PAGE SIX Army Doctor (CaattnmM (mb md for the teeming spring sports program. Sports Shorts GREENVILLE, N. C. Wl East Carolina College today was en the way to next week’s NIAA basket ball tournament in Kansas City. The Pirates won the right to rep resent the Carollnas In the Na tional tourney by defeating Erskine 86-64, in the finals of the district elimination playoff here last night. Presbyterian defeated Lenolr-Rhyne 83-81, in the consolation game. NEW YORK (01 Nat Holman, famec basketball coach of City Col lege of New York was found guilty today of “conduct unbecoming a teacher and neglect of duty” by the Board of Higher Education. The board, after ruling on the charges which arose from the “fix ing’’ scandal In which seven mem bers of the CCNY basketball team were implicated, then voted that Holman “be dismissed” from the faculty "unless within 30 days he, ■ a asx —• 1 > — : iD» Hoot— FBI Kao* «a Ymr Do* with Gift* A Oroodatl Irooi FfWly Tte.k.m, Pofcfabon ood Y W phrlo oaii Social/ Wollsro Loads* \ 0m * «Uwh» •ft Tbo Birth of o Bob* , £^o£^Law*i Arrival# ol Nowsoomos m Mr*. R. J. Denny SS7S DUNN, N. C. ' Tm mfir iTThiTirf ttfc MBT EEOOiID, Dffi*N. A p. Don Cossack Chorus Coming Gabriel Soloduhin, the intrepid Cossack, whose halrfraising dagger dance is one of the most exciting interludes in the program of the PlatolT Don Coasack singers and dancers to be presented at Camp bell College March 9ttta at 8 p.m. under the auspices of the College Is probably the most photographed Cossack in the world. He has made dozens of motion pictures and Is summoned each season to Holly wood whenever there Is a call for a colorful Cossack in a movie. A daring horseman, trained by his fa ther and his grandfather, Solodu hin has also been fleatuned by Rtngling Brothers and Bamum and Bailey’s Circus In riding spectacles, performing the famous Cossack tri-St of riding strapped to a horse’s belly. Soloduhin came to America a decade ago with the Platoff Cos sacks and after their debut at the San Francisco World’s Fair was dtrned by Colonel Tim McCoy, the Wild West motion picture star, and became a regular member of his company also making summer tours with Colonel McCoy with the cir cus. Durlne the war when Colonel McCoy reloined the United Btates Cavalry, Soloduhin returned to his band of fel'ow Cossacks fur their overseas tours to entertain Ameri can troops and he had been with them ever since. In the current program of the Cossacks, Soloduhin is featured in the Lezginka, a barbaric Caucas ian dance which begins on the sad lilt of a peasant song and conclud es in a wild dance of jubilation. With the entire chorus providing the vocal background, Soloduhin performs the traditional dance with daggers which never fails to stir his audiences. McCarthy Tmtlne'4 e-nra Par* One! dent gave his news conference an implied rebuke and repudiation of McCarthy’s actions. That one re lated to foreign policy. Wednes \ day’s had to do with McCarthy’s .rough ouest’onlng of Brig. Gen j eral Ralph W Zwtckpr. | In New York today. GOP Nation al Chairman Leonard W. Hall hrusbed off differences, saying the RenuMlcans "are not a divided partv” He said Democrats are spreading the idea that Reoubllcans have split over a problem "In volving Dersonallt'es.” He termed that “nonsense, of course.” A mimeneranhed. two-page state ment at the President's news con ference defended god praised Zwtek : er. whom MoCarthv is alleged to have *h”sed (n auestions about the discharge of a known “Fifth l Amendment Communist." to an answering statement, the said "«nv witness, ignorant c- arrogant” witness, general or not, who seemed to be favoring Ctm mun'sts or their sympathiser* would cent'rme to get the works from rhe McC»rthv investigating sobcom mitte«. Put he found h'mself and the P-«sirtent in agreement on Com munists in gnve-nment and what to dp about them. McCarthy had ss'd .I 1 "., Wflx.’tvery TU'ch disturbed” bv the' order of of State JohnF^er o’i’-ttv No At Pwt announced *ndnv thatJaSß Iron, the Port fnen* r»geeU fl««t no merger r» the DumuVAilfwE W’r Peat QgfjeeC' Vi. i ennroirlmatelv I J. A. Tindall, drunk, 30 days In Jail, suspended on payment of $5 > and court cost. i Jessie B. Williams, non-support, ' continued. 1— FBI Fears For Life Os Ike WASHINGTON im Federal authorities fear Puerto Rican Na- I tlonallsts may try to assassinate i President Elsenhower or Secretary . of State John Foster Dulles as a I “death present" for their ailing leader, a high government source reported today. Pedro Alblsu Campos, brooding ' head of the Nationalist Party, lies ■ seriously 01 in Puerto Rico. Al though he is not considered in lmr [ mediate danger of death, offic als 1 believe his declining health couhl 1 be very explosive. SUICIDAL ATTACK If Alblsu's fanatical followers feel he has little longer to live. I the government sourte said there j Is a definite fear here that they [ may make another suicidal attack | on U. 8. leaden as a final “pres i ent,” | Th'a grim report followed pri vate advices to the United Press 1 from Puerto Rico that the shoot , lng of five congressmen here Man day was part of an ambitious Na tionalist plot to rock the govern ment by slaying Mk. Elsenhower, Dulles and FBI Chief J. Edgar Hooves. Jr., and V. C. Swanson of Xa leigh. Lennon was in Raleigh at the Umt, but was tearing for Washington so loft his soceo - tary with the delegates to dto ” cost the matter. S*«*V, yGr m M rj • ■ ikßlflin i ■ • i eieph me |m I DIRECTMY I ::h'V • ' cumm “AW® *** I If f I ifij nm■ i u nt . qiMiVr' i'iV i A ‘ ’ J;* • ' ' . . -etewwrite -■ iteste n tr?: :*t ~%r: r. 