS | '»HLw . >*’ Bkl IwtkLAUk HH: i I ▼ j "■ k IHjH ;jt jmh I rJt I I Rfiu'i, i » , ■ ■ /2\| Pearson (Contlawad From Pago Two) mazing results In giving hope to people who believed they were for gotten. However, following the $100,000,- 000 appropriation by Congress last year,- almost nothing has been done to use It for penetrating the Iron Curtain. It has been snarled, part ly in a bureaucratic controversy over how the money shall be spent, partly in a controversy over Rus sian Refugees. Recently, however, Sen. Pat Mc- Carran of Nevada has been apply ing pressure to break this stale mate. He has thrown his weight be hind the Ukrainians, some of whose leaders are active In the USA. While other Russian refugees in the United States are opposed to the Ukrainians, claiming they are so rabid that they play into Sta lin’s hands, nevertheless It’s a fact that, more than any other group inside Russia, the Ukrainians have the nationalist urge. For years they have sought to be independent of the Soviet. Last winter, this writer, survey ing conditions alongside the Iron Curtain, interviewed Ukrainian refu gees who reported that the under ground movement was still reason ably strong inside that part of the Soviet. While fighting against Sov iet officials had been crushed, the refugees reported that resentment was still smouldering and could be fanned again. It would appear therefore, that, despite the risk of antagonizing other Russian refugee groups, Sen ator McCarran is right in urging that a start be made with the Ukrainians toward the all-impor tant job of penetrating the Iron Curtain. NOTE Ever since the freedom baloon operation of last summer Which dropped 22,000,000 messages over Poland and Czechoslovakia, I have been trying to persuade key officials in Washington to permit another operation of this kind. The Crusade for Freedom has been do ing likewise. But permission has not been forthcoming, largely be cause of crossed wires between dif ferent government bureaus regard ing the problem of penetrating the Iron Curtain. FBI Solve (Centinned from page one) ruary of 1949 for vagrancy and In vestigation on suspicion of being a fugitive. Her latest escapade before be ing picked up in Dunn was on Feb ruary 18th’ when she was arrested by Smithfleld police for vagrancy and suspicion. NO RELATIVE The FBI said no relative was list ed in her files. Dunn police had a strong hunch that Smithfleld police sent Her oil to Dunn to get rid of her* and were tempted to send her back to Sidithfield. When police confronted the wo mAn with her FBI record, she ad mitted her name and said her home w*s in Missouri. She still wouldn’t give any other information, how ever. The FBI report said the woman Republicans (Contltmed from Hit «»*l time in the condition of the federal government and the nation as a whole that I have seen in that Ume.” "It we don’t get rid of the deep freezes and mink coats," he con-j tlpued, “and if we let the present party continue in power four more yean, we may no longer have a frte country." He called for an aggressive cam paign and pointed out thit Truman put on just such a campaign in 1948 and won when even Democrats were very doubtful of victory. “The party in power has 18 million votes already paid for by government checks,” he declared, "and we will have to work hard to overcome this advantage." Candidate for Representative, Thad Pope, told the group that the two parties were not too far apart and that they should be able to secure many votes from Southern Democrats. One plank he said would be in his platform was an advisory committee of both parties to work with him. Rev. Mr. Young, candidate for Judge said, “It is not numbers but the principles that will win. We have got to save the • Democrats from themselves,” he declared. Delegates for the state conven tion selected were; O. W. Godwin. Sr.. J. A. McLeod, O. S. Young, J. O. West, Thad Pope, Harry Dupree, Mrs. Harry Dupree, D. V. Lee. Council Williams, Talmadge Byrd. R. G. B. Shaw, F. T. Dupree, W. S. Mason, L. E. Chenault, C. E. Pope, wasn’t wanted anywhere for any criminal violation. Dunn police readily said she wasn’t wanted here, either and in vited her to leave. The woman said she wanted to go “home” to Joplin, Missouri, so the police personally escorted her to the bus station to make sure she left town. FOWLER RADIO . COMPANY j* LILLINGTON, N. C. -4 unnpsn nut Lnoose You’ll Cherish Your Chotce SYLVANIA TV eeayuring *rrrt* j pH The Coolidge Magnificent Mahogany n.e Bit Theatre style television -creen I in the table model you’ve waited for I .. - Deluxe hand-rubbed mahogany and se- ' lected wood* cabinet Dual katedni. r ; The Life-Size Picture I CJILVANIA si”* rKtVtf* S Jurp bUdu, grey, wl Mm, iM : AJyf • ,T^ avarvwkAPß Rvlvitllil mum nRa 'JP -arx 1 surer recepuo ryvr # / •* yoo aU the advantage* of 50 year* of back- |yy . \ in Had y;| l fft T, rrrtipt* * TndtuiT » vs \y %vT|- m ' : m • J(PPd m W W m mmF ■ J. H. Hop*. Mayton Upchurch, M. F. Hodges, and L. L. McLeod. The nine votes alloted to the county will be distributed on 4 pro rata basis among the delegates who attend. The first nine ate delegates, the rest alternates. Twenty-seven members attended rally, held in th* courthouse *$ 141- lington. They represented a major!- I ty of the precincts in the county. I tfatpoirii * Refrigerators ] * Freezers * Ranges ' * Water Heaters \ * Ironers * Washers There’s No Point Being Without Hot Point ( LAYTON'S LILLINGTON . Ambulance Service-s Phone 20 77 -o CROMARTIE FUNERAL NOME m DUNN, N. C. , 11 IT PAGE SEVEN AntOfM TRACTOR gives you Alt Me nvelutw ehry KROUSONSYSWAMmU GENERAL UTHITY COMPANY, INC. Dunn, N. C.

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