PAGE SIX TODAY'S SPORTS PARADE *7 OSCAB FRALEY (UP Sparta Write)-) BIRMINGHAM, Mich. IV) Tiny Felloe Terza went out today to win another one “lor the baby up in heaven." Felice meets Jack Isaacs of Langley, Va., in one of the two semi-final matches, for the PGA golf championship at Birmingham Country Club. But the Little man isn’t worried. ‘He has wanted me to come this far,” the deeply religious Torza ex plained. “I’m sure he wantj me to go ail the way. If he dies—l will.”. The five-foot, six inch iron artist was talking about the son who vf&s born to his wife last January at Galveston, Tex., the son they hap pily named Donald. Little Donald only lived six weeks and Felice Still gets a catch in his throat when he talks about him. * “I’ve got the shots and I know he wants me to win it,” the dark haired mite of the fairways said as he eased onto a bench in front cf his locker after beating tour nament toughened Jimmy Clark in Sunday’s quarter-finals. “My wife feels the same way. I’Ve called her BLUE CROSS HOSPITAL INSURANCE s | ■a | Blue - X - Cross 1 2 s Mrs. H. A. Eldridge DUNN, N. c. Addison Brewington "The House Mover" 14 years expedience Experienced Help Go Anywhere Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone MSI Dana, N. C. ~" 1 | Ambulance Survlca Phone 2077 CROMARTIE FUNERAL HOME MJNNr ML C - SALES ih&e, SERVICE r ■ laac-**.** • . . .. u iobb wbeckkb sbkvics SK OUR GOOD USED CARS : W. & S. MOTOR CO. M. WILSON AVE. BUNN, jN. ft This Modem Bathroom to, 0»I, $139.50 H every night after I’ve wpa luafi MM isn’t ever suprised. She know* it too.” i There was no mockery in the r little man’s tones, nothing but a Sat statement of accepted facts. ’ Nor Felice pointed out, does he > think any less of his other son, i two and one-half year old Doug i las. ■ L “It’s hard to explain,” he added, s “I just know be wants it.” That faith, and an altneet naive i confidence and lack of tension, can ’ make Torza really the man to beat ; among the four survivors’who ln i elude New Yorker Claude Hannon , and Detroiter Wally Burkemo. This is his first ergek at the I PGA, which makes his progress : even as far as the semi-finals . something exceptional. And he didn’t have a soft path this far, beating Gene Sarazen in tbe Best round, defending champion Jlmt Turnesa in the second, Wally Ul rich in the third and then Clark. H e had to crack home g birdie on the 585-yard last hole to do it. too, and that distance is more suited to the long r hitting Clark Presbyterian College Gets New Grid Coach CLINTON," S. C. IIP) Athletic' Director Walter A. Johnson said today former Atlantic Christian College head coach Bill Crutch field has joined the Presbyterian College coaching staff. Crutchfield, a native of Orange burg, S. C„ fills the vacancy cre ated by the resignation of Bid Var ney who recently became heed coach at Elon College. A former fullback end center under Carl Snavely at the Uni versity of North Carolina, Cruteh field was the youngest nead coach in the North State Conference when he took over at Atlantic Christian in 1949. When that school dropped football after the 1951 sea son, Crutchfield moved to Mans field 0., high schooL BLUE SOX TO PLAY There will be a game tonight between the Dunn. Blue Sox and the Erwin Red Birds at 8 o’clock in the Dunn Ball Park. i | PGA Finals {Feature Four ; Home Golf Pros Mich- m - Claude Hutton and Wally Bur kemo collided in the featured semi , final friaSm of the PGA golf cham pionship today as tiny Felice Torn e faced Virginian Jack Isaac* in the _ other. t These foul, all “home pros” who ignore the tournament trail for club I loba, ’ were the surprise survivor/- from the field of Us who start . ed last Wednesday. The final three tournament stars, . pate Douglas, Jimmy Clark and - Bill Nary, were knocked out Sun . day in Wpsets, along with dub pro V Henry Ransom., ■ - Burkemo sidelined Dauglaa 3 up: * Hannon walloped Nary. 6 and 5, . Torza topped Clark 1 up, and Is g aacg put out Ransom by the same . margin. - - - g Harmon, of Mamgronecg, N. Y„ has cUpped six strokes from par during 1?3 holes en' route to the semi-finals. Burkemo, of Franklin, Mich., is five under for 136 holes. Isaacs, civilian pro at the Lang ley, Va., Air Force Base, ha? bet tered par by three strokes in 111 holes. Only Torn of Charles, 111.. is above regulation figures, nine over par after 143. Burkemo was two down after M c holes In his quarter-final match i again Douglas. But he rallied in , the afternoon and