PAGE SIX H v. .*• '• ''<•-*. , , .* x * Jr®, T • ■ *• ""ur*\? : • .., vv wßßfizXL farl.Tt TiilflffirTilMMlliTTrfr inTTH - W jMKfev&S Greenwaves Lose To Fayetteville 18-0 " im i v.- . i Today's Sports Parade* Oscar Fraley United Press Sports Writer NEW YORK (IP) The metropolitan opera doesn’t* open until mid-November so this is just to tip off the tonsil terpsichoreans that if they are planning to revive the tragedy “Carmen” the boxing industry is beating them to the punch. . There will be slight variations, of course, in the pu gilistic performance. In the opera version, Carmen is a faithless gal who works in a tobacco factory and gets struck down with a stiletto by a gent named Jose. Boxing’s presentation concerns ti Carmen who once worked on an union farm but will be struck down with leather mittens by a pent named Gerardo. CLASSIC CAST The cast in the mitt mob classic will be composed of Carmen Basilio as Carmen and Qerardo Gongalei, better known as Kid Gavilan, in the role of Jose. Maybe our Carmen isn’t as pretty as some of the dolls who have played the part in the past, although from the looks of some of those divas no reflection, fellahs it’s six, two and even that he’d rate no worse than third choice. The presentation will take place at Syracuse on Friday night and the diamond horseshoe, in this case the ring side will be filled with a bunch of the boys from Stillman’s gym. Evening dress is not required, as long as you wear a shirt. But, essentially the nlot is the same. One of the principal differences is that there should be more action in the box fighting version, although this is never a thing to be guaranteed in the current era of dis ticuffs. There have been pugilistic performances of late which in comparison would make Hamlet look like a jitter bog jam session. TROUBLE TRIMMING • On the other hand, there pre substantiated reports that Gavilan is having as much trouble trimming his belt line as Mario Lanza, who had to shed 50 pounds to get in to the movies. The Keed, or “Jose” if you prefer, didn’t have to melt off quite that much suet. But since his last welterweight title defense, a Mer chant of Venice btoodletting now known as the Chuck Da vey massacre, he hasn’t weighed in at less that 151 % and has been as high as 154. Getting down to the 147-oound welterweight limit, and still retaining the strength to put Carmen on the deck m the accepted operatic finale of this sad tale, may develop a strange ending. It is to be doubted, however, that “Jose” will crum up his lines in that manner.! • *1 For the Keed is an old trouper and it is improbable that he will either let the Mft outdo him, or permit Car men to emerge victorious for a change.' As the man said, it ain’t in the script! 1 •■ ■ " MONTREAL (If) The United States will definitely use its two top stars,. Tony Trabert and - Vic Seixas, in th? tottfaong Davis Cup Anal as . weU as in the challenge round against Australia, tennis of ficial Lawrence Baker announced today. - * LOS ANGELES HP The vcrld’s L -* • m~a »—it—i. i 1 ii fiSt' ont riMfo or nora wffMiMrs pipwvmVi':v^T tMoraatoAln (gnayltiw, it is inleraiting te polo that dim 2*looo farms had a cadi income of 'in 7951. d«wd avdraao toxtiie wortsnl Tha •var-kmr*aeina faih . r J - vVVT far eN of vs. Hilßfcih, l1 * 11 ! 1 fjirdnr fiL ™ of one com om* ■''-'itft* * . > - - mmw STAtMS IBSW||S me. v —-—; best amateur. net stars Open fire today .in the first round of the coveted men’s, staples v|*?sy:-yqf . the •Soujhweff tahfets tournament. Top pin* the entries, ifst.'W, singles competition will he Ton)*? iSfert, Bulldogs Given Rough Tine By Local Graders By DOC CORBETT The Dunn High School , Greenwaves tried hard last Friday night to break a 4 year winning streak held by Fayetteville but fell short as the Bulldogs downed the Waves 18-0. The game was very close and rough all the way, and saw three players banished from the contest. Bobby Godwin and Mac Turlington were put out of the contest when they were charged with “playing too rough.” On the Fayetteville side, M. W. Cribb was ordered out on a similar charge. The ball went up and down .the field as neither side was able to advance in’ the first quarter. Early in the second peridti, Goff punted for the Waves and the ball hit a Fayetteville player on the leg. The" a Dunn player picked the ball up and raced toward the Bulldog goal. The play was then called back, and the ball awarded to Fayette ville. Why? No one knows. The officials claim that none of them saw the play, but in that type of play one official Is supposed to be stationed behind the receiver or close to him. With only two minutes and 45 seconds to go in the first half. Fayetteville found pay dirt with M. W. Cribb bucking over from the one. The conversion was wide, and the Bulldogs led 6-0. The third quarter was just about like the first’ with neither team able to do much advancing. Late in the quarter, Daley Qoff fired a pass to end J. T. Jackson in the end zone, but the 6 points were nullified when Dunn was guilty of a holding penalty. Late in the fourth period, a 42 p vard pass from Aycock to Danny i Underwood gave the Bulldogs an other 6 points. The conversion was again wide and Fayetteville led 12- 0. Dunn took the kickoff and moved to the Fayetteville 23. Then a, ser ies of pass plays failed and 1 the Bulldogs took oyer on downs. L - .. * ‘ .v: Y With only 2 mlputes left in Hie lantest, FajfettevOle again drove 1 for 6 more points. A. 23 yard pass . from Aycock to Underwood was wood Jor -the touchdoWi. |\gain the conversion attempt failed.',. Dunn still ! fought back hard. 1 With-only :45 seconds -left in the ■ contest a 42 yahi pass from Daley f Odfl jo efd Jackson gave 1 4og3i/'wjthhe .ran{but taunt** i to *9»r. -TY.