WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. AUGUST 27, 1952. GODWIN NEWS The W. S. C. S. of Blacks Chapel Church met on Monday night at 8 o’clock at the Godwin Club build ing with Mrs. Roger Collier as hos tess. Mrs. Earl McLellan, president, presided over the meeting. Those taking parts on the program wgre: Mrs. C. W. Spell, Mrs. Earl Davis Every Type of Motor Service Guaranteed Work. PAGE ELECTRIC CO. DUNN, N. C. Phone 4398 o’* 1 iittatfiamt I! * Refrigerators - ■ * Freezers - ; ° jh ;; * Ranges o. * Water Heaterr ! <> * ironers ;; * Wcshers ; [ There’d No Point Being J < > Without Hot Point < j! .lAYTON'S | 11 LILLINGTON 11 ROYAL SHU! Now Millions More Can Own Them k -at the Biggest Savings in Years! ■ priC e ■** m The original, genuine Air Ride tires that r- U * ,3 ’ tS SIMA nos A *B° on America’s finest new cars! ■ 6J°C S U % O have never been duplicated! H ■AIIIRI « * absorb the road in silence at any speedl n\) " ™ i O cushion all road shock and vibrationl # run much cooler—last much longer! , ‘ iWi] • improve steering and control of any car! ’ e give safety, mileage beyond previous standardsl so * ' Y \ SIZE lIST PRICE NOW \ 5.90/1S 19 SO IffevV., I V 4 H 6.40/15 22.15 15.93 ■ V "’ t l J 7.10/15 25.75 18.50 Ify Mil 7.60/15 2s 20 19.9 s ~ J : 8.00/15 30.90 21.95 P l ** t«* ■HHIImHIBHHBII 1 1 f\ X r*l 3i J 0 23 05 cxchang* EXCLUSIVE FEATURES AVAILABLE NOWHERE ELSE! t iteiK America's finest Regular Pressure T/re Sensational New Safety Tin by U.S. ROYAL k.U.S. ROYAL U.& Centipede Gliip M ft longest tire mileage in its class I Never tudl pe r f orm J nce a , luch „ prl *« iM “ssf $|J| 85 £1195 nowl i 's. now ■ Iss,. ' - Siz * ‘• SO/1< <la P ' it6 HOW SW - 75 - Tk. M.ty Hr. in in fold introducd in 19521 iWHHI is. ,MMwWlili< plus tax exchange Stopping power, mileage economy, «<r*WEfP Famous brake-action tread—4-way sk.d protec- baauty above ail former popular - price ,l. ' tlon—safety-bonded cordsl standardsl l|l I I I I. ’ ACT HOW-LIMITED TIME OHLTI LOH6 EAST CMBIT TIMES! LEE'S TRUCK TERMINAL Fayetteville Hwy. Phone 2052 Dunn, N. C. L . ; , j Jack? ,n, Mrs. •J. D. Jackson and ! Mrs. W. C. Williams. Mrs. McLel ! lan reported on the birthday cal endars, which has been very suc -1 cessful. During the social hour. Mrs. Collier, assisted by M’s. Earl Davis Jackson and Mrs. J. D. Jack son served cream soda with cookies and mints. Those from away who attended the funeral of Mrs. Eli Holland on Monday were: Mr. Dewey Smith Os Charleston. S. C.. Rpv. David Groves of Hone Mills. Mrs. Hilda Jones and Mr. and Mrs H C Wad“ of Fayetteville, and Mrs. Ju lia Starling, Mrs. Almeta Starling and Mr. Rocky Church and daugh ter of Spring Lake. I Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Williams Mr. Frank Williams and Miss Jen nie Williams of Dunn. Route one visited Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hem ingway Sunday. Miss Mary Hemingway of Hender son spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Lucas are making their home with the Carl Langstons. Mrs. Lucas is the for mer Miss Sybill Taylor. I Mr and Mrs. Leonard Williams announce the birth of a ten and one-half pound daughter. Sherry Dianne, at the Dunn Hospital. Mrs. Williams is the former Ora Lee Fann. Circle No. 3 of the Women of the Godwin Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Harvey Jackson on Wednesday night, Au gust 13th. Mrs. Jackson, chairman, presided over the meeting. Mrs. J. V. Tew was program leader. Mrs. Harvey Jackson gave the Bible study. The hostess served lemon ade and cookies at the conclusion of the meeting. On Wednesday afternoon the | Junior class of the Godwin Pres -1 byterian Church had a swimming party at the Dunn Swimming pool. Mrs. E. C. Hemingway, teacher, and Mrs. Chas. C. Jackson accom panied the children on the party. Miss Mary Lois Wade has re turned from Hertford, where she has been visiting friends for sev eral days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pope and sons visited here Sunday afternoon. The Women of the Godwin Pres- i byterian Church met on Wednes- ' day night at the church for their monthly meeting. Mrs. Shelton Williams presided over the meet ing. Mrs. Frank Pitts, chairman of Circle No. 2 had charge of the program. Miss Doris McPhail, Mrs. Pearl Callohan,' Mrs. Llovrl Am mons and Mrs. Shelton Williams [ taking parts on the program. The subject was John Wesley. Miss Joyce Pate has returned to her home in Goldsboro after spend ing several days here with her sis- ! ter. Mrs. Harold Edverton. and i Mr. Edeerton. Mr. and Mrs. Edger- j I ton, w’ith Miss Pate, met Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Pate, parents of Mrs. Edeerton and Miss Joyce Pate in Wilson, N. C. on Saturday night, who were returning from London. England, where they attended the Tnter-naticnal Friends Conference. Mr. and Mrs. Edeerton accompa nied them to Goldsboro where they spent the week-end at the Pate home. Mrs. Ezra Pate, while in Scot land, purchased material for a suit | in clan Mclntvre plaid for Mrs. E. C. Hemingway, the former Lucile Mclntyre. The Lucas family had a family g<*t-to-gether and picnic dinner at White Lake on Sunday. Those at tending were: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lucas and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Car! Lang ston and daughter, Phillis: Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Washburn and daugh ■ ter. Della, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Beddingfield and son, Billie of Hemingway. S. C. and Mr. W. A. I Lucas of Mullins, S. C. Mrs. J. D. Pope is spending some I time with her son, Walter Pope and Mrs. Pope at Ulah, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell McSwain of Shelby visited the G. R. Waphburns I on Wednesday. ! STUDENT DRIVING CURBED CHICAGO UP! At least 39 U. S. colleges and universities pro hibit their students from driving automobiles during the school year, an insurance company survey shows. BACKS INTO TROUBLE FORT WORTH, Tex. —IIP)— L. B. Brandon started to shoe a mule when the animal balked and start ed kicking. Brandon ducked the flying hoofs but backed into a drill press and received a five-inch gash in his arm. THE DAILY RECORD. DUNN, N. C. Lillington Social Happenings Miss Zula Smith spent the week end in Broadway as the guest of j her sister, Mrs. Herbert Griffin. TALKED SUNDAY L. M. Chaffin, Lillington attor ney and Methodist layman, filled I thp pulpit Sunday morning at the) I.illingtoh Methodist Church. He j discussed the observance of the , Sabbath andTal'ed attention to the fact that all Methodists, when thcv I frain from commercial enterprises fain from commercial ente’orises on Sunday. He traced the historv of the Jewish Sabbath, but cited the fart that ancient people °’sn, observed one dav of rest within j seven. The lav leader suggested | that present dav Christis-os set j aside Sunday, which marks the dav i of Christ’s resurrection for Bibli cal study and instruction. MARRIAGE LICENSES Two marriage licenses were is sued last Friday and one Monday by Mrs. Inez Harrington, county register of deeds. On August 22, | license to wed was eivpn Albert Brooks Short. 52 of Raleigh and Mary Shipman Sharp, 52, of Rich mond, Va., Route 3: also to Louis Burdi. 22, Chicago. 111., and Alease McGill. 18. Erwin: and on August 25 to William Albert Tyndall. 41.’ of Erwin and Eva Mae Godwin, 35. of Dunn Route 5. IN HOSPITAL Mrs. W. T. Simmons is a natient at Hiehsmith Hospital in Fayette ville. She entered the hospital on Sunday. FLORIDA VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Monroe and daughter, Carol of Coral Gables, Fla. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hooper Bethune. The visitors, who came here following a vacation trip to Western Carolina, plan to stay several days. Monroe is a former resident of Lillington. UNDERGOES OPERATION Daniel B. Dean, well known Lil lington * business .man, underwent an operation for removal of a gall bladder on Friday at Watts Hos pital In Durham. On Sunday he was reported to be improving. Mrs. Dean Is in Durham with him. RETURNS FROM CAMP Miss Jackie McLeod arrived dur ing the week end from Lochearn Camp located on Lake Fairlee, at Ely, Vermont where she served this summer as a staff counselor. Miss McLeod will spend several weeks here with her mother. Mrs. Walton McLeod, before entering Woman’s j College at the University of North : Carolina in Greensboro, where she will major in medical technology.! She will be a transfer student from Richmond Professional Institute. AT PLEASANT PLAINS Pleasant Plains Methodist Chur ch, near Buie’s Creek, will ob serve its annual Homecoming Day on