PAGE TWO BULLETINS (Continued from p»»» 1) Finletter said he believes President-elect Dwight D. Eisen hower agrees with the Air Force policy of discouraging attack by preparedness. "I cannot speak for General Ei senhower,” Finletter told reporters yesterday, "but I shall be highly disappointed if the policy is not continued. MIAMI BEACH. Fla. IP The New York World Tele gram and Sun has been voted the best real estate page in America by the National Association of Real Estate Editors. NEW YORK HP' A Senate subcommittee called a two-hour private huddle today before resuming its inves tigation of subversion among tl. S. employes in the l nited Nations. Sen, Pat McCarran D-Nev.. chairman of the Sen ate Internal Security Committee, of which the subcommit tee is a pari, said the open hearing would start at noon. LONDON 'IP Prime Minister Winston Churchill's Conservative government had House of Commons appro val today to go ahead with its plans to lead Britain back toward capitalism. PITTSBURGH UP) Nine vice presidents of the Con gress of Industrial Organizations met here today in the first of two top-level CIO sessions that may seriously affect the stability of the sprawling labor union. Bridge Party Given In Benson i Mrs. Paul Johnson was hostess. at bridge Thursday evening. Guests were Mrs. J. C Warren 1 Mrs. Alfred Parker. Mrs. C. N. ; Proctor. Mrs. K. L. Smith. Mrs. : Ray Medlin. Mrs. Vinnie Smith and ! Mrs. Jeff Matthews. The high score ’ award, a bridge table cover, was 1 presented to Mrs. Matthews. The hostess served apple sauce * cake topped with whipped cream. ( and hot coffee. Mrs. Godwin Is Bridge Hostess Mrs. Sam Godwin entertained at !, bridge Thursday evening. Autumn ] flowers were used as decoration. , Guests were Mrs. Alphonso Par ker, Mrs. Claude C. Cannady, Jr.. Mrs. Alonzo Clifton, Mrs. David 1 Henry Parker, Mrs. Doris Boaz. Mrs. : A. T. Johnson, Mrs. Eloise S. Bonds, i and Miss Lucille Martin. Mrs. Alphonso Parker was a war- • ded the high score prize, hand 1 cream. The hostess served a salad coulrse. VISITING MOTHER Petty Officer Ist class and Mrs. William H. Grimes have arrived in Benson from San Diego Califor nia for a stay with their mother. Mrs. Alma Grimes on Parrish Drive extension. PO Grimes, who has been in the U. S. Navy for the past seven years, returned to his base in Cal ifornia during the summer from, His third trip around the world. He has recently been transferred to Raleigh where he will serve as recruiting officer. At present he is commuting daily from Benson tr the Raleigh office, but expects to move his wife, the former Miss Doris Young of Brooklyn and their two young daughters. Ross Marie and Nancy, to the city as soon as living quarters can be secured. Baptist Group Has Meeting Miss Mane Grimes was hostess Monday evening to members of th? Business Women's Club of the Bap tist church. Mrs. Shelton Moore presided and Miss Jerre Britt directed a pro gram under the topic. Choosing the More Excellent Way. Appear ing on the program were Misser Mae Byrd. Annie Mae Hill. Marie Grimes. Hortense Turlington and. i Mrs. Shelton Moore. Tire hostess. served, ice cream., chocolate cake, nuts and coffee, ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. ar.d Mrs. Archie T. John son entertained at a turkey din ner at their home Friday 'evening. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wood of Selma. Mi's Lixjle Martin, and Mrs. J E. Wall. Dennings Taking Trip To Florida Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dennine and their daughter, Miss Patty Hospital Trustees Honor Mrs. Pearce A resolution of respect for the late Mrs. Minnie Hill Pearce to) her outstanding - services at. the Dunn Hospital was .inanim.ouily adopted at a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees of that in stitution. The resolution reads as follows: ••RESOLVED. ‘‘WHEREAS, for thirty-five ycarr Mrs. Minnie Hill Pearce rendered efficient and valuable services a a graduate nyrse to the sick re aiding in Dunn and its vicinity, and "WHEREAS Mrs. Minnie K J Pearce, since the opening day cf The Dunn Hospital, has rendered similar services, in a most cheer ful manner, to