*»** AIWWOOH, MMKMtt «, IM3 Christian Church Youth Enjoys The Woman’* Fellowship of the Hood Memorial Christian Church waved the C. Y. F. and Chl-Rho Fellowships a supper, in observance of Youth Week, Wednesday even ing Sit 6:30 o’clock. Hie menu con sisted of string beans, potato salad, chicken, pickles, blitter, small rolls and for dessert, Ice cream topped with strawberries and cake. The tables were arranged to give . effect of a Y and were deeof " ted with spring flowers carrying out the theme of Valentine Day When seated Mrs. Dick Taylor led the group In singing “Tell Me ' Why” and the Doxology. Dr. George . Cuthrell gave the evening prayer. William W. Carroll provided enter tainment after supper and Miss Laura Bell spoke on "A Penny For Your Thoughts" ending! with a prayer in the form of a poem. The banquet was closed by the youth a friendship circle qnd • Stinging “Into My Heart.” Guests, were Dr. and Mrs. George F. Cuthrell and Miss Laura Bell. Around 60 young people and the youth leaders, William W. Carroll, C. Y. F., and Mrs. Herman God win, Chi-Rho, were present. CONFINED TO HOME _ * Chuck Northcutt is confined to his home with Influenza. I - RECOVERING Mrs.' Ted Burwell is recovering from rn attack of the flu after be ing confined to her bed for a week. Now To Relievo Bronchitis Otomu Irion relieves promptly because Jt goes into tie bronchial system to ISeip loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you ar money refunded. Creomulsioa has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMUCSION fHtowi Chut CeMs, Aroto BcmmWHs i '«CA Q|j AND RADIOS • >• Leonard Ranges - Refrigerators - Water Heaters - Deep Freese;! ’ ’• Universal - Small . ! avnUanees. II j; JOHNSON ; FURNITURE COMPANY! • Phone 2427 Dunn, N. C.; Hassls M. Jahnaan SEFUL ITLERY SET CLUED MS I HR THIS SENSATIONAL OFFER IS GOOD FOR I |jg| A LIMITED TIME ONLY -DO NOT DELAY j Mr. Davis Speaks To Hoe'N Grow Garden Club The Hoe W Grow Garden Club was feted last evening when Mrs. John Pafker and Mrs. W. E. Tur ner entertained at the Parker home. Attractive arrangements of Jon quils and Japanese quince were sug gestive of the spring season. Mr. John Parker Introduced Mr. H. G. Davis of Goldsboro who spoke on caring for shrubbery and flow ers. Along with his talk, Mr. Davis delighted 'the club with two color ed film strips, “Azaleas and Cam ellias” and “Touring European Gar dens," which were thoroughly en joyed. After the program, names were drawn and lucky winners were giv en samples of plant food anc in sect killers to be used in their gar dening. During the business meeting, pre sided over by Mrs. Parker, further plans were made for beautifying the Dunn Park, which is the club’s project for this year. The hostess served a delicious sal ad plate with coffee. Valentine bas kets filled with candy hearts were given as favors. Mrs. Gordon Townsend was wel comed back into the club after a : rear’s absence, along with two new ; members, Mrs. Woodrow Hill and Mrs. Henry Shell. Others present for the enjoyable affair were: Mrs. William Wellons, Mrs. Calvin Wellons, Mrs. John Wei- j lons, Mrs. Bob Dickey, Mrs. Marvin ! Godwin, Mrs. Lewis West, Mrs. R. O. 1 Ennis, Mrs. J. M. Dawson, Mrs. i L. A. Monroe, Mrs. Frank Dunbar, Mrs. Ralph Bnipes, Mrs. Harold Jer nlgan, Mrs. Jessie Weeks, Mrs. Fur man Turnage, Mrs. Charles Hild reth and Mrs. Durwood Godwin. \ Mrs. Thornton Is Hostess To Bridge Club ' Mrs. O. P. Blackley and Mrs, Paul L. Strickland Jr. were guests last night when Mrs. J. W. Thorntori Jr. entertained members of the No vus bridge club at 8 o’clock. The : living room of the Thornton home on S. Wilson Ave. was decorated with arrangements of camellias. When the guests arrived, they were served a dessert course of ice cream and cake. Later, the hostess passed coca-colas and cheese tidbits; Mrs. J. 8. Rouse Jr. was high ( score winner for the club mem- i bers and she received Revlon hand i lotion and soap. Mrs. Blackley was ] high for the guests and she was given stick cologne. The traveling prize, candy, went to Mrs. R. A Duncan Jr. Club members playing were Mrs. R. A. Duncan Jr., Mrs. Alsey John son. Mrs. Oerald Mann, Mrs. J. B. Rouse Jr., Mrs. Ed Galloway and Mss. Pat Tart. LEAVES TUESDAY Miss Ruth' Thames, a student at i Meredith College. In Raleigh, left N , here Tuesday after spending the : past few days with Mr. and Mm. : J. Edgar Black. Miss Thames is. a i former resident of Dunn. j ' i Church Youth to Conduct Services On Sunday Sunday morning