IffESpAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 11, 1952 - ' VMMMnmNPHMHaiI ■ rrjOJS r ' ■ r 1 T f* s ni r"» ■ ff - * * ■■* 1 Jl7 -> ■*-*•*■ l -■ 1 '-■■! 3 <&!*Phone' 3494 or 2117. MMW ■CJrtimdrt) 1 11.. 1 . i m% f 5 i <4 Hour Road And Wrecker * Service ‘ PHONES 1727 - 2052 ■ rArBITEVILLE mi t RißMt.h Ambulance Service Phone 2077 CfiOffiARTI^FUNER AL NOME Limite^upply FacMry hrchte AM wfra cmab 1 ‘ Mitt a M Washer! ACTIVATdt* WASHING ACTION WASHES EVERY PIECE INDIVIDUALS ■gar#: M A—■mmMMß 0e I U< . * £ H « HI J "'w%Ajt§* fc JR -1 I •; 11 Btaipw .‘'"3 i I 9 y ijL; '■ijj j ,| |j .t r . A % « r» V •’M i s §i§ , xjl *% I | ®nly 159.95 V»>al '-w ~ZJ&OkJ toad*— •>» . AP. I^ 1 Mwwiw” fe* 4 worlcfcw^l^? 16 - t WmU JntT lAjI ~. - •*'. ! * B «mm H|k a.• i 1 ii n i^ |^° r Ad , rSon. y VM «*» S'*» type ... 30 wed * Tlll ** »*» ~ HUP WANTED WFLFtyANTED: We need * wypte route salesman imme diately. Must have high' school education. Good ref erences required. Apply in pierSOn to James Surles at Gardner’s Dairy in Dunn. 3-104 f-c HELP WANTED: Young man or woman to learn new business. No previous exper ience required. Must have at, least a high school eduOa* jtion, good personality, and be able to deal with public. Good salary. Position £er-: manent. Apply in writing to Box 16, care ai The Dally Record giving complete in formation concerning pos itions held in the past: Give references. with man doing outside I work to live in very h(ce s five room house on farm. * No rent to pay. Good W<*t i er, electricity. School bus 1 right by ddor. Aft least five in family to help with parttime work, pay by the . not ask children to work hour. Good location. Will f Poor polisher. Minimum charge, 75c a day. Johnson Furniture Co. Luck now Square, Dunn. Phohe [: 2*27. 2-28-ts-c l fro R RENT: Downstairs t three room apartment with I bath, closet and Storage . space. Recently painted fund » ISrs^W.'R. ' Son Ave. Phohe 3028. 3-6-6 t-c j THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment. Lights and wat er. Off highway 301 near Wellons Candy Co. Call 8389. Mrs. A. J. Butler. 3- 11-3 t-c . FOR SME FOR best results with all farm animals, WAYNE FES© is the product for you to buy. You will find a com- Dunn. ~ 8-17-^f-c CABBAGE sale and retail. Place your or der now for potato plants and tomato plants. T.R. Mc i Leod, Buies Creek- Phohe *m. s-fiy-p GROCERY STORE and Mar i ket. .Good location in Buies Creek or will sell market fix tures. 8 ft. meat coimMr#i . good ‘conditkm. Phone RMM. Buies s-ii-stp #OR SALE: Already financ ed small modern brick home. stairs, two £tte*nxMHi up stairs. All modem conveni encee. W. Carr St. Write Box 111, pure of The DWlyl Regmd. ■ ... ... For SALE: Beautiful fab-f your home. Tre^^| Donaldson St., Phone 2375, Fayetteville, N. C. 2-27-10 t-c j ritfeteb taA&r&wl for pastures and other agri cuTt& Xfies.'ssf2.l3 per -ton Jl Cromartie Hdw. Co., Inc.,jl Dunn, N.C. 2-13-tf-cll -1... i, hi ■ Oim i^e ' . •. » L 9 CO Clkinitl/br vw KJ vU ■ 'L Xtk\ f . LJj : v; ' \gv - vJiL^yyctfM.o^ ■- .• . C 1 -j j•*» J* > A ■■■-■>• ... - I f * ’ It s one of eleven exciting 54 iHU^pKt'A'n; THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. Cl CotmtySeet" Ho^Meetingg in the county seat. Bob AuseU entertained the pf her mother-in-law j »”• Xdna Igßett Crodk, Mbs H}a Tur- N. frunu&’and i4 B kTy^: iaiHejaslft. Mr*. 8. •». How .^... CU'JKtS, r.clivcd Mrs. . Lamar Simmons as second high.-received a lapel flower. Mem bers present Ware Mrs. H. B. Ugon, Mrs. Lamar Simmons, Mrs. Herbert Carsop; i3l-, Mlrs. Harold Mcrfgan, Mrs. Hal Bradley, and Mrs. Robert brief relative in boro. *t i i vi .• » FO R SALE: Two reCbndi- Priced to sell. ElSctrie l|k>tor Attd RMriieration Service, E. Broad ft. Dunn.; - M-WrF-3t-c . .-I. •. iPSCIM NOTICES; BABIES SHOES pr^ r Served forever in bronze. Let me shbw you my catalog of; mpudts today. See qb cajl Esdtleil Edwards, 1207 fcVesMp Cumberland St., Dunh, N. C., Phone 3386. 3-10-12-14^) I Auto Finance !■ -' 111 || | |> |||| Hill I 1 AUTO L&ANS | 4 i Ifi k A f UATA9 % I LkEOil O. i Club Council Plans Events Mt. Pisgah Home Dembnatratlon' Club was hostess to the quarterly tidunty council meetMi an Monday Mtemoon at the Mt. Pisgah im munity building. ThS meeting, which attracted Some SO club leaders from various Sections of the county, Was devoted whfefly to plaas for three events which loom lame on the home demonstration club calendar; (1.) UftBSU! Onstration Club Week, April 22; and (8) Will Achievement Day. Mrs. W. J. COtten, Jfr., of Kip ling, president Os the county coun cil, named a committee composed Os Mrs. Clarence Holder of Mt Pilgah, Mrs. Jack HOiward of Ben toven and Mrs. B. F. Kecidall of Kipling to draw plans for local land County observance of National Home Demonstration Club Week. As the first step toward a Suc cessful Achievement Day next Bill, two committees were appointed, One to Select a place, and atf&he? to jilan a program. On the place com mittee were named Mt£. T. J. Bayn lee, barbecue arid Mrs. R. L Ste phens, Chalybeate Springs. The krOrip asked to plan the program Is composed of Mrs. W. E. Temple, Anderson Creek, Mrs. Rowell Stew art, Buie's Creek, .and Mrs. Hay- Wpdd Penny, Pleasant Community. Both Achievement Day. commit tees will report at the riext county council meeting to be held in May Children from the Broadway kin dergarten gave a brief program of recitation arid SOng. The devotional Was led tV Mrs. MOUltOn Jerrican from Ephesus Club. Following the business session, refreshments were served by the hostess club.