PAGE SIX i : !,-r ■ Many Sign Up For Kneepants League III* The Knee Pants League will be |&|gja its summer schedule next week, Pps/Was announced today by Bill i Aryan and Joe Leslie, President. Forty-Jour of the boys have re {• ’ turned their signed contracts, and |' .about 75 are expected to start the season. season will officially open l Monday, but the day will be spent in getting the league organized for the season and in planning for the schedule of games for the season. t■> / A tentative schedule has been worked out with a twin bill slat ed for June 17, one game between the Dodgers and Athletics and the :* Other between the Cardinals and the Indians. -v Other dates for the schedule are as follows: .June 18, Athletes vs. I Dodgers: June 22, Indians vs. Ath- P letics; June 24, Athletics vs Card t inals and Dodgers vs Indians; June 36, Indians vs Cardinals: June 29, i Cardinals vs Dodgers. H . JULY SCHEDULE I The July Schedule is as follows: r July 1, Indians vs Dodgers and |. Cardinals vs Athletics: July 3. Athletics vs Dodgers: July 6. Ind- S ians vs Dodgers: July 8. Cardinals vs. Dodgers and Indians vs Ath' letics; July 10, Cardinals vs Ath letics; July 13, Dodgers vs Inci : ians: July 15, Athletics vs Cardin als; July 17, Indians vs Dodgers: f HEADQUARTERS - »{ for Scott-Atwater * Shift outboards ■ f SHIFT MODELS' I 51.1*1* i VINO OUT NOW bow far out board* have ad ■ * vaneed— «*> uui complete line ot ■f I Scott-Atwater complete V Shi/t rrotora! All have Neu -1 bH toal. Forward, FuU Control :>v ■ ’ Rover*,. AH have ainst* knob control, puah-button W carhuretor drain, ball and 1 roll* bearinga! Come in today. JgjMM ! gi'jp CeflV i» FHp* * .-% a .* B Automotive SuppPy 00. AW. phone- |l7B -JWlgn;** ■ f >vi - -'r-V •< ■ cfla-.-. m i/L -*■ *7 . ' r\‘\ 'V V; \ jlo \" s * r "'y*' -Hi 1 m h Mrt fwM mint My, (dint *f plrtk Mp. OMY ■K’ W, W&*. V£. v v I' Afcre’s your chance to enjoy the very best in long range FM 1 |p./«ceptk»—as only Zenith’* new Super-Sensitive PM makes j |f|-V £ ' po«We! Hear dear, static-free programs from the wealth of 1 p: powerful new FM statk»s-all with superb tone quality. Plus II non powerful, more selective Standard Broadcast reception ; with Zenith’s famous Long-Distance AM! • I C°me 1n..; «fatfcwi*.» static, Mwferonc* and cron talk ■’ Jgg S IwwwW I».Hti Wtv—|.tt*... brteqt I July 20, Cardinals vs Athletics; , July 22, Indians vs Cardinals and) ! Athletics vs Dodgers; July 24, In dians vs Athletics; July 27, Indians vs Cardinals; July 29, Indians vs Dodgjtrs and Cardinals vs Ajth letics. The date of July 31 has been set aside to play off any tie games and the All-Star teams will be na med thereafter. Robert Pope, assistant to Paul Waggoner at the Recreation Park, will be the Manager of the league this summer. Bryan, who managed the league last year, will lend every assistance. The deadline for signing up for the league was last Saturday, but j any young man between 8 and 14 who wishes to play may still con tact Mr. Bryan arrangements may still be made. THOSE SIGNED UP Bbys whose contracts have been returned are: Aubrey J. Gupton, Jr., David Coats, Eugene Hodges William Hobson, Paul White Jr.. David Hobson, Owen* Weddle. Glenn Godwin, John L. Godwin. Joe Tart. Donnie Whittenton, Rich ard Norris, Kenneth' Williams, Richard Manning', Mike Hjfbtti Robert Lucas, Jimmie Mattox, Jim my Jordan, George Albert Neigh bors, John Tart, William Faircloth, Larry Dudley, Bud Hudson, Don ald Barefoot, Bill Parker, Johnny Johnson. Jimmy Lamm, Harry Tart, Eddie Coats, Bill Joyner, Thomas Goodman, George Lee. Jue Mann, Jr., .Bobby Allen, Bill# Lee. Richard Goodman, Jim Hen cierson, .Skeet Jernigan, Danny Dixon, George H. Jackson Jr:, Jim my Conn, Tommy Jones Jr., Ralph Johnson Jr., and Stacey Johnson. Mr. Bryan urges the other boys who have received contracts to get them signed and in to him as soon as possible, so that final arrange ments And assignments for thp season may be made. FIGHT RESULTS By UNITED PRESS 1 LONDON, Eng.: Randy Turpin, 160, England, outpointed Charley Humez. 