WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 10,1953 Hip t ' v ?i -% | !H| if ' ] pli I||p|| ifilltGf VffßW |\Dluc | m t l/lflVt-ln t"' ■J FIRST SHOW StHm Sr; AT DOSfc ~ ■ WEDNESDAY THURSDAY JENNIFER JONES The Wild Heart Jk Color by Technicolor Cartoon ■BSSSSBSSSSSS&SSSSSSSSSSBBSSB. • THRU. FRIDAY t. •• ~~ . . / |gj|ll SALOMEI Adm. C 35* n .65 A .74 ' ' “ DUNN TODAY THRU FRIDAY «*■ Remains to Be % Seen Alto Latest Newt Os The Day * Pwless/Stre Erwin, N. C. ADVANCES IN PRICES . £v., MATINEE CHILDREN 150 . ADULTS 35c r , 7 NIGHT CHILDREN 85c ADULTS 40c SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ALL DAY jSCHILDRSN 35s ADULTS 40c WSDNfSDAr OKyLY ~ Cariboo Trail THURSDAY FRIDAY I 8 H "jzsSgE LLOYD BRIDGES USE J, CORD The Tall Texwi jl ' : w DMWNtf - * iurt Tlme Today “ . <***«*> AnnieGct Tour * i * riim ;v .. • A-'..M |L * | i • .Taxi ' 'V; Neve Cartoon .. ,f'.. - • 11 *H' num' inrwuwi** Isl h and h v j I f* OXf P *<«2Lp(P v I ‘S’ '* X Vi £ B*X Complete Shou I .JbS 'it. 7* -» *• * B.FjSiS' LL ASSXJrJEiiJ AUS 4 n a ct |fj i h .. I * * * I DATIC !\ AI l j , v bHBo -Sd 3 Time* Only ..• ..5L«* >« Sizb Type 3c word i Thnet Only 51JB ' FOR BENT bIEITRIC floor pollhiior. i Minimurnyharge, 75c a day: Johnson Furniture Co. Luoi ‘uow Square, Dunn. Phone 2433 / ’ 2-28-ts-c FOR RENT: One 4-roora Duplex Apartment.' Wired for electric stove on Newton I Grove Highway, Just outside - pity limits. See J. E. MeLamb j 1024 E. Broad St. 6-8-3tp SPECiAI NOTICES BO*S EARN EASY MONEY —Tiu Daily Record from time to time has openings for ckrrier boys. Some ox our tarriem now averaging as high as sl2 per v' s 6-9-3 t-c "SUMMER RESORTS" Ocean front cottages for rent at Carolina Beach. Luby ' Naylor, day phone, 2127, mgnt phone 2u32, Dunn. 6-9-lOt-c FOR RENT: Cottage at 4 V&ute LageA Completely fur-r <*iitmi»aiwiw|||i i-piif|f - REMODELING -REPAIRING - NEW HOMES - COMMERCIAL BUILDING SEE H. W. JERNIGAN »? General Contractor No Job too large or too small. Free estimates. Easy terms on repair jobs. ~ 36 months to j>.y. PHONE 9171 •Il I ( nished. Electric refrigerator, ] Shower. Real large screened i Irpnt r porch. - Contact Joe 1 Norris, phone 2932, Dunrt, i N» C. 6-2-ts-c ’ -Auto Finance 3 I AUTO LOANS —refinancing— Reduc- You/ I‘resent Payments* Money mIC Minutes - <• MOIOR CREDIT CO DUNN, N. C Phone 115 S • HOUSEWIVES, FARM -1 wives earn Extra i MONEY IN YOUR SPARE |i TIME by getting renewals ] and selling i new suhscriut- s ions to The Daily Recoro. Some agents earning 'high" as $59 a week in spare time. All you have to do is call ou your friends artd neighbors in snare time. Doesn’t have ‘ to be sold. All you have to do , is take'orders. Apply to Mr. Foilett at Record office. , LOOK— NEED CASH? We'd « lend you money on your ap- ‘ pliances or furniture. SECIf- , RITY LOAN CORF., cm , Fayetteville Si Cumberland < Streets., Dunn. i-29-tfnc 1 —_£_! 7~TZ ] HELP WANTED _i *1 - MALE HELP WANTED j Dunn Business Concern de sires to empioy Korean Vet- , eran for general office work, i Must havg High School ed ucation and be able to type. ' Address reply to “Korean Vet” care of the Daily Record. 5-21-tfiic SALESMEN A job or ca reer which do you want? Which do you have* now? We are opening a lifetime selling career with a potential high income. We need a few men who would be willing to work for. high earnings. For fur ther , information, write 613 Rudolph Street, Goldsboro, N. C. 6r3-15t-c ’ HELP HjAMpyijin Megan** | able youiig lady with grill experience for . permanent job. Apply Village Grill, W. cumbenand St., Dunn. . 