TUESDAY .AFTERNOON, MARCH 9, 1954 tap New York Flower ™ ohow Is Moved To The Bronx • By ELIZABETH TOOMEY (UP Staff Correspondent NEW YORK ill) The annual flower show ahd to move—phlox, * stock and wheelbarrow —to the Bronx this year. It was forcibly transplanted by the Bureau of In ternal Revenue. Bac taxes didn’t drive the blooms across the borough border. But the tox men did. The revenue bureau aV took o'er Grand Central Palace, ” where the intemation flower show was held for the past 37 years. So it’s a long subway ride this wee from midtown Manhattan to East 195th Street to see the city’s most spectacular harbinger of spring, now blossoming in the Kingsbridee Armory. To give the setting an historic touch, one big display centers around colonial life in Bronksland. That was the Bronx in the days before apartments and factories re placed farm houses. ‘:’lt was my thought on moving 1 up to the Bronx to delve into his tory,” explained Mrs. Henry L. \ Heineman, chairman of the Bronks ' land Flower Garden for the Fed erated Garden Clubs of New York State. Mrs. Heineman lives on Long Island but was born in Virgin’s. "Around our farm house we have W accented geranium garden,” she' said. “Some of our geraniums are apple-scented, nutmeg scented and even pine-scented.” Those geraniums, she confessed, are really just early 19th Century, while the Bronksland setting is supposed to be the 17th Century. The Garden Club of America, a national group of amateur flower growers, went to the federated gar den members one bptter by goine all the way back to an Indian stockade as part of their historic _jsetting. Elaborate plans are carried out every year to duplicate natural settings for flowers inside the structure of a city building. # There is a tropical garden com ■ plete with native grass hut; one "watiedfall and numerous rippling . streams running through woodland P|ardens: a Dutch garden with ca yi 1 and windmill, a bog garden "Sand a garden made of volcanic rocks. , Roses, always the most abun , dant blossoms are brought in by the thousands by commercial green houses. This year the rose growers 1 even included a display to show the various ways a woman can wear roses as accessories to her cos tume. RETURN FROM FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burnette have Returned home after a vacation trip to points of interest in Florida. ■While there they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Altman in Lakeland. don"! MltOM—Th« Colby Hondsomo modern stylo cabinet in mo hooany ftnirh Pyroxylin...rugged, scratch 0 « resistant. Escutcheon forms on ideal pic- M UB Dili g~ turn frame. Full Size picture screen. Genu- ■ B V«l Ine Blaxide picture tube. Also in Blonde , 111 B B M M w MIBOOE-The Stafford. ■ W M PERFORMANCE POWERED for extra quality! WHh Zenith's Supar K Chossli... tK« standard of quality In ovOry Zenith TV roedivor. Zsnith's »up*r powofod chassis, for yoars to com*, will bring you remarkably door and undi storied pictures ovon at critical distances from your TV station. A now vldea amplifier circuit provides maximum contrast for “portrait perfect" pictures In tfet yoars to com#. . mi size PICTURE SCREEN Oof o Wit SIZE screen... Zenith ffvot It to you...a I? in. picture tub# with o full measure 0f.14$ .1% k d ulewfaso oteosum. EASY TERMS QUINN'S rf ST New Home on Erwin Highway IT Jn ' wUe MRS. CLARENtCE E. TRIPP, prior to her marriage on February 27 hi Bennettsville, S. C. was Miss Sallye Carr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carr of Hickman, Kentucky. A/1C Tripp is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Tripp of Dunn. Eddie Draughon Honored On 70th Birthday Sunday Mr. Eddie Draughon celebrated his 70th birthday Sunday at his home on Dunn, Route 5 with a birthday dinner. Throughout the home bouquets of colorful spring flowers were used In decorations. The dining room table was centered with a gaily decorated birthday cake. Following the bountiful