v- WEATHER+ NORTH CAROLINA Cloudy and occasional rain and not much temperature change today, tonight and Wednesday. With “Preslone” Anti-Freeze You’re set, you’re safe, you’re sure. VOLUME II Wm DURHAM MAN BUYS D. AND S. RAILROAD The Durham and Southern Railroad, which runs from Dunn to Durham, has been sold to Nello L. Teer above of Durham, head of the road building firm of Nello L. Teer Company. The transaction, involving properly with total resources of 53.170,800, has just been completed after more than a year of negotiations. The railroad, established in 1892 as the Cape Fear, is one of the top short short lines in the nation. In 1902, the name was changed to Durham and Southern. It formerly was owned by a group which included Doris Duke. W. E. Cobb, local agent, said today that the Dunn office had not yet received any details of the change in ownership. One Killed , Several Injured In Accident Jaok Wardlaw To Speak Here , JifEk Wardlaw. prominent Ral eigh Insurance broker, will be the guest speaker at the regular meet ing i's the Dunn Lions Club at Johnson’s Restaurant Thursday evening at 7:00, it was announced today by President J. N. Stephen son. Wardlaw, author of a book out lining his secrets of successful sell ing, is an outstanding speaker and has been heard before by civic groups in Dunn. The meeting Thursday evening will' also bring together the Zone Chairman of the District for their second Zone Chairmen’s meeting. Sion Kelly, cliairman of the zone which includes Dunn will be pre sent. A meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Dunn Lions Club Will be held tonight at which time plans for several important pro jects will be discussed. N. C. Baptists Open Sessions WINSTON-SALEM (IP) The 122nd annual session of the North Carolina Baptist Convention open ed today with more than 2,000 de (Continued on page two) Auditor May Be Fired For Not Contributing To Party Two of Harnett County’s l I top officials may be replaced when the new county board of commissioners takes office | on Monday, December 1, it I was learned today by The Daily Record. One may go because he was financially unable to contribute to the Democratic campaign fund. Chairman L. A. Tart of the county board of pommissioners con ) firmed this morning that there is “considerable talk" and a movement underway to oust County Auditor Herbert D, Carson, who is regarded as one of the ablest county auditors in the State, and Miss Wilma Will iams, county welfare officer. According to reports, Roger Mann, Lillington bank employee, is being groomed fbr the office of auditor, and Mrs. Ruby Hood of Dunn, public health nurse, is being talked \ to sueceed Miss Williams. ' Mr. Tart said this morning that he was not in position to say what will happen, pointing out that tws new members will take a,seat on the boqjd when it is sworn in. The new members are Dick Lasater of Erwin and R. M. Mangum of Buck TELEPHONES: 3117 • 3118 - 3119 Westbrook Lee, 32-year old resident of Benson, Rt. 2, died in the Dunn Hospi tal early this morning as the result of injuries received last night when the auto | mofnla in' which he was ri<s - ing turned 6ver on a curve j 1 and crashed d.own an em bankment a half mile from Meadow School in Johnston County. Policeman Donald Lee of Bensbn said that a highway patrol car was chasing the vehicle at the time ‘of the crash. He said the patrolman gave chase after the 1951 Mercury hit a private automobile driven by another highway patrolman, who was not identified. Dr. Clarence L. Corbett said Lee suffered a fractured skull and in ternal injuries. Death came about 2 o'clock this morning. ANOTHER REPORTED DEAD It was reported—but not confir med that an unidentified Negro occupant of the vehicle died en route to the Smithfield Hospital. Three other persons were re ported as bady injured. They were: Wade Wood, 48, of Four Oaks, Route 2 who is in the Dunn Hos pital. and another unidentified •Negro who was reported taken to the Smithfield hospital. Two other occupants of the car, Edward Wood, 26, and Earl Hayes, both of Meadow Township, escaped without serious injury. Johnston County Coroner Dur- horn. The other fwo members ofi the Board are Worth Lee Byrd of Lillington and B. P. Ingram of |- Mamers. The welfare department in Har nett has been under fire for some time ,but the movement to oust HERBERT CARSON I jfsnsr 4 ♦ 4 3 bt Bathj fteorru DUNN. N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 11, 1952 Ike Expected To Go To Korea Soon Truman Asks Budget Gs 05 Billions WASHINGTON (IP) Pre ■ sident Truman will hand the economy-minded 83rd Con i gress an $85,000,000,000 bud ! get for government opera tions in fiscal 1954, accord ing to preliminary unofficial estimates. | This is almost as much as he | requested last January for fiscal 1953, and some $6,000,000,000 more j than the 82nd Congress finally voted. It is also considerably high er than the $70,000,000,000 ceiling which Republican Congressional leaders have said they hope to im pose on federal spending next year. Mr. Truman will present the new budget, covering federal expendi tures and revenue from July 1. 