MONDAY AFTERNOON, IVfAlr VI, 1954 * Erwin Social Happenings -i- Bob Stone Died In Erwin Friday Robert Lee (Bob) Stone, 63 of Erwin. Route 1, died Friday night at 10:30 o'clock in Good Hope Hos pital at Erwin. He had been in ill health for several months but died suddenly of a heart attack. Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Erwin Chapel Church. The Rev, P. O. Jackson of Erwin officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery, Mr. Stone was a native of Har nett, son of the late John L. and Lauretta Bayles Stone. He was en gaged in farming. He was active in the Erwin Chapel Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Wil lie Johnson Stone: four sons, Al bert and George £ r .one of Erwin, Route 1, Hubert Stone of Buckroe. Beach, Va., and Junior Stohe of Dunn, Route 3: rour daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Turlington of Benson, Route 3: Mrs. Dorothy Dixon of Buie's Creek; Mrs. Ruth Matthews of Coats;- Mrs. Mabellc Johnson of Erwin, Route 1; three brothers, L. H. Stone and W. T. Stone of Coats. Route 1; and Boss Stone of Lil lington, two sisters, Mrs. Betty Da rroch of Coats and Mrs. Pearl Caus by of Durham: also 31 grandchil dren and one great-grandchild. Church Women Met At Stamper Home Circle No. .2 of the V.-oven of the Presbyterian Church met on Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. E. M. Stamper. Mrs. Oeorge Julian is leader of the circle and pre sided at the opening. Mrs. Fulton Godwin gave the de votional and Mrs. E. H Lasater presented a most interesting pro gram on ‘'How Does Your Family Grow." > After the routine business session Mrs. Stamper served punch and cookies to Mrs Orestes Ennis, Mrs. C. E. Raiford, Mrs. H. Lucas, Mrs. J. R Jakeman, Mrs. Evelyn Mc- Lean, Mrs. Houston Faircloth. Mrs. Carl Cameron, Mrs. Alton McDon ald, Mrs. Lasater and Mrs. Julian. Beth Woodall Presents Program The Girl’s Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church held their meeting on Monday afternoon at the church. Judy Avery is president and she presided at the opening, calling for the Watchword, and Allegiance. After the offering was taken it was decided during the business session which followed that flowers would be taken to several sick.pea pie. «s .their oommunity mission work. Beth Woodall, program chairman, then presented a most interesting mission program with fourtten of the girls taking part. The program was closed with sentence prayers with all the girls participating and \ with the sohg "We've 'A Story To Tell." Janet Hollingsworth also sang “The ‘Lord’s lawyer.” For the dos ing prayer "Thank You Lord ‘for Saving My Soul" was sung. Along with Mrs. J. C. Pollard, counsellor, those present were Bar bara Tysoh. Joyce Lee, Bonita Ste - ' phens. Barbara McCaskill, Betty >: Down. Ccnnie Stewart. Linda Au try, Frankie Messer, Sharon Mur- < • anriwuiMP inM ,: ■ > '•muw IK— VTmE'* J •*» " •• '!• • ' VBjP§gii§§H • 1 * DWC * MHa " SRmkMkyMT*—gmwUa«ar.M»l I very, Wanda Lee, Glenda McLamb, Judy Taylor, Judy Strickland. Carol Toth, Becky Langdon, Pat Turling ton and Beth Woodall. t Mascots Entertain [ Erwin Seniors The Mascots of the senior class . of Erwin High School erttertained , the seniors and high school fa culty members with a delicious ’ spaghetti dinner at Gray's Grill | on Monday evening at 7:30. Mas ’ cots are little Teresa Gray, daugh t ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gray . and Ray Patterson nephew of Mr i Tommy Patterson. Menu for the dinner was spa . ghetti and meat balls, hot rolls, iced tea and ice cream. Group singing was enjoyed after dinner, led by Mr. Patterson with Mlsr Jo Ann Whitman as accompanist. Seniors enjoying the dinner were D. G. Gomedella, Jr., Patricia War - ren, Larry Smith, Peggy Warren. Bobby Suggs, P. H. Denning. Jr. Mickey Giles, Ray Hail, Betty Ann Julian, Marilyn Steinberg. Betty Hope Byrd, Pat Whitman, Betty Lou Byrd, Jo Ann Stephenson, Jo Ann Whitman, Jessie Suggs, Annie Ruth Core, Linda ones, Preston Hayes-, Sylvia Fann, Barbara Ben