held a three . hole lead at the 33rd hole. Doug * las won the 34th and 35th with pars but Burkemo pounded his sec ond two feet from the pin for a - winning eagle three. Harmon was one down after 13 - but fired a three'-under-par 33 to ) win seven of'the next nine holes and go six up. The match ended at the 31st as they halved. r . Torza was up 3 st the hslf ’ way mark against i Clark and stifi ■ held the advantage after .37 holes. * dark drew even at the 34th only 5 to see Torza get a winning birdie : on the lgst.. 1 Isaacs was three down with six ■ to Play when he hit * torrid streak ’ that included four birdie*, one 50- foot putt and another a holed 40- foot approach shot. i Major League Standings By UNITED FRESS ■ American League ■, i. - W- L. Pet. New York SO 34 .676 Chicago • ' ' 45 30 .600 Cleveland 44 SO .595 jßoefOOt’ ■ . 4f 37 .526 Washington It, Philadelphia S 3 44 .431 Bt. Louis J7 $1 348 Detroit s " • 3fc 61 3S» [s ' Bu4>y’> Results Washington i New Too Washington 5 New York 4 (2nd) Wevetand 7 Chicago 6 Chicago 4 Cleveland j 8 New York aU night, Boston at Washington, piglrt . •/-••• t . NatiewM Leanrv ' c*' J Tfc L. Pet «VIU Bt. Louis . > • 4S 32 .573 Cincinnati -• ' 3* if 453 Chicago . / luaM • jmd HMsSttSfb r W S 3 342 Ban4av’i giiilli Milwaukee 4 St. Louis '* St. Louis 4 Milwaukee 1 (2nd, S) Chicago $ Cincinnati 4 Cincinnati 3 Chicago ( (2nd) Philadelphia 3 Plttsbgh 0 3O Brooklyn 6 • TaeaUay'a Omsss. Brooklyn at Plttaburib, ' 3 games Philadelphia at. New York, night Chicago at Milwaukee, night' St.:Louis at Cincinnati night PTETSBDR&H - im - Automo bile dealer Lout* Miller insisted to day he got the better of the deal When be traded a house for five old sharing mags. '."•>> "Miner, whose hobby is collecting oh! mugs that graced barber shop shelves before the turn of Use cen tury, said “ooee tfA* sham-I-had to have them. Now fm satisfied," I lOTItE! I Now IntftrMt itnflfi RmSkc I: Interest Paid on AH Saving* Do- I posit* of $25.00 or more at I t Trust fn ■ I Dwmm. N C ItECQRD, DUNN, N, C. jpogan mraii Over Court*; ' StNI favored CABNOpNBTIX, Scot. Wt Ben Hogan was the shortest-priced fa vorite,' 6 to 4, In the history of the British Open golf tournament today a* he teed off in the first round qualifying round, but hs also ‘ professed to be worried. , The American star, who is taking > his first crack at Britain's links crown, says the divot-scarred ron , dition of the championship Carn i oustle Course has made his usual . pre-tourney planning tough. The tourney opens with two qual ifying rounds of 18 holes each, with' ball of the 173-man field eompel ’ tag on Carnoustie Count and the other half on the nearby Burnside , Course. Bogan was slated for action on Burnside. Lloyd Mkngrum of Niles. DL. third choice at 7 to 1, will oompete on Carnoustie. Carnous tie is figured at par 72, Burnside at TO. The two qualifying rc/uads will trim tbe field at 100 players for the opening of the championship competition at Carnoustie on Wed nesday. Defending champion Bobby Locke of South Africa is the sec ond choice at 5 to 1. In addition to Hqgan and Man grum. other Americans entered are Frank Stranahan of Toledo, O.; Glenn Peoples of Tampa, Fla.; Tony Longo of Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; George Wise of Paaa Tiemp, Cal.; John O'Donnell; Harold Oatman of Norfolk, Va.; Lt. J. S. Meikle john of Norfolk, Va.: and w. W. Fairfield, whose home town is list ed as f Nichols, U. S. A.” Wimbledon Title Taken By Yank WIMBUDON. England (IP) ! she WUftblfedon championship in cheated that American men may re gain theif own singles title and the 1 Paris Cup from Australia and re emphasized that U. 8. women have made women’s international teenis a private Yank competition. Despite losing Frank Sedgman to ; Jack Kramer’s professional troupe, ; Australia was expected to Who the men’s singles and doubles crowns with its brilliant 13-year olds, Ken Rosewell and Lew Hoad, and 23- 1 year old Mervyn Rose. Rosewall and Hoad did with tfea ' doubles hut the singles title was 1 taken by 39-year old Vic Seixas of 1 Philadelphia in a straight set tri- 1 umph over Denmark’s Kurt Niel sen. The young Aussies wilted in ' the singles with Seixas ousting Rose 1 and Hoad, while Nielsen upset 1 Rosewell. America, in one of its most suc cessful appearances at this, tennis ; capital scooped up four tides. Maureen Little Mo Connolly , captured her second Wimbledon sin gles " crown in as many tries Sa turday by defeating Doris Hart of