Sunday. August 31, at 11:20 a. m. The Rev. L. C. Larkin, superin tendent of the Methodist Ornhan- I aee in Raleigh will be the visiting I preacher. All former members are j cordially invited to attend. PERSONALS j Mrs. Walton McLeod recently spent several davs in Smithfield where she was the guest of Mr I and Mrs. L. A. Culbreth. While there she attended the Falcon Camp I Meeting with the Culbreths. I Mr. and Mrs. John A. Womble had as their guests on the week end, Sgt. and Mrs. Douglas Mor gan of Camp Leieune and Mrs. Ef fie Morgan of Raleigh. Mrs. Mor gan. who is Mrs. Womble’s step mother, recently accepted a new position on the staff of the State School for the Blind after being at the Oxford Orphanage for sev eral years. Sgt. Morgan, who is ■ her son. joined her here for a brief visit. Miss Helen McLauchlin spent the weekend in Boone. AT HOLDEN’S BEACH Mrs. J. D. Myrlck had as her guests at the Myrick Cottage at Holden's Beach, Mrs. Rex Berriet, Mr*. Charlie Thomas, Ann Jackson of Lillington and Wl’is. Johnnie Fogle and Mrs. Joe Battersby of Fayetteville. CLASS SUPPER The monthly class meeting of the T.E.L. Sunday School Class of the Lillington Baptist Church took the form of a picnic supper given jkfHT J Now At Dunn Furniture Co. MEBANE •; -KINGSIZB V'ijjk ] O’ o^l f THE WONDERFUL NEYK INNERSPRING MATTRESS ’^W lV * ' By the Creators the Famous 'COMPARE THESE OUTSTANDING £ SPECIAL! SATIN-AIR Features- 0 Say"goodbye to that old uncomfortable, sleep robbing mattress you now have! For a limited fc Hmdradi el firm hoargiau coih A time only, the makers of the famous Kingsdown wM reinforced border mattress are offering their new SATIN-AIR ~. - V innerspring mattress at the low and behold price PEKM-A-UTOIt inwletioe _ of only 539.50! SATIN-AIR represents the very fP best in materials and workmanship, backed by Layer after tayer es resilieat fait the Mebane Company’s 50-year reputation for fP quality bedding. The SATIN-AIR has features * Yeatfclsd SATIN border you would expect to find ONLY in much higher * i W priced mattresses. So, why wait? Start enjoying -- ; \ * sound restful sleep soon on this kingsise value! And whle J? t »Was .gHjjll Media tbrsstbiat fP Matching box springs, of coura^ Tii Mm wirkmit Juuikiliai Dunn Furniture Company, Inc. .'ImU Monday night at the home of the class teacher, Mrs. A. M. Shaw. Each member attending brought a basket and supper was spread out doors on the lawn. A brief bus iness session followed. There were 14 members who attended. BUSINESS LOCATION WANTED IN DUNN Will Buy Or Rent Large retail concern wants location on ounn’s Broad Street, be tween Magnolia and King avenues for ultra-modernistic, completely air conditioned building. We need space 150 x 60 or 80 feel up to 200-foot frontage, but would consider smaller location with later plans for expansion. Willing to take two or three present store buildings and enlarge and convert them into one modern structure at our own expense. Would also consider buying out present business with lease and liquid ating to make room lor our business. This is wonderful opportunity for property owners now getting small or moderate return on investment to increase earnings substant ially. We desire long-time lease and will submit financial statement to show strength. This is a progressive and promotional-minded concern an** our store would be a great credit to Dunn’s business section and would draw thousands of new customers to Dunn. All l replies will be treated strictly confidential. Send complete de tails in first letter to Box 444 care of The Daily Record for personal in terview. PAGE ONE POPULAR SESSION County Agent C. R. Ammons re ported today that Harnett County sent a fine representation to an nual Farm and Home Week at N. C. State College last week. Regis tration of visitors at the college showed that aroiind 75 Harnett Cour.ty residents took advantage of one or more of the week’s pro grams. SECOND SECTION WATER JUG BACKFIRES DETROIT —OPi— Patrolman Wil liam Waznak is probably one of the summer’s most unusual heat victims. He was instructed to fill a : five-gallon water dispenser. While he was doing so, it exploded. He was treated for cuts on the hand. An old power puff, washed I clean, makes a handy cloth for polishing furniture or silver.

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