>T ' a ; *'\ V* * V ' \V’ /* ■: - r ' & * ‘ f '\ ' f WMIHfegDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 4, 1953 . t. Bngagement and wedding pic- /J/J ft /% a a a f± ft Tbe Record. Thttfj iS^M? ge by fIUWA. Dfi Ql/ltSlhSL&i tD iX/DJfISUt Annette Ezzell Complimented ; At fcaleigh Party At eight o’clock on Thursday eve ning, Mrs. J. W, Hedrick, entertain ed at her horde in Raleigh com-I plimenUng MKs Annette Ezzell, , bride-elect of March 29. Arrangements of carnations and snapdragons were used effectively throughout the rooms where games and contests were enjoyed during the evening, with prizes being, awarded the winners. The bridal motif was used in the refreshments of dainty green mer ingues topped' with ice cream, green H and white mints'toasted nuts and coffee. The hostess presented Miss Ez sell a bridal corsage of white car v nations and gifts of linen guest towels and several kitchen utensils. Attending the social courtesy were Miss Ezzell, honoree. Miss Nadia Daiightridge, Miss Rose Me-ssick. Miss Frances Bendall, Miss Celeste Hubbard, Miss Reggv Snipes. Miss Mary Dewar, Miss Marlon Brown Miss Kitty Brittain, Mrs. L. T f Koonce and Mrs. Perle Hand, all of Raleigh. Iff PORTSMOUTH Douglas Overman, eon of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Overman, is now in Portsmouth, Va., where be is under observation at the hospital there. IN NEWTON GROVE ; Mrs. Norva Westbrook and Miss Mary Lou *Westbrook visited relativ es and frinds in,Newton Grove over '. the weekend. INDIGESTIOir Relieved Quickly with PUSH { ! * Regardless, of how many medi cines you have tried for Acid Indigestion, Gas, or Heartburn caused by excess stomach acidity j you can get quick relief with PUSH. A doctor’s prescription, in powder form, it fs especially compounded to neutralize excess* acidity, relieve indigestion quickly without constipation. Many have praised PUSH for the prompt re lief it brought them. Get PUSH today and keep it on hand always. SSy apd 80c at any Drug Store. Bp f ' * I il f 1 I I sss£&&. VHHHjL , Sa Here's thej blgflert Krwn— , ° lif * Hm *' 7b#y ar * tqiialesA noo-rustins, • ;v ■■ ■ " '< •• tvn ft's o Deseed Tvmblar— .' . .. .. rji ) • j Mrs, Barefqot Is Honored At Shower Mrs. Gordon Baker.'Mrs. J. S 3. Jackson, Mrs. Naylor Barefoot and Mrs.' Wayne Lee were Joint hostes ses at the home of Mrs. Lee on i Saturday night, Feb. 28 at a mis cellaneous shower honoring their sister-in-law, Mrs. Max Gardner Barefoot. Mr..and Mrs. Barefoot were married February 18 In Wa rrington. ; Throughout the living room and dining room a color scheme of yellow and white was used • in. lovely arrangements of daffacNls, gladioli, and blooming hyacintns. When the henoree arrived at 7:30, she was given a corsage of white carnations by the hostesses. As the guests arrived they were in the living room at in dividual tables and were served punch, and ritz crackers. Then they enjoyed several progressions of Hearts. Later In the evening, Mrs. Lee conducted appropriate bridal gamgs. A chicken salad plate with pickles, ritz, nuts, bridal cakes and coca colas was served to the foll owing: Mrs. Barefoot, the honoree Mrs. G. R. Barefoot, Mrs. Horace O. Barefoot, Mrs. Erwin Barefoot, Mrs. J. H. Barefoot, Mrs. I. E. Barefoot, Mrs. Ben .Baker, Mrs. E. M. Norris, Mrs. Norwood McLamb, Mrs. Granville Gainey, Mrs. Frank Araan, Mrs. Alton Jackson, Mrs. C. N. 