MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 21, 1953 READ AND USE CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED RATES This Size Type .... 2c word M-Word Minimum 50c Same Ad 3 Times Only SI.OO This Size Type . . . 3c word I Times Oniy J 1.25 * FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1941 Ford De- Luxe, excellent condition, cheap. See Reuben Jones at 703 S. Elm Ave. Phone 2881 or at the Daily Record, Phone 3117. FOrTs ALE: 1949 Chevrolet paqpl truck. Perfect condit ion. Will sell cheap. See Lar ry Baird at the Pure Food Store, Dunn. 4-1-ts-c j While Sidewall Tires Sale Regular price—Size 670-15 $29.65 Sale Price. Four for SIOO.OO and old tires. LIMITED SUPPLY Carolina Oil Stores Dunn and Erwin, Dunn Bargain Store. 4-12-ts-c I FOR best results with all farm animals, WAYJiE FEED is the product for you Ato buy. You will find a com plete line of WAYNE FEED at FARMER’S SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-ts-c Fpp SALE: New 1952 Chrys ler New Yorker, V-8 4-door sedan; Saratoga V-8 4-door FREE! FREE! WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY 4 Pc. BEWJJE , WE WILL §/Yf ABSOLUTELY FBK SOUTHER C*Q§S "Hotel spec)9|" BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESS Arp Limited Afld ©far 1$ Puly As tong As Present Supply Myfc. YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY If Ypu tyopt Jo §hpr» ip Jhte feweftond Rfftr l Jonm Bros. “FURNITURE FOR W • 5: HISttVYAT api Between SirtiMifield and Selma Open fvery Until 9:Ab Fftfi PIMVERY sedan; Windsor 6 4-door se dan and Windsor 6 club coupe. Also four new Ply mouth 4-door sedans, one club coupe and one Ply mouth Suburban. One Ply mouth has overdrive. See us for ’ one of these Chryslers or Plymouths. Coats Motor Co., Coats, N. C. Phone 2165. 4-17-3 t-c FOR SALE: Electric range, $20.00 down and $3 a week. Phone 4228. Mickey Rouse, Dunn, N. C. 4-17-3tfcc FOR SALE: Two wardrobes, one is cedar, one pine. One Duo-Therm heater which is practically new. Thor Spin dryer washing machine, pay ments can be taken up. Call O. A. Whittenton at 3164 be fore six p.m. or at 3457 after six. 4-17-St-c EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH We Guarantee to furnish everything need ed. to build your house — except framing lumber. Save money, time and worry. In Dunn. Ph. 2323 or 3875 Godwin Building Supply Co. M-W-F-tfnc FOR SALE: Used typewriter, cash register, adding ma chine. Twyford Printing Co. Phone 3271, Dunn. 4-21-MWF-tf-c HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: A dish washer is wanted at once. Short hours, good pay. Ap ply at Porter’s Restaurant or phone 2439. 4-17-3 t-c WANTED: Sheet metal work ers and warm air heating service men. Walker Electric Supply Co., 222 Franklin St. Fayetteville, N. C. Phone 3979. 4-15-st-c IF YOU ARE a young mar ried man with at least a high school education and believe you can sell, Write BOX 708 in your own hand writing giving complete de tails. 4-21-st-c — % HELP WANTED: Watkins Dealers make good money all year around. Locality a vailable for man or woman in Dunn. Car necessary. Cre dit plan available if required. For personal interview write the J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. 4-21-3 t-p HELP WANTED: Experienc ed service station worker, call 4000. Earl G. Holland. 4-21-3 t-c WANTED BUSINESS BUILDING WANTED: Nationally-known concern desires business lo cation in Dunn. Must be at least 50x100 feet in size and located in business district. Parking facilities desired. Ready to sign substantial lease. This is excellent op portunity for property-own er to increase investment on holdings. We guarantee that all inquiries will be kept in the strictest confidence. Write Building, c o Daily Record. 