PAGE TWO ® tvs Jlai&jptecwr* - S SUBSCRIPTION MtXS —~ ~ - mm riiifim- Men psriwmk; «BJt per yearn t»-ad«ana»; «•» Hr At wilta; « far Urea ■■■#«. « «OWNS NOT SERVED BT CARRIER AND ON U|ii BOOTES INSIDE NOOTW CADUMNAi ’ffaMwm. rear; RM faMb Mentha; ft far Itna mnSm •ifWWtilli WJtfaei rear In aiwiieai IS »ir f entered as second-class matter in the Post Oiffca irrinmn, N- C., under the laws of Congress, Act of March 3,,197ft Every afternoon, Monday ttopogferFftflay. ' What Is Happening To Th& Merchant Marine?. Any major power must have a merchant marine, the U. S. included. No nation which is engaged in world trade* and which would be a principal belligerent in the event' of another war could afford to depend on the merchants marines of others. Tfte sad fact is that our merchant marine has been declining and at a time when those of other powers > have been increasing. On June 30, 1948, . for example, we had.&xractive fleet of 1,723 vessels of lIODB gross tans cnr larg£» while foreign flag'fleets consisted of 8,828 isUch‘ves sels; Akof June 30, 1953, the latest date f6r whith figures are available, foreign fleets had risen to 10,732.' By. com-- parison on January 1 of this year our fleet.numbered MV ly vessels. Even worse is the shipbuilding'situation. As of; July 1, 1963? the U. S. private merchant matihe didn't have a single vessel, freight or passenger, under construction, England, by contrast, had at that time 2,144. frfeighttrs.. ana seven * passenger! ships either on ardfcr ar under con struction- Sweden, Norway, JApan, Prance and the ot|ter marftlrtre nations all'have active shipbuilding programs underway. Finally, many of the ships now flyhu;. our flag, are obsolescent or* approaching it, and shoidd/B*' replaced. ETBry American i has* an ’ interest* in tlrir luerchant*, m%> rine and in the legislative problems and' confusions which are undermining it. TnMi No Object* 1 ,1 Ii T is an old socialist stratagem to attempt to mislead an<V delude the public .as to the true facte about 3 , prttate A prime example was recently aired An, fflahty el*> ir trie utility wants tb undfertaW a ’V Vlf tflit electric devefcpjtent. an the SnakeTßvTiV The sticdsttstV minded groups are fighting this toothifcndinail;.aruEdeUfft the government to dtothe job on a tax-free,. teJ&rtifciWflteed b#t*. As ps&¥ GjfftJiSir campaign, they Have stated*, tiled: tl* utility isnlt* nspresentative of local sgntimentvAnd as pirations, because most of its stockholders liye far %way. A Us S. Senator described it as “A New England concern heasquart**e«l in MSunc, having few if. s*ty; steßWMaers west of thettiUdscn River.” "What is the truth? The utility luurmwte the; record public. It is owned by 10,360 stockholders, dfTwhwh 59.48 per cent liveeirtithe U Western - : states: ' Fwty per cent live in either Idaho’or Oregon —aS do all the company's offi cers? and directors. Only 15 per cent of the stockholders live hr ifewTSftgnmd' , : . o. »v-”vr?c l No doubt the Senator was misinformed and} madA sei honest error, But, it!s probable that this baseless charge will be rej&atfed over and over. WALTERBORO, S. C„ PRESS ARIL ST AND Ala* “Dr. William Flit Cher RUssell, president oh TeaoJier’s College of Columbia Uftivenaty; in speaking at Mercer University, Macon, recently, stated that, ‘On ever# hand it isojavlous that something is .wrong in the education of; the'citizen* Top feufc’votee too few'take part in pdHttfcs, too many-con done XQe many look elsewhere, partioulMrly to tft4 Federal government, for directffom and - ’ for handouts. Harmon W. hffcProfc ■ k —** ; ——— ■ T 7-! -A U ... WAHINOTOJC UN No hMt tanner Is gains to make a pair of mittens out, at my litUe parakeet, Timmy. The leatfaerttoustry- is tmsy tan ning everything-- that wfh’tan and Mrfa hides are among them. There if. a_ exhibit of all sort's rat err Sinclair^Weeks. catt£[ Sheeps Sfe. . jackets to tofatoata to underpants There also are baseball shoes. If house? hamcenTto be Jhig" league ball player, ft*-hath Mir stive Big? ball players wear* only shoes sm^ce, arUcles, but, according to the lea ther and lead