15914, France (15). Won British version of world middle weight championship. MONTREAL, Que. (W Johnny Bratton, 14914. Chicago, outpoint ed Dartny Wwnber, 150*4, New York (10). i ' NEW YORK: Jimmy Herring, 159, New York, outpointed Sal De Martino. 154, Hartford, Conn (0), MIAMI BEACH, Fla.: Joe Brown ■13714, New: Orleans, drew with Lu ther Rawlings. 146*4 Chicago (10). a • : •) r Durocher Savs Bmps Are Wrong NEW YORK (ffi Enraged by the plight of his Giants and his sepond straight ejection by an uin pire, Manager Leo Dprocher’s, * wrath boiled over today with a blistering charge that the umps are ; ganging up on him. Heatedly insisting that Umpire Frank Secory tossed him out of Tuesday night's 4-2 setback by MU wauee "for saying practically no thing,” fiery Durocher defied an other fine or'even a suspension by unleashing one of the moat un inhibited umpire attacks In his stormy career. Durocher. bounced the day be fore for kicfldng dirt at Umpire Frank Dascoli,-got the gate Tues day nieht for protesting -a pitch to outfielder Sid Gordon of the Braves in the fifth inning. “All I asked him was, ‘Where was the ball?’ and I'm out of the »ame” stormed the irate Giant skipper. “I didn’t cuss him. or any thing. All I said was ‘Where was the ball?” Is that* anything to throw a guy out for? “Those guys get together before hand and decide the first ,time someone says anything, he’s out,” Leo continued. “They can be wrong so manv times and nothing can be done about it. There’s no recourse “They blow a decision, a man ager sauawks and but he goes. Why, I’ve seen some of the worst umpiring in the history of the game in thfe last two weeks. And there’s nothing you can do about it. You say somethin? and out you : go. They send a secret report in ' to the president and the first thing sou knew there’s a fine slapped j on yqu.” Leo was fined SSO for his 'run-in ! with /Dascoli on Monday. . I “I’ll tell you what we ought td, do," he added sarcastically. “Let's j call off all the games at the end j of the fifth inning and start a pink tea party. We’ll get *hite j aprqps for the umpires and let ’em servi the tea. That’s about all they’re good for.” Turpin Offered. Big Money For Title Bout LONDON mi An offer of “big money” was being used to day to lure England’s Randy Tur pin to New York for a world mid dleweight title fight in September, but t)ie Negro who won a Pyrrhic victory over Charles Humez of France was hesitant , Turpin won British rAsognition as world middleweight ruler on a 15- round decision In White City Sta dium Tuesday night, but he also lost the admiration of British fans. Turpin was booed thunderously when Referee Andrew Smythe of Belfast announced the decision. Humez persistent body attack In the last half of tt>e fight took the steam.out of the former world mid dleweight champion and left him reluctant to open up and do any fighting. Humez, 2-1 underdog, finished by far the strong* although he had been half-blinded from the I third round'face cut#. The points Turpin piled up In the early rounds with his left jabs and left hooks apparently saved him from defeat. Harry Markson, managing direc tor of Nfew York’s International Boxing Club, said he hoped to sign Turpin today for an undisputed - world title fight In September with the winner of the New York fight between Bobo bison and Paddy' ' Youngs June -18. Blue Beyils In Nebraska For College Series OMAHA, Neb. KB Duke’s Blue .Davila were undismayed today by rumors drifting northward from Texas that the. 1953 NCAA College World Series could result in an all- Texas finale. , NCAA observers declined to tab any of the Nation’s top eight collage baseball teams as a decided favo rite, as the teams arrived here for the apener tomorrow - The