4-1-tfnc FOR RENT ELECTRIC fi o o r polisher. Minimum charge, 75c a day. Johnson Furniture Co. Luck now Square, Dunn. Phone 2427. 2-28-ts-c FOR RENT: Two five-room houses. Nice houses. Electric lights, water. Located on Louis Baer’s farm. $25 per month. Apply to Louis Baer in Dunn. 2-27-ts-c APARTMENT: North Wilson Ave. Close in. See Fred By erly at Barbour-Byerly Mu tual Insurance Agency. 4-17-ts-c DUPLEX: Three bedrooms, garage, yard. Private. New ly decorated. Also small fur nished apartment. Close in. Contact Mrs. Charles High smith, Phone 2357, 210 N. Wilson. 4-17-3 t-c APARTMENT: Three rooms, upstairs. Wired for electric stove. Hot and cold water furnished. Private bath, call 2968. Mrs. J. R. Turlington. 4-17-3 t-c FOR RENT: 4 room house in East Erwin, near Missionary Baptist Church. Wired for electric stove, running water and bath. Rent reasonable. Mrs. Lula H. Clark. Call 2451. 4-17-3 t-c FOR RENT: Two five room apartments on 903 West Car Street. Both apts. have front and back entrances, one with garage. Hardwood floors. Forty gallon table top hot water heater. Cir culating heat. Wired for elec tric stove. Exhaust fan in both kitchens. Reasonable rent. Available May 1. Con tact B. G. Porter at Porter’s Restaurant or phone 2439. 4-17-3 t-c : 1 FOR RENT: New 4-room house on Erwin Highway opposite Upchurch’s. City yrater. Wired for electric stove. $32 a month. See Avery Rt. 1, Erwin. 4-18-3 t-p Seventeen per cent of all traffic violations reported in North Caro lina last year involved speeding. ' Traffic accidents cost the lives of 1,071 persons on the highways of North Carolina in 1951. JA ■ f» THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. OL SPECIAL NOTICES FOR LAND CLEARING and bulldozing work, contact j Paul Grienwahn Grading! Co. Rt. 5, Dunn located one mile from Dunn on Highway | 55. Phone 4384 3-13-ts-c | V ■ mmmm ■ j WE WILL TRAIN YOU to be a Technician IN ONE OF AMERICA’S LEADING INDUSTRIES IF You can qualify this | could be your chance for future security and the kind of work you like. You must be between the ages of 18 and 55 and have the ?quivalent of an Bth grade education or more no experience necessary bus must be willing to train in spare time at home, (will not interfere with i present job) For full de- ] tails and further infor mation on how you may ’ be able to qualify-write | giving age and education j to Box 99, care of The Daily Record. 4-21-3 t-p START YOUR SAVINGS AT COMMERCIAL BANK Dunn, N. C. GOOD USED CARS - TRUCKS NAYLOR-DICKEY DIAL 2127 Favettevitie Hwy Dunn j~ —! HELP ELECT COY LUCAY DUKE-GROVE TO All MY FRIENDS: I have filed as a can for Cpynfy Com missioner for the Duke Township District and will appreciate your support. I have lived all my life in this county as a farmer and business man and I am interested in my county. you may be assured that I will carry out yoyi wishes. I J will appreciate yoyi Hf’, DON’T MISS OUR BIG Now Vm Progress v. *fm j anA Qs *"* *> K - Nfll K» RANGE IfH ® l WITH FULLY pVSN I SB SVitffr ■ cook* by itself! Now you can enjoy all the advantages of G-E “Speed Cooking”—in this full- 8 size G-E Range with Automatic Oven Timer—at a price that’s so low you ■ '-** almost have to look twice to believe itl W M ~ There are so many features besides those shown here—built-in lamp, casy-to- ■ use switches with 5 exact cooking speeds, shiny porcelain-enamel finish—and ■ they’re all included in that low price tag! ■ ■ OVERSIZE OVENI WO THRIFT COOKER! ONLY A FEW AND THEY'RE GOING FASTI CO fAE IN TODAY AND SEE ■ ”withea«°““ d MXJILi ’ THIS AND OTHER G-E "SPEED-COQRING" RANGES I I - WbUe They Last I fIP 'j ■ S ROOMY DRAWERS! IUIIT-IN lAM r i ' • ■ hen and lots of extra Li*hti ap the er J, Limited Supply Lmn mm' MU. y >r»y 7 I “EQUIPPED—TO YOUR FARM AND HOME’’ - I AVE. PMONI 2069 ■ CIPrN EKrlijA Y gyiliHlS Xll i' O D . Ahi PAGE FIVE