+WEATHER+ NORTH CAROLINA Pair and mild today, increasing clondlneas and wanner tonight With rain be ginning in Watt portion late U nlght Thursday showers followed hy cooler. VOLUME II J| ' v Hi Gen. Dwight D. Eisanhowar • 1 IPBMBBwfflBBIBHP: •HHH 111 Indicted •fyUSJury Eighteen of the. 29 defen dants, indicted by a tyue ribbon Federal Grand Jury on bootlegging charges are residents of this area, it was retooled today, ' They are • in Ra leigh', with judge pan Gil liam presiding, ■•' •■; •. ' Indicted by the Grand Jury are the following defendants float this art*:.' • 7n* ’ ■■* ■ 7 Joseph Smith of Erwin, charged : Baldwin Shaw, both of Route Cam • Heron. possessing a distillery. dpcr ■ ating a distillery and manufactur ing 80 gallons of non-tu paid Bernice Elbert Moore of Dunn and I Continued On fwe Three' • I US ■ m ■ i ■ I ■ • I ■ <"■■l . ■ . .' -• . TELEPHONES: Jill - 1118 - 3119 Ike, Kefauver Win Smashing Victories Honey Pouring Into Treasury Os The State . By LYNN NI3BET Record Correspondent MONEY—Motley is pour ing into the state general fund right now faster than the clerks and adding ma chines in the revenue de parment can count it. This is income tax time. Usually something like a third oft the annual general fund rec eipts come in March. This year it iS predicted that cor poration payments will be no more, possibly a little less, than last year that individual payments will more than make up any decrease. Add to that condition the upward trend In sales taxes and larger yields in other schedules, and you have the reason for the flood of money coming In right now. The immediate reason, that it. It is necessary to go back twenty years to find the real reason. FOUR MEN Th-re Is historical basis for the statement that four men are mainly responsib’e for the current satisfactory condition of the North Carolina state' treasury. In chronologic order, without ref erence to- relative Importance of their contributions or their Widely divergent motives, these men qre Rufus Doughtoh, Blucher Ehring haus, Adolf HUler and Josef Stalin. Sounds screwy, doesn’t It? It should sound screwy, because it it. Maybe several other names should be ad ded to the list, including A. W. McLean, who set up the budge tary system In North Carolina, fend MAX Oar&ier, who centralised State niySn U T B njrni T y dPrS?d«ls w«bs With collection than with spending of state tax money, and from that viewpoint the twd North Carolin ians and the two Europeans named ayem to havjs had most Influence. ROLES Analysis of the roles these men played In the drama of Sthto reveoHe 'discloses some per tinent facts, 'Hie General Assembly of TB3B oonyened in the depth of the great denresslon. concurrently wibt- inauguration of J. O. B. EHr inahaus and two months before ta ausn’fatfhn of Yranktin ' Roosevelt ss President. Conditions .' In the state treasury and In the homes and tallnesses, of the people were desperate. There * was • nothing wrong with baste structure of' the ■ state’s, fiscal poHey, except there Hist wasnt etwugh money ooming lit and no hobs of getting it from the established eourew of state revenue. The sales tax had been debated and defeated in the 1931 assembly. It. was till} unpopular with tlHi people. SCHOOLS The 1831 assembly had relieved bounties of current - Ifwilwinl On fid ThW' ; — —• —**- • mrt i , , ' I 1 I 1 I j •» i DISTINGUISHED VISITORS The Daily Record yesterday after- 1 noon had distinguished visitors. They were State Auditor Henry 1 Bridges, left, and Lynn Nisbet, right, popular Raleigh newspaper 1 MEumplsl and correspondent for The Daily Record. White hem, 1 the State auditor reported that North Carolina is In good financial condition. (Daily Record photo by Bill Biggs). State Auditor Says NC In Goad Shape \ State Auditor Henry Bridges revealed on a visit to Dunn today that North Carolina State funds now on de posit are earning for the taxpayers $4,204.15 every hour , of the day. Morris, McCarthy! In Angry Clash WASHINGTON (®—New bold Morris accused . Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, R-Wis., today of not being a “gen tleman” and of “going after me like a dog” in an angry clash before Senate investi gators. “You've knocked off a lot of characters, and you’re not going , to knock off mine.” Morris shouted at McCarthy in a turbulent hear ing- U .. i- ' “DOPE OR bOTP McCarthy had fust said that Mor ris, corruption clean-up chief, was “either the greatest dope or dupe of all time" or “r&ponsible for making a, vast amount of. profit soaked in American blood” through leasing of cut-plus tankers for (Can tinned On Pat* Three! Tourist Bureau Has New Name The Dunn Tourist Bureau changed its name yesterday m line with the expanded iscope of its activities. It win henceforth he known at the Dunn Tourist add Convention j Bureau. The change in name emphasises another phase of the activities pro posed for the organisation, that of attracting conventions ***** rfw> «®l. j