in-patients and out patients of The Dunn Hospital and "WHEREAS, the Board of Trus tees of The Dunn Hospital. Inc., realize the great loss the hosoita’ and the community of Dunn have • suffered. “NOW THEREFORE, be it Re solved that In the death of Mrs Denning, senior in the Benson high ! school, left Friday afternoon by | automobile fer Miami. Florida where they will spend ten days. The occasion of the trip is a re ward to Mr. Denning for outstand ing work done in the field of in surance selling. Rated as the 140th man in volume of business done by a group of 1285 agents of the Jeff erson Standard Life Insurance com pany. Mr. Denning was awarded a free trip to Miami with the ad ditional courtesy of residence at the. elaborate Casa Blanca hotel, one of the most elegant hostelries on Miami Beach. While in Miami Mr. Denning will attend a 3-day leader's course of training provided by his company. Once before, in 1950. Mr. Denning was rated a "leader" when he rank ed 104th man in the nation where his company has agencies in thirty states and Puerta Rica. Accompanying the as far as Daytona Beach. Florida were Mayor and Mrs. Ed Johnson who traveled across the state from Day tona to Tampa to visit their son. J. E. Johnson, currently stationed there with the Air Forces. Benson School Given Praise I On a recent official visit to the Benson school Miss Patsv Montague, associate education supervisor of ] the North Carolina State Depart-] merit of Public Instruction of Ral eigh made observations and inves tigations for the purpose of evalu ating the elementary school as a preliminary step toward accredita tion. Miss Montague commented on the need for more physical equipment far classrooms .a need which has been recognized by the faculty and many parents. Much effort has been for some time expended toward se curing many of these needed items and some help with finances has befit promised bv‘ the Johnston County superintendent of schools Simpson. In a letter to Principal W. J. Barefoot Miss Montague said: "I was delighted that your school has done such an excellent job in . limiting the loads of each teacher. I felt that there was a fine spirit of cooperation among all . those working with you and I was also , delighted to see the intelligent way in. which you were evaluating your school plant and making plans to meet all of the requirements for accreditation, I saw many good ; things in your school and came a way with the feeling that your boys and girls are fortunate to work in. such a warm, friendly at mosphere." AT CONVENTION Rev T. W. Williams, pastor of the Lillmgton Baptist Church, and Julius Holloway, missionary for the Little River Association, are atten ding the Baptist State Convention in Winston-Salem. Minnie Hill Pearce the sick and af i Dieted of cur community have lost the services of an efficient and i reliable graduate that The : Dunn'Hospital, Inc., has lost the services of a most valued employee and that the Town of Dunn and its vicinity have suffered a great : loss in the death of a fine christ t ian woman. “BE IT RESOLVED that this : Resolution be spread upon the min ] utrs of the Board of Trustees ol : The Dunn Hospital. Inc., and that a certified copy thereof be deiiv jered to THE DUNN DISPATCH jand THE DAILY RECORD with I the request that each paper pub lish the same and that a certifieti j copy of this Resolution be delivered Ito Mr. O. R. Pearce. Dr. O. R ! Pearce. Jr., and Dr. Jake Pearce "This the 21st day of October. 1952.” DUNN' HOSPITAL. INC. M. W. Winston, Manager. H. M. Tyler. Chairman, Board of Trustees. NEW DESOTO TO GO ON DISPLAY TOMORROW The beautiful new 1953 DeSoto will go on display here Thursday morning in the showrooms of W. and S. Motor Co Shown here is the Fire Dome V-8 Four-Door Sedan. The beautiful, graceful nc w DeSoto is powered by the mighty 160 horsepower V-8 engine, and comes in exciting new exterior colors and offers all of the many new fine features of the 1953 DcSot o. Dewey Whittenton and Charlie Surles, owners of W. and S. Motor Company extend to the public a cordial invitation to see the new DeSoto. Morehead [Continued From Page One) prospective nominees, but also