at the Hood Memorial Christian Church will And Die youth ready to open Sunday School after a breakfast given by the adult leaders In observance of Youth Week. The youth are each assigned a class to teach. At the morning worship the youth again will have change with Her man Godwin Jr., as speaker. Every one is cordially invited. Mrs. Baldwin Is Hostess To Delta Dekka Club Mrs. Lawrence Baldwin was hos tess on Thursday night to the Delta Dekka Bridge Club. Special guests joining the mem bers for the evening were Mrs. Jim Yearby, Mrs. J. I. Thomas and Mrs. Dwight Mattox. Mrs. George Britton captured club high and received dusting powder. Second high, cologne, went to Mrs. Charles Aycock, and guest high, novelty book matches, was ,won by Mrs. Mattox. One hand of bingo was played and Mrs. Britton was the winner. She was given a set of wooden salad servers. The Valentine motif was used !ln both the lovely flower arrange ment of red and white carnations, [and in the tempting refreshments : A delicious frozen fruit salad, mold ed in the shape of a heart, pickled peaches and toasted pecans were served with coffee. Earlier in the evening, during play, cheese wafers and cokes were enjoyed. Members playing were Mrs. Em mett Aldredge, Mrs. Dennis Strick land, Mrs. Waite Howard, Mrs. Brit ton and Mrs. Aycock. HOSPITAL PATIENT Mrs. Caro F. Bennett is a patient in the Dunn Hospital, wherS she ■underwent surgery this week. She is much Improved. RETURNS HOME ~ Layton Norris, Jr., small son of Mr. and Mrs. Layton Norlrfe has re turned to his home from the Dunn Hospital, where he underwent treat; ment for pneumonia. He Is recover ing now. ABLE TO BE OUT Mrs.. Jessie Weeks Is able to be out some of the time after having been confined ,to her bed for sev eral weeks following an automobile accident. HOUBE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Willie Moss have as house guests this week, Mrs. Ida Lazarus of Jacksonville, Fla., and Mrs. Gertie Kline of Alexandria, Vo. SPONSORS CAKE AND PIE SALE Circle No. 3 of the Hood Mem orial Christian Church will sponsor a cake and pie sale Saturday mor ning at the Pure Food Store in Dunn. The sale will begin at 8:60 a. m. and all proceeds will go to the church building fund. m mom, mm. ». & Entre Alia Club Feted Last Night By Mrs. Godwin r Mrs. Locke Muse and Mrs. Johh < Ciccone were Invited guests last 1 night when lbs. Lewis Godwin en- < tertalndd the Entre Alia Bridge ' Club at eight Colock. < The drop leaf table held a lovely bouquet of red and white camellias, < fund elsewhere in the room, ar- < rangemerits of Jonquils and quince < added a note of spring. i On arrival, the hostess served de- ' lightful refreshments consisting of ; cherry tarts, party sandwiches and 1 coffee. During the bridge game, po- ] tato chips, nut crunch and cokes were enjoyed. 1 Club high, an attractive china ! tea pot, was captured by Mrs. Ed- , win Stewart and guest high, a linen hot roll cover, was won by Mrs. ; Locke Muse. Mrs. J. N. Stephenson i received a Jewelry box for second , award, and consolation, plastic hors d'oeuvre picks, went to Mrs. , Mack Barefoot. Those .playing in addition to the above were Mrs. Nathan Bass, Mrs. Bill Stancll and Mrs. Hank Currln. 1 Newly Organizd Baptist Circle Has Meeting The first meeting of the newly organized Frances Johnson Circle i of the Baptist Branch Sunday i School, was held on Wednesday i night at the home of Mrs. M. F. I Hodges. Mrs. Hodges opened the meeting { with an Impressive devotional after which Mrs. I. L. Stephens presen ted the program from the Royal Service. Those taking part were Mrs. Hodges, Mrs. Stephens and Miss Jean Martin. Officers were elected during the 1 business session and they are as < follows: president, Mrs. M. F. Hod ges: secretary, Mrs,W. R„ Larson; enlistment chairman, Mrs. J. M. j Rawls: friendship officer, Mrs. K. M. ' Wood: circle leader, lbs. L L. 1 Stephens. j Delicious refreshments of fruit i cake topped with whipped cream, I nuts and coffee were served by the hostess. ‘Those present were: Mrs. R. E. 1 Clifton, Mrs. L. H. Tew. Jr., lbs I J, G. Norris, Mrs. .W. L. Davenport, 1 Mrs. Irene Martin, bfrs. K. M. 1 Wood. Mrs. I. L. Stephens; Mrs. J. M. Rawles, Mrs. Grady Fafln. Miss < Jean Martin. Mrs. E. E. Butler. ' Mrs. A. .N. Ivey, Mrs. N. Woodall 1 Mrs, W. R Lawson and Mrs. H. D.. < Stone. • i < WEEKEND VISITORS * Mr. and. Mrs. Billy B. Stnith and < family from- Greensboro, and Mrs. < Ada Hodges from Raleigh will be I here for