+WEATHER+ NORTH CAROLINA Fair cool today and tonight, with lowest temperatures in mid or low 3§’s. Thursday, fair and warmer. With “Prestone” Anti-Freeze You’re set, you’re safe, you're sure. VOLUME II Cameron On Trial For Burning Neighbor's House Grand Jury Indicts Policemen For Assault On Prisoner The Harnett County Grand Jury has returned true bills of indictment against two members of the Dunn police force, Corporal Francis Hall and Garland L. Stone fcr assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill a prisoner they were arresting. A District Solicitor Jack Hooks lias ’ ordered triel of the case to begin Thursday morning. It was not known today whether or not an attempt will be made to have the trial postponed. Witnesses must, ap pear tomorrow morning. It took the grand jury only a short while to determine that evi dence against the two officers was sufficient for them to be placed on trial. They allegedly admin'tter-d a v / brutal beating to W. R. (Turk) Lewis, Dunn war veteran, on Aug ust 17th while arresting him for being drunk and disorderly. The bill of indictment charges them with assault with a deadly weapon, to wit a black -jack and pis tol. with intent to kill, inflicting serious bodily injuries not result- Hall Is Given * 10 To 15 Years Charlie Hall, 30-year-old Harnett man, w'as given 10 to 15 years in prison today in Harnett Superior Court by Judge Henry L. Stevens for conviction of a crime against nature. t A jury convicted Hall of a criirte against natura. involving a dog. 1 It took the jury only a short time 9 to convict him and Judge Stevens passed sentence Immediately. The jurist also handed out an other prison sentence today. Ira Von Cannon, charged with assault with a deadly weapon in stabbing another man, was given 18 months on the roads. Lindberg Ryals pleaded guilty to violating the prohibition laws and was given six months on the roads, suspended for three years on pay ment of SIOO fine and costs. Service Station Operators Meet The purposes and aims of the North Carolina Ser vice Station Association were outlined to an interested * group from Dunn, Erwin, Coats and Lillington by W. E. Norris, Field Representative of the Association, at the se cond meeting of the Harnett County Chapter at Johnson’s Restaurant last night. Some of the local, state and na tional problems of service station operators were discussed, along with progress being made by the NCSSA throughout the state. A great deal of interest in the association was shown by all those present and all operators of ser vice stations in Harnett County i 1 / Jkw Jjßpß - {BMB§ OPERATORS HOLD SESSION Pictured here la a group of Harnett County service station op erators who mot hero last night at Johnaoa's Restaurant Uni heard an address by W. E. Norris of Durham, field representative of the State AmoetoUOO: Left to right are,- seated, D. W. (Shorty) Baas of Dnnn; Mr. Norris, the speaker; Oscar Strickland, et Dunn and A. B. Sherman of Lillington; stand ing, J. L. Hamilton and Meredith Senior, both of Llßngton; Joe Wilkins of Dunn; Ted Malone of Coots; Chubby Strickland of Don* and Faison Lee M Dunn. Ah active organisation is planned in Harnett. (Dally Record Photo by Ed Welborn). TELEPHONES: 3117 • 3118 • 3119 I ing in death." If convicted they could be given as much as 10 years. Lewis allegedly received serious and permanent injuries at the hands | of the two officers. BIG LEGAL STAFF Assisting Solicitor Jack Hooks in the prosecution will be State Sen | ator J. R. Young and Archie Tay | lor. Defending the policemen will be a high-priced battery of talent in cluding Chief Counsel Everette Dof fermyre, Neill McK. Salmon. I. R. Williams and Glenn L. Hooper. Jr. OTHER INDICTMENTS j The grand jury also returned a true bill of burglary in the first degree against Earl McLean. Dunn j Negro who allegedly on the night i of September 1 entered the sleep- I ing quarters of Mr. and Mrs. George I La Fontaine in Dunn, j Burglary in the first degree is punishable by death in the gas 1 chamber. Other true bills were returned against; Freddie Baker, for forgery; Clif ford Williams for forgery, Jim McCray for assault with a deadly weapon and Charles Ferguson for j the murder of Norman Gainey. I Four men were indicted;'by the ' grand jyiry for conspiring, ahd burn ing, a Oar owned bv Jack Bryant. They- are; Elmer Bryant. H. I Johnson, Jr., Alvin Lee Brown and | Billv. Walker. 