FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 10, 1952 Gary Ennis Has Birthday Party Gary Ennis, son of Mr. and Mrs,! Skinny Ennis, celebrated his fifth birthday Monday afternoon with a party at four o'clock at the home of his parents. The children enjoying the after- j noon with Gary played games, and watched Gary open his many gifts. He gave blowouts and plastic um brellas as favors to his little guests. \ Mrs. Ennis served ice cream, i birthday cake, nuts and coca-colas to Gary and Joyce Weeks, Byron j and John Alsey Johnson. Lucy Kate | and Betty Jo Welborn. Donna Ruth ! Ennis, Martha Lou Green, Gaines Wullenwaber, Jimmy Overman.! Lina Sue Ray, Johnny, Brenda, and I Tommy Whittenton, Randy and j Bubba Doffermyre, Linda Fucci, ] Betty Robinson, Brenda Ivey, Catherine Joseph and Ann Ennis. | WEEKEND GUEST On Friday afternoon, Mrs. James j E. Lambeth of Thomasville, state ! Regent of the D. A. R. will arrive to spend the weekend as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mahone in Dunn. On Saturday, Mrs. Lambeth will be honored at a luncheon given by the local D. A. R. group. RETURNS TO WASHINGTON Miss Virginia Young returned to Washington, D. C. Tuesday after spending her vacation visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young i in Dunn. Mrs. Young is now in St. ' Louis, Mo., visiting her mother. CONVENTION IN RALEIGH Mrs. Nathan Cannady, Mrs. Bill i Carroll and Mrs. Ralph Snipes at- i 1 tended the 56th convention of the J U.D.C. in Raleigh Thursday. AT BEACH ' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Andrews left today for a trip to Virginia Beach. Virginia. They will remain over 1 1 the weekend. VISITS FROM MEREDITH , Miss Ruth Thames, a jtlnior at j Meredith College, will be visiting \ , her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. ! and Mrs. J. Edgar Black Jr., this j weekend. INVITING YOU TO Gospel Tabernacle Church ppHK&y 9:45 A. M. Sunday School. r 11:00 A. M. Sermon: “How toNumber Your 7:00 P. M. Youth Fellowship. I 7:45 P. M. Sermon: “What fc Man." Rev. B. T. Underwood. Pastor tfflpß| B1 f (VI il O pot all food right at yoorflngor Up* I A® O m M' And you got all thoco oxdusivo r Frigidali* foaturoc, tool / Abo too tho two other Cycla-matlc Frlgidalres—and the • All-porcelain Interior f new Deluxe, Master and Standard Models, too. * STTI. • Qukkube lee Trays / Dunn Furniture Company, Inc. E. BROAD ST. DUNN, N. C. ii|jj SENIOR CLASS MASCOTS: Pictured here are tie mascots for the 1953 Senior Class of Dunn High School. On the right is Dolly Peay, 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Peay, and on the left, Cary Barfield, age 4 son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barfield. Mrs. Edwin Boyette Has Meet Os Merry Matrons Club The Merry Matron? Canasta Club members and guests of the club met at the home of Mrs. Edwin Boyette Thursday evening at eight o'clock for their regular meeting of canasta play. Attractive covers were laid for dessert upon arrival of the group. A delicious dessert course of choc olate tarts topped with whipped cream, assorted salted nuts and coffee was served. Later in the evening during play cokes and candy were served. Mrs. Troy God win came in for dessert. Mrs, R. A. Duncan, Jr„ and Mrs. i John Ciccone were guests of the j club. Members playing were Mrs. Betty Bass, Mrs Boyette, Mrs. Lockewood Campbell, Mrs. Clarence Cannady, Mrs. Marvin Godwin, Mrs. OUen Jernigan, Mrs. Taylor Stephens, Mrs. Lee Sandlin, Mrs. John Wel born and Mrs. George Williams. Mrs. Cannady and Mrs. Jernigan received wrought iron trivets for high score prizes. Second high pri zes, miniature wrought iron triv ets went to Mrs. Boyette and Mrs. Stephens. During a short Business meeting the club members elected Mrs. Bill Twyford Jr., as president for the next year. IN WAKE FOREST Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ausley, Har old and Gale will be the guests of Mrs. Ausley’s mother and friends this weekend. HOME FROM MEREDITH Miss Emily Frances Altman is ex pected to be home from college this weekend. She is the daugh ter of Mrs. Fannie Lee Altman. Mr. and Mrs. C. Howell Jackson and family left today to make their residence in Augusta, Georgia. THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N, C. Mrs. Jackson Fetes Garden Club Mrs. Warren Jackson was host ess to the Just-A-Mere Garden Club at her home Tuesday night Oct. 7 at 8:00 o’clock. Gladioli and chrysanthemum bouquets were used to decorate the living room. Mrs. Luby Warren, Club pres ident, presided over the meeting. Miss Jennie Mae Williams gave the devotional from Hebrews 12: 1-2, using as her topic, “Racing For Life’s Values.” Mrs. Cranford McMillan was in charge of the program. She in troduced Mr. Weathers of Herring School, who spoke on the topic “Living With Trees” and Mrs. Vi ola Strickland who talked about “Bulbs, When, How and Where To Plant.” Mrs. Louise B. Jackson was in charge of a contest in which Mrs. Kesler Gainey was the winner. Members hroueht