a supplementary record of the extra curricular activities of the student to be screened. The Harnett County John M. Morehead Scholarship Award Com mittee sought to identify the sup- j erior individual in High School to the end that he be sponsored by i the John M. Morehead Foundation through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, N. C. | BASIS FOR AWARD The basis of the award is set forth in the indenture creating the John M. Morehead Foundation ] as follows: “ill Scholastic ability and at tainments. (b > Qualities of manhood, truth fulness. courage, devotion to duty, sympathy, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship. Evidence of moral force of l character and of capacities to lead and to take an interst in his school- 1 mates. id' Physical vigor, as shown by interest in competitive sports: or in other ways.” Some definite quality of distinc tion, whether in intellect, character or personality, or in any combina tion of these, being the most im portant requirement for a More- j head Scholarship, and it was upon ] this basis that the Committee re ached its decision. The Morehead i Scholar, the Committee stated, should be a well rounded man. Thus, the Committee in making its selection was guided by the principle that special distinction of intellect should be evidenced, not only), but that the superior intellect an<( at tainments of the individual should be evidenced in a young man of sound character and integrity. THOSE CONSIDERED The five Harnett County High School Students certified to the Harnett County Committee by the several eligible Harnett County High Schools for consideration for the Morehead Scholarship Award were as follows: John Matthews Arnold, Route 2, Box 46 Fuquay Springs. N. C. - Lafayette High School: Walter Houston Jernigan. 1004 West Broad Street, Dunn. N. C. - Dunn High School: Charles H. Stewart. Route 3. Lillington, N. C. - Boone Trail Hhigh School: James Everett Tur lington. 201 West Pope Street. Dunn N. C - Dunn High School; Clifton Henry Brock. Jr.. Lilling ton. N. C. - Lillington High School. All of the five young men proved ! to be of . outstanding ability and the High School faculty of each i candidate presented a formidable array of worthwhile personal achievements attained by the can didate. Tne Committee arrived at a tentative decision from the total ; record submitted in advance of the personal interview had with each ] of the five young men interview*!. | But it was only after the most ; careful screening that the Com mittee in executive session, follow ing the series of personal interviews, arrived at its final decision. In. making its decision public the Committee stated that each of the five young men were worthy of the coveted award. However, the Com mittee was limited to certifying only two nominees from Harnett County, which limit was based on. the number of Harnett County High School graduates for the year 1952. The award was not based on the financial need of the student, but on the personal qualifications of the student, regardless of the financial standing of his family, the aim] of the Morehead Foundation being to sponsor the superior individual.] whether he comes from the home of the wealthy or from the under privileged. The two names selected by the ] committee have been forwarded to the Central Committee of the Morehead Foundation in Chapel Hill which will refer the two afore-; mentioned nominees to another j committee for further screening in | i competion with all other nominees j certified and to be certified by all ] the other eligible high schools of the State. I i The final selections will be an-] ] nounced around the first of the] year. ] The selection committee from ! Harnett County was composed of: i Mr. J. Shepard Bryan of Dunn, N. , C„ Chairman; Mr. W. A. Johnson | of Lillington, N. C.; and Mrs. Louis ] Stephens of Dunn, N. C. The John M. Morehead Founda i tion was established by Mr. John M. Morehead of New York City, THF null * R(fi oONq ** r Man On Trial j .Continuer’. From Page One) ] he was going to let him feel how it felt to lose money. j This was on the same day shortly ‘ after officers had captured Cam- I