»TCTSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 9, 19» MISS ROSALYN POOLE ANNOUNCES WEDDING PLANS FOR SATURDAY lliaa Rosalyn Poole, daughter of Dr. Marvin B. Poole and the late Mrs. LuciUe Johnson Poole has announced plans for her wedding to Mr. James S. Farthing, Jr. of Fort Jackson, 8. C. and Dunn, which will take place on Saturday, Dec ember 13 at eight o’clock in the First Baptist Church of Dunn. The Rev. Ernest P. Russell, pastor, will officiate at the ceremony. m Mrs. Henry Whitten ton, organist and Miss Betty Jo Smith soloist of High Point will present the wed ding music. The bride will be given in mar riage by her father, and serving as matron of honor •will be Mrs. Henry Hutaff of Durham. Maid of honor will be Miss Mary Anne West brook of High Point and Dunn. MISS ROSALYN POOLE HONORED AT BEAUTIFUL TEA SATURDAY ii Mrs. R. J. Denny, Mrs. J. P 1 Crumpler, and Mrs. J. S. Farthing complimented Miss Rosalyn Poole bride-elect of James Farthing Jr., on Saturday, Decern bier 6 from four until six o’clock at the Denny home on South General Lee Ave nue. m Mrs. G. L. Hooper Sr. greeted "he guests and introduced them to Mrs. J. R. Johnson who pre sented them to the receiving line composed 'of Mrs. Denny, Mrs. Ckumpler, Mrs. Farthing. Poole, the honoree, and Miss Nan cy Abernathy, bride-elect of Char les Overman, who shared honors with Miss Poole. On her arrival, Miss Poole was presented an orchid corsage and M-ss Abernathy a corsage of white roses. All those assisting in the home were given corsages of white carnations. The bridal motif of white and green was used in the spacious 4nd very attractive living room and dining area. A beautiful ar rangement of giant white mums and snapdragons was used in the picture window. Pink and white START TOUR SAVINGS * AT COMMERCIAL BANK Pnan, N. C. Gowns $2.98 to $12.50 . Slips $2.98 and up An outstanding Christmas gift item is to be found at the Fashion Shop in their lovely line of lingerie by Kayser, Komar, Evette, Mich elene and Miss Swank. Hose by Picturesque. smart iddbrl for oomcn and diildm ww fvn wvwiwti min> wv* , ...‘ ' I , ’ Bridesmaids are Miss Irma Jean Sykes of Rocky Mount and Miss Anne Rouse of Washington, D. C., formerly of Dunn. Mr. James S. Farthing will serve as best man for his son and ushers will be Earl Davis Farthing, brother of the groom, Charles Overman, Wade Brannon and Thad Pope. Jr. A reception will be held immed iately following the ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Andrews. On Friday night, the wedding rehearsal will take place in the First Baptist Church, followed by the cake cutting at the home of the bride. Mrs. Jessie Davis is directing the wedding. snapdragons were used at the entrance. A beautiful styro-foam design with frosted greenery and blue lights was used on the mantle. Alsr a Christmas choral scene was on the piano. Mrs. C. M. Watson directed the guests to the dining area where Mrs. H. Paul Strickland ‘received. Mrs. S. N. Butt was in charge of the serving assisted by Miss Betty Byrd Crumpler, Miss Mary Ann Westbrook, and Mrs. A1 Comp ton. The tea table was covered with an imported Canadian' cutwork linen cloth centered with a min iature bride and groom as ''they descended the steps of the church. The church was flanked with Brial Cliff white roses, snapdrag ons, and fern. Tall white tapers in silver candelabra illuminated the table. At the close of the party, the miniature bride and groom were presented to the honoree. Mrs. M. B. Poole presided over the tea service and Mrs. P. G. Parker of Erwin served bridal cakes. The refreshments consisted of miniature Parker House rolls fill ed with barbecue, 1 Calla lily past ries, wedding cake sandwiches, de corated mints, salted pecans, dec orated bridal cakes and Russian tea. Mrs. A1 Compton and Miss Mary Ann. Westbrook were soloists for the occasion accompanied by Mrs. M. M. Jernlgan and Mrs. Henry , Whittenton, who played at intervals . H i^ r ' ?: . v %J S^Si iSr -JRiUlffi £ , 12r j¥ SRIKpMf r&#^WPl«3p' BRIDE 8-ELECT HONORED: Miss Rosalyn Poole and Miss Nancy Abernathy, December brides-elect are shown above at the lovely tea given In their honor from 4 till 6 last Saturday afternoon by Mrs. J. S. Farthing, Mrs. J. P. Crumpler and Mrs. R. J. Denny. Left to right are Mrs. P. G. Parker, Mrs. Farthing, Miss Poole, Miss Abernathy, Mrs. Denny, Mrs. Crumpler and Mrs. Marvin B. Poole. (Daily Record photo by Biggs). during the afternoon. Mrs. Charles Skinner presided over the register and said the goodbyes to about 150 guests. Bride-Elect Honored At Afternoon Party