PAGE TWO BULLETINS awakened people, qtopped clocks and sent a lew tidal v?aw north Pacific coast. - KINGSTON, Jamacia (UP) Queen Elizabeth II began today a busy ypund Os state functions which will be high lighted tonight with a banquet attended by 3,000 guest*. VIENNA (IIP) Hungarian cobblers have found a new use for turkeys. They make ihoes out of turkey leath er. “The demand for shoes made of the new leather is brisk,” the Budapest Communist newspaper Esti Buda pest said- BERKELEY, CgU|. (VP) =ThOTWi S \ B^ e ’ * University of California stpwni hw Ap rifle taken away from his Wednesday and was fined si s *W sniping at po-ed» Horn the rear, PANMUNJQM (UP) Twepty-two AfnW*W»s resist ing repatriation ate a Thanksgiving flimur consisting «f chicken and other special items today win l * other u.S. servicemen dined on turkey. Indian spokesmen said the Communists gave the Americans and other Red-held cap tives special rations. UNITED NATIONS, N. ¥. (UP) Russia’s Andrei ¥. Vishinsky prepared today to deliver a Thanksgiving Day diatribe against Die United States in final debate on the Soviet ‘‘peace package” proposal. 5 DETROIT (UP) The Rouse Labor and Education Subcommittee investigating “greed and ruthiessness” q mong AFL Teamsters Union officials here, said today it was flooded with requests to extend its work to Minneapp 4s,»tinn. HOLLYWOOD (VP) Screen star Ida Lupine has separated again from actor Howard Pnff and »s con templating a divorce, it was disclosed today. HOLLYWOOD (UP) Ava Gardner was to leave to night for movie location in Rome still firm in her deci sion tp divorce singer Frank Sinatra on her return. PITTSBURGH (UP) Top union and management officials face eleventh-hour wage negotiations this week end in an effort to avert an impending strike against two of the nation’s major can manufacturing firms. LOS ANGELES (U?) Representatives of North American Aviation Company and the CIO United Auto Workers met Wednesday for mare than throe hOW* With out reaching a n agreement- YOR ANGELES (UP) Charfes P Skomras, £r , »«. son of motion picture thmter executive Owdes Hkwr»% married piane Marie MeUos, 27, Wednesday in the Saint horifft Vrcck Grthordoi Church here. Car Robbery From Page Oftri busy Danvers Square while three guards kipped coffee In a nearby Authorities said a “substantial” pad' of -the loot had haan racoyr erect and that other persons had hash implicated in the case. But ho new arrests were expected im- O’Brien, his wife, and son flt nied knowledge of the robbery, the slickest since timm# was taken in the Boston Brinks holdup tqo yeast earlier. The Brinks cast ntvfr has htr~ solved. elder OBrian wa* known in the exclusive neighborhood of sub urban ~ Woolastan where he lived tofSTgaMM home a* a real gen tleman and his Wife as a matronly, pleasant woman. But OBrian had a record of two prison terms served for burglary and larceny. Agents said he posed aa a con struction executive hut actually held no job. Ttoo months ago, at the time of the robbery, the QBrien's lived ih ' a third Soar walkup tenement in crowded Dorchester sec** fftto wife 'wife yraatpd MN I FffiLTON CTOott|Nfl4B FAR- Mm b bin M the ricbl b. the *hSt!s> oilier sii.® wftfPf' Ken mPU * " .. ‘ ' . * ' . <** ■ W Tnown Ibn of a weS^to-do we ri Whw <4 the famlfy almost from the time they moved into the suburban Bos ton'neighborhood. Their next door The neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Ar fejff L. a*M Hr- (fed Mr*. (5 Reign wasp known geperaUy as a cospli^ i Weather Adds 'JMjet&ssto* L to the mlh <* » semi-trailer truck , alter side-swiping another car near Coast with teßmcraturps araas hanrine around the Arm J Off '' bfh—" 1 rwrv—r .mm— _ ' ■, - | ; ... r " W * Jr HL MBS. CAMIE GAINEY, before her marriage in Yamessee, 8. C. on November 18, was Miss Billie Grey Byals, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luhter Byals of Dunn, Route 3. Mr. Gainey is the son of Mr. and Mrs- Arthur Gainey of Yamessee, where the couple will make their hema. Dunn Chamber I Conan-ed From Page One) put that all of the projects have been completed. The women, of Dunn secured a new club building this year, in con junction with the Finer Carolines Contest, at a cost of approximately sii,odo. Establishment of the Four Coun ty Curb Market here aas also, one of the Finer Carolines contest pro jects, Buttles