mmm, ww® «,«« Sid Caesgr Pirns For New TV Show CANDIDATE CARROLL - ssunhcL&tz ty Recorder'll Court and candi clean - shaven man but be has Joined hundreds of other FaV etteville' men 'ln prejpsring lor the bicenteimfcrt celehratibn scheduled In FayetterUJe the lat ter part of April. .Carroll is cov ering the entire 7th District, *lll continue (o' grow his bTatd t'nd wear the colonial hat until the celebration is over the latter part of April. After that, he will tour the District as 'a clean - shaven candidate.' ’ Welcome To Tf?§ CENTRAL BARBER SHOE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT M. J. Nordan Mr. Fred Smith Will Be Back With Us Starting 'Saturday. Central Barber Shop IUM E. Brojg Dmn LEE'S Truck Terminal 24 Hour Road (£sse) And Wrecker Service PHONES 2727 2QSP DUNN, N. C. FAYETTEVILLE HWT. Hatcher & Skinner Funeral Korte ESTABLISHED m 1912 AMBULANCE SERVICE * t£one*4« . > *** Ambulance Service Phono 207 7 I FREE TRACTOR I TOTAL PRICE SBOO.OO c TRA Im. I Bonom M 1 J - "jj* gjjjg KfflP I ' - AHi ‘ *?R Pew ftfer «• I fnCLfwill V MfICHIIIEKY I I Benson Hawv Dunn N Cl NEW YORK (IB "My only for mat will be hd format.” That' ls -Sid Caesar’s thinking so far ah to the makeup of th-3 new NBC television shott he will head next fall When he sets out on his own aifter five seasons of co-star ring with Imogene Coca on “Your Show of Bhows.” “ ' "It will‘be an hour-long variety show,” ‘the comedian explained! ■ “We’ll probably follow a sched ule of 1 three weeks on, one week off, and so forth. That w.ll glVe me a Vest; also the audience.” | The comedian will give his last "Ydur Show of Shows” perform-1 ance on June 5. i “Aside from some discussions now and then, I won’t be doing any concentrated work on the new program until after that," he salt!. I “I owe it to the present show not to get Involved in anything that I wUf take a lot of my time. After I I all, getting this program on the I air every 1 Saturday means uwrk ‘ Ing steadily from Monday piornmg right up to air time. ’Til take a rest after the last show. At least that's ’what I say | now. It may be that plans for the new show Will take more time thah I expect and I might noi, get a real vacation at all. "The first thing I have to do is to open an office of my own. Carl Reiner and Howard Morris, our mainstays in sketches on “Your Show of Shows,’ will go a long with me for the new show. This is an entirely amicahle ar rangement with Max tVebman, producer of ‘Your Show of Snows.' There is no question of ‘raiding’ his staff. "By no format,’ I mean that I don’t want to start a pattern that wilj be followed rigidly weak after week to the extent that the pub lic always knows what is coming. I’Jl keep theto off balance by mix ing Up the pitches. w ” Details as to what day and hour Caesar’s show will be aired, wheth er he will nave ohe or multiple sponsors, are NBC’s worries, the comedian added.’’ 11 CHICAGO V Election offi cials made a bid today to get more housewives’ votes to spring ‘pri maries. WiflflField <£<mjjnued Horn Page One) of support for my wife and three children.” He said the Issue upon which he wiH * Campaign will be developed later. ‘ r ” HE HAS A MESSAGE Wingfield said, “I have given years of study to the Issues I shall dWcll upon. I have definite things I* waist to tell the people. If the people want "hie they can vote for toe. ! don’t propose to campaign by Dallup poll. T don’t believe in look ing at public opinion to find out what the voters want.” The major candidates in the campaign are Sen. Alton A. Lennon and former Oov. W. Kerr Scott Other# who have filed are W. it. Bostick of Cary, Henry L. Sprinkle of Greensboro and A. E. Turner’of The filing deadline is Wingfield said he thinks his pol itical ’philosophy is closer to that 'of- (he late Senator Smith than is Lennon’s and added that he would not be seeking the seat if Smith hjj? pygj?