WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 2, *1953 Birthday Supper Given Tuesday For R. R. Raynor A group of friends helped Ro land Raynor Celebrate his fiftieth birthday Tuesday night when his wife gave a bi. thday supper for him at their home. The dining room table was at tractively appointed with a white Irish linen cloth and centerpiece of the birthday cake banked with pink gladioli. On either side of the cake were pink candles. Supper was served at seven. The menu consisted of tomato juice cocktail, fried chicken, buttered lima beans, potatoes au gratin. deviled eggs, hors ''• oeuvres hot biscuits, iced tea, ice cream and birthday cake. Miss Libby Raynor, the Ray nor’s younger daughter, assisted in serving. Those attending included Mr. and Mrs. Raynor . Mr.andrMs iste J Mrs. Raynor, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Whlt tenton and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ma son. Young Adult Group Meets At Home Os The John Wellons The Young Adult Classes of the Grospel Tabernacle met jointly Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wellons. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Conner direc ted games during the evening. Delicious ice cream and cake were served by the hostess. The Rev. B. T. Underwood, pasto of she church, presided over a business meeting. The meeting wps held in the breeze-way of the Wellons’ home where greenery wa* used in dec oration. Those attending the meeting an'd social hour included Mr. and Mrs. Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hildreth, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Marshburn, Mr. and Mrs. Cap Lee, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Turner, Mrs. C. A. Rober son and the Wellons. Thorntons Honor Guests At Bridge Saturday Night Mr. and M:s. J. W. Thornton, Jr., entertained Saturday night u’ dessert bridge for Mr. Thorntons cousin, Mrs. A1 Struthers and her husband, Mr. Struthers of Minnea polis, Minnesota. A dessett course consisting of ice cream and pound cake was ser ved during the first of the evening and later., during progressions, cokes and candy were served Mrs. J. P. Jones compiled the highest score among the women and received Dorothy Perkin’s hand lotion while her husband scored high among the men. He was awarded Old Spice shaving lotion. The honored couple were presented a planter by the host anil hos tess. Those attending the bridge party included Mr. and Mrs. Struthers, BLUE CROSS HOSPITAL INSURANCE 5 ' E S K Blue - X - Cross 9 C - 2 D « Mrs. H. A. Eldridge DUNN, n. c. RCA |Q AND RADIOS >• Leonard Ranges • Refrigerators - Water' Heaters ■ Deep Freeze.! 'f Universal - Small appliance*. | JOHNSON ! FURNITURE COMPANY! Phone 2427 Dunn, N. C.; Haute M. lOnan TO "SHOW M£” TRACTOR BUYERS... ON YOUR OWN FARM • Thun you'll «H WHY FERGUSON’S the BUY! / Talaohne NOW for YOU* Daft. GENERAL UTILITY CO. , W. HARNETT gj PHONE **** DUNN, N. C. : raM JL if I | m am flprW M \ 1 m ILjP 1 tk I{l XSk 8 JnL 188 flBSk Wkutag-. § STEVE BRYANT CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Steve Bryant, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro» Brvgnt, celebrated liis birthday Friday at the Dunn Park. Steve and his guests are pictured above at the park in front of the miniature train. They are, I. to r., first row, Gayle Taylor, Steve, Lonnie Kirby, J second row, Jimmy Adcox, Jurior Carroll, Donald Hobson, and Paulette Bryant, third row. Sue Ivey, ' Johnny Ray Godwin, Gwennie Starling of Fayetteville, and Betty Ward. (Daily Record Photo.) SUQKLING PIG ON GOLD PLATES SERVED AT BIG SIOO,OOO PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ta t. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tart. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belcte and the hosj and hostess Steve Byrnnt Has Party At Park On His 3rd Birthday Steve Brvant, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Roy Bryant, was hojiored on his third bi thday Friday after noon at the Dunn Park from three until five. The 'guests enjoyed games,' and playing on the park equipment during the afternoon. Thev were served me cream, cake, peanuts and green lemonade. Ste ve’s lovely birthday cake was dec orated in pink and green and held three green candles. Mrs. J. S. Bryant of Dunn, Ste ve’s gandmether. and several of she other mothers assisted. The children I received party hats and horns as favors. Those* present forth birthday party were: Gayle Taylor. Lon nie Kirby, Jimmy Adcox, Junior Adcox. Junior Carroll, Donald Hob son. Paulette Bryant, Sue Ivey, Ricky Ivev, Betty Ward. Sue RayJ Johnnie Ray Godwin, all of Dunn, and Gwennie Starling of Fayette ville, re'turn home Mr, and Mrs. A1 Struthers of Minneapolis, Minnesota, returned to their home on Monday after vis iting relatives in Dunn. INVITATIONS ♦ BEING ISSUED Th# following invitations are be ing received in Dunn and vicinity: Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Isaac Walton request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Betty Grey to Mr. William Roscoe Driver oh Saturday, the ninteenth of •September Nineteen hundred and fifty-three at eight o’clock in the evening Buies Greek Baptist Church Buies Creek, North Carolina Wiener Roast Given Tuesday At Byerly Home Miss Ann Byerly and Miss Dor othy Laughinghouse entertained around forty boys and girls at a wiener roast Tuesday night from 7:30 till 9:00. The crowd attending included high school aged students and for mer Dunn High graduates. Served with the wieners were potato chips, marshmallows ar, d soft drinks. Chairs were arranged on the lawn in the back yard. , VISIT PARENTS Mrs. Homer Baker and children, Patsy, Bobby and Barbara Jean of Wilmington were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hen ry, -Sirs. Baker's parents. BIARRITZ, France ilPl France’s biggest postwar party lasted oas* ' dawn today with late staying guests I swigging champagne from the bot- | tie and dabbling their aching feet in a pool beside a perfumed lake. The costume extravaganza given by wealthy Marquis De Cuevas at a cost of SIOO,OOO was proclaimed a huge success by socialites ami notables'' who danced until after 5 a. m. But there were arguments over whether the 18th century costume ball topped the mammoth party staged in 1951 at Venice by mil- Uanaire Don Carlos de Bestigui. Even those who wouldn’t concede that this pa ty was the best of the century ate freely of suckling pig -erved on gold plates, drank free’v of champagne and rum punch, anu eyed dazzling costumes and women guests wearing $1,500,000 wortn of jewels. GENE TIERNEY WITH KAHN Movie actress Gene Tierney, wealing a daringly low-cut ilfess and clinging to the arm of Prince Aly Kahn, said the Venetian pal ace ball was “more authentic and more iestrictedj’ Party-giver Elsa Maxwell, wear ing a red wig and beard and rid ing a donkey as Sancho Panze, said “people of authentic character were here" but it jgas hard to compete with the Venetian pageahtry. The ultra-sophisticated show put on by ballet impressario De Cue vas was maried when a red-ber eteil uniformed Spanish army offi cer rot into a loud argument with the host and was arrested by police. The Spaniard attempted to make a speech from the main stage de nouncing “this frivllous waste of money while people go hungry.” It could not be determined whether he was a guest or gate-crasher. Communist-inspired inscriptions were posted in town. They read, "Down with the Aristocrats!”! 3,000 BOTTLES The 3,000 bottles of champagne provided for last night’s party dwindled rapidly, 4 a. m. some of the younger guests were tossing food at each other across the tables and guzzling the bubbly wine from the bottle. At 5 a. m. only about 100 die hards were stil| dancing. Some took a cooling swim from the se cluded section of the locky Bas que coastline. Guests included former King Peter of Yugoslavia, the Empress of Viet Nam, the Duke of Alba, actress Merle Oberon, actor Jose Ferrer and Lady Diana Bowes- Lyon, cousin of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth. ST. LOUIS, Mo. IlPl Dusky Randy Sandy and Ernie (The Rock) Durando were fit an(l ready for their 10-round middleweight test at the St. Louis Arena tonight. It will be a big fight for both of them but for different reasons. Quality, jjflk Parakeets WB l- :t , AU Colors We invite you to see them at our aviaries. Seed-Cages-Supplies CEDAR LAWN AVIARIES lames A. Surles, owner 611 N. McKay Avenue Day Phone 2446 Nlte 2228 DUNN, N. C. THE DAILY RECORD. DtftfN, N. C. DOItCAS CLASS TO MEET The Dorcas Bible Class of the First Baptist’Church will meet Fri day night at eight o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. T. Mann. Hostess es with Mrs. Mann will be Mrs. J, C. Jones, Mrs. Herman Strick land and Mrs. Ray Horrell. DAUGHTER IS BORN Mr. and Mrs. John E. Norris an nounce the birth of a daughter, Becky Joe, at the Dunn Hosp'tal Aug. 3, 1953. Mrs. Norris is the former Dora Mathews of Angier. 