PAGE EIGHT ERWIN SOCIETY * ,r a. f prwm ofi ueni' Wect Officers ‘W&te* campaign came to * close test Friday v hen .Erwin ggplijh Bchool students elected stu 3§A*®t council officers for the school chapel exercises Friday V each candidate/ was intro duced; by Tommy Davis, outgoing president, and following this they proceeded to make their final, cam jtfdgn speeches. ff Following the speeches a secret »piUpt was held and the winners Were:' President, Larry Smith; vice esident, Diane Ralph; secretary, Barbara Hudson; treasurer, Tom tny Stevens; sergeant-at-arms. Stanford Godwin. Outgoing officers lire: president, Tommy Davis; vice president. larry Smith; secretary, flerry Matthews, treasuhs . Bar bara Hudson and sergeant-at-arms, tacky Strickland. H TUESDAY IN DUNN Mrs. J. K. Bruton spent Tues day in Dunn. 1 - REMODELING - REPAIRING y * 1 - NEW HOMES - COMMERCIAL ; BUILDING SEE , 1 General Contractor M|ib Job too large or tool Ismail. Free estimates. I SEasy terms on repair jobs. S; 36 months to [py. j PHONE 9171 So beautiful ill SIBO to 2475 mmt, - ■ WeAßsg Ring $12.50 * iicUt FtdtraJfax. a Ql>lrfggep>nfr Re * Br wNWk. you can pay «I£m4 hut an ran'f k ||j|: ■ a fam diamond ring Erwin Woman's Club Entertained At Music Program Mrs. E. G. Purcell was'in charge of the program when the Woman’s Club met Monday' evening. The topic for the month is Mus ic and Mrs. Purcell introduced the guest artists. They were Sandra Ralph, Barba a Tyson, Beverly Lashley, Judy Williams, Stephanie Taylor, Patricia Warren and. Mrs. Clifton Royal. The Introduction to the program, Music Appreciation, was given by Miss Warren and following this pi ano solos were played by Misses Ralph, Tyson, Lashley, Williams and Taylor. Miss Warren and Mrs. Royal each presented two vocal suU 7-ions, and following this a music quiz was held. For the p.ogram, the club room was beautifully decorated In green and yellow. The table was covered with a green linen cloth and heal a lovely centerpiece of yellow pan sies. The punch bowl was placed on one end .of the table. While brass candelabra holding- yellow ta pers graced the opposite end. Mrs. Wayman Byrd poured yellow punch . and Mrs. Louis Dearborn, Mrs. Johnnie Whitman and Miss Ruby Sewell assisted in serving as sorted cookies, potato sticks, mints and asso.ted nuts. I Mrs. Pink Leonard was hostess fcr the evening and Mrs, Purcell presented gifts to those appearing on the program. > Club members present were: Mrs. Byrd, Mrs. Dearborn, Sirs. Whit man, Miss Sewell, Mrs. Pii.cell, Mrs Coy Norris, Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Helen Carr, Mrs. D. C. Parrish. Sirs. Erwin Brantley, Mrs. Harvey Mm. Haywood Butler* M.\>. Vaster McKee, Mrs. Ludb Fowler, Mrs. Mannie Stephens, Mrs. Dan Ennis and Mrs. Novella Hol land. Presbyterian Ladies Observe Birthday : The Women of the Presbyterian .Church observed the forty-first'an niversary of their organization at their regular meeting Monday eve ning. The meeting oponed with soft music played by Mrs. J. C. Gra ham. " Mrs. Stacy Whittington presid-d and the group sang “I Love To Tell The Story." This was followed by “The Lord’s Wayer," in unison. Mrs. J. C. Graham was in charge of the prof am. Mrs. S. J. Clark Sr., gave the devotional which she toliewttf with prayer. Mrs. C. E. RSifdrtf• then read a poem entitled "The Hoine” by Edfitr A. Guest. Mary Louise Mi fey, Soloist sang “Bless This House,” she was ac companied by Gerry Matthews at the piano. Mrs. Graham then gave a talk on “Furlough Hoiqes For Missionaries,” which is the birth day objective for the year. The of fefiiig'i was taken by M s. Ray Lu poid'. any Miss CTeo Blackman. Fd’.Jowing the basinets session M-t. Whittington dismissed > the group with prayer. . • Mts. K. W. Ballentine the in vited the group Into the educa tional building to cut the birthday eate* Addison Brewington ’ "The House Mover" !*,T" 14 years experience Experienced Help , Go Anywhere Satisfaction Guaranteed Phene S*M Dunn. N. a ■< ICVi. x >Jpf yV/ MS ttg& W&F** 4mmjk urr os am mm * fftimrrlf iiilS aS rmj -rtiii r **-■ *J ry_f ‘. v \ |Jb Ipf "Ij-IlHfll -fcarffiH UATAn #«A •V’. 91 RIvIVLAIII/ HIV IUK VVr« BL EDGERTON g£ T.