PAGE TWO otie-day hearing, approved it irtfc dollar ceiMEng on th£ natiohbl teStUn th* "overnmerit'*pafjteoff six blffion dSh^ot secfr ities coining due March 22. BERLIN im _ Thife West ftVaced it-trif tMay fdr the long-awaited Russian move to get the United States out Os Soviet Fore%s Min&fer Vyacheslav fflf. Mhldldv announc ed Yesterday he would unVeil the Russian plan Mi Euro pean security at his meeting telth the Westeri* AMMsttrs. Most of the Molotov p)an tods already Known to u7b7 Sec retary of State Jfohh Foster Dulles, British Foreign Secre ' tary Anthony Eden, and French FOiteign Minister Georges BidaUlt. f DENVER, CoiO- OP) Civilian employes at the Atr Fojxe. Reserire Center were muttering today an un official suggestion that they stand when military offfMtfs enter ; their offices. Clyde Mill 1 , acting pUfcftc tefctiohs «- ficer for the center, said there was no detect Order in ef fect for civilians to make like existed men ih the pres ence ol AirMfife brass but added: “YoSt understand, of course, feat it is only cohuhoh courtesy fdr one to stand when his commander comes M.” ftANdl, Indochina ah U. S. aviation niechaDfcs sent to aid the hard-pressed French haVe arrived id Indochina, if teas announced today. French sources said 105 Ameri can technicians wearing Civilian Clothes arrived teffe Gen. Otto F. Weyland, commander of the t. S. Far Dd'st Air m a£M?s&m%vSll'S na. Uurgent appeals for help in seitoidnfcnwto Bit WfiiK sent to B. S. authorities. COLUMBIA, S. C.m the Kottse today fed* dp the omnibus election late MU after a day’s postponement whftty the Senate continued its wait for the appropriations bill to be reported out by the Finance Committee. The bulky election law bill Was scheduled to bfe debated on the Bouse fl% tester*#? but When the loWer chamber could rtOt Agree dh hO% to dSebhte the measure, it was carried over Untd teday. A difference of opinion arose over whether to oents tmght revolt. . u ; * — -^r fflf. ■ iti WasTiies'dstv if k«mk> — r — 'TQ THE EDITOR: fti order to set the records Sdiestgffl®. So It fit hot just a Protestant church; not just a Cfe- M i h Church.” This statement sounds fine but it In volves a glaring contradiction. Oise IS either a total Catholic or a totdl Protestant hh* not bOth at. JSBf sathe time, riils involves the prift cijsle of cohtradlction whfch States a thing cannot be and be at the same tihip. Y6u cannot have S square circle. Protestants. protest against that Chitfih wftlfcb tf&s in existence at the tithfc Os th* revolt against thß Apostolic §ee. which their ances tors feft, Ohe cannot claim to hare §l%? m place, located,in pa tent; wvelbping an races ahd na- Tbe Church or the Ah »!.-•: * i. •* Hie fu'ndamtetai dbctrmes or Christ ianity. Anglicanism or the branch from tit:, the Episcopal Church is,.theri- Sti^ Ut a.TS7 fiU fc-J c«l itself Catholic than any o(hsr of the various Protestant ChurcpttS, for instance, the Methodist Catn ■thofic, and so Oh to infinity! J The Church of England cannot la the worm were caned th Pope a&ukTxrsraE tOfare the Protestant revolt, every Bishop in Eh gland would be invit- The writer .in the said 'alto stated that “the, Eplriropai Church .is Jpst as Catholic «, the Roman catholic church, and, mere so, because, it has cast asi nbmtfcs teacher to the Benhaven High. Sc ho to, was chosen, president thspcceej! Mrs. E. L. Powell of,thJ . Boone Trail school faculty. Miss i McLeod has . served the teachers . this year as vice-president. Other officers chbseh were John I Honeycutt of Erwin, instructor to i modem languages as vice pres! i dent and Mrs. Gladys Phillips ox : Coats, a commercial teacher., as , secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Phillips war