Mrs. A. W. Blanchard and Mrs. C. T. Latimer entertained for Miss Rosalyn Poole, December elect, on Thursday afternoon at “Lakewood,” the Blanchards’ beau tiful new home. The guests who were invited to come for a coffee hour and mis cellaneous shower found Christmas everywhere. The front door was lighted with a large round Santa Clause face attractively encircled with pine sprays. Mrs. Charles Hutaff and Mrs. J. O. Warren greeted the guests and Mrs. J. C. Andrews, Mts.' J. R. Johnson and Mrs. Wade Brannon assisted the hostesses in receiving elsewhere. There was never a more beauti ful party. Candlelight and a cherry ins DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. a popping fire in the huge fireplace made everyone feel in a party mood immediately. It would be hard to describe in detail all of the beau tiful Dower arrangements and Christmas scenes that were used in the various rooms for the whole place made one feel that she was in Fairyland. Profusions of red roses and redcarnations.gold leaves and red candles were used in the living room. The dining room featured silver and white with many flickering tapers. The table was covered with a magnificent imported cloth edg ed with wide bands of lace. The table was centered with silver leav es massed around a tall five-branch ed candelabra whose white candles were festooned with clusters of sti ver bells. Three exquisite figurines completed this lovely setting. Mrs. J. S. Farthings Sr. served individ ual bridal cakes and Mrs. M. B. Poole v poured coffee. Canapes, cheese biscuits, party sandwiches, mints, and salted peon ns were also served. . Miss Poole looked lovely in her sapphire blue silk shantung after now* frock, wearing her purple or crid which was a gift from the hos tesses. The shower of gifts was present ed In a most unusual manner. Mrs. La timer t and Mrs. Blanchard con cealed uiem In a clothes hamper. THey covered it to gold foil and tied it all the., way around with H wide red satin ribbon, complet ing it with a large bow. This huge Christmas package was opened by the honoret who saw inside the hamper lettered in gold her own name and that of her fiance. Among the many lovely, useful gifts were the presents from the hostesses, Mrs. Latimer’s an electric Iron and Mrs. tric percolator. Around fifty-five guests enjoyed this delightful affair. 0//*f Church Circle Has Meeting Mrs. Hulda Prescott was host ess to members of Circle VI of the Hood Memorial Christian Church last night at her home on North Wilson Ave. An arrangement of yellow and white mums decorated the living room along with sev eral dish gardens. Miss Frances Surles, circle lead er, presided over the business meeting. Mrs. Woodrow Hill, pres iden of the Christian Women’s Fellowship, was a special guest at the meeting. A short devotional was given by Mts. Jack Hemingway., Mrs. Hem ingway and Mrs. Wayne Justesen reviewed the last chapters of the study course bode, “These Rights We Hold.” At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Prescott served chocolate nut cakr with coffee or iced drinks to Miss Frances Surles, Mrs. Jack Heming wal, Mrs. Wayne Justesen, Mrs Woodrow Hill, Mrs. Frank McLeod Mrs. Hoover Adams, Mrs. Tommy Harrell and Mrs. Felton Tart. Mrs. Monroe Honors Husband On Birthday \ Mrs. L. A. Monroe surprised her husband on Monday night with a steak supper on the occasion of his birthday. Guests arrived at 7:30 and were invited into the dining room where they enjoyed a delicious steak sup per with all the trimmings. The birthday cake was cut and served with ice cream and coffee as a des sert course. Those enjoying the informal af fair were Mr. Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Barbour, and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Hill. DR. MILDRED HARTSOCK SPEAKER I FOR WOMAN'S DAY OBSERVANCE In cooperation, with the nation-1 al observance of Woman’s Day in. I all Christian Churches through-! out the land, the Hood Memorial Christian Church worship services Sunday morning were conducted by the women of the church. Special music was rendered by the chuch choir for this memorial day and the President of the Christian Women’s Fellowship Mrs. Woodrow Hill, presided over the services. Mrs. Hill Introduced the speak er for the morning who was Dr. Mildred Hartsock, head of the Eng lish Department of Atlantic Chris tian College in Wilson. Dr. Hartsock stressed the im portance of women’s work in the church at all times and discussed a number of outstanding women i Mrs. Butt Hostess To Circle No. I Mrs. Doug Butt was hostess to | Circle No. 1 of the Hood