+WEATHER* Iv NORTH CAROLINA Partly tm* i cloudy and not .much temperature •vkJr change today, tonight and Wod jW Moday. Scattered shower, la af ttrnoon aad eventog and again , S Wednesday afternoon. VOLUME 3 DUNN BOARD REFUSES TO CUT TAXES Truce Negotiators Hopefully Await Rhees Decision £ L ? V an JfIRM % , A „ 1 I I t M . I ' 'j ,■ I ( NEW GOSPEL TABERNACLE ADDITION Pictured here is the new IN.NI addition Just completed by UMUSborS of the^Gospel Tabernacle In Dunn. It k known as the Dark Educational Building In honor of the Rer. J. Luther Davis, plain el the church for nearly 49 years. The Rer. Bane T. Underwood, present pastor, announced today that the handsome new structure wM be dedicated Sun- L **y- Bishop T. A. Melton of Memphis, Tenn. will be the speaker. (Dally Record Photo.) Ed Scheldt To 3peak In Dunn - Edward Scheldt, (farmer FBI Chief In the two Carolina* and now State Commissioner of Motor . Ifrhlcles, ptUl address the Dunn "IBherju-Club ojl ftriday night, July .■ IK it was ' announced today by PpSf&SS Tfewwr Rotarlans details of his new high way safety campaign. Dr. Glenn L. Hooper, a member of the c|ub and also president of the Harnett Highway Safety Club, is in charge of the program and Will introduce Commissioner l i Dr. Hooper said today that the State vehicles ohief will have the full support of the Harnett club hdn his campaign to reduce acci ■ Vents and death on the highways. I Harnett County has already had pl 6 highway fatalities this year. 1 'i ——r— . Witnesses Pledge Fight On Commies NEW YORK es Woman s Gardens fer duty at l0:4A-p. m. DIMLY HOniD The drive is dimly Ufhted. She said she had passed tUe busy traf fis circle at the campus entrance and wm alone. The Negro, she said, dragged her down an em bankment into gAntem. After h* r*pod her. ah* said n fled deeper into toe gardens and disappeared on too other able. Police scoured the campus after toe attMk wm reported, but found no trace of the man last The woman said she lives near the campus and bad walked toe route to the hoepital many tones; before. She ante treated for in- Jurlee and shock at the hoepital. J KniMgß mM ■PHa fIH Xh v\ I Kjr i IK m IK:H V FAIREST of the fair Is Myrna Han sen, 19, of Chicago, who wean her egown, after being named “Miss U.ftA.” in Long Beach, Calif. She atwkp the honor of representing tow-United State* In the % Miss Universe" beauty pageant. She is* 5 feet 7 Inches tall (International) Local Shrmers Hear Gillikin Lester Gillikin of Goldsboro, Im perial Potentate of Sudan Temple, addressed the Dunn 3hrine Club Monday night and gave local Shrtners a first-hand report on the New York convention held last week. Hiram Rose of Benson, president of toe: organteatlon, presided over the supper meeting at Johnson's Restaurant The Imperial Potentate was ac- i companied to Dunn by his aide, I BUI Conn. Potentate Gillikin gave an in-: tereetlng report and sidelights of! the big New York convention. He also told of toe current activities of Shriners in Sudan Temple. He announced that toe fall cere monial this year will be held In Raleigh. i At toe close of his address, a round-table discussion on Shrine affairs wm held. President Rose appointed too following to serve on the program committee for the next meeting, Duncan C. WUson. Howard John son, Norwood Stephenson and Cliff Ammons. Mother Os Dunn Resident Buried Mrs. Nancy Jane Markham ; Yates, 81, of Morrisvllle, Route 1, I mother of J. N. Yates, manager of the Atlantic Coast Line office In ' Dunn, died at her home at M:9B , am. Saturday following a heart > attack. She wm boom in Wake County on October 18, 1971. and lived her entire life In the county. She at tended Wake County schools and wm a member of toe Green Level Baptist Church. Surviving other than Ur. Yates . are three daughters, Mrs. & O. m; -four sons. M. T. Yates tea qf Morris of the home: id 10 great Church*"ffimJ i i iiiii mi ii ii n ■■wm iri r WMi v a Oar. THE RECORD GETS RESULTS FIVE CENTS PER COPY Board Finds Way To Spend Every Penny The Law Will Allow Dunn’s city council last night agreed to give town employees a two and a half percent a,cross-the-board raise in salary rather that cut the tax rate three cents. The rate will remain at $1.65 per SIOO valuation. Tonight at 6 o’clock the board will meet to officially adopt the tentative budget which, under the law, must remain open for public inspection