PAGE SIX ■as hostess to ■den dub at night, March Beautiful pot dub presi dent, presided over the meeting and the devotional was given by Mrs. tig*- Carl Lockamy talked on “Booms You'll Love To Live In,” and Mrs. H. C. Warren on “Little Ideas You Can Use." Mrs. Lee served apple pie, ice cream, nuts and coffee to the twen ' Funeral services for Mrs. Estelle Stephenson were held Thursday In Raleigh and burial followed In Montlawn. Mrs. Stephenson was the farmer Estelle Smith, sister of Mrs. Ada Bradley of Kipling. A Study Course for Sunbeams was held at the Chalybeate Springs Church on Thursday evening. Mrs. L. B. Smith taught “The Farmer Twins” to a group of girls and boys. CHALYBEATE NEWS Bne Mrs. Roy L. Smith and children, Elaine and Buddy, spent the week end with Mrs. Smith’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Chase In LynChburr Virginia. Mr. and Mrs., Bernice Snipes and daughter, of Raleigh, spent . the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Snipes. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Gregory of Angler, spent Sunday with Mrs. Gregory’s mother and-step-father, Mr. and Mrs. L B. Smith. * The Lottie Moon Circle of the W.M.B. will meet Thursday night, 7:30. at the home of Mrs. C. L. Dean. , The Gillespie Cirtsle of the W.M.B. will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 Marilyn Oainey. Dorothv Hall, Carol Collier and Susann Collier. , to V, > . h /• fs/’ .* liCNN, IV. C. - • - in a point over the hand. She car ried a white prayer book topped with a white prchld and showered with white carnations and satin streamers and fern. Miss Juditli Holmes was maid of honor. She wore an aqua ballerina length gown which featured a brief black bolero and black picture hat. She carried a nosegay of yellow roses, snapdragons and fern. The groom had as his best man Mr. Weldon Bass of Durham. Ush ers were Bobby Shepard and Stacy Wood. For her daughter’s wedding. Mrs. Ennis chose a lavender dress with white accessories. Her corsage was white carnations. The groom’s mo ther wore a navy blue suit with navy accessaries and her corsage was also of white carnations. Mrs. Lucas is attending Erwin High School and is a member of the Junior Class. Mr. Lucas graduated from Erwin High in 1950 and has since been with the U. S. Army. He is present ly stationed in San Diego, Calif. Immediately following the cere mony the couple left for a short wedding trip to unannounced points. with Mrs. Kenneth Smith. The Sunbeams will meet Friday afternoon at 3:30. at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Clay were the week end guests of Mrs. Leila Clay. Mrs. J. F. Andrews and son Joe. visited Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Reeves, and Dr. and Mrs. J, Nor man Reeves in Maryland last week. Mrs. Ada Dupree is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. A. Matthews. Mrs. Minnie Smith spent Sunday with Mrs. R. A. Matthews. , The Home Demonstration Club meets with Mrs. Shelton Smith Fri day afternoon at'2:oo. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Albert Caviness are co hostesses. Mrs. Sidney Potter and son, Ro dell are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Tutor and Mrs. LUlln Mangum. ~ Spring Preview ~ HOLDING A BOUQUET of carna tions, Miss J. P. O’Donnell heralds the coming of spring aad the opening of the 38th International Flower Show In New York City. A highlight planned for the en> hibttion win be A Wy-of-th*. ▼alley garden containing abowg 10,000 blooms. (International) ~ ~ .7 THEY MUST WEAR OR YOU GET A NEW PAIR! • t • ; ' • .. Irontoear )• i . •' ’ . ' Full Fashioned 51 Guaae Sheer NYLONS .* ‘ •-#- ( 1 *.• ■'•• ' , i •! v iNyyKik.'’ INSURED AGAINST RUNS . JH| REGARDLESS OF CAUSE ' M 1.49 pr m 7'- Br: ’ ife 'V -v. ; *I f. I*- wk& •< T-7^4 v:.'., ■ -j WE DARE TO' INSURE THESE STOCKINGS BECAUSE tjfl H * '■M m. reinforced double welt strengthens garter points ■I I .’’ 'VcV ♦ protective garter block (U.S. pat. design) over _ seaming hole guards against runs, holds seams fr.* ■'■ straight * high twist in leg yarn adds strength, sheemess and ” snag resistance 0 * special protective finish provides snag resistance '• a * 7 * Sizes 8 to 11 in proportioned lengt^is * Colon: Chickadee Beige . . . Robin tan . . . Dove Taupe k' ' 4 ’ J * Because the real test of nylonaia the 9* J 4 first week of wear, each pair oflronwear Hosiery is insured for this telling period .. | ... •! T days. Sefifl numbers an each pair ti ' and an attached insurance card. F«r re placement: Wash them and return with •£* ‘J?**** insurance card, " ■ I I I Address I I sm-'y- *•tf - v l, -'• r~♦jr:'V* r*£r; *•; I