erson's stills He said he had seen j officers with the stills in custody.! i He said Cameron told him, "Take j I that can and set -fire to Thomas’ j house.” He said Cameron cursed and said, "If you won’t I will.” {. I The Negio said he left the house ; | and a few minutes later saw Cam- ■ eron pick up the can and go ] ] straight across to the Thomas ' house. Five minutes later, he testi ] fied, the house trailer burst into flame. He said the oil can found near;, his home looked like the same one , Cameron had in his house. The Negro said Cameron put the j, ] can down in his yard after the , fire was started. WARNED HIM TO KEEP QUIET, "Somebody is going to get in ] trouble,’ he quoted Cameron as ] saying, "and you’d better not say. i anything about this." : The Negro said he didn't want i anybody to think he had anything i to do with it so he moved the cari [ and reported the facts to Sheriff, Bill Salmon. I Other witnesses were Daniel Brewington. who was visiting at Hubert Cameron’s house, who said ] he saw a man answering the de scription of Roy Cameron walking ;] tow ard the house with the can. SMELLED GAS D. P. Patterson, the first to ar !' rive at the fire, told about putting j ' ] out .the fire. He said he smelled ( . the Strong odor of gasoline arid 1 Saw , ~ the path of flame leading from the : house. He said Roy Cameron was drunk, picked up a tub of water, threw it i on the fire and said. "Let ‘er burn.”| All witnesses said Cameron was | in his stocking feet before the fire. There were no footprints at the j scene. Erwin Church (Continued From Page On«) the circles met every two weeks at j the home of one of the members; : to work and exchange ideas • on! | suitable projects. Thursday night:; ■ ] each member of the group will turn ] in the items she has made for the ' ] big event the following afternoon, : ! Included in the items will be aprons of all descriptions, place mats, disli towels, pillow cases and other linens' glasses cases, Christ :, mas toys and decorations and many j others. ’ | Today and tomorrow the ladies ! will be busy in the kitchens prepar ! ing pies, cakes, cookies and the 1 like for sale at the event. Canned ; plods and other home - cooked 1 foods will also be on sale. MEN DRAFTED TOO 1 The men of the church have ’ j been drafted into service by the ’ [ ladies’ organization, and their con ■ tributions have added some novel < touches to the display, as an ex ? ample. Mr. E. H. Bost has secured : a live Poland-China pig, which will be on sale, one of the few items ’ i which will be scaled higher than ■ i the two dollar limit. The young people have fallen ‘ in line to help the project along and the members of the Young j People’s Service League have con- j j tributed a used vacuum cleaner a ’, mong other items. - ] The sale of these items will afford : ]an unexcelled opportunity to secure , some novel items for Christmas; giving at thrift prices. Most of the items on display would be unobta-. inable at any other suorce. The sale will go on continuously from 3:30 p. m. until all of the j items are sold. How'ever, it may be: a good idea to come as early as possible, because many of the items are so unusual that they will, be snapped up almost as soon as the sale opens. From 6:00 p. m. until 8:00 p. m. a complete Turkey dinner will be served. for this event have been practically sold out but there are a few still unsold. They are [ priced at $1.50 for adults and 75 j cents for children. Information on I these may be obtained by con tacting Mrs. Frank Ralph in Erwin, a wealthy and distinguished al umnus of the University of North Carolina, and it provides all-ex pense individual scholarships of $1250,00 per year to the award winners to be held by each winner as long as his college record is' maintained on a superior level. or Mrs. J. R. Young or Mrs. Henry I Tyler in Dunn. I The bazaar promises to be the best of these annual events to have been held by this group to date, j I Residents of the area will have missed something, if they fail to | attend. Church Board (Continued from page ont) I Jamaica. Africa. China. India and in tire South Pacific region are pre- j sent and