1953, to June 30, 1954, just a few days before he yields his post to President-elect Dwight D. Eisen hower. TRIMMING SCHEDULED Eisenhower, who is committed to trim the budget to $60,000,000,000 by 1956, will be free to change the Truman budget as he sees fit, by sending further budget recom mendations to Capitol Hill. Budget experts say most of the money in the new budget, as now anticipated, will be earmarked for projects already approved by Con gress, particularly the defense ef fort. To cut expenditures to this year’s level - $79,000,000,000 Eisenhower or Congress must cut back parts of the program already established, the experts say. The present administration’s plans do not envision a major cut (Continued on Page Eiaut) Father Os Huns Woman Buried Funkral torVlpes were held this I afternoon at the Presbyterian j church in Mullins, S. C. for James | T. McQueen, 66, widely-known Mull ins resident and father of M I Fitchett, Jr. of Dunn. • Mr. McQueen died at Mullins Hospital Monday. He had been in ! ill health for the past few months and critically ill for a few days. Mrs. Fitchett was called to his bed side on Sunday night. The services were held at 3:30 this afternoon and burial was in Cedardale Cemetery. NATIVE OF ROBESON Mr. McQueen was a native of Robeson County, son of the late Daniel Arch and Charity MacHar gue McQueen. He was a prominent farmer. Mr. McQueen was twice married, first to the late Alpha Gertrude Rogers of Dillon. County. From this union four sons and seven daugh ters survive. His second marriage was to Mrs. Emily Smith McQueen, who also survives. He ia also sur vived by one stepson, two sisters and 15 grandchildren. I Mr. Carson is being blamed strictly on politics. I UNABLE TO GIVE It is understood that one or two party leaders became indignant when Mr. Carson advised them that he was financially unable to con tribute to the Democratic party fund during the recent campaign. On election night as returns were being tabulated, a prominent Lill ington Democratip leader was loudly condemning Mr. Carson for failing to contribute to the fund. According to reliable informa tion, a party worker had demanded that Carson shell out one-third of a month’s salary, which would have been $l3O. Mr. Carson, who is praised by State officials and others as by far one f f the outstanding county au ditors in the State, has had much illness In his family during the year and is also struggling to pay for a home which he built with his own hands. It is known that Mr. Carson has contributed liberally to the party in the past and In the previous •lection contributed $l5O, even though he had to borrow the money to do so. He explained his per sonal financial difficulty In detail I (Continued on page S) REV. ROY HARTIIERN London Evangelist Is Preaching Here The Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church. Corner of Magnolia Avenue and Canary Streets, will begin Revival Services Tuesday, November 11, with Evangelists Roy and Pauline Harthern of London, England. The Pastor of the Church, Rev. A. A. Amerine, announces that services will be held each night ex cept Monday at 7:30 p.m. for the next two weeks. The British Evangelists are mak ing. their second Evangelistic tour of this country. Their first visit tqok them into more than 30 States, Canada and Mexico. For the past 6 months they have been touring the countries of Europe where they said people were hungry for the Gospel. The Evangelist are talented mu sicians and during their visit to Glad Tidings Church they will pre sent a musical program each even ing. Rev. Harthern for three years was first Lieutenant with the Brit ish Army in Germany before he Negro Given 5 To 7 Years For Burglary Solicitor Jack Hooks prosecuting a criminal docket in superior court that covers two pages in small type, to day predicted “We are going to clear that docket.” During the first day, road and prison sentences were meted out by the presiding judge, Henry Ste vens Jr., and five true bills came from the grand jury. Charlie Blue, Lillington teen age BULLETINS SPRINGFIELD, 111. (IP) Gov. AdLai E. Stevenson plans to leave tomorrow for a 10-day vacation on a cattle ranch near Sasabe, Ariz. NEW YORK (IP) A new season began today for New | York’s socialites. The Metropolitan Opera’s 68th open ing night traditionally sent it on its way. BONN, Germany (IP)— Former U. S. High Commiss ioner John J. McCloy said in a report published today that West Germany still needs outside help although it already has one ot the strongest economies in Western Europe. LONDON (IP) The Chinese Communists denounced Dwight D. Eisenhower’s plan to visit Korea as a “mas querade” today. Official Election Results Announced It’s oficial now Gov. Adlai Stevenson carried Har nett County in Tuesday’s balloting with 7.595 votes, but Gen. Dwight David Eisenhower who will be the next presi dent, polled 4,306. ft. Paul Strickland, a Democrat, tvas returned as judge of the Dunn Recorder’s Court, but J. O. West, his Republican opponent gave him a hair’s line contest. The count was Strickland, 1454: West 1407. The 47 votes made the difference. Official canvass of Harnett’s vote, completed late Friday, largely con firmed the accuracy of the un official count made Tuesday night, which showed Democrats return began his Evangelistic ministry. His wife was a school teacher in London. Together they form an ideal Gospel team. They both preach, play the piano and accor dion. During the Revival the Evan gelists will tell of their experiences in England during the war when the bombs were falling on their cities. Mrs. Harthern lived in Lon don at that time. Her father pas tors a church which was destroyed. Thirty blocks around her honte were almost flattened. A shell fell Vin her hofne, and. during another Rttack. she was machine-gunned by a low flying plane. Their message is an apt one for thse times —REVIVAL OR WORLD CRISIS. The Pastor extends a cordial in vitation to the public to attend the services and meet the English Evan gelists during their visit to our city. Negro following a guilty plea, drew live to seven years in State prison for breaking and entering and lar ceny. Blue was one of five young Ne- Got. niied On Page Twoi ed to office on the county and state ticket by a comfortable margin. MRS. HARRINGTON LED Recount brought only one change ; in the unofficial count. Mrs. Inez . Harrington, register of deed*, who . has for a number of years topped , the Democratic vote gettaw, re tained this honor. First count, made - on basis of unofficial returns in , A verms boro, placed Loften A. TWt, (Continued an page twe) FIVE CENTS PEK COPY Kill Examine Korean Front For Himself | AUGUSTA, Ga. (IP) Pre : sident-elect Dwight D. Ei senhower probably will spend , Thanksgiving with Ameri can troops on the front line. i Members of Eisenhower’s grow ing staff here did not want to talk about the Korean trip for security reasons, but there were indications he would leave shortly after his : talks with President Truman in Washington next week. I It was known that Eisenhower Was pleased by reports from Gen. Van Fleet Monday night that two ; new South Korean divisions and , six additional regiments had been added to the United Nations for ces. WANTS CASUALTIES CUT During the last weeks of his I campaign. Eisenhower repeatedly expressed his long-standing theory i that American casualties in Ko rea could be materially reduced by putting more South Koreans into the front lines. The GOP winner did not pro ject his Korean trip as an "easy answer" to the dragging war but said he wanted tc examine the sit uation for himself in the hope of speeding peace, and short of that, “reducing the American com bat report.” “One look is better than a mil lion reports," Van Fleet said from the Far East Monday night. Eis enhower said substantially the same I thing during the last weeks of the campaign. TO END VACATION The President-elect probably will ' leave here Sunday for New York for consultations with his advance policy-makers, led by Sen. Henry I Cabot Lodge (R-Mass.) and Jo seph M. Dodge, before going to Washington to see the President. (Elsenhower's talks with Mr. Tru iCnntinned On Page 4) Federal Agents Capture Couple j i Federal Alcoholics and Tobacco i Tax Division agents and Cumber land County ABC officers arrested | two bootleggers charged with re- j moving and concealing 17 and 9-16 gallons of non tax-paid whiskey in | Stewart Creek township Saturday i ( evening. ! The pair. Earl D. Bryant. 25- i year-old white man of Erwin Route 1, waived hearing before U. S. Commissioner Mrs. Mallie A. Jack son here. Bond for Bryant was set at $750 and for Harris at SSOO. The pair April term of U. S. District • Court in Raleigh in April. Truman Seeks Ike’s Advice WASHINGTON IIP President Truman will seek Dwight D. Eisen hower’s advice on foreign policy during the next two months, but will not ask the President-elect toj share responsibility for any deci- 1 | sions, administration officials said today. They said Mr. Truman will ask for Eisenhower’s suggestions on how to handle urgent problems in Korea. Iran, and Indo-China when ] the two meet at the White House< next week. The retiring chief executive re alizes he must accept full respon sibility for everything the govern ment does between now and Eis enhower’s inauguration Jan. 20. in formants said. But they pictured him as feeling that current policy decisions