- He said his views’ are TOWN GIVES BLOOD TO SAVE BOY -- -• . , J “ ' E '■ l AH -- / ; ■ : . ■pfeff tt ;/> ; v b' i -JamLl- tMM a&SM ' ' .' ‘ USkT & - - . * wmsm. a w|SlßLi 'WkM*& *■ * .' O- 11 M ** S , ppa iWg. \ -r3 JOHN ECOB, 6, listens as his mother reads a story at home In Garwood, ITJ., Where most of the 4,622 townfolk have offered to give blood to help John in his fight against hemophilia, an Incurable disease which prevents blood from clotting. The donation means months more of Use to the boy, who wears a leg brace to check bleeding from a four-month-- old knee bruise. He has received 30 pints of blood in transfusions. SEEING HEARTS FOR BUND BABIES ■ J| jill jßai . £'|M : W' ‘ tjr MR. AND MRS. FRANCIS LYNCH, of New York, who adopted a little blind girl, Susan Patricia, 4 (right), three years ago, have added another sightless child to their family. She is Elizabeth Ann, 2, and she was taken by them from the Boston Nursiry for Blind Babies. Here the Lynches get the youngsters ready for a party. (InternStionalJ ■s-Ullington News* (.illington Men fleet Taylor J. ft. Taylor, a retired school principal, Is new president of the LiUlngton Methodist Men. He Was chosen at a supper meet ing last Wednesday night at the church which preceded the first quarterly conference. Other new officers elected at the same time were Jim Davis, vitfe president; Howard Watkins, secre tory-treasure-; Carl Kelly, repres entative sos the Laymen’s Maga jlHfei sund Hal Bradley,’ C. H. Brock ShS W. R. Cranford on the board of directors! ' ' or Llllington who observed their first 7qulte different from those of Seott." He said he supported Smith’s Wefts “opposing socialism in gov ernment” and said he has been given -the support of seme of the people Who supported Smith. He'said he ha<J, always been a registered Democrat but declined to say “how he had voted in' tjie 1552 presidential ejection, “i en gaged lr.' no’ pattlbra“ political Ac tivity during, the 19JS2 campaign,” he said. - “What I want to do ought to be done In the Senate," hfe said. He •aid that'be has “some ideas” on foreign policy but that be Is most do^ tlc w * t - He said he would be delighted to debate with either Scott o-t Len non but apdejf r he was hot Loons^Finsnpng « lUbL|W| On Ifnr |ni p&e4 |utomofaUe« lUAB Im'li • HBST-CITI/EN BANK & TRUST CO. Stewart iSL Bide m ■ " " “ ’ ___ „ _ THE DAILY RECORD, PENN. N. O. wedding anniversary on the week end. were dinner guests on Sunday in Dunn of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Jo seph. Mrs. Newton is the former Miss Edna Kelly. Others attending the party were Mrs! Lizzie Kelly, mother of Mrs. Newton, and Kathy Joseph, daughter of the Host and hostess. Mrs. Hubert TOrner of Raleigh' spent the weekend here with her daughter, Mrs. Flemmon McDonald and Mr. McDonald. Miss Juanita Bass, student at Flora Macdonald College, urns ‘A weekend guest of tier parents', i&t. and Mrs. C. E. Bass. r w Mr. and Mrs. Avery Sasser and family of Kenly were Sunday vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bass. Among the college students how for the weekend for spring holi days were Ldo J£elly' Jr„ Lynn Sui ter Mann, Kay Salmon, C. H. Brock Jr., from (he UMvehsity of North Carolitui; Jane Cranford and J4an Hamilton from Campbell College; Douglas Schafran from' East' CRr ottnk College; Ruby Eeetft frpm Queen’s College in Charlotte; kihl Domthy Secrest from Dbke t^Sf £ Secretaries Assoclatlcn in Cha^j Hill on Friday. The group Is coal* posed of secretaries employed throughout North Carolina by COuh ty schodl juperlntenderits. 