7 ; i it's a super , I CLEANSING CREAM % NIGHT CREAM r **' • > it's a dewy-magic ‘ _ " MAKEUP BASE it’s the quick new way to all-day beauty! JBBSBSBBHBf new/ LANOLIN ENRICHED ALL-PURPOSE CREAM , . , , ' only fl plus tax It’s a dream cream for busy, budget- j J conscious beauties! Why can Aii ONE sipooths and "supples" your skin while ! . upkam.’do l°h* °L'P4ky'<9feains? • J R’« non-gheasy; can’t stain. Because Tussy All-Purpose Cream , . contain, the teveral "• ° dewy-moaic makeup hose That > special beauty-giving preparation.. «"« 7°“ akm * look.. . r J ur makeup goes on smoother,clings longer. too much to-do.. •. get these three • Ifs a rteh night cream that Softens, creams, all in one ... today! Dai/imv ffihflJvmac/tj C. O. wfflaSTiiliS ALLENE WARREN DUNN PHONE 2146 E. BROAD ST. E. BROAD BT. DUNN, N. C. PHONE 4101 Garden Club ; Meets With j Mrs. Carroll j The Hoe and G:ow Garden Club’ held its first meeting since the first of the summer, Tuesday af ternnon at three o’clock at the home o.f Mrs. William Carroll. Hostesses with Mrs, Carroll were Mrs. Charlie Hildreth and Mrs. W. E. Turner. Att active summer flowers were used throughout the home. On the dining room table were roses, and other arrangements were composed of marigolds, petunias and clematis. Guest speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Phyllis Jackson of Pitts borj, who is district director of the seventh district of which the Dunn Club is a membe . She spoke to the women giving them suggest ions as to how they could have a better garden club. She outlined the district program for them. Mrs. John ..'ellons, new presi dent of the club, presided over the business session. During the socials hour, the hos tesses served ice cream, nuts, mints and cookies. Special guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Jackson and a f iend, Mrs. Rigsby, both of Pittsboro, Mrs. John Thornton Sr., Mrs. Wil lard Mixon. Mrs. Carl Conner, Mrs Nathan Camnady, Mrs. Emmette Aldredge and Mrs. J. Doner Lee. Members attending we e Mrs. Marvin Godwin, Mrs. Billy Wellons, i Mrs. John Wellons, Mru. L. A. j Monroe, Mrs. Ralph Snipes, Mrs, I Della Dunbar, Mrs, J. W. Temple, ‘Mrs. Woodrow Hill, Mrs. Preston Parker, who is a new member, and the three hostesses. TAKE TRIP TO NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Raynor, Miss Libby Raynor and Claude Pope re turned Wednesday after a trip to New York. Thev came back by Washington, D. C. and visited the Rayno ’.s daughter and son-in-law, I Mr. and M(s. Charles Smith. mpermanents, specially made for different types of hair! /ikuffr* l« hard to wave lor^easy^o-wave tach Toni 10(1^', Bonialwf Ugly, Embarrassing complexion**!* yours Hlsll Cf once again l Users re port Dex-0 Feneamaz- P#fPll m ingly soccessful iR PI # mW fl clearing up ugly acne, eczema and Itching skin - rashes. Greaseless, ney /\ KRIkJK ... powerfully UCA-v a FCIiC fast-acting, yet so geoUe ii. to the skin. CUT-PRICE DRUCS DUNN PHARMACY Dunn's Only Cut-Rate Drug Store LET DUNN PHARMACY PRICE YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION WE BROUGHT DRUG PRICES DOWN IN DUNN—WE ARE KEEPING THEM DOWN §2.20 CARA NOME Cleansing Cream sl.lO REGULAR 59c KLEN/O Tooth Brush 2 for 79<1 BIG PACK 100 SHEET Note Book Paper 19d LEATHER ZIPPER LOOSE LEAF Note Books sl-98 §1.29 CASCADE DELUXE Ball Point Pen 79c 10c SIZE Jergens Soap 5< 3 POUND CRISCO 79. 2 POUND NORTH CAROLINA HONEY 59c 100 FIVE GRAIN ASPIRIN 8« 25c CITRATE OF MAGNESIA 12< TALL CARNATION MILK 12c '■ rr.'.TTrr.:. ■ 1 ”, 1 '":r rT.Tvr insssa POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES sl-65 $1.69 CAPE COD Vacuum Bottle sl*49 1 ■■ ; , a-um 10c SIZE ASSORTED COLORS COMBS 6