should as far as possible .reflect Eisen hower's ideas as well as his own so they will carry the full weight of a united America. !Ex Gl Calls Up ! Ike For A Chat DUBLIN, Ga. IV) An ex-GI expressed the view today t*>at President - elect Dwight D. Eis enhower is really a “Mg man.” Walter Scott Gibson of Albany, a Korean war veteran con fined to the Veterana Administra tion heanital here, said he call ed Eisenhower by telephone yes terday and had a “nice long chit" * “A big man will always talk to a little man." Gibson said. He said he . called to oongrmtnlate the victor In the presidential elect ion. Aft jjflHHnHfe; 'gm „ mm VHP > ** M Jnsfr Ml ISAf ACCURATE CHECK ON WATCHES Shown is T. E. (Ty) Fisher, owner of the new Dunn Cut-Rate Jewelry Store, checking the accuracy of one of the watches rn stock electronically on the “Watch master” the latest in this type of device. Watching him is his sister, Mrs. Mittie Parker, who will assist him in the new store in the premises formerly occupied by the Sears order office. (Daily Record photo by Louis Dearborn). New Jewelry Store Is Opened In Dunn “This is just the location I have been looking for, “T E. (Ty) Fisher said this morning. “As soon as I heard it was going to be vacant, I immediately got busy with plans to rent it.” The location he referred to was the store building from which the i Sears order office moved. It is an ideal location for the type of jew- i elry store he wished to open. For Fisher was not planning to i open the usual store of this type, i but one rather, where the custo mer with only a small amount of ready cash could find an item to fit his needs at an exceptionally . low price. By operating on a cash basis, he pointed out, he is able to offer Alden Quartet To Appear At Campbell The Alden Quartet will appear at Campbell College Thursday night at 8:00 in the D. Rich Memorial Auditorium as the second concert in this year’s concert series. This w'idely known instrumental group replaces the previously announced presentation of "Oklahoma," which j contract was cancelled last week [ by the producers without previous consultation with the Concert As sociation. The Alden Quartet is composed of Dorothy Alden, violinist; Eduar Alden, violist; Ernst Peschel, vio loncellist; and Thomas Nichols, pi anist. WELL KNOWN IN STATE Mr. and Mrs. Alden are known to North Carolina audiences for Judge Lashes Out Against Perjurers By LOIS BYRD : 1 Record Staff Writer • y:|| Superior Court Judge Henry L. Stevens, Jr. of War- | saw in his charge to the grand jury Monday at the opening | of a two weeks term of criminal court in Lillington called 4 perjury the most dangerous enemy of the courts. ■ “Our whole system of justice,” the judge said, “rests upon the promise that the witness will tell it like it happened, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” “After 15 years on the superior court bench,” Judge Stevens said. “I know that there are people who will come here to willfully tell a lie, either to help someone out of trouble or to put someone in trouble.” “I hate perjury more than any thing I know,” said the Judge. The man who lies, breaks down our The Daily Record Gets Results NO. 240 values which he otherwise would j not. “By making my purchases for 1 cash and selling on the same basis.” : he points out. "I can pass savings along to my customers that other wise would be impossible." i Most of, the items he is hand ling in the new Dunn Cut-Rate Jewelry Store are nationally ad vertised items, and they carry not only the manufacturer’s guarantee, but Fisher’s personal guarantee as well (Continued on page 3) their work as a two-violin team and also in various chamber music groups. Each of them headed the string section of the North Car olina Symphony at different times as concert master. Mr. Alden has 1 appeared as soloist in many parts of the state as well as in South Carolina, Georgia, and Ohio. While teaching at Meredith College in Raleigh, he formed the Raleigh String Quartet and assisted in the organization of the Raleigh Cham ber Music Guild and served as musical director for a number of years. At present the Aldens are living in Chapel Hill, where he is on the faculty at the University of North Carolina, as an instnic i Continued on Page 8: ’ whole system of justice. The most j ■ dangerous thing loose is a liar. Now | I. there two weeks I am going to t, ■j give you an opportunity to tell j : j the truth." CAN USUALLY TELL j • i The jurist went on to say that > , 1 he couldn’t tell exactly how, but ) that usually he can tell if a per- 5 1 i son is telling the truth. “If they & f 1 don’t tell the truth. I am going i 1 ! to give them the maximum,’’ he J warned. , .vj - In a “full-dress” charge to th*’ '1 e j new grand Jurors beginning their j r 1 turned On Pat. Tm M

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