WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 13,1953 ~ - M rak/^'B PHHHH Ai "[ -• ■ ■ THURSDAY FRIDAY • t; f - • - ’ Cartoon r Late Show Only -10:30 p.m. . : C-1 j| ■MgSaßli»:; h^ : r • ™ i'■ : Tm!SwMh jKgfglffL M V/ ./|* "<-Tj? & JBsß4e % ?< >i f llnitilhinn six scats - «oc Tax Ind. ■ nitfMVmi!' ——■? • "?• -—/. ' BRING YOUR PARTY! . ... - ■ :' 1 ■ v v fr". a'-'j!>-», •'• iiT 1 M UMLWM MAUAMrI look oeyona the price tig! ■ wl* *" Tlif*lAC9 UtMf 'H#imak ' <:' -.■ J'lllS |fn% RKIKID jO JB * t • > locally ;. v ‘ t f .. a*’ V*- ; .. - - *v , ■ *. I? >•** "r * * -MOS'HP ValVe-.ift-head READ AND USE CLASSIFIED ADS CIASSIFIEO mis ruin Size Type .... *e word « Word Minimum 50c .24 * Time. Only «LM *>l* Six* Typ* .3c word ‘ t TbM Only ■ SIJS »--■ . .■■ .Ml FOR RENT floor polisher. Minimum charge, 75c a day. Johnson Furniture Co. Luck now Square, Dunn. Phone 2427. 2-28-ts-c FOR RENT: One'nice five room apartment. Located in big grove with fenced in play, yard. Call 3171, McLamb Machinery Co. 4-27-tfn c FOR RENT:'Three room du plex apartment, private bath, private entrance, electric hot water heater, wired for elec tric stetoe, recently painted. , See Mrs. V. B. Hertry, 607 , East Pearsall St. or phone 1 1 3467 5-8-ts-c [ FOR RENT: Four room house. See Walter Holmes, after 6 p. m. at 1100 E. Broad St. or pi: one 4706. 5-12-3tp FOR RENT: Upstairs a i partment. Wired for electric ! stove, hot water heater v Two , large rooms, kitchen'and i hall. Comer N. Ellis and W. Broad. Willie Moss, Dial 3348. 3-18-MWF-tf-c SPECIAL NOTICES ' __X > BOYS EARN EASY MONEY —Thr Daily Record from time to time has openings . for carrier boys. Some ot our carriers now a raging as high as sl2 per week. R*. i quires only a couple hours 1 after school.'Excellent train ing for boys. Must be 12 years old and have consent and cooperation. Ap ply to Mr. Follett at Record | office. v LOOK— NEED CASH? We’ll lend you money on your ap pliances or furniture. SECU RITY LOAN CORP., col Fayetteville & Cumberland Streets., Dunn. 1-29-tfnc HOUSEWIVES, FARM - WIVES EARN EXTRA MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME by getting renewals and selling new suhscriot ions to The Daily Recora. Sjome agents earning high as SSO a week in, spare time. All you have to do is call on your friends and neighbors in sDare time. Doesn’t have to be sold. All you haVe to do ; is take orders. Apply to Mr. Follett at Record office. | PLEASE NOTE: Will the per- 1 i son who borrowed outdoor i grill pan, jjlease return to \ Mrs. Emmett Ajdredge. . ; - x 5-11-lt-c Auto Finance HSLPWANTED WAITRESS WANTED AT ONCE. Apply E & W Restau rant. . 5-12-3tc Help Wanted: Route sales man. High school education required. A good opportunity for man who qualifies. Apply Gardner’s Dairy Products W. Cumberland St. 5^12-tf-c HELP WANTED: Young needed at once for bookkeep ing and secretarial work. ■ Previous experience neces sary. Apply in person at Purdie’s Inc., Dunn, N. C. ♦ , a 5-12-2 t-c WANTED WANTED. Girifc to at ~ m—am——m. I STEWART TODA A THURSDAY 1 ANNE BAXTER in The Blue Gardenia There Is Nothin* LUy White 1 About Her Movie Tone News * I DUNN I V STARTS TODAY THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. C. Paramount Cleaners.- Apply in person. >-19»2te . i FD.R SALE FOR SALE: New Thartlng ton tobacco carers installed m your bam with all galva nized pipe. Make your ar rangements early. Fitchettfs Home Oil Co Phone 3138. Dunn. 3-2-ts-c LAND FOR SALE: Several small acreage tracts, 35 to 75 acres on good roads. S4O. 00 per acre. 5 years to pay. Also some larger tracts, 100 to 300 acres, and larger. Call me for appointment to see these valuable tracts, and in vest your monthly or yearly savings in land. There is no better investment. W. H. Par rish, Lillington, N. C. # 4-14 tfnc FUR best i-esttiu with all farm animals, WAY ft E FEED is the product for you to buy. You will find a com plete line oi WAYNE FEED at FARMER'S SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-ts-c FOR SALE: Good used ran ges- Easy terms. Enterprise Gat and Appliance' Co. 8. Clinton Ave. Phone 4368, DUnn, N.,C. 2-10-T TH F GET THE BEST for lessTn gas, tires, batteries, seat covers. New, used, recaps, whitewall and odd sizes. Carolina Oil Stores. 6-12-lt-c FOR SALE OR SWAP: One table saw with grinding and sanding attaenments, 1-2 horsepower motor, one mag netic jigsaw, one jigsaw witn 1-3 h.p. motor, one router with paint spraying attach ment, one car radio. Call 4964 or see at 409 Sbuth 14th St., Erwin. 5-11-MWF-c ! PuHoruh etean baby chicks. (New Hatnpshires, Parmenta reds, White Rocks, Barred Rocks and Leghorns. Hatches each Monday and Thursday. We sex them on orders. Dunn Hatchery. 5-13 mwftfc STAR-VUE 1 DRIVE-M BENSON, N. C. HIGaWAT Ml NORTH " Ltat Time Tp4»r '•HDtwl Sahara" starring YVONNE DE CARLO DAVID TOMLINSON New* Color Cartoon THURSDAY FRIDAY ~ ’'Cove Os The Outlaws" (Color by Technicolor) starring MacDONALD CAREY ALEXIB SMITH ;,V. Color Cartoon Wwgh'fminn'mmoowwwwwioop'wwNiww. Hukss Theatre InWiL N. C. j Last Time Today . "My Six Convicts" JOHN BEALE GILBERT ROLAND THURSDAY FRIDAY JOEL McCREA BARBARA HALE > "The Lone Hdnd" Plus Exires * 7- * —— Center %ew ■ i\niift iri - SJICI vt>lll DUNN-ERWIN HIGHWAY "Un^orworh." kS'Vw^Jw MARILYN ASH f'Of PHVHHHBHHHf [von NUCLEUS - WONY-IDLEO-I COCTOR,piaDON ME, BUT T ‘ H ' pTHEia PLANE K DLF - AT l f rs PUBUOTV. M3U BOVS WE LAND SOON AND THE XbO^JTff, JtBJO HOPAtONC CASSIDY . ' Z' — I^****> Strafefwer that W umm rriN6 upat^ mMs w umit ■ ~ f L SNO2^- VS \ L-r v.V.^'/Vj-V ”-'| /DO \OJ WWT TO l WHAT WOULD VOU / lC£!f V CHIRPIW- / ... „>; v‘-*it .i-V-Ti (ffShwESSpy *; . SNUFPY SMITH . | -.— T "i,■ *’ J.' y' ■ \ vr>*'Jjli*» , '*£tJ'*- yj VOU KNOW? Xl) * E O^AJ^