reports from the other mission fields in Costa Rica and old Mexico were presented at the ; meeting. The activities of the church have 1 been constantly expanding and the deliberations of the confe-ence are designed to keep pace with those expanding activities. Executive Board members pres ent in addition to Bishop Syrian in-, elude: Bishop T. A. Melton. Mem phis. vice-chairman: Rev. R. L. Rex, Home Missions Chairman: Rev. W. W. Carter. Roanoke. Va.: Rev. Oscar Moore. Shawnee. Ok’.a. General Secretary; Rpv. H. T Spence. Memphis. Gene-a! Treas urer; and Rev. W Eddie Morris. Conference Superintendent. OTHER LEADERS Other General Board members present include: Rev. G A. Byers, member of the Board of Fo-eign Missions and Superintendent of the California Conference: W G Drum. President of Emmanuel Col lege; Rev. W. H. Turner. Asheville Executive-secretary. Board of For- | reign Missions; and editor of the] Pentecostal Pulpit: Rev. C. H. Wil -1 liams. Dean of the Southwest Pen s' y-costal Holiness College, .Okla homa City and Secretary c)f the i Board of Publications; Rev, L. C ! Svnan. Hopewell. Va.. member of , the Board of Publications: Rev. W. J. Nash. Franklin Springs. Ga. Secretary-Treasurer Home Missions ! Beard: Rev. R. D. Corbin. Okl-i- I homa City. President of the South- , ; western Bible College and Sec-etary to the Board of Education: and Rev. T. O. Evans. Florence. S. C, S tp ] erintendent of the South Carolina Conference and Orphanage Direc i tor. 'Alger Hiss j . (Continued Trom Page One) j : mei\t documents to Whittaker Chambers, admitted member of a : • pie-war Soviet espionage ring. j Under usual procedure. Killin ger reports back to the full five man parole board in Washington. The members, individually or sitt- ( ing as a board, study interviews, transcripts and files to reach a de j vision. The board usually deliber- j ates a case from two to five weeks. NIXON COMMENTS As Hiss readied for his freedom ] bid. Vice President-elect Richard ] M. Nixon, his old nemesis, said at , Miami Beach, Fla., that he thought 1 the former State Department aide; should be treated “just like any other common criminal—like a thief, robber or murderer.” i The California senator said Hiss “should not be discriminated eith er for or against.” Dodge (T' ntimiPrP /nurt par* administration. He added he had no ideas of his own at this time. Dodge would not say whether he will eventually make recommenda tions to Eisenhower for budget changes, nor would, he comment on the necessity for trimming the cost of operating the government. WILL MAKE REPORT The Detroit banker said he ex pects to report to the general ] "from time to time.” beginning i with Eisenhower’s expected visit to Washington to see President Truman the week of Nov. 17. His assignment as budget scout does not imply” that he will be Eisenhower’s budget director in the new administration, Dodge said. Negro Gets i (Continued From Pt*e Onei , j jury that Ingram was “thinking j about what he was going to do to • I that’ beautiful little girl. If he’d r ] caught her in the woods he wouldn’t - i be tried for simple assault, he’d be ' ] tried for his life.” I I Martin A. Martin. Negro attor -1 ney for the National Association for s" Advancement of Colored People from Richmond, Va., said “it is Daughter Os FDR Weds Third Time Confederate Dies MALIBU. Calif. OP) Ann a Rccsevelt Boettiger. daughter of the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt, yesterday married Dr. James A. Halstead, her third hus band. The wedding was at the doctor’s ranch with only members of their immediate families attending the Unitarian services. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, mother of the bride, was among those who attended the wedding, which was closed to newsmen. Mrs. Halstead. 