+WEATHER+ Considerable cloudiness and war mer today. Scattered thundershow ers and warmer tonight. Thursday, mostly cloudy and mUd with show ers, followed by clearing and coot \ Thursday afternoon or night. VOLUMN 3 WAY IS CLEARED FOR PEACE IN KOREA n!H? 1^ frß f L^ 1 B . H^ t f, NEW HOME Pictured Is the residence of Glenn L. Hooper, Sr., which the * C J Ub *‘» p “ rch “ e 40 »e as o meeting place and for dub-sponsored events. Purchase of 4 " e ■*“■*“£• °? Bonol Lay *? B Avenue, will cancel the efforts of l the woman’s organisation to sponsor Ute building of a community building for Dunn. The house U known as the old K. F. Howard home rjJfy. .*■**■ f "“‘ of oolonll ‘ l «chltecture In this area. With its many spacious rooms, It will be Ideal for the club. (Dally Record photo by Louis Deart^m). Dunn Womans Club ftyHaye Newjipme At the conchuriMt cf the meet ing yesterday of the Dunn Sen ior Woman’s Club, the President, Mrs. Pat Lynch asked Mrs. W. W. Carroll to take the chair so that she could speak from the floor. Mrs. Lynch then Informed the ladies of the executive board’s pro posal to purchase the Glenn Hoop er home for *12,000 to be used for the club, I The proposal came as a complete surprise to the members, but af ter very little discussion the mem bers agreed to go along with the recommendation and voted unani mously to purchase the property. The purchase of this property cancels the plans for building a community building on the pro perty which the wothan’s club re cently purchased tor that purpose •from the town of Dunn. The executive board's proposal r for this land is that the club offer to resell it to the town for the * pricer paid, or, if the town will not make the refund, to someone else. Plans for the use of the new buildihg, which will be occupied by the club this fall, make no provis ion for the library, for which ten tative provision had been made in the proposed community building. Members of the club bad tried for months to interest other organ isations in aiding them in their ef \ forts on the community building project but none would agree to help substantially, and the group felt that they would be unable to swing the project alone. They re iContinued on Pare Si II ■ ®t£ iJailit Ittetord TELEPHONES: 3117 . 3118 - 3119 Blalock Hds Close : C fijafeA k SI ti&rois , Ox Ininjistoii miraculoaty escaped mUM In jury late Tuesday afternoon krhen a tree fed an him knsrklng lilai from the bailduser he was oper ating for PaschaU Lumber Com pany in an area near the Jefcn sonville, Road. Blalock fe hospitalised at Vet erans Hospital Fayetteville, Where x-rays made Wednesday awmlng showed no broken bones, but serious bruises and shock. r- ! *V" ■ Dunn Fin Atfendanc Fire Chief Ralph Hanna presid ed at the special attendance ban quet held for members of the Dunn Fire Department and their ladles last night at Johnson’s Restaurant. Rev. Sam Bundy of Farmville was the principal speaker. F. E. (Buddy) Jernlgan was awarded a gold badge for the top attendance record for the year and a silver badge for best attendance among the auxiliary was presented to John Gr.aber. Jemigan received #6 of a possible 97 points and Gra ber 93 of a possible 96, according i : Harnett Safe Thefts Solved < ? W -’a testimony offered yfaierdav in Re corder's Court by a. group of te«s age defendants. Wiggins Drug Store, located prac tically on the Campbell College' campus in Buie’s Creek was entifc ed oa March 26 and a safe an dig quanr'iy of narcotics an Mft JKMkbB Hnft . p - : ' HR AT MASONIC BANQUET Pictured hrrc are s ome of the notables who were present for the annual Ladies’ Night Banquet of the Dunn Masonic Lodge last .night. Left to right are: Hugh W. Prince, local 33rd deg Tee Mason, who introduced the speaker; Lester Gilllkin of Goldsboro, who made the address; Mrs. J. C. Andrews, worthy matron of the Eastern Star; Fred M. Byerly, master of the lodge; J. E. Wilkins, senior steward and Howard Johnson, junior steward; standing, Earl Jones, senior war den; N. M. Johnson, Jr., senior deacon; ,Curtis Ennis, secretary; Bert Alabaster, retiring master; and Willie Moss, a past master who presented the apron to Mr. Alabaster. (Daily Record Photo). Expect Approval On Bond Issue RALEIGH (U 1 ) The House was expected to give final approval to day to Gov. William B. Umstead’s request for bond Issues to build schools and improve mental hospi tals, and take action on a pro posed *13,000)900 “catch-all’ bond issuv'fof a Whole series of pre u»iient impAmemerit* sit \other i Rate The representatives approved the *60,000,000 school bond issue by a unanimous 113-0 vote on its sec ond reading yesterday. The *22,000,- 000 passed the test by a lopsided vote of 103-5. These bond issues would be submitted to the people in a special referendum with the date to be set by the governor. The Joint Appropriations Com mittee put its seal of approval on the report of its subcommittee studying controversial budget items, after deciding to raise teachers’ sal aries by 12% per cent rather than only 10 per cent as the subcom mittee recommended. The salary boost raised the pay scale for teachers with “A” certi ficates from the present range of *2,200-*3,000 to *2,*61-*3,491. It ad ded *4.207.633 to the recommended general fund