PAGE SIX Coats Social Happenings „ •’£ ■» CLYDE BRYAN The Revival Service* of the wet* Baptist Church will begin Ktoday March 30th. Services will -Blr at eleven o’clock on Sunday RMUIIig and Sunday night at 7:30. 4mginning with Monday services will be at 10:00 a. m. and at 7:30 m. The Rev. Janies R. Thomp jqr of Greensboro, will be the Visiting minister. Music will be in frge of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett lughn of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. inghn were here last spring for revival meeting. The people of Coats will be happy to have them pack again. The public is cordial ly. invited to attend. Sunday was “Visitation Day” for j .the poats Baptist Church. Every -family in the town and communi ty was visited or will be during the week. This is part of the Unit ed Efforts for a good revival in the town. - - .The Baptist Church Sunday School Council meeting was held ( at 6:30 p. m. on Wednesday even ing, March 26th. All offieers and j teachers were urged to be present.' Sillyettes & .-mi . _ IB r m w***' WHAR’S THE FIRE, SON? I SAT. WHAR S THE FIRE - - - RECKON MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY HAS IT WELL INSURED. T ** —r —f —~4 imam your dm; I FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE I WILL BE FOUND IN: fl ' '"-"T" JJI ■ ' I"*'>HW'"»■.■> V ."i ■‘ ■' ——««=■ - H-'-’-TBif , ,I.',=== i ■ &ft GODFREY’S SERVICE STATION . APRIL 1—16:30 A. M. TO Hi— A. M. SPRINGS iv. APRIL I—ltf:ls A. M. TO 11:45 A. M. 1 JOHNSONVILLE CROSSROADS .... ■..--i». APRIL 1—12:00 NoonTo 12:45 P. M. I :: " AIBCASTLE SCHOOL ............................ ...... I J. W. KNIGHT'S RERYICE STATION V APRIL 1—2:15 P. M. TO 3:00 P. M. CAMBRO MILLS TFT APRIL 2—12:00 Noon TO 1:30 P. ML I ALLEN A JONES SERVICE STATION, Bunnlevel, N.C APRIL 3—12:00 Noon TO 1:15 p7m. fli f -©AKDALE SCHOOL ..! iT APRIL 4—12:00 Noon TO 1:00 P. M. fl* • MAMERS, N. C. ; . .. .. “777777 APRIL 5—12:00 Noon TO 1.30 P. M. ■ THQMASFARM SERVICE ... APRIL 7—10:00 A. M. TO 10:30 A. M.- I NED McLEOD’S STORE ~ . APRIL 7—10:45 A. M. TO 11:15 A. M. | I RIDGEWAY COLORED SCHOOL T TT i APRIL 7—11:30 A. M. TO 12:15 P. M 1 fl OLIVIA APRIL 7-42:30 P. M. TO 1:15 P. M. I A>.- CARLYLE CORE S STORE / . APRIL 8-12:00 Noon TO 12:45 P. M. 1 fl W. R. MILLER SERVICE STATION APRIL 9-12:00 Noon TO 12:45 P. M I ■ -iFAISON BAREFOOT SERVICE STATION .......; ■■■ ■' ■■ ■ ■ APRIL Noon Tft 12:45 P. M. 9 I p. r. JONES SERVICE STATION, Fairground Road “ APRIL 11—12:00 Noon TO 12:30 P. M: fl J 'A. L. AtJTRY’S SERVICE STATION t..... . APML 12—1L00 A. M. 4o 11:*5 A. M. 1 ; LILUNGTON, W. C. APRIL 12—12:00Noon TO I:2> P. ij, 8 ■ ACCORDING TO NORTH CAROLINA STATE LiWYCHDRDOG MOTT BE VACCINATED AGAIN THIS H kid t c oaonai l| ; buiiett Count, IT.Mrii fnijrrtrr J .. ■' - -■ ’lj neiu w ran ll ta n * sust r utimii icruuuitc us fstuusuvi *" j - pcvw . •In itrtM* nfim ,<i u «»i_ n —.n iniwrrfnrii SOr Penalty added Maw IsL S The Bed Cross drive for Grove j township got underway on Mon,- 1 day of the past week. It is a very ' worthy cause and we hope every -1 one gave as liberally as they were 1 able to do. i The Beta Club members of thp local school attended the Beta Club State Convention at the Sir , Waiter Hotel in Raleigh on March , 21st and 22nd. A banquet and dance were the entertainment fea tures for Saturday evening. The Future Homemakers of Coats High School attended the State Meeting which was held in Raleigh on Saturday March 22nd. A number of the people of Coats will attend the Azalea Festival in Wilmington during the weekend. Hayes Beasley who is with the Navy, stationed in Norfolk spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Beasley. I Evangeline Stewart, a student at ' Wake Forest, spent the weekend with hfr' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stewart of Coats. