'V. % -:•? r *aV •' "' V 'l*”:-- ■■ ' ‘ ’V \ • THIIRRnAV APTITRVnnN MARCH 2A lotto O I ; ■ if' 11 K "I™ 3 - jnn■ v • w % If Hi SH «lfnnr fashioned Os Burlington’. acetate wedding satin, available % in white or tvory. The. gjilftad oannier-s achieve a bwajlf effect in the back .... the vide h|rirt i_U_ u\ graceful folds. Lustmu pearl emhromry onWnea the bodice and mafia into the nrln« taDe yoke. £■§s;*> 't W • ft; 1 :; f • % . “v;'\ •*./'• -• • || THE EXTRAVAGANTLY-TUCKED SKIRT 'MAKES THIS DRESS A STAND-OUT! Styled by A. GOODMAN of Burlington’s and touched at the collar Ml I or nayy J>b*#r. ■I foot this one by SOMERS ■r I MIMiER; newest of box ■■■"■:■;• FLOWKR-LIKB HATS . . .-■ .. Spring bouquet* go to your head this, year with violets, pink rases and white Mies to create the prettifit a! flower -hats for new-seaepn wear- • "r - y.- A, ■■ * ► 3 ~— - : California*!aspired Fashions Cast Exciting Overtones on Spring-Summer Picture With Exotic, Colorful Design mm califorlns ... me n «haf*t%g land as Mazing blue skies sun-wanned beaches .... eeft, tfgy «#¥.*■>*» s*** 6 **- lecnon io »rc»m upon. caiifenda-inaPlred yat wttl. a» international fl#ver .. 'these bead* tifni fashions are the very breath as Spring- Young designers have gone to India for prints In exotic colors .... to Italy for gay. scin tillating stripes .... in Britain and Scotland for choicest of fleecy wools wools. From Siam come the bizarre and foreign cotton* for playclothes .... frow Mexico, the hot, brilliant colors, intense as the Mexican sun. From all these California fash ions. Long-established as the fash ion center for play Clothes and sportswear, this year finds the west offering stiff competition to designers everywhere in all types of fashion. There are beautifully-draped silk shantungs, ralnbow-hued ballerina length, their bodices cut low to reveal sun-bronsed should ers ■ ■■ hr again, tutored with the fine hand of a master .... sleek, glimmering daytime fashions. Taffeta rustles gently, outstand ing choice for the huge bouffant shirts perfect for flowing great coats lovely in pinchecks for the tailored street dress. Tremen dous, flying coats in brightest of blues open to reveal vivid scarlet linings and underneath a slim, willowy sheath of the Same scarlet. Tailored drapias, regardless of fabric, display flirtatious lingerie touches .... immaculate linen col lars and cuffs nowy lace embroidered re vers. Linen from creanty Bisque to chocolate brawn .... goes through the sunlit hours in gktyf ■ •. jackets .... long coats dresses and* beachwear r ‘ / * r^ W Hjb Urpvhiu jjg dramatic to B r»yo» crepe with the cuffed A'- B or masterslieers d^B' »■B rayon crepcin MI . & \S^L lights *S^ftSdSWI heuiline. The s.mc bawd J : ■ 3 crepe iff mm* ravy ** >^>e the casual . .. the comfortable are the astute flfflguer’/ *f man's footwear- Tha moccasin, man’s newest pet fpr comfort and. wearability, re aches back into pur distant past for Its design. Inhabitants of the Caspian and Black Spa areas carried the moc casin to the north and to the west. Their descendants the Eski mos .... the Indians the Nor welgians adapted it. Through crude and functional as }t was, this early day moccasin is in i essence the Sam? as today’s. Early American settlers adopted the Indian moccasin .... but as a fashion, the moccwln Paine out of London, where it had, in turn, been brought from Norway by an en thusiastic Britisher. From such devious paths the moccasin finally reached Palm Beach where it made news as a sport or lounge shoe. But in the past iew years, constructed on a regular shoe last, it has jumped to prominence as the correct wear for town or country. As revolutionary a style as the high-button shoes qf the early 1900’s, the moccasin, complete with tassels and wing-tips, is the fore runner of more and more formal shoes that are laceless, slip-on’and comfortable. Denim For Men Smarter Than Ever Practical equipment for the out door man devotee of sqn And sand the ever-loving denim, With faded blue the favorite color. Now well-tailored, with pleated slacks zipped waist-iepgth jackets or the longer belted coats, worn with the cotton T-shirt in pavy blue, often collard with tabs of red and white. The shoe: navy denim, white-laced with heavy crepe soles. ,'■■>l ■■ ii ■■ ■ ", ■' jSliSir wC. * * CHARM iifl a ft: f'" * j r *~ % . /3BBh^M‘