1 Nick Joseph of Dunn Is fore man of the grand Jury. BENEFIT SING l - The Ladies Auxiliary is sponsor ing a Benefit Sing which will be held at the Free Will Or phanage Sunday. Ifovkmber 16th at 1:30 p. m. All groups, singers and classes are invited to be pre sent are urged to attend these' iheet i ings and participate in the pro : gram carried out by the as : sociation. The next meeting of the Har ; nett County Chapter will be held ■ i on Monday, December 8, at John - 1 son’s Restaurant at 7:00 p. m. with r a Dutch supper being served. (Ehv jUailg Jitmrfr ; gjffj WASHINGTON —IIP)— J. Edgar Hoover shown above is willing to remain as director of the Fed eral Bureau of Investigation un der the Incoming Republican ad ministration, it was learned to day. The 57-year-old FBI chief now winding up his 35th year of continuous public service, would not discuss his future plans. But informed sources said he has no present intention of retiring and will stay on the job if asked to do so. Ike And Dewey Hill Confer By MERRIMAN SMITH (HP) White House Writer) ’ AUGUSTA, Ga. (IP) President elect Dwight D. Eisenhower will confer here Friday with Gov. Thomas E, Dewey of New York about his forthcoming trip to Ko rea and what the Eisenhower staft described as "other policy matters." Whther these “other policy mat ters’ involved a Cabinet post for the-Hew» yeah governor. Eisenhow er's representatives here declined to say. James Hagerty, press secretary, also told reporters that Eisenhower Would see Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-O), efore leaving for Korea if the senator desires such a meeting; but that no date had been set. Taft probably will see Eisen (Continued on page two) 1953 DeSoto Prices Cut DETROIT IIP) DeSoto division of Chrysler Corp. today announced prices of 1953 DeSotos, down as mlch at sll on eight-cylinder mo dels and up as much as s3l on six-cylinder models. The new DeSotos go on display Thursday In dealer showrooms across the nation. (The new De- Soto will be shown In Dunn by W. Sc S. Motor Co.) The biggest price cuts are in the “Firedome V-8” convertible and station wagon, down sll from last year to $2,945 and $3,125 respec tively. All “Powermaster six” models are up s3l except the “Sportsman.” up S2O to $2,582. Six-cylinder mod els actually carry smaller re-foe tags than last year but do not In clude the sl2l semi-automatic shift which was standard equipment in 1952. DUNN, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 12, 1952 Dodge Arrives To Represent Ike At Meeting WASHINGTON (IP) Pre sident-elect Dwight D. Eisen hower’s advance financial scout, Joseph M. Dodge, ar rived today to "look, listen, and find out what I can” a bout President Truman’s plans for the fiscal 1954 bud get. Dodge, a Michigan banker, told reporters he has "no program of focusing” on any particular feature of the government spending pro gram, but said he will “see what I can, hear what I can, wherever I can." He said it would be “unwise” to comment on preliminary reports that President Truman will send an economy-minded 83rd congress an $85,000,000,000 budget next Jan uary. HAS NO OPINION i “It is not my function to concur or disagree with any . administra | tion proposals regarding the new budget.” Dodge said. "The fact I do, or do not, agree with them i is not to be construed as approval \ or disapproval.” , I He said Eisenhower had given j him no specific instructions on what to look for in the budget plans being drafted by the Truman iCupnnnHl on mcr twoi Kerr To Speak To Educo Club j The Harnett County Educo Club will! present as its featured speaker I ok NoVr 18 at B:SF I at Angier school, L. Chevis Kerr, Sr. of Clinton. Kerr, who is well known Clinton businessman, is a member of the school board in his local com munity and an officer of the North School Board Association. He has had wide experience in the direc tion of various athletic programs and will use as his topic, “Sports manship." The dinner meeting, customary held on Monday night, has been changed to Tuesday to avoid a con flict with the last of a series of reading classes being conducted weekly at Lillington for six weeks. R. G. Banks, principal of the Angier school will be host to the Educo Club meeting. David Poe of Benhaven is the club president and C. H. Heed is the secretary. Rita's Dances Too Hot For Proiector SOMEWHERE IN KOREA IW Rita Hayworth’s dances in her latest movie were too torrid for projection machines in Korea. Daring one showing at a 23rd Regiment unit recently a pro jection lamp blew out. The next night, at another battalion, a tube went out during the same dance sequence. Erwin Church Group Plans Big Bazaar For the past year an energetic group of ladies in Dunn and Erwin have been busy with needlework and similar handicrafts in preparation for the annual bazaar, spon sored by the Women’s Auxiliary of St. Stephen’s Episco pal Church in Erwin. < The results of their labors will be presented when the annual event opens Friday afternoon at the Parish House in Erwin. Thare will be a large variety of items, some novel and original, with none of these priced at more than two dollars. Mrs. J. R. Young of Duhn Is presi BULLETINS WASHINGTON (IP) Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chair* man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said today the free world must listen with suspicion to the Russians’ “siren song” of peace “until they prove their sincerity.” AUGUSTA, Ga. (IP) A subcontractor at the huge Sa vannah River atomic project considered today ft union proposal for a truce in the plant’s first serious labor trou ble, which caused a shutdown of all constructioh work Monday. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (IP) Air Secretary Dramas K. tCenUnwed On Tow JT'ljr- J uWbjFwm RnWl sm IWI - qßHrailiiEki PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH LEADERS Shown are the members of the General Board of Administration of the Pentecostal Holiness Church who are meeting at Falcon. Pictured are, front row .left to right; R. L. Rex, Memphis, Home Missions; W. W. Carter, Roanoke. Va„ Executive Board; Oscar Moore, Shawnee, Oklahoma, General Secretary; Bishop J. A. Syrian, Memphis. Tenn., Chair man; Bishop T. A. Melton, Memphis, Tenn., Vice-Chairman; H. T. Spence, Memphis, Tenn., General Treasurer; and W. Eddie Morris, Conference Superintendant. Back row, left to right; G. A. Byers, Superintehdant of the California Conference and member of the Board of Foreign Missions; W. G. Drum, Franklin Springs, Ga., President of Emmanuel College; W. H. Turner, Asheville, Executive- Secretary, Board of Foreign Missions and editor of the Pentecostal Pulpit; C. H. Williams, Oklahoma • City, Oklahoma, Dean of Southwest Pentecostal Holiness College and Secretary Board of Publications; L. C. Synan, Hopewell, Va., member Board of Publications; W. J. Nash, Franklin Springs, Ga., Secre tary-Treasurer Home Missions Board; R. O. Corbin, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, President Southwestern Bible College and Secretary Board of Education; and T. O. Evans, Florence, S. C„ Superintendant of the South Carolina Conference and Orphanage Director. (Daily Record photo by Louis Dearborn). Church Board In Session Meeting jointly with the boards of Foreign Missions, Orphanage. Education, Ho me ftftoeions and -PUfl|icat- ( ions, the General BoarS or Administration of the Pen tecostal Holiness Church is planning activities programs for the coming year at Fal con. With Bishop J. A. Synan of Mem phis, Tenn., presiding, the meeting opened yesterday, although many of the items that were to be dis cussed had been set up on Mon day prior to the opening of the full meeting. Os particular interest to Fal con is the discussion of plans to replace the barns lost through the recent fire at Falcon with more modern buildings and to moder nize the Falcon Orphanage. One of the new buildings is nearing completion. The group is aiso making plans for an expansion program in the field of education, with particular reference to the educational in stitutions in which the church has an interest. PLANNING CONFERENCE The board is also making plans for participation by its members in the quadrennial conference of the Pentecostal Holiness Church which will be held in Memphis. Missionaries whjb have served in (Continued on page two) dent of the auxiliary and Mrs. E. H. Bost and Mrs. Fred Thomas of Erwin are chairman and co-chair man respectively of the bazaar committee. Every member of the organization aided in the work. The group was divided Into morn ing and night sewing circles, and ■ •finv.'m-.’ <’>n Page Twoi HIVK CENTS PEK COPY Alger Hiss Parole\ Will Be Decided LEWISBURG, Pa. (IP) Alger Hiss today waited his turn among scores of federal prisoners to tell the chair man of the U. S. Parole Board why he should be set free after serving 20 months of a five year perjury term for de nying he engaged in espionage for the Communists. Dr. George C. Killinger arrived at the Northeastern Federal Peni tentiary Tuesday night to hear the applications of about 130 prisoners for parole, among them Hiss, the former State Department official who accompanied the late Presi dent Roosevelt to Yalta and helped establish the IJpited Nations. He said Hiss’ turn to make his personal bid for freedom would come Thursday or Friday. Negro Sentenced In Leering Case ■ . YANCEYVILLE, N. C. (IP) Negro tenant farmer Mack Ingram was given a six-month suspended road sen tence and placed on five years good liehavior probation today for assault by “leering” and walking after a pretty white girl although he did not come closer to her than 60 feet. In the first of Ingram’s three trials on the charge, he was given the maximum two-year jail sen tence. Defense attorneys planned an immediate appeal to the State Sup erior Court. Appeal papers were being drawn and a S2OO appeal bond posted in addition to a $2 000 ap oea ranee bond as a condition of the suspended sentence. CONTACT NO BEARING An all-white, all-male jury took only 58 minutes yesterday to con vict Ingram, 54, father of nine children, of simple assault under a law which provides that actual physical contact has no bearing on ! assault. | Judge Frank M. Armstrong, who ! passed sentence this morning, had I charged the jury that “if by threats land a display of force, one causes another to apprehend danger . . . to abandon his course or to do JUNIOR CLASS PLAY lillington High School juniors are busy with nightly rehearsals for the annual class play to be presented on Friday, November 21, in the high school auditorium.” “Love Is Too Much Trouble” is the title of the three-act comedy. All funds realized from the play will go toward staging the