™ ; >;MMN, M. C ■ RETIRING WOMAN'S CLUB PRESIDENT SUBMITS REPORT FOR YEAR 1952-53 By MRS. PAT LYNCH President \ It doesn’t seem possible that this is the last meeting and that it has been two years since your presi dent took office but so it la—and together' we have finally accomp lished our primary aim for this past period of time—that of find ing a new home for our club. Your president shares with each of you the happy realization of this dream. The chairman of our departments have again been most co-operative and have brought us a varied and worthwhile series of programs. Your president thinks that the idea of letting each chairman tell of he: own committee’s record, was well received last year and therefore we wilt follow the same program thjs year. Mrs. Glenn ■ L. Hooper, Welfare Chairman of the Dunn Woman’s Club submitted the following re-, port: , In September • Miss Ir?ne Lassi ter of the Ha nett County Health Department spoke to the club on Your Health Center. The members of the Welfare Committee, Mrs. H. C. Turlington, Mrs. John Dal rymple and the Chairman are at present serving on the Board of Directors of the Harnett County T.B. Assn. Although the T.B, Seal Sale does not come under the Wel fare Committee’s supe: vision, one of the members, Mrs. Dalrymple has served for two years as the Paid Seal Sale Worker. She reports $4145.00 from the County as of February 28, 1953. The International Relations Com mittee had charge of the Novem ber meeting* with Miss Bessie Mas sengill, Chairman. The topic of the program was: “Education Fo: International Understanding.” The a white cloth and centered with a lovely arrangement of pink roses and feverfew encircle with Ivy. The punch bowl adorned one end of the table and the two-tiered birthday cake the other. Mrs. Dick Bave>: poured the pun ch and Mrs. Whittington cut and served the cake. Thirty ladies were present for the meeting. ANGIER VISITORS Mrs. Carl Faulkner, Mrs. Frank Ralph and son Danny, Visited rel atives in Angier Tuesday. RALEIGH VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sewell vis ited in Raleigh Tuesday. attend Exercises Mr. and M s. Ted Gray, Roger Sessoms and Betty Lou Gray, at tended the graduation of Wilbur frgaier at Barium Springs Orphan age Monday. Shower For Mr?. * Horne In Erwin Mesdames Pat Jones, Earl Mpore and Edmond Whitman entertained at a stork shower at the perk center Saturday evening feting Mrs. K. G. Horne Jr. ’ When the honoree arrived she was given a lovely corsage of flow ers and shown her place beside : the gift' table. Several contests were held and Mrs. Haywood Lucas and Mrs. Leon Wade were awarded prizes.- Mrs. Horne then opened her gifts and following this the hostesses served cookies, nuts, potato chips and rioca-colas to: Mrs. Horne, hon oree, Mrs. S. H. Harrington Sr., Ms. Arthur Crafton, Mrs; ft* H. Harrington JT., Mrs. Bill Harring ton, Mrs. Evelyn McLean, Mrs. M. 5. Wade, Mrs. Leon' Wade, Mrs. Uzzle O'Quinn, Mrs. Alton McDon ald, Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Reuben Tay lor, Mrs! Geodge Jackson, Mrs. Sari Moore, Sr., Mrs. B.nest Coats, Mrs Earl Beard; Mrk. Pink Leonard, Mrs. Ottis Honeycutt, Mrs. Willis Gray, Mrs. K. G. Horfie Sr., Mrs. “Sonny” Rochester, Mrs. Will Mc- Donald, Mrs. Nettie SeweU, Mrs. Haywood Butler, Mrs. Teddy Neid zwick, Mis. Haywood Hollingsworth, Mrs, Liston Stephens anfl Miss Mel sie Whitman. -v : ■■ •' V THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, IV. a i Chairman stated that "education [ is no longer made up of reading, | writing and arithmetic alone, but | education means a better under ' standing of rights,, responsibilities and human relations.” Judy Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stewart, and a i fourth g ad® rtudent, told of the her gride to Jearn and to better Gram ii r School are learning to work, play and live together, co (. operating at school and at home. “If we can learn to be good cit izens in our community, we will be able to better understand people Mn other places,” Judy said. Betsy j Byerly, a seventh grade student, explained the work being done In* hre grade to learn and to better understand the United Nations, Herman Godwin, Jr., student' in World History, talked on the re lationship of different countries, using maps and charts. Following this discussion, Miss Anq Bach man of the Angier School showed slides of her trip through Europe last summer. v. 1 The Chairman, through a-range ments with the University of North Caroltra, Chapel H')l, scheduled visits to the various Harnett Coun ty Schools for Miss Edith Gold schagg, a German teacher. She was one of seventeen German teachers j visiting the United States to learn about our school system. The stu- I dents enjoyed her folk songs and Christmas cardls sung in German. | In February materials were sent i to all Elementary and High Schools in the county wjth suggestions for the observance of Brotherhood Week, the programs this y»ar were unusually well planned and carried out. Other schools participated in I the observance of Brotherhood Week. Mrs. J. O. Warren. Chairman of the Education Department made the following report. The Dunn Public Library was founded in 1923 by the Dunn Woman’s Club. It is open from one to five- the year around. We observe only five holi days. The total registration is 265, with 422 adults and 343 juveniles. We have 3,174 books. 