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Moore at tended the Medical Convention in Winston-Salem this week. Aiss With Alien spent the-week end at her home at Warrenton, N. t. Mrs. Exie Smith of Raleigh spent the weekend in Coats. Among those who shopped In Raleigh Saturday from Coots were: Mrs. Mildred Creech, Miss Lucille Allen. Miss' Phyllis Timber lake. Miss Edith Allen, Miss Eva Bateman. Mr. James Valsame, and Mrs. Cur tis Guy. * The Rev. and Mrs. J. Ben El-. ler drove to Bethel Hill, N. C. on Thursday where Mrs. Eller taught | a class In the Beulah Association- j al Stewardship Institute. Mrs. El ler is State Stewardship Chair man at the Baptist Woman's Mis sionary Union, of North Carolina. Rev. and Mrs. J. Ben Eller spent Thursday night with their daugh ter. Mrs. Ralph L. Byrd of Dur ham. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Varley had as their dinner guests on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Thornton, Miss Novella Autry, and Miss Joylett Autry, all of Falcon.’ Among the eleven delegates from Harnett County to attend the Statewide N. C. E. A. Annual Con vention in Asheville Thursday, Fri day, and Saturday were Mrs. Gladys Phillips, and Mrs. Nell Wil liams of the Coats School Friends of Mr. Reggie Parrish will be glad to learn that he is home from the Dunn Hospital where he has been a patient for several weeks. Mrs. Fred Fleming has been confitjed to her home for the past week with pneumonia. She is get ting on very nicely and will be able to be out in a few dap. The teachers from 'the Coats school who attended the Class room'-Teachers meeting in the Er win School Library on Tuesday afternoon were Miss Bertha -West brook, Miss Phyllis Buckner Mrs. Percy Parrish. Miss Lucille Allen, Miss Esther Ricks and Miss Clyde /Bryan. V 3 After the gMieral business ses sion Miss Blanch Grantham of Dunn, gave a most interesting re view of the book "The Art of Teaching.” The social committee of the Erwin faculty served delicious refreshments. L -£i i mm tfr 'iLiktßJUi.’ W' ' Pfc. Robert O. Stetoart, TOth Fighter and Interception Squad* ron. Rapid City A. F.IL Weaver, S. D. is boom for a month’s fur lough with his family,. He to the son of Mr. Bob Stewart of Coats, Mr. and Mia. Joel Ennis are happy to have their son. Fred, home for a month’s furlough. Fred is stationed at Ft. Knox, Ken tucky. Mrs. Kitty Willia enttfed Reg Hospital, Raleigh, ob March 36th. She was to be operated on on ’Wednesday. Her friends hope for her a speedy recovery. Miss Eva Bateman had as her dinner guest .on Friday, March 21st her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hite and children, David, Jr., and Dian of Utica, Ohio. | Mrs. J. T. Bland of Buie’s Creek I has been spending several days } with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Fleming, who has been ill with j pneumonia. Friends of Mrs. J. M. Malone will be sorry to team that she has been ill in Rex Hospital for sev eral days. Mr. and .Mrs. Ray Coon had as their guests at their home in Lin colnton, Mrs. Gladys Phillips and Kenneth Phillips, during the week end. Mrs. C. G. Stewart spent the weekend with her sister Mrs. Rob ert H. Day of Winston-Salem. The Fidelles Class of the Coats Baptist Sunday School held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. C. G. Stewart, on Tuesday evening, March 2Sth. with Mrs. Ora Parrish as co-hostess. After the business session the acting program chairman intro duced the speaker of the evening, Mrs. Forest Maxwell, of Erwin. Mrs. Maxwell’s topic was Higher Loyalty. The earnestness and ap peal with which she spoke made her talk much enjoyed by all. Af ter the fragrant the hostesses served cake topped