Devils are repeating this year, and after a* mid-season slump have come along under Coach Ace Parker, former Philadelphia Ath letics performer and former man ager of the Durham Bulls of the 4 Piedmont League. BtiU there here those nasty ru- II AfWi iiccn I yuwu ■ a ~ i it I if -Afe-AlMAlfc % I ' r ■ *' " XHE l>Ai£Y HECORP. DPNN, N. Q. , ~gi»kora Country M SctT~ Plans For Annual Golf Event The Publicity Committee of the Chioora Country Club announced today plans for the club’s annual .get-together, along wltji the. an nual meeting of the stockholders. The events will be staged at the club on Wednesday afternoon Ju i ly Ist and will run the full af ternoon, topped off ylth a chicken ind barbecue, supper at the con clusion. committee that has been working oh these plans £ ls headed by John Dalrymple as chairman, and consist# of Duncan Wil*on. J. R. Cathey, Nathan Bass, Bert Alabgster and James Snipes Pri or to the supper held at the* club on that date the annual- stock holders meeting will be held, at which tilne directors for the com ing year will he elected^... Also highlighting the pfternooh of act ivities will be the awardihg of the trophies to the' winners ot the club’s recentf Handicap Tourna ment which has just been con duced. The program will commence around 1:00 In the afternoon with all club members invited to par ticipate In the various golfing con tests which will be 'held. Also the general public is being invitdd to come out and watch the many coq mors coming from the Lone Star State. The' Texas University Longhorns, national finalists .last year, are back again, claiming this year’s team is stronger all around than ! last year's. The Lone Star State also' sent I Houston University to the national | meet. Hie Cougars have won 14 of | their last 17 ball games and Hous \ ton’s sports-minded followers pre dict the impetus will keep the club ; rolling through the national meet. I Houston has a reputation to live up to. As the representative of Dls ! trict-5, the Omaha NCAA district, it has the job of trying to keep pace with Oklahoma, the 1951 champion and Missouri, tht 1952 ' runnerup. Another repeating team Is Colo rado State which boasts a 14 - 5. record. SOUTHAMPTON, England (W Next Monday is going to be a tough day for the boatswain of the 81,- 000-ton luxury liner Queen Mary. According to tradition, the red 'ensign flying astern is lowered in salute to passing warships. Its the baatswain’s job to. do the low ering. The Queen Mary will pasb seven miies of warships Monday —36fi ships—gathered tar the royal Splthead review by Queen Eliza beth n. '< ■ 11 ■ - —— -■ - x 1 -™ * lil Mgr/ | V a i I f\ - jgr Such features as the new extra- and cut your costs, inserts ... . the new quick*dh?nge cyl- seven-foot platform. In either straight steel straw rack .. > the new non-piling it’s tops. * 1 il ■ Come In atid J -et Us Show You \t*s for You * -S , ' ' / - J J ■ w. it v- * Mixifi lYiHwninicit i ;Uividiviv y teats, as well as to enjoy the dtitch supper that is being planned. There will be many golf con tests for both men and women golfers and the committee has an nounced the following contests which wjll be staged: A one-round nine-hole handicap - tournament open to all golfers: a putting whi test on the putting, a ton teat for the lowest ’'number of putts during the nine holes of play; a hole in One contest In front of the number nine green: and a hole jn one contest from actual play off niimber seven hole. One or two other events may be added to the program later. •_ - Golfing activities for the afttp noon will cease around five-thirty in the afternoon: at wpich time the stockholders meeting will be held for the election of the dir ectors for the new* year/ The pre sentation of the trophies will pre cede the supper which will beheld on the lawn in front of the golf shop at six’thirty., The ladies com mittee headed by Mrs. John Snip