46. formerly was married to Curtis B. Dali and John Boettiger. both marriages ending in divorce. She has two sons and j a daughter by the marriages. j State Disciples Holding Meeting RALEIGH HP Norman F. Mat thews. of Winston-Salem, preri- i dent of the North Ca-olina dls ciples of Christ, told delegates to ; the group’s 108th annual state eon- J vention here last night that "this is the hour when the church must play its first team.” • “We have tried to rule the world by force, by treaty and by atomic power and have, made a mess of the job,” Matthews said. “Now it is time to turn back to God." Matthews urged his listeners to “do something for the church and the cause of Christ.” REPORTS HEARD The convention continued today with reports on various phases of the church's work and the work of Atlantic Christian College at Wilson. Among the featured speak ers were Dr. W. A. Welsh of Dallas Tex., the Rev. J. W. Sosefcee of Columbia. S. C.. and Dr. Emery Ross. Missionary to Africa. The group was to hold its an nual banquet tonight, and the con vention will close tomorrow night. Doolittle Cites Atomic Dangers TYLER. Tex. HP An atomic stockpile far smaller than that of i the United States “could temno rarily paralyze and possibly de i feat ps.'' ■, Gen. James H. Doolittle ' said Tuesday night. “I do not know, of course, how large a stockpile of atomic bombs i Russia has today.” Doolittle said. "But ... if would be foolhardy to assume that they have not attain ed a substantial rate of prcduc j ticn. "If Russia has solved the prob i iem of firing an atomic weapon I from the deck of a submarine,” , Doolittle said, “this fleet creates ! a serious threat to our great port 1 cities.” Live Skin, Blood Vessels May Be Frozen, Reused ST. LOUIS IIP Live skin, dried and reduced to a powder to be sprinkled from a shaker as the first step in skin grafting for severe burns, mav be avail able as the result of a freeze drying process, Dr. Donald Greiff. St Louis University scientist, said today. The paper describing th» pro cess was read at a meeting of the National Academy of Science, | which is meeting at Washington | University here. Grieff, professor of biology, also said live blood vessels may be stored for many years and still be available for grafting in per ipheral vascular surgery. Parrot Won't Talk, Case Is Thrown Out BROWNSVILEE. Tex. (W tice of the Peace M. A. Rodriguez tossed out an unusual ’complaint because of lack of evidence. A woman complained that her next-door neighbor’s parrot used profanity. But the parrot refused to say a word when a group of experts and Rodriguez went to the neighbor’s home. unfortunate that a lot of .young white girls feel that every time | they see a Negro man, he wants to rape them , . WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 12, 1952 Ike, Dewey (Cor.unued From Page One) hower in New York some time next week, but not necessarily be fore the president-elect has his Washington conference with Presi dent Truman. MANY CALLS SCHEDULED HagCrty replied to a number of questions about possible confer ences with Eisenhower that once the president-to-be returns to his New York headquarters early next] week, he will maintain a heavy] schedule ol callers. Eisenhower was expected to re-1 main here until Sunday. Hagerty j said it had nyt been decided ] whether the former five-star gen- : eral would fly direct to Washington for the White House meeting, or go first to New York. Dewey, in response to an invita tion from Eisenhower, will stop off here Friday afternoon while en- j route from New York to Miami lor | a vacation. He is scheduled to ] reach Augusta at 12:16 prm. Fri day and go directly to the Augusta i National Golf Club where the presi dent-elect and his family are va- ] cationing. Lillington Man Is Held In Slaying A 45-year-old Lillington man I and his wife have been taken in- 1 to custody in Phoenix. Ariz., in con- I rieetion with the August 21 slay-j ing of Lcnnie Russ, 45. alias Frank I tßlackie) Slaven. at a Mississippi) City, Miss., tourist court. Albert Kitchens (Red) Puckett. . 39, alias Harry Gray, of hilling- ] ton, N. C., who still has relatives ] and connections in the Olivia sec tion of Harnett County, was ar- ] rested in September as an acces sory after the fact in the slaying. The couple were identified as j Charles Russel! Archer and his ; wife, Be. tha. 35. They are both j accused of murder in connection | with the case. Others who have been arrested. I in addition to the couple and Puc- ! kett. are James K. Holman 30. of ] Dallas. Texas, murder: William Al- I vin Wetzel. 