-v*: 1 'Ttitlrf' .lbgiors Arthe Orieen- .in .the backfteld Were E. B. Dixon .Ind-, Daley ; Goff. On this type of game, it was hard to select eutstanrting* players because allr the 1 D«nn hoy 8 ' looked good, and play ad their hearts oqt. ’ - ' *■ Ooffs passing was. good for com- j pletlon all oyer the field. He threw ■ M oasyes fed, 7i Were completed. OofTappunts were also ou tatandlng. Although he cot off •'■few abort ■ ones. Daley stHl had’an avenge of 1 3? yards pqr kick.' t: B. Dixon on the other hand ] looked great on the offense ana , defense. Dikon played hard mi’ the , way. and made tackle after tack- , le all over the. gridiron. HD line- | backing also looked good as he < stopped play after play. j In the Wave line, an the boys , played wen. Glen Godwin. Ron > Kipimeil, J. T. Jackson, Russell Carter. Weldon Jones. Lewis Tart and Robert Pow aU teamed up tor stop the Favettevffle T eqjd in the .forward wall. Coach Waggoner stated after the , contest that he”tho”cht. the boys niaved well, but said thev needed a' lot of Improvement. Waggoner also stated that of the Waves was lost when Bob Godwin, was m’t out of the game 'n the flrrt quarter.' W-~-nner said »t)«t he contacted R-efo-it H'cH School last FVidav -nrl fmpd the open date next Fri ts-. T>a>, .means that these will he. -•'ly one open date this year, Oqt. ■*o. The game with Raefprd wnr be nlaved to Dunn, bringing the total of the games to 6. This la a real bargain tor’the Dimn football fans.. Season .tickets are -sttll on sale and dan be purchased from First Downs 6 - W T * i S & DusQt-.i . ' r ‘urHnffta*i LX Underdodd LS \ If "ill 'irt-fi'# i ‘•'Bl jjtJSit . TOC DAtLf KECOBD, DUNN, hf. C. ; 'J h | I ’ 7 k 1 [ i ■ - mjm I Eagles Figure To Do Their Part NEW YORK (If) The Philadel phia Eagles figure to do their port in making the 1653 National Foot ball League campaign a real rat race. Cbach Jim Tiny ‘Trimble’s ■sodas whipped the Los Angeles Rafts,. 28-17, Saturday night for their third exhibition victory to four gomes. Only the Detroit Lions and Cleveland Browns, list year's division champions, have done bet ter or as well in the warm-up con tests so far The Lions, bumped around by Washington's big line in the first half Sunday, used their own mon ster line stod alertness to defeat the; Redekins, 31-17. Detroit now has four victories and a tie with Cleveland to five starts, one of the triumphs coming against the eol lege All-Stars. ’ Cleveland’s 20-14 decision over the Chicago Bears Fkiday night gave Coach Paul Brown's club three victories, a tie and a defeat. The San Francisco Forty-niners and Chicago Cardinals played a MriY-tie to Sunday’s other game. The New York Giants defeated the Baltimore Colts, 10-6, and the Pitts burgh Steelers edged the Green Bay Packers, 26-23, to other Satur day night , gomes. Klmmell LG Barry LG Jackson C Price c Jones RG Raper RO O. Godwin RT White RT Pope RE Richardson RE Ooff QB Aycock QB B. Godwin LH Slaughter LH Surles RH Shaw RH Dixon FB Cribb FB Score by quarters: 1 2 3 4 Total Dunn 0000 0 Fayetteville 0 6 0 U lfc Automotive Shop And Machine Service CRANKSHAFT GRINDING SHAFT GRINDING mt^ I SK!KsT COMPLETE SHOP IN DUNN # ALL WORK . GUARANTEED f suppiYca 6 RaUteAd St. Dunn, N. C. MIAMI, Fla. (W Johnny Cun- 1 ningham, the clouting garbage col lector who upset world lightweight champion Jimmy carter on Sat urday night, was still too amazed when he left town to plan how to cash in on his new-found fame. NU. aides awdaU «c3obU. H. X. ly •Odeh. OVW J dfi The lanky father of six chilrtren from Baltimore/ astdunddd the boxing wotM when he emerged from the ripg at MAmf Madtohi with a split, 10-ronnd decitkm over Carter, who had entered the ring a prohibitive favorite' at' , | V *6M>At AFTERNOON, SKfrEMBE* U, IMS :•: ■ M w/pawf - i ■•-•) V>i‘ .<■ . '. Mn/ffiAUKEtf-’ W>; Commiss- Ilohef Afie rDaeooa tkraal Bffittog Association propos ed at today’s «n«ni»» of tlta NBA 'convehUost' that NflkSow fight a week Be .televised nationally, finch restriction to necessary,, he said, to store .the sport—*i>artlcularly the small clubs, which have been until less than Mare now operating regularly in ’ the nation.” waaaapamaaMMmmataMmmmaiapmmWM TIME dK FOB J.MW PM* JwT ORDERS#FS f Ut 11$ FHf Yoor Order With Qotdity FCX Materials SBl®SfrSSiS3fea • WUffifiKii Qp«to Fhnn% fa>«%r. i- -T. ■ DUNN FCX STORE ■ N, Clinton Are. ■v..>’j/*-:.- . GREENWOOD LAKE. N. Y.