WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MATCH 10, 1952 ■ ■ LiAU ~■ “ - L -» 4 * h~rf A—* -4 X 4, XL§ JL-I Jtjl JLJ |3 ■ t -'iririiifirir««~fM—w a- * Z 1 —M CLASSIFIED RATES This Size Type 2c word <4-Word Minimum * 50c Same Ad 3 Times Only SI.OO This Sin Type ... 3c word 3 Time* Only 11.25 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Ypung man or woman to learn new business. No previous exper ience required. Must have at least a high school educa tion, good personality, and be able to deal with phblic. -Good /salary. Position per manent. Apply in writing to Box 16,, care of The Daily j Record giving complete in formation concerning pos itions held in the past. Give references. 3-11-ts-e j < HELP WANTED Practical nurse to stay on premises 24 hours a day. A good lady pa tient. No cooking or wash ing. Contact M. E. Ennis, Coats, N. C. Phone 2288 3-17-st-c HELP WANTED ed meat cutters for Dunn Piggly Wiggly store. Apply Milner Stores Co., 3701 Neil Street (In front Meredith College), Raleigh, N. C. 3-17-3 t-c . MEN WANTED For our Sales .and Service Department If your present earnings are not enough for pres ent day living costs and you could use an additional S3O to SSO per week, why not let me come to your home and discuss the possibilities of bettering yourself. This is permanent „ position w i til high 'earning possibilities for -nose who qualify. If you have a car, neat appearance and can furn ish good references, WRITE WHEN I CAN SEE YOU to P. O. Box 1228, Durham, N. f ~ ’ 1 '.'if* — ’—— f§- Jj"' ■"CHWWHOO'^JUSTKE FOR THE WORKER'S SUPPLY CHARLIE “CHOO CHOO” JUSTICE WILL BE AT t)UR MEW STORE IN PERSON ALL DAY MARCH 20th TO HELP MAKE OUR GRAND OPENING A BIG SUCCESS. CHARLIE JUSTICE WILL BE REPRESENTING THE FINE LINE OF SUPERFINE CANNED VEGE-' k TABLES. VISIT HIM AT THEIR BIG DISPLAY. ► t IN ADDITION, FROM 9 A. M. TO « P. M„ EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR, WE WILL GIVE TO SOME LUCKY CUSTOMER A BIG FREE BASKET OF GROCERIES. J * v * , , ; she (mis to All the Kiddies and Surprise Gifts All During ike Day r m WE ESPECIALLY WISH TO BUY FOR CASH OR IN TRADE ANY LOCAL FARM PRODUCTS. ■ * m „i y. „nyr«lttET o*l-11 1iiHra. mm a _ M m B J „ _ mama §l|nUL I lililiV WvAPO RKiig-uuya - W t 4 ____ rotnuii r # ' . ' Js>. MMMWmH m MU Ml aUW# W# 'f; ,'" . .4 ■ t c. Please furnish street dress or where home is lo- Interview in the presence of your wife preferred. 3-19-st-C FOR RENT ~ FOR RENT: Unfurnished apartment. Couple preferr ed. No children. 506 East Di vine St. or call 4339. 3- ELECTRIC fPodr polisher. Minimum charge, 75c a day. Johnson Furniture Co. Luck now Square, Dunn. Phone 2427. 2-28-ts-c FOR RENT: Two five-room houses. Nice houses. Electric lights, water. Located on Louis Baer’s farm. $25 per month. Apply to Louis Baer in Dunn. 2-27-ts-c FOR RENT: Five room house in Angier. Water and lights. Contact N. V. Stephenson, owner, in Angier. 3-17-3 t-pl FOR RENT: Six room house, I can be used for two apart ments if desired. Wired for electric stove. Running wa ter and bath. Near Mis sionary Baptist Church hr East Erwin. Mrs. Lula H. Clark. Phone 2451. 4- foiT sale~^~ FOR best results with all farm animals, WAYNE FEED is the product for you to buy. You will find a com plete line of WAYNE FEED at FARMER’S SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-ts-c EVERYTHING TO BUILD' WITH We «• Guarantee to furnish everything need ed to build your house— except framing lumber. Save money, time and worry. Godwin Building Supply Co. In Dunn. Ph. 2323 or 3875 HYDRATED Masons Lime for pastures and other agri cultural uses. $22.13 per ton, Cromartie Hdw. Co., Inc., Dunn, N. C. 2-13-ts-c FOR SALEi Two fresh,' young milch cows. Contact Mr. H. J. Wood on Dunn, Rt. 4 on Highway 82 between Godwin and Erwin. 3t p -T-W 'FOR SALE: Already financ ed small modem brick home. Five rooms and bath down stairs, two attic rooms up stairs. All modern conveni ences. W. Carr St. Write Box 111, care of The Daily Record. 2-25-ts-c FOR SALE: Practically new deluxe model Easy Spin dryer washing machine. In perfect condition. Hardly used. Call 3718. 3-12-6 t-c I FOR SALE: One 140 by 150 , ft. lot two blocks east of hotel on E. Cumberland St. I Contact C. H. Strickland, f Dunn, N. C. 3-13-5 t c FOR SALE—Would you like to own a lovely 10-room home that would also be a good investment for you?. We are offering for sale the brick two-story duplex loca ted in the 300 block of South Layton Avenue. Each side has living room, dining room, kitchen, two large bedrooms, large closets, lIAl l A baths, large screened porch, hardwood floors and other conveniences. One side has large basement with furn ace., Recently partially re decorated. Large double-gar age with upstairs Storage rooms. Present owners sell ing to build home with more room. This house built of finest pre-war materials. An excellent buy. May be seen by appointment. Contact Hoover Adams. Krone 3117, or 2313. 