bulbs to be planted in the Mingo Wayside Park. The hostess served delicioue re freshments consisting of cherry pie, ice cream, potato chips and punch. Twenty-three members were pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Weathers and Mr. Warren Jackson were guests of the club. Senior Woman's Club To Have Tea The Senior Woman’s Club will have a tea Tuesday October 14 from 4:00 until 5:30 at the home of Mrs. W. M. Brannon, honoring their district president, Mrs. John Fry, all new members, new teach ers and wives of local tobacconists who are here for the season. A special invitation is extended all teachers and members of the Junior Woman’s Club. All Senior Club members are expected and urged to attend. Miss Clifford SpeaksAtßook Club Meeting Mrs. Blanche Barefoot enter tained the Thursday Afternoon Book Club Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. O. Mattox on W. Harnett St. at four o’clock. Beautiful arrangements of da hlias, zinnias and blue argeratum were used in the Uving-room and hall of the home for the occasion. The program was in charge of Mrs. Russell Bassford. The subject for the afternoon study was "Medi tations and Reminiscing Mrs. Ed Smith, president of the club in troduced Miss Rachel Clifford who is an unusual and very interesting manner interviewed two books, “PaviUon” by Stark Young and "Once Arond The Sun” by Brooks Atkinson. At the close of the meeting a delicious salad plate and hot tea were served. Those present were Mesdames John Thornton, Ed Smith, J. W. Whitehead, J. A. McLeod, Lloyd Wade, H. B. Taylor, C. D. Bain, Durham Taylor, Miss Flora Mc- Queen and Miss Kitty Taylor. flutpoini j; * Refrigerators ji LAYTON'S ! Home Demonstration Club: Make Plans For The Yea - Ephesus Home Demonstration Club was hostess to the Harnett County Council of Home Demon stration Clubs at its quarterly j meeting on Monday afternoon at ■ Ephesus Presbyterian Church when , an interesting array of fall club activities were unfurled by Miss I Lela Huntley, home agent, and by i club officers. Mrs. Fred McDonald of Lilling- i ton. Route 2, is president of the hostess club which presented an attractive quiz program entitled. : “Home Demonstration Cl' b Week : In Harnett and North Carolina.": Prizes were awarded to the club i members who were best informed j on the dub activities on a county ; and state basis. The hostess club also presented ! the devotional which is customary I at every public meeting of a Home i Demonstration Club group. Mrs. W. J. Cotten, Jr„ of Kip- | ling, president of the county coun- j cil, presided, and Mrs. Arthur | Capps of Oakdale Club. Coats, Rt. I 1, served as secretary. Officers and j leaders from 21 of the county’s 22 clubs attended. Dates of three outstanding events J Wa - m Qet ready tc i and be ; ribitf work! $A Ao e /’sTR EAM LI NEd\ f / CABINET \ M M / CIRCULATOR \ You’ll be warm all over, oil )n!!f||||j|j]|jj|j||j|| |; mm A \ winter with this powerful C BBR QC heater producing 63,000 | ; *r B • J BAm. per hour. Beautiful I , . . #• • § . * Style plus comfort— mahogany finish. Low . , __ ... __. „ . » with 59,000 B.T.U. per hour Hue outlet—only 22 from ... ... floor-ideal for fireplace l.J.Xjpj I J TOPSINVALUE! jj|j SMALL jIH !l ■pmj&r Plenty of heat— 3B,ooo B.T.U. per hour— | for small homes, cabins, workshops. | | i ' Wfipll DELUXE All-Porcelain / 0,1 .* TERS \HI s|| I Giant-Heat Circulator I §§£ss ■■ 78,000 B.T.U. per Hour wnittw y| j IBI§!§llii ! "midget” Pilot Burnt over 40 boon 10 YEAR I ■ \ BURNER / I if S ‘S' SICQ9S USUARANTEe/ ,™ Mahogany-*Blend Finish PURDIE S, INC S. Clinton Ave. Phone 2Q69 . I TD/amA. J DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA . were announced and urged to attend. At list is the : ■ Council r f Ho: • ■’ ■ •, • Clubs scheduled to 1.- eigh on October 25-30 . ands of out-of-state r < expected. Harnett C<. ,r.t plan tQ join in hi-l ~ • f<> ak. No th Carolina Nivd; re: T day Oct. 28. a mu h event. In common with ■ :o the world, Co nty cl join in celebration r.f T.'i tions Day cn O 'bber 24 Date of the co, ant ' I Achievement Day vember 7 at Andei'si ('•• this afterncan me i • the story of tlie year’s k is in displays, exhibits and ut i • ■ programs. Plans call f. :■ a dress revue to be a .V.: : nttre. tion. Clothes suitable foi eh .■ school, play, slumber or n.r! casions and article! . ie 1 , sacks will be tlie six das . . of clothing to be modelled by mem bers. ! Announcement was also ■ uu that the county chorus will soon ; &ih?t ;:i ( Mrs. Moc t's Distr! i Wins Honor At r> r j - ' • Mrs GC( PAGE THREE Mrs, p. Iph Snipes, Mrs. William : : ’ Mrs. Nathan Cannady, Whittenton, Mrs. Rob i rbara Snipes went as a C i bra Junior Chapter Cnj.tederacy. ’( M!S FUNERAL • nett of Prince il n Thursday to at d r Mrs. Minnie ■ .nett us a former E FOR WEEKEND '• Dußcan of •rive in Dunn ■• :i the weekend v ■ I; ; ards par. ills, Mr. ■ D c :an, Sr. I i’OM ST LOUIS R rles ':as been : M-- anti Mrs A. W. ■ k. She is from voru savings AT common mm Dunn. N. O.