es and Mrs. Jerry Butlar, are working on events for the after noon vfhich the lady golfers will participate in and they will an nounce these plans sometime this week. 82 KM (OntlPH®-* »■ ii- r .. «•-.) Alice in Won' J “rl.v/.d -vcrld. . v IS HIT ' > It was neat vespertine 1 when the storm plunged .The Worcester City Council met in an emergency midnight session, naming a seven-man Disaster Ap yraisal Committee headed by Ever ett F. Merrill, the governor’s l eco nomic adviser. They re port back to the council mine whether the' governor should be asked to request President Eis enhower to proclaim trie county a federal .disaster area. MORGUES RUN OYER ..HospMal morgues) overflowed,- spilling thdir victims into adjac ent rooms where the bodies were hastily covered with sheets while nurses and doctors tended the in jured ■. Outside, lines formed tearful STATE NEWS ilmrpf RALEIGH API D. S. Weaver, director of the State College agri cultural extension service, said,last night, that onlir through more ef ficient production and better man agement can North Carolna raise its low per capita farm income appreciably. week audience at th? College here Weaver - told a ftirm gnd home reason why the state should be that he sees no insurmountable 39th/ amopg- the 48 states in per capita farm income. RALEIGH IW A 24-year-old Negro soldier faced 25 to 30 years in prison today for killing a girl i friend who had. accused Mm ofl telephoning another girl. ! Judge John J. Barney Sentenced j Connell Whitley after the state ac cepted a plea of guilty to second degree murder. ' » Whitley shot Ida Mae Collins, 20! I six times with a. .22 caliber pistol last May 12. RALEIGH w Chief highway engineer W. H. Rogers Jr. named R. L. Chew yesterday to be district engineer for Davie. Forsyth and Stokes counties, vfith offices in iWinstonAßalem. Chew was'fdrmerly maintenance supervisor in Rich mond County.- ASHEVILLE iW Funeral services will be held here tomorrow night for Carl R Bamford. who died in his sleep here, apparent’” ■ as a result cf s. cerebral hem## rhage. Bamford. a 60-year-old t»hil- Bamford. a 60-year-old Philadel phia native, came to Asheville In' 1909 and organized Pnbjlx-Bamford Theaters, Inc. He was president of the corporation until 1951 when he Theaters. MANTEO 30 JmPiM Um m 4 ‘ 5 9 B I" H * —■||{i j| III! H WuamMttpgQHf . W V ÜBil l||| jlm ' W __ ii e||l IB \\m it* £#lo% W Mliylk * gill f Sfe bsJb! x. mm j ■BSUUkI feti lr ill ||| ° f' Sli tl 11%? KAs Wy P PSS3 Wa Hi KH ®o**4*o It , .. - - * ' . Somewhere In - Washington and making a general nuisance of him self as he cursed Mr. Eisenhower, then demanded to speak to him. He spoke aojjwiftly and briefly that M yas impossible to trace the calls until the 48rd, when the White House managed to keep him£ on the phone long enough for a detective to trace the call' through the telephone company. I When the loquacious lush finally hung up and reeled out Os the pay N telephone booth, he walked right into the arms of the law. He’ll have to use the mail, instead of a , telephone, for communicating with the outside world /tor the time be ihg. 'i , _ ;iWhy,” asked ? a white House* reporter, “did the President pick* Bermuda for the site of his June meeting with the French and British?'’ “Wlmt a silly question,” crack ed a press room wag, “Bermuda has the best three golf courses in the Atlantic Ocean.” Sherman Adams, 1 the assistant to the President, is setting a new -style note Tor summer. He is cur rently sportlhg an unusually larger western style, light tan hat. What makes Adams’* hat most unsum mery is that it is made of furry beaver. ‘ Somebody in the White House lobby said the other day, “He’ll have to have that hat sheared be fore sunpnfer is over.” * : - WASHINGTON Wl President Elsenhower today disregarded ob jections of Johr\ L. Lewis and nom inated Tom Lyon to be director of 0 the Federal Bureau Os Mines. *