3-13-ts-c THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. a FOR SALE: 9 acres «T tim ber, 2 miles from the Spring Branch Church, know as Bill Honeycutt "place. 5 miles , from Dunn. See Nellie H. Vann, phone 3827 or 2511, Dunn, N. C. 8-13-st-c ! LOST AND FOUND -■■l.' ..-1.-. .. . Il. t • LOST: Brown billfold con-, . taining 72 dollars in cash ’ and driver’s license. Lost in the vicinity of Colonial S,tore | in Dunn Saturday ,at noon. Reward offered. If found no r tify Mr. R. F. Bowman at _ the Durham & Southern Railway Office. Phone 2118. ‘ 3-t-p M-T-W - LOST: Brown Short-tailed - Fice dog. Wart on nose, and - walks on hind legs a great c deal. Answers to Scandy. f $25 reward. Joan Allen, Er ' win, N. C. Phone 2452. .. ' 3 - 18 - 3t - p .. ! SPECIAL "NOTICES r FOR LAND CLEARING and bulldozing work, contact Paul Grienwahn Grading Co. Rt. 5, Dunn located one 1 mile from Dunn on Highway : 55. " 3-13-tf-c' FOR PLASTERING and ; stucco work phone 9103 or r 3785.' 3-19-St-p ‘ Auto Finance AUTO LOANS —-REFINANCING Reduce Your Present * i . Payments Money in 10 Minutes MOTOR CREDIT CO, : DUNN, N. C. t a\ettevitle St. PHonc 3153 ' FARA/i BUREAU f INSURANCE John K. Snipes l Office Is located in PCX 1 Building Dunn, N. C. ’ ' Phone 2254 Lampley Will Give Concert On Friday ; . i \ f ■ -i I 1 I I ■ ■ < ■ 3 1 -MM mm- "■ - I ■■ ■ ■ . vs- .EHKKsaSiSIOTwSKiEKIsisSi During the past five years the concert-going public has welcomed to the concert stage quite a num ber of brilliant young American artists. One of the more promising of these newcomers is a young View PEERLESS 7* - •*%> MMBt AUTOMATIC ” n TOBACCO f CURER Uses Vi LESS Oil TIMN NDIIIAI>y CUBERS * . IK*'*-" 9 1'. r : \ 'f. mm IMAGINE MORE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET! HANG YOUR TO- 1 BACCO -- - ADJUST YOUR PEERUSS AUTOMATIC—AND USE THE I TIME THE PEERLESS SAVES YOU M OTHER PROFITABLE TMMGS. 0 y The Peerless Automatic Opens Up Now Profit Horizons in Tobacco Cur- | | ing For You. This Big r New SystemOuarantees You The Most Even Heat H Possible -- - Using 1-3 Less Oil Than Ordinary Outers. Yet The Initial Cost Is Lower Than You Would Expect - The Savings You Make In Fuel 1 Alone Will Quickly Pay Hr HI .1 I I BcMistratiM LULL Os The W\ | 1 11 Bn 111 farm Automatic I SEE US TODAY! “™' | If Aft y u ■ fl "‘5 8 f * jl _ j || Homl ■■ HI I InIiIAVIT ■ mm/' Ml Lftleyp IhbLlwJlllw■ IIL 1 I If I® Ili ■ f j - •' . » tam • I g* -■ i' . ▲.A Jr, mm/ -a* Equipped—To Equip—Your Farm Ana Home pianist, Calvin Lampley, who will appear at the Harnett County Training School Friday night at 8:30. The young concert artist will be in familiar surraundfings when he makes this appearance, since be is : a HCTB graduate. He graduated from there la IMS. He first studied music here under Mrs. C. B. Cod rlngton and she states that he show ed signs of genius from the atitset. , After graduating from Hb¥S he entered A and T College at Greens boro where he received a B. 8. De- Aree. He continued his musical .studies there under Warner Law 'son, now director of music at How •ard University. Ldter he studied ;piano under william 8. Newman, ; noted author, lecturer and pianist at the University of North Caro :ilna. SERVED IN ARMT During World War II he served •several years in the Army and while ‘stationed in the Aleutians managed to continue his musical studies with some German-bom music teachers there. After the war he attended and was graduated from the Juilliard School of Music in New Fork City, Where he studied with Erwin Freundllch. He mads his debut as a concert pianist at Carnegie Hall with a piano recital on March SO, 1951. The critics acclaimed this appearance as being “brilliant, sensitive and EARL HAWLEY OIL CO. ] Wholesale Dealer . PROMPT SERVICE - COMPLETE PRODUOb I ..Ambulance Service :: | ‘ Phohe'2o77 I CROMARTIE FUNERAL HOME 1 - OWN, N. C | - ';1 ■-■■■■ g B ' »"» « MmMnBMWj PAGE FIVE r.i. " s more Imaginative than many/* K| His current tour began .Oh as 11 appearance at the BrooklymJVead- St emy of Mu6ic in New York. In we 1 ; early part of March he-iMOed I Eastern Canada for Regiorlbr Übn- I 1 certs with marked succession We I \ completion of his assignment* In 1 j Canada he returned to the United # I States and is now being htifra In various centers of the Southern f' RMW. '"SB His appearance here .nlntfig marks his first time home in sfcv- ■; eral years. Music lovers ill, Dunn are promised a rare musical treat ' i with the appearance of this 'dfcooln- *r' plished performer. R. A. CHESTNUTT CO. Fayetteville Highway PHONE $591 % ' DUNN, N. C. • 1