NORTH CAROLINA - Fair with iitUe change of temperature today and tonight. Tuesday, partly cloudy _J W VOLUME 3 Southern Democrats Denounce Loyalty Pledge jgp. * " *’**' ~~ i m M I I ■ HR - £JO* LOOK AT PRIZE Judges In Friday’s Juni or Dairy Cattle Show in Dunn take a look at one of the nrtee animals. Pictured (left to right) are W. Marvin Raynor, manager of Belk store in Dunn, one of the sponsoring stores es the event; Charles D. Raper, Judge; Dr. Ray Murley, State College and one of the Judges, and Clarence Chappell, Jr, Belvidere, who took first pUce in the showman ship contest far Guernseys. (Dpily Record Photo; „.->. - fry,-'. : ’. Two Alleged Bootleggers Police Report Arrest Os 22 Dunn Police attested 22 persons over the weekend, 1) of which were KUi drunkenness. :'’■*■,.■■ he past few weeks a sffort has been made in stamp out drinking of liquor and the wids in the City. Two per arrested over the week oesession for sale Tested, and the charges ere: Carl McCray Jr.. Dunn, speed ing. Willie. F. Mcßride, 40$ R. drem f vllle Street, operating a car with ot*t & license. William L. Tart, Smithfield, pub lic drunkenness. Charles H. Hollins, Spivey’s Cor ner, Sampson County, public drunk enness. • Alex Boykins Jr-, Rose Hill, Route V, driving drunk, and driving with out a license. ’ Hatrvey, Dunn, drunken wtllie Ray Murphy. Railroad Avefcde. drunkenness. Chari tq Aaron Beasley, Benson. Route 2, driving without a license. Joseph Patrick Minshew, sth jftrfctt Extension. Smithfleid,, driv- Malt Oaks, ’ ef liquor* Bragg, Walter t>. MqNeUl, E. Harnett, drunkenness. John D. Hay. K. 'Broad Street, drunkenness. Dell McLean, Dunn, driving ..^ n ,|,n«wl ms- Million-Dollar Vice n . . .. i i ßing Is uncovered I < CHICAGO Police charged today that &n escort service advertising the compsny of models'* The operator of the service, Kay jarre tt ts has been associated with several figures in theseiwa- TELEPHONES; 3117 ■ *llß Judge £ Paul StHckWd gave “bootSeggera” a< slap In Recorders Court toddy calculated to put them out of business and keep them out for some time.. Silas Sills, white, local cab driv er, received a six month sentence, suspended on payment of $250 and cost '. of incourt. Judge Strickland further ordered that Sills should refrain from driving a cab In Dunn for the next five years. Sills wts arrested Saturday by Chief, Alton A. Cobb, assisted by Aaron Johnson, and J. M. Black. 1 Chief Cobb stated that 10 pints of taxed liquor, and a half gal lon of non taxed liquor was on the property of Sills. Faded with the charge, he plead guilty of poss ession for sale. ADMITTED DELIVERIES t “A* a matter of fact you.sell it to just about : anyone who wants it—and oarry it to them, don't you?” Judge Strickland asked Sills, i He replied that he didn’t sell to “Just anybody,”- but that he had .taken it to the people In his taxi. Counting the court cost, 8111s’ fine would be *2*5.70. ’ < Ip .another bootleg case. Sylvester Hyety, Negro of Hasty, N. C., plead not guilty of possession for sale, but was found guilty and given a i 90 days sentence in Jell. , Chief Cobb testified that he and Paul Albergine, State Highway Pa trolman, arrested Hasty in front of a “known" bootlegger’s house in Pope's Bottom here in Duftn, land that at the time, Hasty had I several Jan of non taxed liquor in his car. DENIES OWNERSHIP Hasty told the court that thf liquor belonged to "someone” who : had placed it in his ear while hir- Sr. 'ContJswed on page two) **** The Daily Record DUNN, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, BEPTEMBI& 7 '•••**- Glover Heads Churchiavnien New officers The International Cotton Advis ory Committee today predicted a decline es (tern 500,000 ew mar + Record Roundmi 4 MINOR WRECK ~ Damages ee i timated at *SS resulted from a min- fIHK' -HtMl MB JBki.. Ti immihb* w OptTON FIRE - Slight dataage was dene if twe twice of cotton on Lucknow Square Saturday enotag around g;S«. according to Howard «L Lee, sccreUrr-trcasurcr es the Fire Department.. The eott*d belongs to Johueeu Cettota company.. Cause es the lb* war unknown. Pictured aboye,' firemen to see that the flm fc !e«L (ftp Mated that 2g Wen were out fey the alarm. (Daily .