Coral OtHdes, Fla., 8-6, 7-6. Mbs Hart arid" Shirley Fry of Ak : roo, 0., followed with the first love Victory ip a Wlnfbledon final when ifjmy crushed Miss Connolly and Julta Sampson/ of San Marino. : Calif., 6-0, 6-0. for the women’s doUbl«t;ifiie. Seixas and Mbs Hart ' Won the 'mbted doubles ■ title, 9-7, 1 9-5, over Mias Fry and Enrique 1 Morea of. Argentina. . JRpseweU and Hoad defeated their countrymen. Rose and Rex Hart- . wig, 8-4; ’ 4-8, 7-4, in the men’s ttoUMm final Deputies .. MCwatiaoeA mm Pugs Otm) Moore is glso a new rural policeman. Cyrus MsNelll reported one still consfteated on June 14 in Upper Little River, his home township, i O. R. Pearce of Duhn seised one fUll on May 30 in Averasboro. Communist '-WJsMMus* teem uum m>» for high-level East-West confer ences, and added: CITES DIFFERENCES “Ie became clear there are ser ious differences between the Uni ted 1 States and her European part nem regarding important inteif national questions.” - That, said Pravda, was why Pres ident Bbenhower suggested the Western powers’ talk Be e 1 S2N. JOHN 9. KENNEDY, of Massachusetts, and his fiancee, Jacqueline Bouyier, wade ashore at Hyannisport, Mass., after a trial trip in their boat, the Sailfish. They will be married September 12. The young Sen ator son of John B Kennedy, former Ambassador to England. Miss Bouvier was a news / .x.tographer. (International So undphoto) ALL tm S< ! ADS NAMED FOR MAJOR LEAGUE GAMES CHICAGO (IP The starting major league All-Star squads were set today for the 20th annual Inter league contest. Only six players, three from each league, were selected as repeaters from last year’s teams. The New York Yankees and the St. Louis Cardinals both placed three men on each team while the National League champion Brook lyn Dodgers tied the Cincinnatti Redlegs by placing two representa tives. The two teams, selected by votes of the fans, will meet July 14 at Crosley Field In Cincinnati, , Yankee Manager Charlie Dres sen will handle the two teams and select their own starting pitchers and supporting players. Repeaters from last year's game include A1 Rosen, Cleveland third baseman; Hank Bauer, Yankee right fielder; Yogi Berra, Yankee catcher; Stan Musial, Cardinal left fielder; Enos Slaughter. right fielder, and Roy Catnpanella, Dodger catcher. Ted Kluszewski. Cincinnati first baseman, led individual players in votes with 1,652,803. Yankee center fielder Mickey Mantle was second with 1,413,988. - Here are the starting players and their batting averages: National League Kluszeski, CiAlnnatl, lb, 305: Schoendlenst, St. Louis. 2b, .346; Matthews. Milwaukee, 3b. .305; Reese, Brooklyn, ss, .278: Musial. St Louis, If, .306; Bell, Cincinnati, cf, .918; Slaughter, St. Louis, rs, 388; Campanella, Brooklyn.c, 300. Harnett Hardware NOW HAS THE Oil-Rite Tobacco Topper Five Reasons Why The * yfr\n Oil-Rite Tobacco Topper W\ \U \ y .I* Batten ' \ n ki \ Vs 1. It places the oil entirely around the bark \\\ \ Cr of stalk, not 2-3 around. j \ \ \ jT 2. Places tbe same amount of oil on every J f ' plant and has an adjusting screw. j ’« "* . 3. Weighs less, gravity fed, no. tank to pump. j os,er ' t * oes not spray leaves. I J ' 5. Is made of non-corrosive material. See This Sensational Time-Saving, Money-Saving Topper Today At J II nor n©n nc# 9 125 E. Broad St. DUNN, N. C. Phone 3163 '( ; ' American League Vernon, Washington, lb, .326; Goodman, Boston, 2b .317; Rosen, Cleveland, 3b, 318: Carrasquel, Chicago, ss, .259; Zernial, Philadel phia, If, .272; Mantle, New York, cf, .309; Bauer, New York, rs. .296; Berra, New York, c, .268. HEADQUARTERS for Scott-Atwater Shift outboards I SHIFT°MODaSI |3 ri IkSt FIND OUT NOW MS* bow for oat* A w j boiupdn have nd* ■ complete line of Scott-Atwater com plat* Shift motor*'. All have Neu tral, Forward, Full Control Reveree. All have aincle knob control, puab-buttoo carburetor drain, ball and roller baarbpl Com ie today. Automotive Supply Co. N. Railroad Ave. Phone 3173 ■ -f- i - \ r-c.-'f MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 6, ltS3 ALHAMBRA, Calif. Iff) Ar deth Fllnn 30, and Roger Oscar Shafer, 23. had a nice wedding, but everyone agreed lt was too bad tho ornnm nniiTHrt’f hnVA hoAn thorp JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. of BENSON IS PROUD TO (hmounai The Appointment Os Mr. W. W. Whittenton To our staff. Those who have purchased applian ces or furniture from Mr. Whittenton in the \past will be glad to know he is now connected wit&»