for 30 days. The officials spent all that the law will allow and kept the tax rate as high as the law will allow. In a session lasting around three and a half hours, the Council dis cussed the possibility of either reducing the tax rate or giving city employees the raise. City Manager A. B. Uzzle stated this morning that the raise will mean an expenditure of approximately *3,500. There was practically no senti ment for a tax reduction last night, altough Commissioner J. Leon God win expressed the hope today that the rate can be cut next ye^ Neither Mayor Ralph Hanna nor members of his board brought up the fact that citizens were told last spring that expense could be cut enough to provide a retirement plan costing 11 cents par Sioo. PEOPLA WANTED CUTS Since the retirement plan was de feated, citizens contend that they are entitled to a reduction of U cents in the rate. Officials . teat night completely ignored ffilk. City Manager Uzzle was among those who said that the retirement plan could be added without-r.'tau- Increase. It was Mayor Hanna who fought vigorously against a tax cut last year and broke the tie against re. during taxes. Mayor- Fire Chief Hanna’s new fire trucks constitute one of the main reason why taxes can’t be cut. TThe town tb*» *ear will have to make smother *8,758 52 D»vment on two fire trucks and Mayor- Fire Chief Hanna 1» now advocating the purchase of still another truck. expensive operation Operation of Dunn’s fire depart ment costs almost half m much as operation of the police department, which has a 'arge staff of full-time officer*. The police department costs 844.595 and the fire department costs *90,328.52 Since he holds the dual offices J of mayor and flre chief. Hanna Is In ] position to push through appropri j ations for his fire department. In order to make toe Increase in J salaries, a number or Items in the budget were cut. U*?le stated. Th* largest single reduction was in the utility fund where *17,034.89 was cut from the water main and sewer line fund. PLANNING BOARD CUT Several other minor reductions were made in an effort to stay within toe budget, Uzzle announced. The Planning Board which Is con. I oemed with the future development i of Dunn, took a cut from *3,000 to I *9,000. Public rest rooms were cut i from *2,000 to *I,OOO. This was made : Possible by the contributions to this fund, Uzzle said. ?7ie public works’con tigency fund was reduced from *I,OOO to *750, Mid the swimming pool took a sim- ’ Bar cut from *I,OOO to *750, and i • < «r Mlwwwl Ml Mir mi j BULLETINS PENSACOLA, Fla. W A Naval official gave assur ance today that a “fair trial” will be conducted for Lt. Cmdr. Jerry F. McDaniel of Gulfport, Mi«y on that he conducted a lewd show at the Key’ West Pla. Naval air station. Rep. William M. Colmer D-Mtss yester day asked Navy Secretary Robert B. Anderson to coadwot a complete investigation of the charges to insure a fair court martial for the former Key Went peWnnei officer. NEW YORK m Jan Stnittrc. 63, English-hora of heroic oath” to today u TeSS Gov. Aitaa^hlvei^ ' ** ••■I NO. 159 Shrine ambassador—Louis religious aad fraternal leader, has been elected Aaabasaader of toe Dunn Shrine Club, It wm announced today by Imperial Po tentate Lester Gillikin of Golds boro. As Am hosts dor, Mr. Baer will serve as liaison offiear be tween the Imperial Potentate and the lodal club and will also he in charge as the crippled childrens’ campaign here. During the year, be 'will accompany the Imperial Potentate on varieas missions throughout the State. Mr. Baer has been a Shriner fag more than 95 yearn. " • ' ■ m^AjS Dunn TV Aerials Will Be Counted Stick up your TV aerial and be counted. John Norris. City building inspector la about to begin a cen sus of who has and who hasn’t Ob tained a TV set. It seems that there la a City regulation that permission must be obtained before an aerial can be put up. And, of recent so many have popped up that aO one can keep count! So City Council In structed Norris to go out and count aerials. After the first count, any I new ones will be In for some ln- I specting. j - POBKN. m. WI Louis E. Miller, 26. of Hammond, Did., didn’t like it a bit when a policeman toqk him to th* station for a traffic violation. As Patrolman Ted Label made’ " M out the ticket. Miller picked up a chair and knocked him unconscious. Miller was then ushered to a cell.