the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Whlttentoh. < —— l ANNOUNCE BIRTH I Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson an-. ' nounce the birifr of a daughter, i Sue Abernathy,. An February 6, to \ the pUnn Hospital. Mrr! Johnson Is the former Miss Sue Abernathy. RED SKELTON WINS LAUGHS AND TEARS IN M-G-M's "THE CLOWN" Red Skelton, king of the funs ters, now proves himself a superb dramatic star as well In “The Clown,” M-O-M's heart-tugging drama, on view at the Stewart Theatre Sunday Monday and Tues day . Ih a story mixing laughs and tears, Skelton plays the role of Do do Delwyn, once a famous Ziefeld comedian who through drinking, gambling and quarreling has des cended dose to the bottom of the entertainment ladder. His wife, Paula, has divorced him and has remarried but has permitted him to keep their little son, Dink. It is Dink whose hero worship of and devotion to his father buoys up the latter m his darkest moments, but when circumstances land him in Jail, Dodo is convinced the boy would face a happier future with his mother and well-to-do step father. Desolate and inconsolable be cannot show interest in a come back via television, offered him by his former Zlegfeld agent But now Cpl. Rogers Is Now In Japan WITH THE 24TH INFANTRY WV. IN JAPAN Army Cpl. OUy Rogers, whose wife, Elma, lives in Wade, N. C., recently Joined the 34th Infantry Division in Japan. Now receiving intensive training, the 24th is part of the security fodces in Japan. Before being ro tated out of the line early in 1982, It spent 19 months in Kprea. Corporal Rogers, who attended the Dunbar High School, entered the Army in December 1948. Wage Controls IGMttttcd From War* One) letting price-wage control laws die on schedule April 30. PAY HIKES The wage order means that hun dreds of thousands of workers will be in line for pay hikes because a big backlog of Increases already negotiated, but held up by the Wbge Stabilization Board, now will go into effect automatically. The de-cohtrol order was known to have been In the works for the past 4S hours. Yesterday, CIO pres ident Walter B. Reuther wrote Mr. Elsenhower urging an Immediate end to aIL wage curbs. • AFL President Gfeorge Meany •aid in Miami that de-control of wages means that many labor con tracts will be “immediately re-open edF Mr. Elsenhower’s executive or der applied only to wage controls. • Price de-control on a number of •elected items was ordered bu the OPS ob instructions from the Pres ident. The White House announcement said the actions are aimed at “eli minating in an orderly fashion the pride and wage controls under which the American economy has been required to operate for the past two , , , , . ’ Visits IN NEWTON GROVE • Mr** tforva Westbrook will leave here Saturday to visit her parents, Mt. and Mrs, J. F. House in New ,ton Grove over the weekend. , ' CONFINED TO HOME Miss Betsy Lee is , now confined Writer home wlOi sickness. V. BIRTHS IN GOOD HOPE ' HOSPITAL DURING THE ‘•'V ■ PAST WEEK ' MT. and MTs. Flynn Leg of Ul lihgton Rt 3, a daughter, Wanda Lybn, ob February the 1, in Good Rape Hospital. Mrs. Lee was Dor othy JflJen Godwin. Mf. ‘ah* Mrs. David Norris of Coats a daughter, Cathey Gall, on FstarwaTy 1, in Good Hope Hospital. Mrs. Herns was Maude Miller. MT. and Mrs. Charles Raron En nis of Coats, a daughter, Debra Carol on February 2, in Good Hope RatpßaL Mrs Ennis was Alice Ra chel Stephenson. Mr. afeM Mrs. Robert Thomas Hayes of Angler. Rt 2. a son, War ren niton, oh February 3. In Good Hayes was An- WWOf HOSPITAL PATIENTS Mias Lyda Stewart, Mrs. Tera HgU, Mre. Alone Jknseoit Mhs Janet Moore, Mias Kay -Rusher, MTs. Rath Overman, Mrs. Minnie Home, Mrs. Jackie Giles. Miss Sav onne tomes. Mrs. Maggie Moore, Mrs. Mabie Jacobs. Mrs. Flore Nor ris, Mr. .Henry LUoyd, Mr. Marttn srs Mr-JBebry Meom. Little Brenda fWffi<itj>imy jTomsoupaa, MryMat- Rkth ifcrton. Sarah Ryals (odor eA), ■* A ** > \ Isl B B"" I *^ fc " ■• #B W«%fc I !