people, just the thing, fm sliftajjfan-atOtn. They cost yS The ’pitapw- who ten and’ procee? of colors for women's duds. There afe at UaTIOO dtlMraat shades fer wOmerrtt with fatog" been her'/sonta Wlnsttan ¥ MK !N» ' Flmm SaitHUkf ; MWMMW THE WOBUD DOEA- MOVE It was new Intended * that th« _ Constitution of' the United States should be a static document, hope lessly rigid against thife future When the Constttutton waa adopt edti the Unit** Stales consisted 4 of 13 j former British colonies bn the Eastern seaboard; today it fa th« basic law of 4«. states from the At lantic to the -Pacifti, from Canad, to Mexico. When the OonatituWhi was adopted, the population of tfte United States was about 3.000.00 C 1 persons; today, .the population lit grown to IMNOMOO. U’ would-, fe belaboring a point to compare the numerous contrasts betwyen 1789 ’ and! 1964 not the least Os Which, is our' deep inrolvemim' in' the af fairs of Europe ahd 'Asia. Thomas Jefferson, who »J w »y 5 feared-the powerr of government, . wrote; * v. . . It would redpoe instrument to a sing]* phtASe that’ of inWituting a QtmgreM. with power to tb»* wllgtever ’ Wauld jbe for the good bf'ihe United: Statea; and. as they ws|)d be the sole Judges o* the good or evil,' it wwodtAe uso " a power to dp* whatevtf. afhy plifaed . . ~ ’i ftft' Washington’s Farewell Ad dress this appesfg; “It Is ' importjjht, likewise, tltit the habtts of thinking,>ln a free country t-ahould lhsplre C&ution in those intrusted*, with ithtadminis tration to'.confine with in their respective consUtutlonal spheres, avoiding .lit the 'exercise of' Wpmgrs- or<Bfe_d^rtimt spirit; of enpmactfajijnt tends to thus to sidd; T . . n' ttMWe opteJßr of' tHfe people the-- distribution or mOdifii cation *of t the cocntituttowal pow er* ber iB-asqr pprfcfaular irronw lei l<tMeprt»ete«)hlr as» amendf>ent iy tWt. way- whteft- the Constitution ; A aiWMdi’tfai. ConsUtutlon must eves; 'bb*- a- Nttwg? ddoanttit, adjust e&v by jddtmUl interpretation op amended: in conformity to’ the-will * of' tppe people. Ute- irectlonarl»s wfta -now- idelst' that ;no4M*g sHeuld bw don* about: the constitution rNher overtook, at- demiseAhe peo pMr to- disregard, the* provteion thsTcMtetoUHT Itylrtfur “Tne- C&ngrees, whenever two ' Aall^deem ments tA'tn(p CBuaiitution, off on tures of t^-thirds, at the seterat States,/shall,cgU.e Coo,veotionr for eiuS quu.., tiSS&ItW vaiH tor ad Intents and. Puepaiep in Part of this Constitution, when rattfied hy the LneWatm ea-wf three fourth* of ttfaesaemai Sthtear oerby don venUSm- ill three fourths thereof, as IMeour orrtljp'ottter-Mod* of Ratification may be propoaedi Ur tttedtagilm-. H t Cher is e*tea sMWtUd- at the.-ex- tftls sulfjeot Brickrf.'-AjeiemeiaiHH m w§*d Ato gether the" if**#, of the proposed aampdmenta, bM we C«n empaewMi wani them, for they ° ften A* 0 * nC F hy^an'ollrjp'* 16 *' ence Manion, j " BBca' a clarifying amAidment gon-rhing the relatione of. the Tiniij] i" nnd the Legfa>!m»te tuanghmn of the of thoughOn comes from* a* lgwyer ■ ter -wttftdfaw- ftfattH THLDMLT .TECQRDSi tUTMKMfc.CU ' a. » . *.| Ji'.> , r- .!> ' t, 1 1 1 1 j i oil y l l y j c f i i jqos ■ B H : . t • mlff&l h can-fix A f lise wh«?poliiMly*l^S^Kn s my.” the Italian sg|d., S&waeta t young captain ln v thw*mU»n Army - Whop ever, and I “it cfMps in v*ry suStly before . anron, ol^ k %iBW t Italian jor caving ln during i fleer. Ttohties was the reason. An 4 army, when it’s run ■ ‘A* fMt thbt f th* Egyptian-asmy. had. kicked out I its president, and McCarthy had l erican Atmy alMfi tte same! day, l “ft may seem far fetched fa> you” •■sss to d6eMnaf*-a& army the lfaie be tween. free, gparemeaent. ante a to talitarian government becomga very thin ■ indeed.’’ • J‘ agaSMh. McCarthy Ur the T Army thmw : shouUi to nun early danger o* ito< takthg overr However, of . fleers; w<»kJip¥-Maj. I Cornelius Ryam commande* * y’s o*ftee had been bombbrding ’ him. tte privile#> fbr * Mtebstttys e*.alde, OerardTDavid ¥ “Otneral,’' Ste t OMItM. to* moiled lgsfr week - commander of the provost marshal ■ schoofite Camp OOrdon, <34*. had * protested ajsinst Schine’s trails . fer Ufffe school Without sufficient r transferred to Tbkyo. , right. It would have been r hatter - tiiiiim . -- . * Jfgsup. y* * A i mu« ■ y -- i. - 1 - • ■ aW^WHBK i SjkHK n :lj. liiilM .1 m H | OK imrmits so <;ldseiy that^thtFve S k a n r th^^^^-ywuiw but- first'and* an. Army. man. .... It WM^tocause no longer. be picked by- asnMßty/ H*-wsi*ftimteg of'emuse- at-Hanger ■ |y • to * Langer’s • vote against' it nUftt' saiir-’ start-more- tbair lamger’e Invest* 4 gattan of Chief Justice Barl Vtorren . .;■ His colleagues say that-Sena tor Dirksen of ' BllnoiS' wHa - BNH the chief'j<^of:swsrt4U) cretaiy Sftev^s-^^^wnw^|^^t ' rgsu fflifsn*. “DE- Crane, my husband , and It Chorum’ him rnM * as the children must be in school “ during the winter, they can’t leave the farm even then. “But ,we do things for Clara’s * family while we are visiting them.” her relatives might defend them r selves. j * ' “Kir example we take them to . the drive-in movies and bring home * ice cream.” t- u,* • » That is a Kelp, tot the. pried of, a ; ffiSf •fhsippfK peoptoitapw'pow tmuch it costs for groedries end meats, so And If It u,wnb]*m»ldgjsMlV. xuwumtv AtUrifaPO*. NAbCfahiNA - WfiM«fcelf 1 ♦ W WiW' KW!S- + i iimggppwppig'p." "*qg.P 4 ' tsaflWttSWgEMW SSS^-vgff^ <sw»t*ntlpople.Wd said it was Ankara . . Downbeat rebutUtai “WeU. man,, it depend*), on. the. direction you’re coming from. Ankaa*,la< th« capital. coming, the other, way Istanbul fa. the yaulfgcTOM* Mphi. Ankara's..been,the Turitfah. capital since Oot lllhltJft Just put on your specs, man. and * look, it. up. in therlM-VtocldtAliwume. on page 37S or the-Kpcyc. Beit Tl* > edltton. aa-iffygfa.9PNß.7nM aem Jwt call up the Turkish Consulate Circle 7-8(0. m ,it«v> D> UW) I geHa -catch a pjanei HuaSfagfnai* Bfarttordfa owe Hollywood Playhouse/ for west coast fagft stowe*'will :ba-the*first theater in- the u. s. with a likker license . .’i.MnMA wteverodtfftindA on megeaiwes (and hteingsi have staffers oari adrihfa itedtog nugixfaHy. . .Fglhe won the. fighe from Dior to-do* fashion show for Oteufama’a “Tfte- Thrffi. atr Ytmr - Use.” which U deftoohmeAt- whl' produce The yams you may have seen about a - ftoWCMMiMjMr' A Mummeeteiu song - program for NBC is -some* one’s idbO:. (not* the. network’s* and is an astronomical distance, trees fdet.’. .The-star of 'a musical cliak* caht-rieep without taking-a sleeping < pHt and it is getting s» that-one doeen't help. . A comic got bounced ' i Wem-k- rt«ntee*l night club, forusing a- four-letter-word-in Ms alleged aet.-. .The 'ttnestli torpee-are-Plng. . Jtu a’boy for the Jack BaHeWis-of l|llßM^.^M l pfatoi The McGuire Sisters' (Coral) *9ajgPiß.*fwPL , »*? Find-bUt- just Why sfae diyorced hbn ' PfcnßßMd AIIMoI j Si LtoM'li. 11 am— " -I launched* out I Info' marriage— for security. Ip Tfrthood fell - headlong in ■ etf tßßpmw - to.’ oen* -of t ?fi*t- IdtoiSml' ] faith (ironically;, a union my mo- * *W Tftat •■toto*. money, more mpoey than her fllte , can spa* for! ’ tfo| ! «he. deart lady. . might: .• f hl>< * I ’*? t0,7.en~1. the hardihood to to •*? about ‘ i ■to to , i i^ : 11 1 IWTT 0 -; dependency, was to play certain j fantasy* roles about herself. In ad dition te doing the necessary chor- 4| l tw» W« A DM. kw «f lmwelt A f#r wipeh she varieafaiy - hel* f3e. hushimtL childre«u,e* rt Hocbtofaf.” BE REALISTIC; LIVE IN PRESENT though lit wastettpemUMj from the actual reverses that, she personally was experiencing, socially and financial ly- Ber-Sentlmentg ahd- ego-defenses were Infantile, of course; but she e was doing , the best she could, con afctoriqft the shape of her psydjp logMafTewipment at the time. The rfdUUfcfoat while she brought the children through to comparative safety, she certainly didn’t prepare them, to,live realistically. Tfrur mother’s past statu* of The family’s present aMM? .tofoake ends meet and'tiNo-cMfaref! ifar. If iTIS-May’s a /^fo^rivi tween your limited reaaarmfa and toTfiS *• toe. .and state your UmiH and sttat M, * Mf_. I. A Igy.gfofofr, a<t>. |

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