PAGE TWO BULLETINS (Continued from pot* I) room here and departed. Mrs. Sarah Goodman told police later that she believed the man's “pain" was her $6,300 mink coat stuffed under his clothes. CLEVELAND, O. OP Suburban Cleveland Heights firemen were called out Sunday night to batt.’e a blaze in —of all places a deep freeze unit. The freezer, in a meat market, caught fire from a short circuit in its motor. ALBANY, N. Y. iIP Secretarv of State Dean Acheson didn’t know it but he gave the nation’s air defenses an un scheduled workout Sunday on his return trip from Canada to New York. Fourteen-year old Ronald Hutchinson, a ci vilian observer, “spotted" Acheson s plane over Newcomb, N. Y., and immediately reported it to the Albany fighter center. Acheson was flying in President Truman's personal plane, the Independence. WASHINGTON IPt State Department officials will urge the Eisenhower administration to step up U. S. aid to thousands of refugees fleeing from behind the Iron Cur tain into Western Europe, it was learned today. NEW YORK UP' Officials of 35 CIO unions meeting here in closed session were expected today to try and a gree on a successor to the late Philip Murray as president of the big labor organization. CASHOCTON, O. William F. Green, president of 8.- 000,000 members of the American Federation of Labor, but just plain “Bill” in his hometown, will be buried today among the gently roiling hills of East-Central Ohio where he once dug coal. BAGHDAD, Iraq IP I Baghdad was tense but quiet today under martial law declared by Gen. Nurridin Mah mud, Iraq chief of staff, who Sunday night took over the government as premier and ended two days of Communist led riots. WASHINGTON UP> The National Labor Relations Board today dismissed six cases brought by the United Textile Workers of America AFL seeking to represent err. ployes of Marshall Field Mills at Leaksville, Spray and Draper, N. C. VIENNA, Austria UP' Former Czech Communist de puty foreign trade minister Rudolph Margolius pleaded guilty to “economic espionage” today in communism's biggest show-trial since World War 11. WASHINGTON IP' Dr. Vannevar Bush doesn't believe the United States or Russia has perfected an ll bomb yet. COLUMBUS, Ga. IP' The body of Mrs. Mary H. Drewry Cooper will be sent to Raleigh, N. C., today for I burial. The woman was found dead beside her fire-blaeken j cd bed Saturday morning. A coroner’s jury ruled that her . death was due to asphyxiation. ASHEVILLE IP' Bright sunshine and highway crews quickly cleared western North Carolina roads and, highways of a thick snow blanket that isolated some com- j munities and disrupted power and communications over, the weekend. I HOLLYWOOD Feeds —Seeds !! Fertilizers Idunm fcx service ’* B. H. GODWIN, Manager J QUINN'S funeral Home 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE 3306 211 W. HARNETT ST. DUNN, N. C. Gifts & Greetings for You through WELCOME WAGON from Your Friendly Business Neighbors and Civic and Social Welfare Leader* On the occasion of: The Birth of a Baby Sixteenth Birthdays EngagementAnnouncementi Change of residence Arrivals of Newcomers to pjf 3221 (No Hll or obliftiao)