spending program for the next two years and sent it irtto the red by approximately *3,500,000. MUST (BALANCE Since the legislature may not enact an unbalanced budget, the addition handed lawmakers the job .'Cantinned an uage two) the hill is now awaiting action. Mayor Ralph E. Hanna said to day that he expected the city coun ' ell to discuss the matter Friday night when It meets. , HIGHER THAN MOST COUNTIES Under terms of Rep. Gregory's' I bill, the salary of Judge H. Paul Strickland would be raised to *3,600 * year and the salary of Solicitor i J. Shepard Bryan would be raised to *S,OOO. Out of all the 100 counties In <*>anttime« On Hnjr- tmm> Dunn Masons Hold Ladies Night Event The Dunn Masonic Lodge held : its annual Ladies’ Night banquet : Tuesday night in the Dunn High School gymnasium with about 125 i Masons and their ladies in attend ance. j ' ' Fred M. Byerly prrirttfd j 4«ri«e banquet ateTdHiver^ite address of welcome. Principal speaker for the occas- ; ion was Lester Gillikin of Golds boro, Illustrious Potentate of Su- • dan Temple. Mr. Gillikin, who is : Wlddly-known in Stake Masonic circle, spoke on the subject, ■'What is Free Masonry?” Members of the lodge hailed his address as one of the best ever presented before the lodge. INTRODUCED BY PRINCE Mr. Gillikin was introduced by Hugh W. Prince, prominent Dunn i merchant, the town’s only 33rd De- < gree Mason and Worthy Patron of : the Grand Chapter of the Eastern i Star of North Carolina. i A highlight of the meeting was : the presentation of the Past Mas- : ters Apron to Bert Alabaster, the i retiring past master. Willie Moss, ( Dr. Greer To Speak At Gym Dedication Dr. I. G. Greer, executive vice president of the Business Founda tion of North Carolina, will be the main speaker at the formal dedi cation ceremonies here on the af ternoon of May 2 for Carter Gym nasium, new (140,000 building at Campbell College. Dr. Greer will speak at the cere monies, which will be held at 3:30 in the afternoon. Leslie H. Campbell, President of the college, will preside over the ceremonies. Leßoy Martin, of Raleigh, im mediate past president of the Board of Trustees of the college in whose administration the project was started, will present the gym nasium to the college trustees, white Karl McD. Westbrook, present president of the Board, will accept the building.for the Board. ■ Harry Carter, lormer head of tbs college board here, vice-presi dent of the J. P. Stevens Coaipenjr and general manager of Carter Fabrics, will be given re ’MARKETS* HOCUS RALEIGH —itF— Hog markets: Fayetteville, Florence: Bteady at] 20 dO, . *' -Mm Lumberton, Marion: Steady at f Kinston: 26 cents higher at 20.35. FIVE CENTS PER COPY another past master, made the pre sentation. Mr. Alabaster \as also presen ted a gift by the Eastern Star in appreciation for his services to fhatj organisation iuring his term of ot-j **SS?. ..i.. --.- Mr. Byerly presented Mrs. J. C. Andrews, worthy matron, and oth er officers or the Eastern Star. The invocation was given by the Rev. J. W. Lineberger, pastor of the Divine Street Methodist Church, and music was provided during din ner by Johnnie Ciccone, local ac cordianist. HIGH FINANCE MEMPHIS, Tenn. —(lf) There’s one University of Mississippi stu dent who shouldn’t ever be broke. He was stranded here with *2 and needed *3 to buy a ticket back to Oxford, Miss. He pawned his *2 in a pawn Shop for *1.50, then sold hi* pawn ticket to a passerby for another *1.50, giving him the need ed *3. * ' '' .v -a cognition at the ceremonies. Other members of the Carter family expected to be present will include Leßoy B. Carter, manager of Z. J. Carter and Son, Wallace; Almon Carter, member of Camp bell’s Board of Trustees, and senior member of Z. J. Carter Fabrics; and Mrs. Louise Carter Hoffler, also an active partner in the firm of Z. J. Carter and Son of Wallace. Greetings will be brought by of ficial representatives from various groups represented at the meeting. ~ A demonstration of the new 1963 j Hotpoint range will be conducted on Friday and Saturday of this week at WeUons Mercantile Comp any at Dunn. The demonstration win be con ducted by Mrs. Aliens Mints, fcssssj and Light Company?*”* I*** 1 *** Plans for the event were an- THE RECORD GETS RESULTS UN Is Ready To Resume Stalled Pasiaufljoin Talks WASHINGTON, T"trucV*nflia3B(B (Continued on <«•(« two) Mayor Not Taking] Issue With Ladies! Mayor Ralph E. Hanna had a one-sentence * come about reports that ladles of the J town are organizing in aa effort r | to defeat his administration.. “I never take issues with imm ladies,” declared the mayor. “God M bless them.” Yesterday, Miss Sue Smith an- l nounced that women of the town are organizing a crusade cleaner and better governßMjp^^ GOOD TITLE ANYWAY NEWPORT. R. I. (IP Fire Chief Abel S. Eldrcdge has been re-elected Keeper of the PowftWH House-—but there hasn’t been tttt powder house in Newport for than 10 years. ; • Stores Closing^ Wednesday PMs ; Dunn stores today began Wednesday afternoon half-holi days. ; Chairman Dave Kimmell the Retail. Merchants CemmitM||§ merce said reail stores, with %iS few exceptions, would ***** Tobacco Market next Mr. Kimmell said merchant* - voted on this schedule at their | orjfanijauonai meeim| PIC NO., St t