2 newspapers and 6 periodicals. The total num ber of volumes lent for home use was 9,019 and the period of loan for a majority of the adult books ' was for 14 days. The city pays $600.00 of the $1,387.00 it costs to. j run the library last year. The fines, rentals and Woman’s Club ; Treasury ” supplied the remaining amount. The Library Committee of the Dunn Woman’s Club is primarily concerned with raising a large a-, mount of money to be used for the Library. This past year we realiz ed a very nice sdm from a Tour of Homes decorated for the Christ mas Season. Tickets were printed and sold, five homes were shown and the <groi’r> assembled al the I sixth home, the lovely lakeside home of Mrs. A. W. Blanchard for afternoon tea. The response to the tour was so great thtat we are plan ring U> make it a yearly event. jMrs. Janie Whitehead, our Librar ian. is so capable, courteous and efficient that the members of the Library Committee left the management of the Library in her hands and have gladly met for committee meetings and worked wholeheartedly in eva;y undertak ing to increase our funds to be spent for the Library. This wonder ful Committee Is composed of: Miss Rachel Clifford, Mrs. T. H. San som, Mrs. J. R. Young. Mrs. H. M. Tyler and Mrs. J. O. Warren, Chairman. Mrs. Frank Spruill, Chairman of the Youth Co reservation Depart ment presented January’s program and her report was: The Youtii Conservation Committee of the Dunn Woman’s Club gave its an -1 nual p ogram on January 13th with Miss Ophalia Matthews as guest speaker. She gave a most Informa tive talk using as tier topic, “Youth As I See Them.” Your chairman was appointed by the Woman's (.flub President, a permanent member of the Recrea tion Commission of Dunn. Through this Commission your Chairman served as official Hostess for the Town of Dunn to the beauty con testants in the Town and County Festival was held In Aug ust. This included selecting eight local girls to be responsible for the beauty contestants during their stay in Dunn, planning the lunch jeon, and presiding at same. Y6ur Chairman also directed the beauty contest. Plans are underway to se cure a full-time Recreational Dir ector to further conserve the youlit of our town. We participated in the Birthday Remembrance pro gram sponsored by our North Car olina State Federation. Mrs. William Newsom, Chairman of th£ Art Ac, Literature Depart ment had charge of the February meeting. This year the department devoted its programs to Literature. Upon arrival at the February meet ing, each member was handed a typewritten slip containing a well BUY YOUR ' LI A II ■HB Jrm ■ ■ ': P' .PROM. I ' I SNIPES I * -v.: known literary quotation. The Pro gram ' Chairman called upon -each ia turn to stand and read her quo tation. Club members were then called upon to name the author and the classic from which It Was lilt ed. A lively response was the re action and club members expressed enthusiastic delight over the type program. Mrs. H. W. Whlttenton, Chair man of the Music Department, held the March meeting at her home. She had a -most entertaining pro gram using our outstanding local talent. At the conclusion of the program the hostess served refresh ments. The members always, look forward to this program as it is so varied. Music is furnished for the Club whenever called upon. A year ago this club decided to sponsor a Glee Club Award for the Senior Glee Club member showing the greatest progress at the end of each school'year, which is known as the Arion Award The Music Chairman makes this presentation. The Senior Woman’s Club of Dunn, North Carolina held it’s Ap ril meeting in the Home Economics Room of the High School. The Am » Scan Home Dept.; Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Chairman; Mrs. Ed Strick land and Mrs. Jeff. Denny presen ted Mr. Lynn Faircloth, a florist from Fayetteville, who brought the club an interesting and varied pro* gram on Flower Arrangement. Mr. Faircloth c.eated several lovely ar rangements along with his infor mative talk. About 40 members and guests were present. In October the Club held it’s annual Tea at the home of Mrs. W. M. Brannon honoring new mem bers and new teachers. The home was beautifully decorated by Mrs. Houston’ Jernigan and her commit tee. Mrs. William Pearsall and her social