'Jackson, Mrs. Vasco Jackson, Mrs. Otis Naylor. Mrs. C. S. Smith, Mfs. Henry Naylor, Mrs, Archie Hardison, Mrs, James Wright Jackson, Mrs. Dennis Butler and the hostesses. Tile honoree then opened her many beautiful and useful gifts. FRQM WAKE FOREST Abe Elmore, a student at Wake Forest College, was here over the weekend visiting relatives and friends. STUDENT AT U.N.C. < ~ Jerry Thomas, who attends TJ. N, C., Chapel Hill, visited relatives and friends here over the weekend. MOVE TO ELIZABETHTOWN Mr. %nd Mrs. “Doc" Canady, for mer residents of Dunn, have made their new home in Elizabethtown. w m I Hi % HHI ■ jig : B it- MR. AND MRS. MAX GARDNER BAREFOOT were married Feb ruary 18 at 4 o’clock at St Andrews Church as the Covenant in Wil mington. The bride is the former Mias Odalee Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Ellis of Wilmington. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. George R. Barefoot of Dmiin. Mr. Barefoot attended the schools in Dunn and is now serving with the U. S. Navy and is awaiting embarkation to Guam. Circle Meets At Warren Home Circle No. 3 of the Hood Mem orial Christian Church met last night at the home of Mrs. Charlie Warren. Quests for the meeting were Miss Blanche Bell and Dr. and Mrs. George Cuthrell. y, NU|, Grace* Swain frkfl chzgga-ei. used as her theme, "Prayer Fo'r Strength.” The devotional period* closed with player by Dr. Cuthrell, pastor of the church. J Mrs. Mangum Butler, circle lea der, presided over a lengthy bus iness session. During the social houiw Mrs. Warren served assorted sandwiches, homemade coconut cake and cof fee. The living room of the home was decorated with arrangements of Jonquils and yellowbells. Members attending the monthly meeting were Mrs. Grace Swain, Mrs, Mangum Butler, Mrs. Larry . Baird, Mrs. Donald Langdon, Mrs. Wallace Dixon, Miss Mable Lynch, Miss Esther Ricks, Mrs. Flonnle GET PEAK ANTI-FREEZE TODAY Just Received A- Car, Load Don't Be A Last Minute Man Automotive Supply Co. DIAL *m BUNN. N. C. ■ Tarsi', T ■ - i * r '.fe; * J, '* N 11 .. s I I IHK DAILY RECORD. DUNN. N. CL Tart, Mrs. David Wilson, Mrs. Woodrow Hill and the hostess. Dunn Hospital laments 1 Joyce Gray Oates (col) Rt 3 Dunn. Mrs. Annie J. Stephenson, Dunn. Mr. James W. Bass, Rt. 4, Dunn. Mrs. Wilma Bowling, Rt. 3, Dunn. Mr. Jerry Woodall, Four Oaks. Annie Matthews (col) Rt. 1, Coats. Mr. Sam J. Huggins, Wilson. Annie Mae Shaw (col) Rt 3 Dunn. Mrs. Creech, Benson. Mrs. Ruth Tindall, Rt 1 Godwin. Mrs. Geraldine Thornton, Rt 8, Benson. • , Mrs. Grace Barefoot, Rt 2. Dunn. . Mr. Ralph R. Page, Benson. Mrs. Ida Pearl Tripp, Rt 3 Dunn. Mrs. t£ula Wilkins Rt 2,Dunn. Miss Inez Meo, Teaneck, N. J. Mrs. Lela Moore, Rt 3 Benson. Baby Joyce Oates (col) Rt 3 Dunn. Mr. Robert P. Thrt, Rt 1 Godwin. Mr. Roy Johnson, Erwin. Mr. Fred Hawlejf, Newton Grove. Claude Lewis Hicfcs (col) Bunnlevel. Babv Florence Haithcock, Fayette ville. ' : Rene McKay (col) Rt 1 Dunn. Sarah Davis (col) Rt 2 Roseboro. Mr. George Temple, Rt 4 Dunn. Mr. Needham Henry Bryant, Rt 3 Dunn. . waby Donald Glover Rt 3, Dunn. Mrs. Carrie Luces. -Rt 3 Dunn. Mrs. Al’ene Dudley, Rt 2 Benson AT JOHNSON HOME Mrs. J. W. Barnes of Fayetteville Is at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. R. Johnson, earing for the John son children. Dr. and Mbs. Johnson are in Charlotte with Mrs. Worth Stewart, another sister of Mrs. Johnson. ' VISIT NEWSOMS The Rev. and Mis. J. H. Dollar of Suffolk, Va. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Newsom Sat urday. Tlje Dollars and Newseins were friends when they bdth resid ed in LaGrange, Ga. Fairfield Card Club Feted By Mrs. Andrews Entertaining the Fairfield Bridge Club and one xpeelgl guest, Mra. Mack Andrew* was hostess at des sert bridge last evening at eight} : o’clock* On arrival, a wareet course of choc olate fudge cake, cashew nuts ahd coffee was served. While the game was in progress, players were re freshed with coca-colas, cheese wa ters and nuts. i Bouquets of jonquils and vari colored spring flowers were used attractively in the home. Mrs. Sam Clark Jr., had top score and was given a shoe bag. ] Second high scorer, Mrs. Ted Bur : well, received an attractive bou doir set, and the floating prize, a knife holder, was retained by Mrs. Pam, Davis. , Quest for the, evening was Mrs Frank Porter. . Members present were Mrs. Burwell, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Kepneth Howard Jr.. Mrs. Glenn Hooper Jr., Mrs. Leon McKay and Mrs. Joe Qardner. Mrs: L Jeffreys Presides At Meefing Circle No. 4 of the Hood Memorial Christian Church met on Tuesday nisht at eight o’clock at the home of Mrs. Cqhen Tart on W. Broad St A mixed bouquet of Jonquils, .yel low bell and spirea graced the table in the living room ' , Mrs. Louis Jeffreys, leader, gave an inspiring devotional entitled “Here And Now” which was fol lowed by prayer by Miss Bertha Westbrook. 1 Miss Westbrook then gave a read-* Ing “My Day With God” and Mrs. Tart sang a lovely solo. 1 The program was closed by Mrs. Jeffreys reading “Sind In The Des ert.” A routine business discussion fol lowed the program after which the hostess served cherry tarts with ice cream and coffee. Those attending were Mrs. Wood row Hill, Miss Westbrook, Mrs. Jef freys, Mrs. Eula True, Miss Phyllis Buckner, Miss Pearl Jemigan, Mrs. Earl Maynard, Mrs. Kathleen Mc- Leod, Mrs. Turk Lewis, Mrs. Black Lee, Mrs. Ruby Christian, Mrs. Lor oman Dupree, Mrs. J. W. Temple and Mrs. Lester Worley. Christian Circle Met Tuesday Night Mrs. Jack Hemingway was hos tess to Circle No. 6 of Hoad Vtahr orfil Christian Church last flight at her home on Fairground Road. Miss Frances Surles, leader, gave the devotional thought and presid ed over a regular business meet- j ing. Several items on the agenda | came yp for discussion, including the barbecue and brunswick stew dinner to be held at the church 6a Saturday. The hostess served* a , delicious sandwich plate with cokes to the following members ' present, Mrs. Tommy Harrall, Mrs. Dwight Mat tox, Miss Surles, Miss Electa Mfy- h * i M DON’T LEAVE A LIPSTICK TRAIL! NO FI OF SMKAt STA-PUT JV Often Mtated but nevwr duplicated-STA-PUT is the original Mver-fearwunar formula with the creamy base < l l utui k I sheen. 9 luscious Shod**? ..v | Airs. Williams Hostess To Bridge Club Mrs. George. Williams was hostess to the Cards ’N Gossip Bridge club on Tuesday evening at her home pn JS. Magnolia Ave. The hostess served a dessert course of fruit cocktail pies and coffee prior ..to the game, and later in the evening, cokes, cheese crack ers and cornets were enjoyed. High score award, a hostess dish, was captured by Mra Luther Tur ner. Mrs. Lee Sandlin won a box of mixed nuts for compiling high among the guests. Low score prize, magazines, went to Mrs. Owen Wil lis and the traveling gift, a pretty bracelet, was kept by Mrs. R. A. Duncan Jr. Guests for the game were Mrs. O. M. Leslie, Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. Sandlin. Members playing were Mrs. Eug ene Huggins', Mrs. Ed