MONbAV AFTERNOON, MARCH 17, 1952 i-ESi CLASSIFIED JIBSI » CLASSIFIED RATES This Size Type 2c word H-Word Minimum He Same Ad 3 Times Only SI.OO . shit Size Type ... 3c word | Times Only $1.25 HELP WANTED » HELP WANTED: We need a : milk route salesman imme diately. Must have high school education. Good ref erences required. Apply in person to James Surles at Gardner’s Dairy in Dunn. 3-10-ts-c HELP WANTED: Young man or woman to learn new business. No previous exper- ; ience required. Must have at ' least a high school educa tion, good personality, and 1 be able to deal with public. 1 Good salary. Position per manent. Apply in writing to Box 16, care of The Daily Record giving complete in formation concerning pos- D itions held in the past. Give references. 3-11-ts-c HELP WANTED: Practical nurse to stay on premises 24 hours a day. A good lady pa tient. No cooking or wash ing. Contact M. E. Ennis, Coats, N. C. Phone 2288 3-17-st-c l HELP WANTED: Experienc- I ed meat cutters for Dunn Piggly Wiggly store. Apply • Milner Stores Co., 3701 Neil Street (In front Meredith College), Raleigb, N. C. 3-17-3 t-c REPRESENTATIVES, Ag~ e s 21-24 in Dunn-Erwin area by t old line combination Insur kjance|Co. Full employee re l tirement and benefits. Free '.lapse on 3 year old business. For interview, write Box L 1230, Raleigh, N. C. ? 3-14-3 t-p FOR RENT FOR ■'fU&NT: Unfurnished Couple preferr f -Tine St 0i^c^114339. 3-14-ts-c ELECTRIC floor polisher. Minimum charge, 75c a day. Johnson Furniture Co. Luck now Square, Dunn. Phojie 3427. s „ 2-28-ts-c FOR RENT: Two room fur pished upstairs apartment. ) Decently renovated. Close in. Call 3194 after four o’clock. 3-14-3 t-c FOR RENT: Two five-room houses. Nice houses. Electric Ughts, water. Located on Louis Baer’s farm. $25 per month. Apply to Louis Baer ip Dunn. 2-27-ts-c FOR RENT: Five room house I m Angler Water and lights. .Contact N. V- Stephenson, r pwner, in Angier. 3-17-3 t-p FOR RENT: three room ■ hbuse at 2fl N. McKay Ave. | jriate bath, also three room Spt. with private bath. Fur nished or ** unfurnished, shone 2954 fer 2097. iP-12-3t-c- FQR>ALP FOR best results: with all farm animals, WAYNE FEED is the product for you to buy. You will find a com i plete line of WAYNE FEED at FARMER’S SUPPLY, Dunp. ) 8-17-ts-c I HYDRATED Masons Lime k-fjjor pastures and other agri cultural uses. $22.13 per ton, Cromartie Hdw. Co., Inc., s>unn, N. Ci 2-13-tf^ mi——urn imi mm —mi «n im—iwm——lin—fin PIANO RECITAL FHptunijg-- • iAt The Piano* " .' Mr. Calvin Lampley, formerly of Dunn anti a grad uate of the Harnett County Training School and the Julliard School of Music, w be presented at a recital hu & ana££id at ■"— • n t M ■ apptered woes* Had ip I ' ap ' § FRIDAY, MARCH 21ST. 8 P.M. - T .- - s ■ . - • - \ I Harnett County Trainfna School SALE: Two fresh, i young milch cows. Contact Mr. H. J. Wood on Dunn, Rt. 4 on Highway 82 between Godwin and Erwin. 3t p M-T-W FOR SALE: Already financ ed small modem brick home. Five rooms and bath down stairs. two attic rooms up stairs. All modem conveni ences. W. Carr St. Write Box 111, care of The Daily Record. 2-25-ts-c FOR SALE: Practically new deluxe model Easy Spin dryer washing machine. In perfect condition. Hardly used. Call 3718. 