committee furnished i delect able refreshments. The Club has had 14 subscript ions to the N. C. Clubwoman and 3'to the General Federation Club- TO "SHOW Ms” TRACTOR BUYERS... ON YOUR OWN FARM . rhea you’ll tee WHY FERGUSON S the BUY! f Tekohonv NOW for YOU ft Dote GENERAL UTILITY CO. PHONE 3204 W. HARNETT ST. DUNN, N. C. *"'GoodAear lift SHE! * / - a* \ S B^ 4 B Not Recaps! Not Seconds! M k BRAND NEW GOODYEAR TIRES MfJEgk * Regular $1A«0 Plus Tax //////■ ? ' 'List Price " lrt " ut trod#J " Jjk jfjjj^Hn "Tot™™ \ mam mH I i 9 . Voa\*** oat on tha unusual buy! Get this nigged, long-wearing Goodyear tire at a rock-bottom pnee. No other tire gives as much safety, comfort and mileage for so httle money. See us for this great Goodyear Tire at this Special Sale price! Low prices on other sizes, too! ' Super-Cushion Special!' Now Only! poWN I raCKE-wi 'IP 5 I njjss ViVlilVkimiP m/" JMmmn I 105 s CUnton Ave DUNN > N - c Phon * 2069 ’»p| , British Vessels (Continned hram page one) cargoes Is “impossible to explatn.’i Kennedy said ships of the firm, identified by the subcommittee as Wheelock - Marden Co., of Hong Kong, were carrying Commuvist troops along the China coast as late as 1952. “WHOSE WAR IS IT?" Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark). said the revelation “raises the woman. The members have worked ;ln all community drives as they were needed during the past year. The Junior and Spnior Clubs have worked together beautifully, in fact, pur Junior Sister gave up a bond to go on our new club .house. And your president feels sure that th’ey will be Interested in sharing and helping In any way that they can. Your President, Vice-President and delegates attended the District Meeting in the fall at Hamlet, and delegates aiteneed the State Con vention in May at Wrightsville Beach. , Your President has attended all meetings of the Club except one. Executive board meetings, and all meetings of a civic nature that were held In Dunn at which. I-was your representative. Your Presi dent’s deep appreciation goes to The Daily Record and the Dunn Dispatch, for it’s cooperation ill re porting our meetings; to the Ra dio Station for its announcements of our meetings, and to the Dunn High School Board for so gracious ly allowing us to meet in the lib rary of the High Scholl for the past two years. | To the Officers, Department Chairmen and members, I wish to express my deep appreciation for your support and co-operation throughout my period of office and to wish for our Club a worthwhile and happy future. ■ ' • WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 20, 1953 _ question of whose war It Is?” He said it was anptuar indication that the “whole pplicjfi’ of t>)e U. N. in the Korean war Is aimiid at doing nothing that would win the conflict for the Western powers. Under questioning by McCarthy and Sen. W. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.), Kennedy said he knew of no change In policy by the Mutual! Security Administration under the I new administration. Symington said he hoped the sub-1 committee could proceed on tjie| assumption that the trade “Is a problem for America and not of a certain political party.” McCarthy said he ■Would write j President •Eisenhower later today! to find out the government’s policy, with regard to trade with Commun- i ist China. Kennedy said also that 162 West- ' ern flag vessels have engaged in! the Red China trade during the 1 first three and a half months of | this / year. He produced a chart, | based on naval intelligence figures,. which showed a “steady increase” in Western trade with Red China last year. . Markets lContinued 'ram page one) heaivy hens 25 to 28, mostly 26 to 27. Eggs steady, supplies about ade quate, demand good. Prices paid producers and handlers FOB local gracing stations; A large 53, A me dium 49 to 50, B large 46' to 48. HOG 8 RALEIGH (IP! —, Hog markets; Siler City, Lumberton, Fayette ville, Clinton; Market steady at 23.25 for good and choice 180-240 lb. barrows and gilts. Goldsboro, Dunn, Mt. Olive, War- JUST RECEIVED VENETIAN BLINDS $2.98 DUNN, N. C. saw, Smlthfleld: 25 cents higher at 23.25. Wilson, Tabor City, Kinston: Jacksonville, Washington and Rocky.. Mount: 25 cents lower at 23-90 % SAN JOSE, Calif. API Hard ware store proprietors checked their stocks of fire extinguishers today. The San Jose City Council has ordered a 10-mile per hour speed limit for fire trucks on certain residential streets. —7 - . LEE'S Truck Terminal | 24 Hour Road (0) And Wrecker Service » PHONES 2727 2052 t FAYETTEVILLE HWY. DUNN, N. c|

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