annual junior-senior banquet Mrs. T. D. O’Quinn and Mias Belle Hockaday. faculty sponsors are coaching the Ptey- l Hiss, who was 48 years old Tues • | day, will be eligible for parole Nov. ) I 21—the one-third mark of his two ; j concurrent five-year sentences for ) ! swearing falsely before a federal I i grand jury. LIED UNDER OATH I | Hiss was convicted in January, , 1350 of cnarges that he lied under i | oath to the grand jury when he I j denied passing confidential govern i '(un.inuro or. Page Twoi i other than he would have done I that constitutes assault. | “Assault does not have to *be a j case of physical contact ... If by I other means, such as looking at a person in a leering manner, or | watching and then following one J causes another to become frighten |ed and run, then he is guilty of assault.” THINKING ABOUT IT | Prosecutor ’W. B. Horton told the *Continued on pacr two) Morehead Nominees Picked In Harnett John Matthews Arnold, Route 2, Fuquay Springs, N. C. of Lafayette High School, and Walter Houston Jernigan of Dunn High School. Dunn, N. C. have been selected by the John M. Morehead Foundation Committee for Harnett County as the two nominees from Harnett County; and these two nominees have been certified by the Com mittee to the John M. Morehead Foundation for the scholarship a wards to be made to the gifted and outstanding 1953 High School grad uates of the State of North Caro lina. The Harnett County John M. Morehead Foundation committee The Daily Record Gets Results NO. 241 Reportedly Mad Because Liquor Stills Reported Roy Cameron, 25-year-old farmer, went on trial in Har nett Superior Court this morning tor allegedly burn ing the house trailer of J. C. (Cal) Thomas, a neighbor who lives across the high way from the Boone Trail School. District Solicitor Jack Hooks sent four witnesses to the stan3 today in an effort to grove the State’s contention that Cameron, angered because he believed Thom as reported his whiskey still, set fire to his trailer. Cameron was brought into court from the county roads, where he is serving a sentence for operation of a large whiskey still in his kitchen. He was convicted in June and started his term October 1. The defendant entered a plea of not guilty. He is defended by State Senator J. R. Young and Archie Taylor. THOMAS TESTIFIES Thomas was the first witness and told how his home was burned on May 25th. He said he found his house trailer burned upon returning from a trip to Durham. The house was burned on one side, the glasses cracked and a path of fire leading several hundred feet to the home of a Negro, Hu bert Cameron. Nothing inside the house was burned. He said he followed the path of the fire and found an empty five gallon gas can. Neighbors had extinguished the fire. TRIED TO HIRE NEGRO One of the most damaging wit nesses was Hubert Cameron, who testified that he lived . across the highway from*. Roy Cameron aAd near the Thomas trailer. The Negro swore that on the morning before the fire, Mrs. Cam eron called him to her house. He said he went into the bedroom and found Cameron sitting on the side of the bed. “I’ll give you $25 if you’ll set Cal Thomas' house on fire,” the Negro quoted him as saying. The Negro said he told Cameron, who was drinking, that he did not want to to so. He said Cameron told him that Thomas had caused him to lose several hundred dollars by reporting the whiskey still and 'Continued On Par- twoi driver Charged n Bus Wreck : An automobile collided with a school bus from Ridgway School about 4:30 o’clock Tuesday after noon on a rural road between Swann’s Station and Broadway, but the driver and children escaped without injuries. Patrolman R. B. Leonard, who investigated, said that Elbert Yar borough, the bus driver who lives on Jonesboro Heights, Route 6. told him the bus had stopped and dis charged passengers when a 194 S Plymouth attempted to pass from i the rear of the bus. cut right ana hit the left front of the school bus. b Tlte officer said the driver of the car was James Ellison McNeill, Negro, of Jonesboro Heights, Route 6. Damages to the bus were slight and the car damage was estimated at SSO. > McNeill faces charges of care less and reckless driving, failing to stop for a school bus and in sufficient brakes. The patrolman said aH children - leaving the bus were headed for tts ' right side of the roafd and nobody was injured. , has been working on the selection II of the nominees from HarnCtt \ County for two months, and con* '• eluded its work this week after a fl personal interview was had with J each of the five candidate* who had been previously certified hj 3 their resepetive High School Com- 7|9 mltte to the Harnett County Be lection Committee. : 3 Prior to the conference held with each candidate the Harnett County i Selection Committee had been for* * J nished with a detailed school life record of the recommended cate* j didates, which record inducted hot .j only the scholastic standing M th, J (UMttnwM vt rapt «W£

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