27, Kansas City. Mo.. | accessory after the fact: Mrs. Jean [ Brown Russ. 29. Monroe. La., des- j cribed as the dead man’s ex-wife j and Judson A Hamilton. 38. of j Greensboro, both booked as ma- j terial witnesses. Archer was described as the key man in the shotgun slaying of Russ. Archer had a. long list of arrests. Induction Rules Are Under Fire ' ST. LOUIS. Mo. an Rep. Thom as B. Curtis (R-Mo) has demanded an explanation from the Army of “inconsistent” induction policies which accept “an ordinary citizen who had a broken back” and re ject athletes like the New York i Yankees’ Mickey Mantle. Curtis wrote Army Secretary' Frank Pace Jr., asking Pace to ex- ■ plain “just what the Army is do ing to try to standardize proce dure so that all citizens are treat ] ed equally . FROM BURLINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lewis and ■ children, John and Jane, of Bur lington were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Pridgen and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Galbreath. Club At Benson Adopts New Name The Benson Wildlife Club, found ed here four years ago, held a supper meeting Monday evening at which time a new name for the club was selected. The new name is the Benson Rod and Gun Club, Inc. Incorporation papers have been filed and a new board of directors selected. New board members are ] Preston Ryals, E. A. Johnson, Dr. J. Dan Royster, J. R. Thornton, Hallie Bain, and Joe Abdalla. Plans are under way to obtan facilities for fishing in the im mediate area. Feeds —:— Seeds 1 ! 1 Fertilizers ::dunm fcx service ,; R. B. GODWIN, Manager ] ♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»< Mrs. Mattox Is Hostess To The Ace Os Clubs The Are of Clubs enjoyed an evening of bridge on Tuesday night when Mrs. Dwight Mattox enter!* tained at her home on North Or ange Avenue at eight o'clock. Three tables were grouped for plav in the diving room which wa; attractively decorated with white and yellow mums in a silver pitcher and a lovely arrangement of nan dina berries, intermingled with greenery. High and second high winners among the members were Mrs. Joe Ruark and Mrs. Fank Relote. res pectively. They were given identi J cal purse size lotion dispensers. Mrs. Al Wullenwaber received cry stal ash trays for floating, and Mrs. Jim Yearby the guest high, hose. Mrs. L. G. Baldwin assisted the hostess in serving. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Emmett Aldredge. Mrs. Hubert Pcav. and Mrs. Yearby. Members present were: Mrs. Earl Jones. Mrs. Willie Moss. Mrs. Keith Finch. Mrs. John Snipes. Mrs. James Snipes, Mrs. Al Wullenwa-* her, Mrs. Joe Ruark. Mrs. Frank Belote and Mrs. L. B. Pope. Jr. IN WATTS HOSPITAL Mrs. Dallas Johnson of Lillington. Route 1 is a patient at Watts Hos pital in Durham where she under went an operation last Friday. Her condition is reported as very satisfactory. FOR SALE: Estate oil cir4> .; culatcr large enough to heat ; four or five rooms. Reason able price. Phone 2242. ; 11-12- 3tc ] WANTED: Job as truck dri | ver for local trucking con cern. If interested write Truck Driver, ' • The Daily Record, Dunn. 11-12 3tp^ J. M. NEIGHBORS LIQUIDATION SALE W. Broad Dunn, N. C. FOR SALE Two 10 ft. Ilusseman meat [counters: 12 ft. self-service ] dairy counter; large service frozen food case; meat chopper: 80 gal. elec i trie hot water heater; Hus , seman electric meat saw; 2 ; blower type suctirm fans; 3 j meat counter scales; 6 ft. | poultry case; two electric o perated cash registers; one (large fireproof safe; several . additional motors and units; also many other grocery quipment items all in first class condition almost new and priced to move ]jat once! ] See J. Shepard Bryan, Attorney, Dunn, N. C. ! AT ONCE QUINN'S funeral Home 24-HOUR SERVICE ® PHONE 3306 211 W. HARNETT ST. DUNN, N. C. =—... - ■ Gifts & Greetings for You through WELQOME WAGON (i from Your Friendly * Business Neighbors and Civic end Social Welfare Leaders On the occasion of: The Birth of a Baby Sixteenth Birthdays Engagement Announcements Change of residence Arrivals of Newcomers to 1 rJ? 3221 (N* tost »r tbligaritt)