+WEATHER+ NORTH CAROLINA Fattty *■ r~T-771:? 1 : “This naficji is powerful enough,” ’ McCarthy declared. “It has the ! guts. It has toe strength to win its battles.” 1 Speaking alternately to whispers and roars, he recalled at one point , his days as a Marine Corps gunner ‘ J to the South Pacific. Then he ver ged on tears. When McCarthy concluded, the galleries applauded him. Celebrating 95th s Birthday In Bed For the first tone to many yean Mrs. Sue Allen, «rho is 95-years old today, mined her annual birthday party- Bhe la confined to her bed at toe home of her daugh ter, Mrs. J. H. Russell, and the doctor ordered no party far this year. However, her birthday has not been forgotten, not only bp her Immediate family, but by aeons of admirers of this grand old lady. Mrs. Russell said today that toe poatamn has been kept buoy bring* tog presents that her has been continually ringing with calls from well-wishers to this and neighboring continuities. ..., "People have been just wooder J— • /w | f „ Erwin Churchmen A$ Diocese Contention The rector and seven vestrymen of Bt. Stephen's Episcopal Church, isrwin, represented < uie local par ish at the UTth annual convent ion of the Diocese of North Caro lina wt Christ Church. Raleigh, NO. 11* Ready To Take Any ChaiteeTo Secure Peace WASHINGTON (IP) President Elsenhower told a news conference today he has seen no definite evidence of good faith on the part of Russia that would warrant holding a big-power meeting as suggested by Prime Min ister Winston Churchill. The President also challenged the correctness of former Britten Prime Minister Clement R. Att lee who said some people in the United States do not want peace in Korea. Permitting a d|tre