■ - —. .i.,, '1.,.,,.;. : i 1~ : 7 . _ ■ . —: p rr —: Rita Hayssth And Yasmin Under Guard After Threats ye«r-akLFH&ca«s TiWljn. were, un der2f3K>? guard tt*Mn star received threats of violence unless tha child ia returned im mediately to Moslem Prince Aly Khan. •• The" actress’ attorney. Tsterttey Crum, reached in - said the threats came .in fetUss ad dressed to Mias Hayworth at' the Sands Hotel here * gnd that -they had been turned over to the FBI for investigation* <• , -M ■ SENDS WIRE TO KHAN The'’attorney Said he had wired the prince’s father, the Aga'Khan, asking him to "oaUtion hie follow ers” a* far as his farmer daughter in law and grandchild are con cerned, , •, - Crum said he routed, the wire through Alyls Paris lawyer, Charles Toren, egklng the Aga Khan to use hi, .influence as the spiritual lead er of the Ismali seet of Moslems “t» make sure that no harm comes*. .. (Continued en png* tml : , ..J., ,V . <■ u.mLm.' -...’to* ■ ~■■■■. a revival at the Ooepei Tabernacle i --.-.77 1 ■’ •7"C—^ New Cotton Picker' Hailed By Farmers previously '‘mahufactured. they- are t- -' Farmeis of Hstnett County have acfclaimed the new mdchlfies the “bmt over” . .teUo is hotXteten T*. tee^Sng ■ -5 m M “mg CENTS PER COPT cotton picker syas placed on I ' the market tn Harnett County about | O' month ago Glover said. I J f> ,1V I 5 •:!£. D. Parker, manager of the | salsa at Auto Sales and Service, I J hfig- been working with Glover In ! “ demonstrating the,cotton pickers. ' .. - ' Scout Officers Arrestcid Here h l ' ti^v'.v’w.;. Scout' offleix’s of Harnett Coun ty Wert sweating over the weekend •s law enforcement officer, dropped in at each of their homes to read a wanimt. ;■ , . . , j . Seme were shaking in their boots since they could think of no crime they had committed. One Scout Master of Dunn said that he had gone to bed and tbe warrant was : Ita on Ms door., A neighbor saw , ft and awoke him to give it to hlm—fearing he had gotten in ' troiiWe. " i- ; 'f ’ The point of the warrant wag to gtt Harnett Coupty’s Scout lead ers to a reund table discussion at , the Erwin. Methodist Church to night at 7:SO. ~ The Record Gets Results NO. 197 Young Radicals Attempting To Avoid The issue CHICAGO (IP) Leading Southern Democrats today denounced the so-called “lo yalty pledge” as an “insult” that could wreck the party n Dixie but conservative Northern leaders moved swiftly to smooth over the ssue. All factions of the party seemed to be seeking harmony so Demo rats could unite for next year’s -ongresslonal campaigns. Even the spokesmen for the ‘Young Turks,” who forced the 'oyalty pledge through the 1952 ■>ational convention, said they in tended to try to avoid the issue in the two-day conference that opened today.. The chief aim of party leaders apparently wa s to presept a united front against the Republicans at tonight’s SIOO-a-plate fund-raising dinner where addresses of top Dem ocrats will be televised. The loyalty pledge was brought up first at a meeting of Democrat ic state chairmen but a move to go on record against the oath was squelched by the meettnet mod erator. New York State Chairman Richard Belch, who said it was “not the proper forum” to consid er it. Georgians Democratic chairman, - Jim Peters, was the first person to bring the subject of the loyalty oath into official discussion at the party’s two-day conference which opened here today. “ IOWAN AGREES An equally-important Democrat, lowa State Chairman Jake More, £r°«c quickly to express symPAth# for Peters’, views and said the Mrtv should “(too talking about Jb.valcy ’ or rmi the Timt-or lasmc the South and next year’s eon* ‘gressional elections. Peters spoke at a breakfast for (CMilMti On Page Five) Police Arrest Liauor Dealer Dunn Police Department uncov- I eered another “trap-door" liquor | dealer here Friday. Fletcher Mc i Cullers was arrested and charged with possession for sale. Chief Cobb said that he went to the home of Mi-Culler Friday to make a raid, and made a search of the kitchen. There be found I a table, which from the outward appearance looked nke any other i desk-Uke table. However, on re moving the table cover, the Chief found 10 half gallons of “white lightning” neatly tucked under a trao door. The last arrest in Dunn where liquor was found behind trap doors was that of Anna Jones. She J* l currently s»rvinv a sentence for possession for sale. . McCullers. who lived at the in-' tsrsection of E. Pearsall and the Clinton Highway, was placed un der a *3OO bond and ordered tb appear for trial Thursday.' V. 5 ? In addition to the 10 haK gal lon jars of liquor, another half rallcn was found in a cabinet in a cabinet in the kitchen, Chief Cobb said. Assisting in ■ making the raid i With Chief Cobb were C. H. Pope and Deputy Sheriff B. E. Sturgfi.