succeed Miss Vara tee Thorn ton of Ltuhigton to this post. Recommendations were made by a nominating committee headed by Mrs. Josephine Bradtew, of the Rule’s Cn#k acitoot OtTflfir uh-fli committee were D.T. Stuff* or Er) Wjip, Mfcv Jessie Parser fid**BUrtpie '. rel. and 0.. T. Proffit, county school superintendent. h^pro- I gram elementary teachers viewed -KSISI »§£&■ss% Oa'mtnon of f>»ton. Special tohpfc was rendered by the Benhaven School glee club a[nd tjie devotfohaT «||vin # #ibL. dent Leslitf CimpbeH of Campbell beU reading Jh4>°S‘ t th? lonian ' turned the account a “Perfect reaming” sitmm. Paraphasing the jMfea tor the Ethppian Teller for. the importance of “understanding . themsfeWes and the meaning of must,” he sSld “teach th? hutott ndt Only tq rrtd, hut to read Prtnfcipiaiina tq ». chers attfimbled to the h|iwry for this* weeis. Mtobe MBLamb and Frank Sounders got in such a hii Mrs. Fa^tterih^ p Bto Mctamb wiu leave for Florida Thursday ... ; g«g a challenging address by Miss Ella Stephens Barrett, supervisor of guidance services ih the Slate De partment of public instruction. Miss Barrett, was presented by- Mrs. Mary Pridgen, of DUhn. pro fessional services chairman who *r a.'vigffi.fe monstrated by school admtnlstru tom that unless they have a trained guidance to abandon all guidance or. counseling obligations to ..their pupils. ; “Guidance or counselling is the business of every dedicated teacher,” Misg Barrett said. She painted out : B “*T^s&¥a\T culty.” ih practically every Instance, she said, “teachers have held many interesting jobs, ,or havq had manv unusuhl business opportunities or knowTotmng W^ eh thei " l>rin4ir&,S n cS)pera tion'from all teachers and school officials will often free a teachir ana school omctfilr She no fed. She urged teachers tq. realise that a school ought to make every effort to point the Way for its grad uates, to enter fields of work for whfeh they hive aptitude, of select schools statable for their fnferest. “Application of ghod guidance principals in aU phases of teaching Ike Eats A Bigger Breakfast In Public By MEHHHAN SMITH Prks dOht ifisehiioWcr, to i cher ri, f o'c u fa f mood, told a wiyite il a man worked for the beneiit oi iB lgo-tomtons Americans hC ebuw rfclrt KM almcfet anytftoig _ ex cCm drinking colfee. ■teis was an obvious wisecrack about the current nigh price ot .coffee. The. President Is an-ardent .Jtylmafeir. As day as Consumption. r Normally th ? President eats a considerably larger breakfast When te. ty.tort to public than when he breakrasts alone to the tyflfte Hogse. v * ~Ris Usual breakfast consists of fruit, toast and coffee. At a prayer breakfast last week With Over flpo prominent Washingtonians,the Pwdhoftt polished on grape mnt, ,s»»(£a«SB « of fried potatoes and grits. mug as 6 a. m. means the President A member of the fifrhlte HOUsC staff suggested that if John Moan ey, the Presldent .s va%'t, comes to I the door at 6 o'clock n tne mito-1 I ilng, Mr. Eisenhower can let ngl [he's sleeping on Saturday Eveningj |P<*t tttne. v Air AMMmitihrklf ri , nni , . Dl ; 1A f lA H »vcillMLoUiVi ar iExKINWW, I'EohUAlvi: JU>, 19« PI A- •■- U*JS a t J Mk . j mdemned Papist Writes About Deatl i twe belly ... a creepy numbness, wrote convict Canl Whittier Chessman hi a brilliant” prison novel. Chetoman should know. Hit hi condemned to die to the California gas chamber tor the rape-abduction of tvta Los Angeles wombri during die time he ran wild as the “lover’s lane bandit.” h't gets a gtay of execu- j tabn from the U. S. Supreme Court hit Way be executed before Ufj hovel, "Cell 2*ty, Death row,” Is published next Jlihr. ; Chejftmaii, described as a “gen ius" With ah intelligence quotient dr rrt; sow