3-12-6 t-p FOR SALE: A dog, Cocker Spanial end French Poodle mixed Phone 3188 or the dog may be seen at 822 E. Cumberland St. 3-12-4 t - p and Refrigeration Service, E. Broad St. Dunn. , M-W-F-3t-c EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH We Guarantee. to furnish everything need ed to build your house— except framing lumber. Save money, time and worry/ Godwin Building Supply Co. In Dunn. Ph. 2323 or 3875 M-W-F-tfnc FOR SALE: One 140 by 150 ft. lot two blocks east of hotel on E. Cumberland St. Contact C. H. Strickland, DUnn, N. C. 3-13-st-c FOR SALE—Would you lijke to own a lovely 10-room home that would also be a good investment for you?. We are offering for sale file brick two-story duplex loca ted in the 300 block of South Layton Avenue. Each side has living room, dining room, kitchen, two large bedrooms, large closets, 1 baths, large screened porch, hardwood .floors and other conveniences. One side has large Jjijsement with fvjrn ace..:Rfeglsfly partially re age with •' upstairs storage rooms. Present owners Sell ing to build home with more room. This house built qf finest pre-war materials. An excellent buy. May be seep by appointment. Contact Hoover Adams. Phone 3117, or 2313. 3-13-ts-c FOR SALE: 9 acres 6? tim ber, 2 miles from the Spring Branch Church, know as Bin Honeycutt place. 5 miles from Dunn. See Nellie H. Vann, phone 3627 or 2511, Dunn, N. C. 3-13*5t-c LOST AND FOUND LOST: Brown billfold con taining 72 dollars in cash and driver’s license. Lost in the -vicinity of Colonial Hjtqre in Dunn Saturday at noon. Reward offered. If found no tify Mr. R. F. Bowman at the Durham & Southern Railway Office. Phone 2118. 3-t-p M-T-W SPfqAL~NOTICgS FOR LAND CLEARING and bulldozing w’oTfc, contact Paul Grienwahn Grading Co. Rt.‘ 5, Dunn located one mile from Dunn on Highway 55. 3-13-ts-c FARM BUREAU INSURANCE John K. Snipes . OffW j» located in FCX Auto Finance AUTO LOANS , —REFINANCING— Rcdilce t’- iir P t ert ’ t Payments Money in 10 Minutes MOTOR CREDIT CO. > DUNN, N. C. r'ayetteville St. lQonc 51SS HONEY IN PARLOR BELMONT, Mass. llP*—Mrs. Ar thur -Tinkham keeps a beehive in her palror sun window “for the entertainment of guests.” She has a dozen other hives in her back yard and says honey has just about banished the sugar bowl from her home. WIFE FILLS IN MEMPHIS, Tenn. (IP)—Mrs. John B. Fletcher, Jr., didn’t stop at pre senting her husband a daughter. She handed out cigars for him, too Capt. Fletcher was overseas when his daughter was born, so his wife did the honors. «. . *■ jl m. i iu. ii_. I 9 J B Kfe jj in A This Is A Bleal Bargain J HD YOU CM’T DDY 1 BETTER • RUSH! AT HI PllCt UYWHEDE HOUSEWIVES THROUGHOUT THIS SECTION ARE EN- I NO WRINGER! NO SPINNER! eRIAT WASHIR ' w wwl YOU T 0 j NO 10U DOWN ! THEY'U mi YOU to COME TO JOHNSON cotton Only $22995 tO -o*® "" 4 “"“k BROAD ST. . - „ THE DAILY RECORD. DUNN, N. Cl HERE'S WHAT MEASLES DID TO MARKS’ SCHOOL This picture shows what the measles did last week to Marks’ School For Beginners in Dunn. About half of the students were out with the measles so the school had to be closed for three d?ys. This picture shows those who escaped measles. It was made the day school was closed. The scho3l reopened this morning and Mrs. Johnnie Lee Marks, operator of the school, reported good attendance. Days lost will be made up at the end of school, Mrs. Marks said. Sillyettes «w- Honey you’re the best thing I’ve seen since «they showed me file friendly atmosphere at MOTOR CREPri COMPANY. PAGE SEVEN