- Exhibit ts Slated At Club Meeting An interesting exhibition of French palp ting and architecture will feature the meeting of the Lil lington Woman’s (Bub to be held on Tuesday, March 11 at 3:30 at the Community Center. Miss Eloise Hendricks will give a jgahery talk ol } the Various Schools 'or French pamters and colored prints illustrating and paintings discussed will be on view. Photo graphs of notable Freneh cathedrals and chateaus will also be displayed They are gifts from the French Togriat Ministry. Miss Henrietta O’Quinn, guest pi antet. will play two Selections by French composers and an informal tea will follow. The program Is un ,der the auspices of the ■ fine arts and music committees .headed hy Mrs. W. P. Byrd and Mrs) Harry 'A - j. v; Miss Addye Henry Baggett has returned to Woman's College In Oyeensboro after spending the weekend here, with her parents, JOr. and Mrs. Bob Baggett. Miss Ruby Peede returned to Charlotte on Sunday after a week end jrisit with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Peede. * Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sale McFaddin of Ifartlnsville, Va., spent Satur day and Sunday here with jfrs. jMcFaddin’s mother, Mrs. Neill Mc- LMiss Mary George Kelly, stu dont at Duke University, was in: LUllngton for the weekend. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly: ! Noe Addresses Lillington PTA Lillington’s Parent-Teacher Assoc iation, meeting Thursday night at the school, heard John Noe, of the State Highway Safety Division, talk on the value of driver education In promoting highway safety. Noe advocated a two-way pro gram-safe driving instruction In the schools arid class room instruc tion In safety principles. Such a program among the high Khool age pupils, the speaker said, would cut the highway accident rate 75 per cent. The speaker was presented by NeW McK. Roes, who arranged the program. “Correct driving,” Noe reminded his audience, “is safe driving.” The speaker outlined how a program of driver instruction could be worked out, first for one school and later on a county-wide level. Adoption of such a program in Harnett County has been endorsed by the county board of education provided needed funds can he secured for equipment and trained teachers are available. Representative Carson Gregory and Supt. Hal Smith of the Coats school headed a visiting delegation from Coats. Other visitors were Sid ney Thomas, Broadway, member of the county board of education, who is also an officer in the newly or ganized county safety council, County Sujerintendent of Schools G. T. ProMlt and Professor J. L. Spivey of Shawtown School. President Mack Norwood pre sided and named a nominating com mittee to report next month on a slate of new officers. Neill McKay Ross was made chairman of the nominating committee and other members include Mrs. Hal Bradley and Mrs. Joe Layton, Jr. Attendance prizes went to Mrs. Information Column W W M t j JP SALES-SERVICE-REPAm GOOD USED Paramount Sf ■i filll 2L Classlfl«d NAYLOR-DICKEY j SgCtJ °" Favett^vi?le Hwy .Dajp - 1 Use The pick ‘“S.*£' iv * n i WAM ItT Daily Record J 201 N. Wilson Avz. I WIiIiLU ) Classified *•*» J I Fri*udly Stoic J | I- “ " . AUTO i ELECTRICAL 1 ii |» HI- O. Lae’s fifth grade in the.gram- A*—,,** .iris Drotiwr, F»op cppcßrs, wwc rscciiv visltepn Os N*n. M Spear* In FayettavlMe. Oainn's Tdevtsiyi Schedirte % - ' Mta. J»«ta I S er Sr3£ «r. 1M CBS News Frank Hall 7:45 Stark Chib 4:45 CaMHna CaOlag tSSrejStThtatee I# Bmrdy SssJKpm PWrii Parade 7:M Kukla, FhA A MBi Champ 7:34 CBS News Newa, Huai Edition, 7:45 Ferny Come Shtar >'•« 9:50 Merhmg Chapel PiiO Lta’* Visit I«:j» Morning New. ?:f5 Sporttanen’s drib j M:ls Arthur Godfrey The W|b " v ’ W:M «rt«e Ik Groom MtM Bine Ribbon Bouts 10:45 A1 Pearce Show 10:45 Sports Spotlight - 11:30 Strike It Rich 17:00 Robert MP>W•nKI7 J!,,, 12 tM The Egg A I Presents *' " / 12:15 Love of Lifo 12:00 New*, Final Edition'? 12:30 Search For Tomorrow Mgaktff lihta: nt mtodnft iMpßeet ta change wUHot Aotto^*.;-: iDOKipi nRVwi imh. iiiith QMHrs or DURR, m Your Zonith Television PAGE SEVEN , 4> t . ■£&< mg SStarday night at hhwM^in