■ *L I ■-, , ror 11»© i [ I ■ f«Bl *B.ihT'^hipß l Dink runs away from Paula, unable to endure the separation from the father he adores, and the child’s devotion inspires Dodo to make his last try. His debut on television is an overwhelming success but the strain has been too much for. his heart and he dies on the crest of a new success. Skelton proves himself an artist to rank with the best in his role as the clown who tumbles on a down-hill slide through life. It is a tole which vividly contrasts pa thos and merriment. In such hilar ious scenes as those taking place in Coney Island’s Steeplechase Paik and at a business convention party he is the Skelton of old, convulsing funny in achieving a comic spill or getting a pie flung into his face. In the television performance ,he does another hilarious act in which he impersonates four house painters and their various techniques. But it is a new Skelton who will leave you wet-eyed in such scenes as that in which he forces his son to episode in which he is determined leave him, or the final dramatic to finish his act although he knows State Briefs (Continued from page one) go to within half a mile of the home of all children who live more than 1% miles from the school they attend. SALISBURY, N. C. Os) An eld erly Rowan County man had to pull the trigger of his .22 caliber pistol six times be for# it fired the bul let and took his life, authorities said today. CAMP LEJEUNE (IP) Tile 2nd Marine Division celebrated its 12th anniversary here yesterday with a 13-gun salute and a parade by more than 10,000 leathernecks. The div ision passed in review before Maj. Gen. Field Harris, commander Air Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic. CHARLOTTE Os) Funeral ar rangements were being made today for James Meador Small, 58, retired general agent of Railway Express Co. who died at, his home here yesterday. He was a native of Hampden, Ala. RALEIGH API A htly-debated bill prviding fr a ppulag vte n giving Nrth veterans a bonus will be introduced in the General Assembly shortly, legisla tive sources predicted today. And rew Del Vescovo of Burlington, state membership chairman for Am vets, said one senator and two represen tatives have already agreed to spon sor a referendum bill on the bonus. "• ' " RALEIGH IV) A hotly-debated bill providing fbr a popular vote on giving North Carolina veterans a total disability under the work men’s compensation act. As the law now stands, said Rep. Arthur Good man of Mecklenburg County, a per son totally disabled in injury reach es the limit of his compensation in About six years. “And then he’s got to go on relief,” Goodman said. START TOUR SAVINGS COMMERCIAL BANK Dunn, N. C. Before buying any hearing aid.you owe it to yourself to try the 1953 Haarfng Aid under our 10-day money-back Guarantee! • Sy Mian ot tmtS-funn fruit! MmMm ud ndii nt) j ; THOMAS-WALGREEN ' *BRUG STORE ; 3 Dunn, N. Cpffir himself to be a very sick man. The picture also Introduces an other acting winner in ten-year-old Tim Considine, who makes his screen in “The Clown,” but who comes to the picture with the the atre in his blood, for he is the son of two of America’s most famed theatrical families, the Considines and Pantages. In his debut before the cameras, young Tim gives an unerringly sensitive performance which will win him an army of overnight fans wherever this pic ture is shown. Jane Greer is warmly sympath etic in the role of the mother who tries to break down the barriers between herself and the son to whom she seems a stranger, and there are other fine portrayals on the part of Philip Ober as the husband of her second marriage, and Loring Smith as “Goldie” the agent who has never let Dodo down. Produced by Willliam H. Wright and directed with perception by the veteran Robert Z. Leonard, "The ;; Feeds —:— Seeds I Fertilizers oDUNN fcx service: R._ H. GODWIN, Manager TRUSSES * Hospital Supplies • Crutches EXPERTLY FITTED HOOD'S DRUG STORE Dunn, N. C. LEWIS GODWIN AND CO. GRADING CONTRACTORS dgglßa PONDS CLEARING BULLDOZING FREE ESTIMATES Hatcher & Skinner Funeral Home ESTABLISHED IN 1912 AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 2447 Pnnn, N, C. FOR THE MAGIC MONTH OF FEBRUARY ,.%Um Ml ®vT ICE CREAM Luscious, rad cherries popping out of special rich Ice I , cream. Genuine "WhUehouee" Cherry Ice Cream T Gardner's special February treat | Ask lor Genuine "Whitehouse" Cherry at all friendly J Gardner's Ice Cream dealers ... Be sura to take same I home! - It PAGE THREE Clown” is a picture Which will re main in the memory of those who see it for a.long time to come. ; I OMEf INSURANCE SERVICE . AUTO • FIRE . • LIFE Millions know Farm Bureau insurance for its low cost, broad coverage auto policies. But did you know your Farm Bureau representative can also give you sound, economy ical protection with over different types of insurance coverage? Before you buy or renew any insurance consult EDWARD GODWIN 1 FCX Bldg. Phone 4491 Dunn, N. C. hH| |

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