dinner, Mr. Draughon opened his numerous gifts. Special music was rendered by Mr. Jonah Caudle and those at tending the celebration were, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Draughon, Pat Draughon, Miss Patricia Draughon. Oliver Draughon, Johnnie Earl Draughon, all of Clinton, Mr. and tIAXIDE* PICTURE TUBE for extra value! for the White,t While, and the Blackeel Blech, with maximum picture contract chooze Zenith quality TV with the Genuine Blaxide picture tube. x> when you own a you know and everybody else knows shat you own the best! Mrs. Earl Draughon of Godwin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hedgepeth, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Draughon and Mrs. Louise Dawson, all of Duftn, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Avery, Miss Judy Avery, Mrs. Edna Johnson all of Erwin, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Car roll, Stanley Carroll, Margaret Ann Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jerni gan, Mr. Norwood Jernigan, Miss Agnes Jernigan. Mrs. Robert Ru pert, Vicki Rupert, Bobby Rupert, all of Dunn, Route 5, Rev. and Mrs. Elbert Newton of Dunn, Rt. 1, Doris Winstead of Greensboro, Mrs. Thomas Strickland, Bonnie Strickland and Gale Strickland, all of Durham. Herman Godwin Jr. Given Surprise Birthday Dinner Mrs. Herman Godwin honored her son. Herman Jr., on his sixteenth b’rthday w<th a surprise dinner at the home Thursday night. * The table held a bouauet of yel low narcissus flanked by burning vel’ow candles. Guests enjoyed a delicious fried chicken dinner with ice cream and birthday cake for dessert. Friends of honor guest at tending were Daley GofT, Russell Carter, La-ry Thomas Frank Wil son and Donald Jackson. TO MEET VISITOR Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Best, Mr. and Mrs. L”ke Byrd and Mrs. John A’’en Bradshaw went to Greens bero Saturday night to meet Mrs. Paul Hartman of Benton Pa. Mrs. Hartman returned to Dunn with them‘where she will visit Mr. and FREQUENT SERVICE •No driving strain—no parking prob- Cltp and Lems when you go TraQwaysl Frequent, save this regular departures take you right to the schedule I heart of town. And you save H the cost of driving your own oar! [" 1 I From DUNN to: 1*72 ! I RALEIGH: 7 trips daily M W | I FAYETTEVILLE: 12 trips daily - % M I ! NORFOLK: 5 thru trips daily $ 4.75 ■ DALLAS, Texas: 2 thru-liners 226.45 j I ATLANTA: New direct route t 8-65 a I NEW YORK: 6 departures daily SIUM | I WASHINGTON: 6 tripr, 1 thru $ 745 I ■ DURHAM: 7 trips daily f 1.66 J GREENVILLE, N. C.: 4 trips dally 2 2J6 ! i TAMPA, Fla.: 2 trips daily $1166 (phis tax) ' SAVI ANOTHER YO6R RETURN Tilt DUNN BUS STATION LadaMW So. Dial 2512 _ 1 , TRAILWAYS THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. t* j Christian Church Circles Meet I Members of Circle No. 1 of Hood Memorial Christian Church met Monday morning at ten o’clock at the home of Kirs. 8. N. Butt. I Mrs. John Riley was in charge J of the program and presented Mrs. L. A. Tart who gave an inspiring devotional thought. Mrs. Herman ‘ Neighbors read an Interesting pa per on “Worry” which had been prepared by Mrs. Riley. An appro priate poem closed the program. Business wa« disposed of with the leader, Mrs. Wilson Stanley, pre siding. The hostess passed potato chips, cookies and Cokes to the followin’ who attended: Mrs. W. W. Carroll. ,Mr', John Rilev, Mrs. Herman i Newhbors, Mrs. L. A. Tart. Mrs. {Wil'on Stanley. Mrs. T. B. Wil ! liams, Mrs. Jerry Butler. Miss Lois 1 Cannady and one visitor, Mrs. Wcodrow Hill. CIRCLE NO. 6 Hnod Memorial Christian Chu-ch Cir-le No. 6 met Monday evening at e‘?ht at th» home of M-s. R"'Sel’ Fv-w’er for their regular March me»ting. Mrs. Jimmv Cannadv l»-i i n the devotional and Mrs. William Tart '’ad change of the program using the studv course book. Members pr»"ent nartjoipated in th» studv Mrs. Woodrow Hill, president of the C Y F and a visitor at the meeting, held a business discussion nrw to tbe re”dar -ircle business conducted bv Miss Frances Surles. TF’e hoste«s served iced Cokes, chicken salad sandwiches and brownies f O the follnadn’; hfss F-ancox Surles. Mrs. William Tart. Mrs. J!mmv Caonadv. Mrs. Wav-o .’