Elsenhower’s plurality was 10,750. • Sen Krfanver topnH Presl- ■ A*"t Truman by *0.240 to j 181S8, giving him a margin of 1 4,l>* votes. | Hr-ntd E. Ptnssen. nn: entered - in the delegate contest, polled ‘ 6.677 “straws.” Gen. Douglas Mae-i Arth”r a rel»ctant entrant, receiv-. ed 3,160 “write-in” ballots, but hist slate of delegates trailed far b*- hind. William R. flchn*tder. a St. ’ aids lawyer, received 243 voter. f New Hampshire voters, wooed by ] one of the most bitter pre-primary campaigns in the state’s history turned out in heavy numbers de spite inclement weather. When the ] final tally was reached, it showed ; 129,085 had marked ballots. Four j years ago a little more than 75,000 | voters participated. Eisenhower commented that the vote was a thing to make any American proud and feel compli mented: Kefauver said it showed the voters want new Ideas and personalities: Mr. Truman went for a walk at Key West aru] had no comment; Taft snapped at Qlllas, Rear Tree Still Bears JERSEYS VIL LE. 111. 6B- Friends of Ray Nevtus were treated once again this year to pears from a tree which was planted In 1830. A pioneer, Dr. Ralph H- Van Pelt, set out the tree 121 years ago. Smith Calls On Truman To Back • Senator Russell WASHINGTON.—Senator WU | lis Bmltii (D-NC) today called on President Trtunan to “approve and cooperate with” the candidacy of Senates Richard B. Russell of Georgia. Burnell two weeks ago an nounced he was available far the Democratic nomination for presi dent. Senator Smith mid that Rui sell’s entry into the presidential race “Is not a sectional matter.” Rather. Smith said, “Senator RnsseH represents the best noa (Continued on page mven) the surrounding tmi to do their shopping in Dunn by showing that the Dunn merchants could provide values comparable to any other ahoimim center. 4- SEEK full cooperation > T?»e plan is to have the. active cooperation of every merchant in MjtowdWto * FIVE CENTS PER COPY 1 -mSSm • *' V- % : ,. . I ■ Wi ijgft M ! I s I • ■ FINER CAROLINA COMMITTEE Pictured here with District Manager Henry M. Tyta j Carolina Power and Light Company are General Chairman Earl McD. Westbrook and members of the ‘ steering committee for the “Finer Carolina Contest" to be conducted here. Left to right are: Chske»' w *' j D " Hwteff. Jr., of the Jayceea, Mr. Tyler, Mrs. Westbrook, Mrs. Pat Lynch, president of the Senior Wo j "*"* Club; President A. B. Johnson of the Rotary Club and President Waite Howard of the Lions > ] Club. Abo on the committee but not present when the picture was taken is Mrs. Paul White, presl- * j dent es the Junior Woman’s Club. (Dally Record photo by Bill Biggs). CPSr L Lau r y-ssittest Carolines a finer place to livennd work . was announced tonight 'by Carolina Pbwer 6c Light Company at 80 dinner meeting* held simul taneously throughout. Its service area. The company offered $8,750 in prims 'for towns which mai(e the greatest improvement In terms of commuhity development during this 'The competition is built arouijd_ttie theme of “Building A Tta contest is open to the 340 communities whose electricity Is served .at. retail by the, Carolina Power ,6s Light Company. Towns have imtil April l to enter the competition, and the contest period will extend to November 1, after which the contestants will be judg ed on improvements made during the previous 12 months. THREE GROUPS . Details of the contest were dis (Continued on Page Sr yen) National WOW Official Coming HVO. Braden of Omaha. Neb raska, national secretary of the Woodmen of the World, will de liver the main address at the an nual meeting of the Capitol Dis trict to be hem at Clinton on Thurs day, March 27th. The sneaker was announced to day bv ft A- Duncan. Sr. of Dunn, president of the district which embraces eight Eastern Carolina eouhtieo. and Eugene Hood of DuUtt, district manager. Mr. Braden’s acceptance was telegraphed to Mr. Hood by State Maokrer Nick T. Newberry of Cheriotte. who will also he among ♦h* sneakers. ‘ ■ “ . PROGRAM NEARLY COMPLETE Woodmen officials «that plans for rapidly nearing •e complete pro unced within the samnson ♦miimiyiy W*\ mmmmi -jy • . • Westbrook To Head Committee In Dunn Earl McD. Westbrook, one of Dunn’s best known busi ness, civic and religious leaders, last night was electwl eral chairman of the Carolina Power and Light “Finer Carolina Contest” for Dunn. $ His ejection took place at a ban quet meeting of city and chamber of commerce officials, civic and Club leaders and prominent bus- ( iness men of Dunn, Erwin and Four! Oaks held In the Dunn High School I Cafeteria. Henry M. Tyler, district manager of the power company, presided over the banquet and welcomed the guests. Purpose of the meeting and de tails of the contest were outlined by L. P. Stephens, head of the company’s sales department here. Mr. Stephens expressed confidence that tl)e three communities repre sented at the meeting would be among the winners. PROJECT PRAISED A