'tor. Charles Carroll, state’ superinten dent of public instruction, apojke at the opening breakfast session’ on Friday morning. is slated to meet Tuesday, 'Match 16, at 8 p.m. at the Community Center Mrs. Joe Bordeaux, cluu president, will preside and a pro gram on international relations has been arranged by Mrs. Elizabeth Berrier. TO FUQUAY SPRINGS Mrs. Inez Harrington has accep- Igp LAYAWAY SALE a mm RfppsiT m «pip any item Choose yowr new Spring outfit from our large selection of new Spring fashions while our stock LJjfah Von?pJf^. sum " & : f. __ iomm New for Spnng, iight weight s ma rt p,.e f Everything, pur refreshing collection of New CQ i ors y ■SUmJr, Spring Toppers in the latest a. a . K^S^P^Slk. |prlng fabrics and colors. $J.73 SI3JS SPJjJIG T FLOWER FRESH SPRING r md neW’Sprmg CoTots. >■’ DRESSpS * l7 95 an< * * 19,98 Rr £ arp always Mmom mm mmm mm MfM the finest.'and so it is Cl7 QC 5 1Q QC mdH with our cotton collec- T** oW9 Ot IWeJw t-lon cf new Spring V ■■ ■• ' I m • WS ’ Dresses in new rayons -»•- -ftM Illtlißllkfl \llltc Bm and'cotton ana P FTwHfTT h§ plain colors Fashion new upllned suits tor ir AC Spring ia Rayon Fabrics inclu- J? ding Rayon and JTSfr^T^RSBS^SSS wm 5w.95 m JBU&ME** NEW DRESSES TGfKKt PjWf? ISmlimMl See our wph# r /ul collection of r ' - New spring Skirts in the New Spring Dresses ui lovely cot smartest styles In cottons and tOUS, nylOt>S Bhd topVelty ray«)B SS IJSSm*T '*>«■“■ WML - no. mm SSS * tlw S I $8.95 uMt t. lr 0 Ivt Iff If WPDSR K N «rJS ># I^^^ Lovely new spring tylouscs jn . ffHf llTliViW _ , . ‘Jp “ nmi .<jg - O^bVlSt SPRING fl WydhlKWybl Fine straws in a riot of l . H f&ljucolors. sizes %2-Z2' : , Ladies' Stylish HANOBAGS 1 rtrrTTTT-r rrvMPl ir-rir • PI ATTIFf White and Pastels, Beaded SlfUlflUfßS compi£xe— FLATTlES ;s„srs, £Q •. // b 1 " the n h^ ke &flo^ yl 'BtiW l il? * PeS j, _ Piaim aim “A* *• a* tod an tavltatton front the Fuquay Springs chapter or tile Order of me feptel-ri Star to serVe its’ ln : stalling secretary sit Initiation of officers there oh March" 26! Mrs. Harrington' la a past worthy matron of the LiUlngton chapter. Mrs. Sara Cox and Mrs. Miriam of Mr, J. B p»ggetf. - OXFORD Hi Authorities in North ' Carolina a ri'a Virginia watched today for a'missing high school teacher charged with enti cing a 17-year-old blonde to leave thb Oxford orphanage. ' A warrant was issued add a search was'started Saturday 'for English teacher ’ Mai 1 - garet Bishop of Avondale, in Rutherford County. The SO-year old former Wac and one-time Marion, N. C., teacher was charged In a warrant with “enticing, per without authority. VATICAN CITY (if) Vatican sources reported today Pope Plus ISABEL, La. Os) Hester. Win stead, 14, went fishing Monday but a five-pound catfish snapped the end off fier lowered pole anjl swam off with it. Hester ran home, got a bathing suit, returned, dove in where uie PAGE FIVE pole had disappeared, and “swaW! It down." Today the Winsteads ate cat fish. o

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