•'ste'er Mrs. Frank McLeod, Miss Fleets Maynard. Mrs. Jane Betts, Mrs. Pohert Cannadv Mrs, Tommv Ha mail. Mrs. Felton Tart,.Mrs. Jack wominewa'' and two ’nests. Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Oliver Holmes. CIRC* E NO. 4 Mrs, i-ouis Jeffreys, leader, was haste's to Circle No.. 4 of Hoed Mo-no-ial Christian-Church at eight O’c’cek Monday evenin’. Mica B-rtha Westbrook gave the devotional and the nro’ram on pravor m'ss Phvll's Buckner also participat’d on the program. Mrs. Jeffreys led the business d’sousslon and reon-ts were heard t-nm var'ous committee chairmen, pia—x we-e discussed for the fire men's s”noer to he nrenared and se-v-d bv the Circles in April. mho hostess sewed delicious cake fanned w'th whipped cream and cherries and mints to those attend ing. Pickets Set (Cqattnaea (mb mi *M) if ILA Interference with voting longshoremen. The picket line circled Foley Square in front of the courthouse carrying signs which read; “Rank and file—no contracts, no work.” “No work talll NLRB certification” ■Rank and file men want to con tract.” Some pickets shouted: “We have not eaten in three weeks!” Many of the shouted words were unprintable. A number .of, picket* shouted imprecations against Gov rhomas E. Dewev, whose Btate Crime Commission a year ago spread on the - public record a fuT picture of ILA corruption. Mrs. Best and Mrs. Bradshaw for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Dowd Host and Hostess To Methodist Class Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dowd enter tained members of the Fellowship Class of Divine Street Methodist Church Monday evening at eight. Mrs. Sexton Lee, president, call ed the meeting to order and Mrs. Earl Lever gave the devotional with scripture reading from the book of Corinthians. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. ■Tack Norris and routine busin?s> discussed, with Mrs. Lee presiding. During the social hour, the ncr tess and host directed several en tertaining games and refreshments of pimlento cheese and chicken salad sandwiches, home made pic kles, cookies, and Cokes were ser ed. Jonquils formed the flower ar rangement in the home for the meeting. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Basvsford, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Godwin, Mrs. A. B. John son, Mrs. Howard Johnson, Mrs. Sexton Lee, Mrs. Earl Lever, Mrs. Jack Norris, Mr. and Mrs. John Norris, Mrs. Preston Parker, Mrs. Annie Mae Rowland. Miss Edith Sorrell, Mrs. Norman 3uttles and Mr. and Mrs. John Snipes. Dorcas Class Meets At Tyner Home Mrs. Harvey Tyner and Mrs. Rob ert Draughon were associate hos tesses Monday night at the March meeting of the Dorcas Bible Class or the First Baptist Church at the home of Mrs. Tyner. Arrangements of earlv spring flowers were used throughout the home. The meeting opened with the sln’ing of the class song, “Some body.” Mrs. Perry Thomas, class president, gave the devotional using as her tonic, "Striving To Live A Ihv At A Time.” Scripture used was “Give tfs This T>av Out Da’ly Bread” from Matthew 6:11. The devotional was closed with the class praying together the model prever as taught by Jesus. Final plans we-e made so- t H » "lass banooet to be held April 2i». Reports were given bv various nf flleere and the business meeting "’as closed with prayer by Mrs. Jeff Denny. The hostesses served delightful --freshments consisting of chicken salad and olmlento cheese sand wiches. pound cake, divinity fudge and Russian tea. Those attending were Mrs. J. S warthli”. Mrs. Ray Horrell. Mrs. T W. Keene, Mrs. Perry Thomas. Mr*. Oeorve A. Jackson Miss Ber (binla Cannadv Mrs. I .'llian Hood. Mrs. John Herrin’. Mrs. R. J. D *ter.vm, Mr*. Ado'ohus Williams. 'lts. T. A. Core Mrs. Jeff Denuv. 