Mem- ( orial Christian Church on Monday i morning at 10:00 o’clock. ! In the absence of Mrs. Wilson, Stanley, leader, Mrs. Herman Neigh- | bors presided over the business and ! gave the devotional. Mrs. John Riley had charge of the program, which was the final chapters of the study course book that has been studied by the cir cles this quarter. Cokes and peanuts were enjoy ed at the close of the meeting by the following members present, Mrs. Neighbors, Mrs. Riley. Mrs. Jerry Butler, Mrs. John Ingraham. Mrs. Houston Jernigan, Mrs. Phipps and Mrs. W. W. Carroll. Party In Raleigh Fetes Miss Poole Miss Rosalyn Poole, bride-elect of Saturday, was complimented in Raleigh last evening when Mrs Eldrie Bagwell and Mrs. Clarence Smith 'entertained at the home of the former at eight o’clock. The Bagwell home was lovely with attractive arrangements of white gladioli and mums being used effectively throughout the rooms. Guests enjoyed various bridal ganfes and contests and prizts were awarded the winners. Delicious refreshments consisting of chicken salad sandwiches, brid al cakes, nuts and lime Ice were served. The hostesses presented the hon oree a white mum corsage and gifts of a blanket from Mrs. Bag well, an aunt of the bride-elect and from Mrs. Smith, sheets. Around twenty guests were pre sent for the delightful social af fair. , i i" Dunn Group To Have Party Tuesday The Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle—Dunn Grove 181—will hold their annual Christmas party to night, Dec. 9th, at 7:30 In the W.O.W. Hall over Fitchett’s Drug Store. A large attendance is expected. Invitations have been mailed to all members. Several guests have been Invited, among whom are Mrs. Ethel Donaldson, State Man ager and Mijs. Virginia Melvin, S. E. District Past President. Members will brings gifts of Imperishable food to fill a bas ket for a very deserving poor family. A donation will also be tak en for this family. All members and Invited guests are urged to attend as a gala, fun-filled evening Is planned. Gifts will be exchanged a*nd refresh ments will be served. HOME PROM V. N. C. Jack Bennett, a U. N. C. stu dent, was home over the weekend visiting relatives and friends. VISIT MRS. FLQTD Mrs. George T. Noel has return ed from a visit with her son, Dr. George T. Noel who has been crit ically ill. His condition is reported to be improved and he is convalesc ing at his home in Kannapolis. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Jordan’s Jewelry Sfore WILL REMAIN OPEN ALL DAY DURING THE FIRST*** FOUR WEDNESDAYS IN DECEMBER. J. W. JORDANS SONS DIAMONDS - JEWELRY - SILVERWARE 122 K. Brood St. Telephone 2205 DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA lof the past ana present who have I attained high places in the fields lof religion, politics dnd education. “The advantages for women at the present are far-flung in many fields of endeavor,” she said, “and we should ever be alert to these pos sibilities.” At the close of the services, Dr. George Cuthrell, pastor of the church pronounced the benediction Circle No. II Has Meeting Monday Circle No. II of the Hood Mem orial Christian Church met at the home of Mrs. Lillian Surles on Monday afternoon at 3:30. i Presiding over the meeting was ! the leader, Mrs. George Cuthrell i who gave a most inspiring devo tional. This was followed by the pro gram taken from the study course book “These Rights We Hold" and I ! presented in an informative man- | I ner by Mrs. Pat Lynch, j The hostess served chicken salad 1 sandwiches, cookies and coffee for I refreshments. | Members present for the meet ' ing were Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Cuth rell, Mrs. Vara Lee, Mrs. Casper ! Tart, Mrs. Claude Pope, Mrs. George Owens, Miss Mary Phillips Mrs. R. F. Jernigan, Mrs. Wood row Hill, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. DOLLS M | Hundreds To Select From Biggest Stock In Town a BUY & LAY AWAY NOW f| LEDER BROS. f Your Doll Headquarters JOjft A ATTENTION: Mr. Farmer! R#l DO YOU HAVE h=jl HOUSES TO REPAIR? V* j NOTE these *=» ~ PRICES! FOR WINDOWS 10 x 12 12-Light Plain Rail Windows 8 x 10 12-Light Plain Rail Windows Bxß 12-Light Plain Rail Windows These Are Beautiful White Pjne Windows. The Best Money Can Buy! See Us Jor All Your Building Needs! POPE & MIXON BUILDING SUPPLY, INC. 405 E. EDGERTON ST. DUNN, N. C. PAGE THREE 1' Feeds —Seed* Fertilizers * DUNN FCX SERVICE B. H, GODWIN, Manager J For correct time Dial 2 200 MONROE’S JEWELERS QUINN'S Funeral Home 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE 3306 211 W. HARNETT ST. DUNN, N. C.