Wade. Mrs 'Turner. Mrs. Dwight Rowland and Mrs. Willis. YOUNG PEOPLE’S CLASS MEETS The regular monthly meeting of the Young Married People’s Class of the Second Baptist Church met Friday evening at 7:00 with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Godwin. Morris Knox, president, called the meeting to or der and B. o;. Slaughter led the opening prayer with ■ a business ses sion following. The class adopted a new name, “The Golden Circje.” Their motto is “United For Christ.” Following the business,\ a social hour was enjoyed with the hos tess serving a plqte which consis ted of potted hath sandwiches, po tato chips, and coca-co'-'s. Those attending the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Willie Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Surles, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beasley, Mrs. Leon Benson, Mrs. Cecil Daniels, Mr. Ed Massengill. Mr. Ed Willoughby, Mrs. Johnnie Page, Mr. B. O. Slaughter, Mrs. Ruby Norris. ' VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. Hafuz Duncan and daughter, Rena, who recently mov ed to Wilmington to make their home, were here yesterday visiting relatives and friends. WEEKEND GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Archie Norwood and children of Siler City were the weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Locke Campbell. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. fetacey Howard Lee of Wade, a son, on February 28 In the Dunji Hospital. Mrs. Lee was the former Mamie Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Williams of Dunn, a son, on February 28 in the Dunn Hospital. Mrs. Williams was the former Mary P. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph BaTafoot of Rt. 5 Dunn, a daughter on March 1 in the Dunn Hospital. Mrs. Bare foot is the former Lorraine Ben nett. nard, Mrs. William Tart, Mrs. Frank McLeod, Mrs. Woody Myers, Mrs. Wayne Justesen and Mrs. Fel ton Tart. _ * . i i i ■ » ''' ' ■' i . - j ] IBnR. '4 m; • < .-zW- Ml m Jjgß BUP J|| : l 4 A JMM H 11 ■■ I It | lb j * |d|f Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee Sewell of Erwin announce the engagement a'Msl of their daughter, Mi*s Haffye Elaine Sewell, to Mr. K. Jack Cox, • son of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert R. Cox, of Pilot Mountain. A Summer .;J1 wedding is plapned. Mr. arid Mrs. Carl Talton Bare foot of Rt 2, Dunn, a son on March ' 2 in the Dunn Hospital. Mrs. Bars- ( foot is the former Mary Grace i Thornton. I Jh& JaAkuoM Shap |1 Give yourself a 1 Springtime Lift. Jm i >*f»f-**p* .ifit ; WITH COOL, LIGHT, LOVELY LIFE BRAS BY FORMFIT 1 jT x mm A new spring, new clothes ... time to give your ' "M figure the spring tonic of some new Life Bras. These 3 M flattering Formfit creations mold your bust to the high, soft, rounded lines you want... beautifully, M W naturally, and above all, comfortably!. Fit you not mk M only for bust size and cup size, but also for degree of jj separation—to elevate, separate, rejuvenate * V '’’VaflH |g perfectly. Choose your Life Bras from our array . i§j ® of new spring styles! aB 19 I Life Bra shown, $3.50 /m In lovely nylon lore jf JSF '1 Others from $1.50 ' tWI :^j| i. Jj™*' (Cor**t Dapartsmf location or Storv Hovn) PAGE THREE Mr. and Mr,. Frank Washington - Thornton of Rt 3 Benson, a daugh- uJM ter, ori March 2 in the Dunn Has- 'A pital. Mrs. Thornton is the former 1 Mavis Geraldine Lee-

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