'fry. Claude M’Lean. Miss ooheha Matthews. Mrs. Ralph W’-ren. M-s. Ol'ver Manning. Mrs. He-rv wye's. a*-s. jnhn ’'air’”—-'?. Mrs C. Mavna*d M-s. Fred Bs-- he«pe. sera r. T. McO"aan. M-y "'avid Ma-disnu and fwo v'si'ors asrs. Emnie Hall and Mrs. V. L Stephens. McCarthy (Continaed From Page One) me time or they’ll learn what the aw is. I will guarantee that.” CBS promptly repeated that It would not grant his request. As of the moment the battle U ■jetween McCarthy and the net vorks, but that may not last. Also ks of now, Republlcejn strategy does not provide for much or any of defense of McCarthy In Nix in's speech, probably none. The'united Press was informed party strategists expect Nixon tc peak on the Elsenhower adminis tration record to date, but not on •he Senator. It is planned for him o make what is called “a posi tive presentation of the record which will be the umbrella for all Republican candidates in this year’s campaign” The sequence of events leading up to the present situation was: 1. Stevenson made a speech Sat urday describing the Republican party as half McCarthy and half Elsenhower and assail'i® McCar thylsm, the President’s party lead ership and certain basic Eisenhow ■er policies. 2. McCarthy announced Sunday that he would request Identical broadcast and television time to reply. 3. Hall and committee associates decided Monday that the answer to Stevenson was a party matter to be hanJted the party or ganisation. The White House called REDUCED SPECIAL GARDNER'S VELVET ICE CREAM PIE In a Fire-King Glass Bowl Both for only 57c .. TF ’ ” »■ '.—Weßß—m. A Bp' mm B « ill I S : ‘M 5- IhD 1l Pf| ; | ••*. .-.••• "r..' • • \. .. • V • n,- r . ■ • ' : ' CHURCH REBUILT The Evening Star Ho- replaced at a cost of around $14,000 it has been liness Church, pictured above, large Negro church reported. In addition to rebuilding the inside of of Dunn, is back in use after having been rebuilt. the church, two small brick additions have been The building was gutted by fire around a year put on the back of the building. (Daily Record ago and re-construction of the inside has been in Photo) progress for several months. The building was the committee to make the same _ everybody. Offering the hallowed suggestion shortly after Hall’s de- J Affaalf anthems of the Greek Orthodox cision that Nixon was the man to VQSSaCK Church, haunting folksongs, boia answer Stevenson. The White House ~ serous regimental songs and gay agree<1 ' - (Continued From Page One) peasant dances, the Cossacks have 4. Hall requested time of NBC since except for two long overseas so ® ethln s music for everyone In the and CBS and Mr Eisenhower ask- tour's to sing for American troops. ed Nixon to speak for the party. During their last Washington DINNER GUESTS It seemed obvious here that Re- concert in the late snrinv of 1048 ■»« u’innfk uimsTS nublican rmiiticai strateuiefs shh .iir e Jate spring or i»4B Mr. and Mrs. Graham Best and puoncan political strategists did not President Truman surprised and vieki <4n» his.—- want McCarthy to appear a s the delighted the members of the Cho- Sos Jr and Srs Ei ° n this occasion, ms not only by turning up in the Thursday nieht and that the White House came audience in Constitution Hall by Thursda y mght independently to the same posit- going backstage to congratulate Di- ** a *"’ l— ■■■■■<■* ion. Mr Eisenhower did not want .ector Kostrukofl and the members U/alanma Ta TUa to reply to Stevenson and his ad- of the Chorus ww©ICOITI6 IO 1119 visers were agreed tha' he should The Chorus have a varied, color- a e x. Tn a . not do s - fdl program that seems to please CENTRAL BARBER SHOP All _ UNDER NEW mbulance Serve® manaoemk Phone OnVV M. J. Noldan Phone 2077 CENrRAL CROMARTIE FUNERAL HOME Barbershop N. C. 124 H E. Broad Dunn I j STmor I & j I I ■ MATCH) NO 14K 0010 I ■“ nfl JEWEL BOX fiMBMWN Rf , : < jir »Nwar wEfffsmmsmmm&ssM PAGE THREE

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