stated. Contest a test of true loyalty of friends who are Willing to “go the limit” in buy ing g subscription. The dinner will he the prig who has thje staunch, enthusiastic backing of true friends, and his or her greatest reward will be the heart-warming gratification pf discpvering Just how many BEAL fronds ship has. The wmJeat is about tp reach the final stages with but twenty work ing days remaining before the clos ing day, Saturday December 19th. Your, favorite contestant is doing his best' to contact all acquaint ances. It Would be impossible for , them to see all, however, in the short time remaining. If you know someone in the contest and have been “thinking about"" helping him or her, but have been putting it qff, ndyr *» the time to offer your subscription. Even if you have to {;o a little out of- your way to do t: May we make a timely suggest ion right here. The time I s fa** ap proaching when all will be making out Christmas gift lists. Keep in mind that the Daily Record will make an ideal Christmas gift and one that will remind the recipient ffef gays every week that they have a 'friend who thought enough of them to give the finest gift of all. PPride now to whom you wish to rife these subscriptions and hand them to your favorite now. They wfe not he started until Christmas anp than a pard will be sent telling the recipient from whom they are rm DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. C. receiving this fine gift. Your friends are working hard in this contest. Why not give the full measure of your support right NOW? 2nd Payment (Continued From Page One) candidate. Since a one year subscription earned SAW vote* and a two-year subscription earned *5,809 votes, this extension fW «*•» TOT would earn the differences of 17,*00 votes '&&£.aes2ssz :; tra special votes allowed as stated to thejpepinig announcement of Three and six months subscrip tions may also be extended tp two yegrs and earn a large Hum ber of votes for your favorite. In addltiw to this 59,909 ex tra votes for each “club” of $25 turned in and the “weekly bonus” votes.- go if you and a couple dqaen other g«oc| friends like yourgfW wculd extend your original one year subscription to the two year limit you would earn for your fav orite contestant the tremendous totfl of apfioximately a mUHon VOtes which would go a long way SWiSTSwViBISS Prise. 17th Session 1 Continued from page enel The state at the church report was giveii by a committee composed of Bevs. A- Mr. Moncur. S. 1 Walls ana F. L. Tyson. J- H. Harrison and Mrs. E. E. Robinson. The commit tee reported that the church was in a better position to exert itself than ever before. The recent attack on high church men which gained wide spread pub licity was no hindrance to the pro gress <4- top church, according to the committee. “Ifhe church is still the one Institution which charts the course of mankind”, said the committee. FERGUSON HEADS COMMITTEE .. B F. Ferguson. headed a commit tee. composed of Bevs. George Tharrington. A. M- Spaulding, J. W. Pennington, C. V. Flack and G. S. Myzeke, on the state of the country'. TTie committee was al armed at the unrest about Reds in the United States Government and also expressed some hope in the struggle to make America the arsenal of democracy which so many would have it be. The com mittee felt that the chenge in ad ministratlnns had net altsred fee situation too much. bus seemed a larmed about fee wait-and-see at titude that prevails. The Rev. 8. P. Perry delivered the annual sermon at the last ses sion of the first day. The welcome program was given by the local church. Mgyor Ralph Hanna brought words of welcome on be half of the city. Jpbn D. Culbrefe gave fee welcome on behalf of the church. F. H. Ledbetter for fee gwjfce' J. W. iuue white. Divine street Mefeodist. D.wcn Minister -2* A- *feury Park N. 1 . W. 3. Trent Will deliver the Sduca- be dwotriW when Summation. Se^ionTwi” be^hefd J ■ m,i 29c Six—4- ox. 19'Box of 100 Boric Acid WiP ' W3k % COTTOW Powder MM I■IMl Ji ‘ % SWABS or Crystals W■ ■ kA W Mm *|*|c (Limit yj c I " {Limit 2 Only) Oc leokpreot BUR & ' W j * 7hi ‘ *Y Terry Flashlight WASH Batteries Pr CLOTHS 9ill c THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SALE 3’l9 c . , . East Broad St. PUNN, N. G T. . f One fora penny! Right Reserved to Limit Quantities unit ot 6) Savaif 7Sc Six# ■ *«»■*• 9