'sctT"S .-■Si. tippAx ArtrSwooW, ttikMi l, loti News Shorts (CanUoasd From Page One) was known the RMs mad* a* at tempt to enter the city. VATICAN CITY m Vatican sources said today doctors an In creasing the amount of direct nonr hhmeat for weakened Pope Tins XII. While the Pope faces a tong ported of eoavateecenee, bis doc tor* have been encouraged by his rally from a setback en Feb. 21- Since becoming ffl with what has been diagnosed officially at gastri tis on Jaa. 25, the Pope has been on a mainly liquid diet, having eaten only a few mouthfuls of solid food. Most of his nourishment In this trying period had been ad ministered Indirectly- WASHINGTON Iff Rep. Hugh Q. Alexander of Minneapolis was an announced candidate today for election to a second term in Con gress. Alexander announced here yestofday that be would seek the Uemocrutic nomination from the Ninth Congressional District in the May 29 primary. Alexander suc ceeded Kept Robert L. Dough ton who retired as congressman from the district in 1952. He defeated Sparta Republican Walter F, Johnson by 4.6 M votes in the 19(2 general elec tion. ATLANTA Iff The Americas Bar Assn., long considered a pow erful voice in national and inter national affairs aa well as In U. S. legal matters opened a four-day rerional policy making session here today. Hundreds of attorney*. Jur ists and other legal experts from 19 Southeastern States wert en hand for a« opening session spot-light ing the role of the United Nations in U. S. domestic affairs. CAMBRIDGE. Mass. (V) Two Southern economist* sold today “tenr-etandlnt moth*” about Sou thern leher have har—ed the South’* economic growth. The ebonemtet, Stefan H. Fnboek and John M. Peterson, said “too much fiction and too few facts” concerning la bor resources in th* South have At*centered men* firms from to catinr there Writing In the cur rent Harvard B’trine** Review, pub •'•hed todfev they, said recent stu dio* show the South “has extrem olv favorable and. bight- unexpec ted labor values for Industry.” FORT BFAOO iff _ Precautions * -atpxt outbresv* *»re hi u jdne foetet three Mwh thy dot of the ra*tri*t of Columbia are being ta ken far *he ri«nt-Scale Army nun »"-er “FU«h-Bura" In A mil and May, the Army announced today. STfAtcrg (in A North Cum •tea preahvteriad rUiris'-f Is **». in- »» tbo —• *torate ot * l.JfiS m»mb*e cbn-eh f*r a 2fiA-meirbe «o^—*g*M.oo beCaUle be feels that •awl ehueehea "-—ent a stikot -Sslt—M ls*r WnH*m r—• Se. —■bo b*> boon mCw «» X WOir>»e. tc* P—sb-tori— ebo—b rin»« loss, w*S amm* d—*d n—atdont of W*ed Re—arch, tne.. «etd ‘be »rir needed *ba« fb* —eatea* stren-th ’at' the- lowest Met of any eompetotirg material I knew •f.* WASHINGTON (VI Tfi* Com menial technique of wringing bogus confessions frons prisoners tres pictured yesterday as a. form el mental hypnotism to reduce hu mans to the status of animate. Tht description was gtresi by Dr. Alan O. M- Little, student qf Commaa- " bruhk Arrested on Top Os Houso n A youthful parachuter from Ft. Bragg was tried In Dunn Record er's Court today tor drunkenness. The ease wouldn’t hare been any i different from n demon er ee oth . era, but he wee arrested on top . of a house. i Jack B. Kennon Jr„ of FL f Bragg, was given St days It) Jail, suspended oh payment hf $S ..and i cost of court. Judge H. Paul Strickland told the youth t» keep i his feet on the ground In the su ture—ts he gets drunk. x K. M. FaR, arresting effleer, [ told th* court that bt saw the I psrstrooner on ten of the home i of Mrs. Charles Guy, s*l W. Har nett. and went na to make the sryeri. He had climbed up a lath dc” «Hu stated. The young Jumper had no com ment to make—he didn’t know r how he got on top of the house. ■ Ist proparanda methods, to a M»- * line court of inquiry into a false 9 r—m wxrfere confession by Col. 9 Frank R. Schwa We. > ! SCHENECTADY, N. T. Iff A 22-ve»c.oM test engineer wu* killed * and 23 other workmen were injured } today in a turbine engine exploa ' ion at the General Electric Co. nt«n* here Th* dead man was Iden tified a* Charies R. Kanfmsnn of S-hencetody. Comuany official* said > Ka-fmann was «tandtn- close to the ■ turbine when-the explosion eccurr * ed. . ___ [ RCHENECTADT. N. T. (ff J Sclent!**- who are studying the unl- J verse with radios rather than teie j scones believe the first contact be j tween Fsrth and Mara win come " from radio Instead of space ships. ATLANTA Iff The U. S. Do oartfoont “f Commerce resorted to * day that baby chick nrodnctlon In F the Seethes«t showed a hoary In ch**** ditftr— the