6-9-ts-c FOR SALE ' - . mmr—mmm SAVE ON -GAS, OIL, Tires, batteries, seat covers. Any size, new, used, or recap. Pass enger pr truck tires in stock. Wholesale and retail. Your U. S., Roy al Distributor Carolina Oil Stores, Dunn, N. C. 5-14-ts-c TOR SALE: New Tharrmg ton tobacco curers installed m your bam wltn ail galva mzea pipe. Make your ar rangements early, litcnett’s Home Oil Cot Phone 3138. Dunn. 3-2-ts-c LAmT FOB SALJE: Several small acreage tracts, «5 U 7$ acres on good roads. $40.- 00 per acre. 5 yeairs to pay. i Also some larger tracts, 100 to 300 acres, and larger. Call me for appointment to see these valuaDte trdets, and in v^yoi^mmattily^yM^ rlßSlzx olete line oi W*YNE FEED Dunn. 8-17-u-c , - ~.T TZ : . I I Wanted rrihle bank employee as head teller with I *ms mi«l wHILDt DUnH, w. C. Rocks and Loghomsl Hatches each Monday and Thursday, We sex them oh orders. Dunn Hatchery. 5-13 mwftfc "7? 7* HURRY, HURRY, HURRY— Get your jar of SWISS OINTMENT at once for black gnat, ,mosquito and yellow fly bites and sores, i R. Thomas Drug Storey Erwin, N. C. 5-2(P;TWTh-tf-p FOR SALE OR RENT: R. & W. Restaurant. Completely equipped. Contact Wesley Coats, Dunn. 8-10-3 t-p 7 WANTED * J MAVIS STEVENS, a white housekeeper, desires a job in a Christian home. Can fur nish references. See me at Earl West residence on Ben son, Rt. 3. 6-10-lt-p Benson News Mfs. Tart Is Club Hostess / Mrs. Eunice Dixon Tart y&s hos tess Monday evening to members of the Business Women's cldb of the Baptist church. ' * . , Gerry Brift presided and held a business session at '-whifh time communitjr missions were discuss ed. Mrs. Billy Parrish, program leader, presented Mrs. Wilson Free man, Mrs. -Fultdn Moore, MnS: Howard Stevens, Miss Annie Mae Hilt, Miss Mae Byrd, and Miss Joyce Watson in a program en titled, ‘The Values of Education. * Others present were Mrs. Ar nold Capps, .Mrs. Coleman Duim. and Miss H«rtense Turlington. Re freshment served were pimento cheese sandwiches, opts and iced drinks. . , GRADUATES fKOM STATE Mr. and ¥ T f- Hunter Denning, Mr. and Mrs. peleon penning, Mr. and Mrs. Hilly Denning jhd Jlpe Denning attended .the graduation m Raleigh Sunday «e*Pb»sr Hardee, son-in-law of Mr. and Hunter Denning, receive his degree from the School of Agron- Mr. Hardee, who completed bis work at State in late sumoaer' of ISS3, has been a member ‘of the faculty at the WeetawiVle school near idorehead pity during the gnd fjrcts to former Miss Jane Denning of Ben 7, r .>;• ■ ... *■ v ■ Miss Doris Jean MdUunb, dau ghter Os Mr. and ' Mxj. Garland MjpLarpb, who graduated this mwth from .Meredith Rr on’ prep her work this sumß» as play ground director with the city of Raletgh, recreation department. Miss MeLamb wig Mis' her du tiM in the capital city on June 15 and'continue through August 15. ‘ 'fimj 'ij 111 i>my .n MADAM ROSE Fortune Teller Ils Pa..,.L, .-• • . IS* IS#** . *»' *°*C*y- J Rooms soft' -'..isi ' ■ v ' 1 ■MU ■ " BOSAIUNG CASSIP7 T « 2>UNm H .WLEp( VET, SoVT SEE THEM \ jS9 l r er m ■ —■ » i »n «'i ' —v BRINGING UP FATHER < ‘ THINK VVE~\ /^W &S A s. | J solved rr- i \ _____ / tauveb-an 1 r hope \ . { • i ■/ don't telly no/we wasn't. GOT THE PLLWBB? ' ( 6HE WILL BE HAPPV TO H\ \ ! / HI ME HE J BUT THAT FAT TO GOME OVB?iHEfe 1 I HOPE \ V CHAT WITH HIM AND,, / , 1 # , V V PB V WAS ONE < HEAD INTRODUCED A BACHELOR-dp 1 SHE WILL \ NOT BE LONESOME" S ,\ N. -P (OF MXIC •AMETO MV FOURTH I i M... ■- L ..... i£ SNUFFY SMITH ■BRCSZZ J LAND SAKES U 11/ DON’T FRET YORE GIZZARD !>\ WSk / DURN MY HIDE H\ j TUarr SftCKER VftRMUdTN S'POSE THAT fl WE GOT US ft LOCAL ORD'NANCE J BBMk \ HOW COULD I EVER / ‘ NANCY—fey Erni« B'isHmiH«r ( " * : t ' 1 •• Tl YEP —HE ( SINCE WE to T ——— NEVER . V THI? PAFtT OF TOWN J ' : OH, JERRY DID YOU CHASES' 'EM ' r- - -4 >C\\, I EVER BREAK YOUR ANYMORE-- \ DOG OF CHAINS CARS? LIL ABNER—bv Al Copp BTHE BULLMOOSE \x7jff UNE NEEDS NEW/ l<»/6 & v N. q” . >v || I[ •- V r >’ ' I ' . j j MICKEY MOUSE . .. f - . PAGE SEVEN