gie promising book to Wkpimi Hall publishers of New York, it Was learned yesterday. Monroe Steams, ah executive of document and brilliant contribu tioh to the literature of crimiftblo m? fcrihfcW SI,M)O ADVANCE jSmAjit said Chessman, who has been given a sl,ooo advance on pub- Wwittoh rights and stands to clear a possible SIOO,OOO portrayed a yyttl really transform your school” t Miss Barrett predicted. “And if you aren’t interested to holding the to terest and servicing the needs of ’ your atudehts, you ought not to be to the field of education.” the speaker said. County Superintendent Proffitt reminded teachers to solicit contri butions to the Clyde A. Erwto scholarship funds, which mototaiu scholarships for boys at A, and T College aqd N. C. State College The county school head also in timated that attendance at quarter teachers meetings would Improve.. “Who knotoa. he sail! “We might hgve to go back to the old method 6f checking attendance.” BeanSb Kelley, ebunty director of instruction, reported on the organ ization of a Future Teacher Club and asked ter cooperation Ip all schools to ehlisttpjg interest, o&woung entering the teaching Mrs. Pqwfiß pre.sjded and announ cea that thl county is entitled to 30 delegates at the stete MCEA convention to be held March 19 to Tm teachers aitoual bahquet hiWttog, which will conclude thi year’s programs, wtU be hbld on ly in the Campbell College putting h s backyard to tinq use he's conducting a ski cltolc ior children. ' v , Hassett, who made many trips to Warm Springs, Oa., witp F. D. R,, . raised sll6 tor the March of Dimes tuts year by hpicUpg an open house and tea ror ms Nortn field neighbors. ■mere are pleasant evenings for the mkfi who bought his Wife i TV and hts son an electric train. iwKSaBIHMHBBWI aSK • - h yy 11 ® I-I Am im Vilw,iaii^ IfMii i # m i if# "comtoandtoß pereonaWy (ted grel heroism” to recounting hi» life I crime. 1 The convict author who 00l started a novel aoout the "madnel to Hollywood during the war yeiul but never had it published, Ml he did not expect his latest wo to help with h!s plea for clemen “It wasn’t written for that.” said. “It isn’t pious moralizing, can’t expect anyone to save t life simply because. I’ve written book.” i “Death is a tough proposlttr the convict wrote. ’’Death lg a rii ny feeling. Death is a tighten! of the belly. It Is a creepy ntfa ness. Death Is something too to understand. Nobody wins.’” His path to death bej|*n K he was released from San Qui tin prison in December, 1947, wh he had served time for roblb and burglary. Within 20 days %t his release he committed 17 jx beries, .three kidnaptogs, and” t rapes. sth Homemtifclvtg Class Is Slated % The fifth in a series of clftssea homemaking will be conducted Thursday, Feb. 11 at 7:30 the home economics classroom the Boone Trail school. • « ‘Tiew Looks for the Home”! be the topic for discussion. for curtains anc draperies wife shown, as well as suggestion?* making each type of materiowto rangement of furniture - alraSa hanging of pictures also will be/1 These classes are sponsored 1»M school’s home economics dnifl ment for women of the conanfafl and are open without charge tel interested persons. So far, f>9 w®| have attended the previous ff| classes reports Mrs. Ruby I. Paa-|| home economics teacher: who jj A sixth elk's on February VIENNA, Austria (IP) Tw* I p'led “Ateerfean J ar P cut off from the world by false propaganda*? K official today. The agency saM ■ “journalists" were Helga and Lolir. but did no. My WhMwSH lived or worked in the <39 States or When they wmm K Czechoslovakia. ‘ pt; jH r~ ■ 11K <* I W l J | s| I \ * L | - I uncrßi nor * 1 c c p\y i ( t I jl. r* i « PHONE c | & W H*.P ’■ it. L - i v ’ X