with fruit and whipped cream, , salted .nujts and coffee. Those present were: Mrs, Clyde Grimes. Miss Lucille Alien. Mrs. Luthar Barefoot, Mm Owen Odum, Mrs. Malcom Stewart. Mrs. Richard ,fL Weils, Mrs. J. Ben El ler, Mrs. Oene Btewart. Mrs. Mil dred Creech, Mrs. Ross Stewart, Mrs. D. A. Yarley, Mrs. T. O. Beasley, Mrs, Milton Bryant, Mrs. Forest Maxwell Mrs. Lucy Kelly. Mrs. W. E, Nichols, Miss Clyde Bryan, Mrs. Pansy Parrish. Thp Coats P. T. ,A, held its reg ular monthly meeting on Thursday evening. Man* 20th, at seven tog : president Mr. Vic Lee, Vtoe-Ptv»- ident, Mr. Marvin Johnson, 800. retary Mra. Nad Williams. Trea sury, Mrs. Tatoiond Penny, Miss Bessie Massengill, i Elementary. School Supervisor, showed a pic- J ture on Life to Mexico, and with a group of different age boys and girls illustrated the use of moving pictures as a teaching aid in the school. Refreshments were served at . the social > • . Mrs. Mildred Creech, Miss Lu cille Allen and Miss Clyde Bryan, attended “Open House” at Neta's,' to Benson, on Friday evening, March list. The color scheme and artistically arranged merchandise: to her shop would do Justice to; the I better shops to many of our larger' cities. | Kenneth Keene is spending. Spring holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Keene. Miss Phylis Buckner’s first grade entertained the Primary De-; pertinent with a very enjoyable i Chapel program Tuesday afternoon.! After the devotional and a- nura-1 her of spring songs, the theme BHg 9 tew PEERLESSI AUTOMATIC TOBACCO CURER Uses Vi LESS Oil THAN MIIMIV CUBS jl<* -..iW' •- - <4# r fl IMAGINE MORE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET! HANG YOUR TO- ' fl BACCG -- - ADJUST YOUR PEERLESS AUTOMATIC—AND USBiTHE | TIME THE PEERLESS SAVES YOU |N OTHER PROFITABLE THINGS. I- k The Peerless Automatic Opens Up H#w Profit Horizons In Tobacco Cur- $ I f* r Y° u - M<*t Even Heat Possible - - Using^^ \4 !%sfl Yet The Initial tost Is Lower Than You - The Savings You Mtik# fn Fuel Alone tyil| Quickly Pay For It! FR£J .Monday, March 21st at 10:00 A. M. .. McGee’s Cross Road) Benson, Garner Hifliway II March 31st at 2:o® P. M. . Benson Live Stock Market, Benson, N. C. Tuesday, April Ist at 1*:0D A. M. D. ft S. RaQway Depot, Oaats,.WO. * Tuesday, April Ist at 2:00 P. M. ............. Currin’s Cross RaM, near Angier, N&C. to* spttefa Comer, between Dunn & Clinton Wednesday, April 2nd Newton Grove, N. C. ApS 4Si t 2 1 «? pV >1 ' *•'>:> .................... Kipling, N. C. I' ■ wwl 1 systom'yw^c^use 0 BE ™ E I ' " • I II ■ * n II ' | "BA y *|r * i; music appreciation. The chlldrA ; war* so much at ease pod seemed ease and accuracy »ith which the two masters of ceremonies who al so acted as property managers, per formed their duties was to * most j done At the proper time and to-the I most perfect maimer, with ease and self confidence. A number of po , rents of these children were pres 'ent to see the performance, <uul't am sure were very proud of the accomplishment of these children. • Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Beasley, Hayes Beaesley, and Mrs. Lucy Kelly visited Warrant Officer Qod- Ifrey Beasley and Mrs. Beasley at Fort Bragg, Sunday. II Mrs. Haywood Roberts, and Jack I Brock of Erwin and Clifton Brock of Lilting ton, attended the funeral ■ of their uncle Mr. H. V. Moulton, ■ of Norfolk, Va.. on Monday. | Dr. Robert Hamilton was a week epd guest of Dr. Clarence Roberts. FttrPAY afternoon, makch m 19« Mr. and Mrs. Maton Upchurch, | .mail Wteinf^ I SALES JtojSe* I m and I ItH | SERVICE ” . 1 A Big Complete Shop I 24 WRECKER SERVICE I JB OW 6000 IKED CSS I W. tS. MOTOR CO. N. WILSON AVE. DUNN, If. C. r a»i' yii _ .** d* ■» l Michigan.

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