son, Clyde Warren, Regina Smith. Ann Avery, Larry Mason, Fredis West. Rachel Byrd, Wilma Hague Delores West, G. L. Elderbaum, Jr., Gene West, Benny Mason, H. T. Elmore, Jurline Marsh, Edward Smith, and Elizabeth Lovette. Faculty members and other guest* included; Mrs. B. B. Hudson. Mr and Mrs. D. T. Stutts, Mr. and Mrs Fred Byerly, Mrs. F. Hicks, Miss Janet Byrd, Miss Gainey, Miss Dale Lawson, Miss Winifred Ker oodle, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gray Miss Betty Lou Gray, Mr. and Mrs James Jernigan. Miss Margaret Smith, Tommy Patterson, and Mr and Mrs. Ted Gray, Party Is Given For Jane Odom Little Jane Odom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Payton Odom, was honored by her parents with s birthday' party at her home on Friday afternoon. After several games were enjoyed ! on the back lawn, Jane opened ( her gifts, and Mrs. Odom, assisted by Mrs. Mack Hardee, Mrs. El dridge Norris and Mrs. Alex Odom served the pink and white 'birth day cake, nUts, potato chips and Ice cream and gave Robin Hood hats topped with balloons as fa vors to jane, Mary Alice May nard of Dunn, La Nell, Manfred, and Vanis Hardee of Lillington Debbie and Arthur Smith, Hazel and Harriett Norris, ‘Danny John son, Grace Earnshaw, Suaas Ennis, Charlotte Crawford, Wayne and : Rae OdOm, Tommy Baker, Elaine. West, Billy Graham, kelly Whit man, Tommy Pate, C. J. Jdhnson. Rickey and Larry OdOm, Jack Pe cora and Becky Barnes. ( ■ ray. La Verne Johnson, Janet Hol- Mr. and Mrs. ItifUs Jenty God-; win of Benson, Route 1, announce - the birth of a daughter, Valerie, , Frances, on May 13, »54 at Good. , Hope Hospital. Mrs. Godwlh is the , former Miss Eliabeth Ann Greg- , " i Mrs. Knight Was Hostess \ uesday Mlss< Ruth Knight was hostess on Tuesday Afternoon to the members lof Circle No. '3 of the Women of tne Presbyterian Church. Mrs. T. J. Harper, leader, presided at the meeting and called the group to order. Mrs. J. M. Morgan present ed the devotional from prepared literature from “Day by Day." Dur ing the business Assion plans were made for the birthday party to be held on Monday evening Vat the general meeting. The Bible study was given by Mrs. George Stephens taken from the Book of Alats and entitled "Perfect Healer Converted." A most interesting program was given by Mrs. Myrtle Bauer on *Wow Does Our Family Grow,"' The meeting was closed with the Mispah. During the social hour which fol lowed delicioiis refreshments were enjoyed by Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Mor gan; Mrs. Stephens Mrs. Bauer, Mrs. Ruth Buie, Mrs. Ruth Hall, Miss Annie Knight, Mrs. Dallas 'Johnson, Mrs. A. F. Woodruff, Mrs. Stacey Whittington, and Mrs. Lew is Parker. Judy Faye Fann Was Thursday Mrs. Grady Fann, Jr., honored her daughter. Judy Faye, on Thurs day afternoon with a birthday par- I ty celebrating her sixth birthday. I Little Judy wore a pink rosebud corsage to match her pink nylon party dress and after she blew out the candles on the cake all tire children .sang "Happy Birthday" to her. Games were enjoyed and Judy opened her gifts. The birthday cake, pink lemon ade, Ice cream and potato chips were served to Tommy Barefoot, Benny Ray, Phylis and Grade Du quette, Kenny find Gloria Godwin, Jewel Tyndall, Sue Jones, Ann En nis, Joey and Julianna Denning, Debbie Strickland, Lynn Bethune. Tony Burdi, Paulette and Carolyn Murray, Barry and Kent Horne, Jennifer and Eleanor Griffin, and Eddie Youngblood and Casey Strickland of Dunn. Mrs. Joan Strickland, Mrs. Jackie Denning, Mrs. Alese Burdi and Mrs. Weldon Home assisted Mrs. Fann in enter taining the children. ERWIN QUESTS , Mrs. Maurice Steinberg had as I her guests this week-end Mr. and , Mrs. Henry Greenof Arlington. Vir , glnia; Mr. and Mrs, Simon Cohen of Norfolk, Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fisher of Roanoke, Virginia; } Mr. Diek Morres of New York, Miss . Jo Ann Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Steinberg, Mr. And Mrs. Jack Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Leon .. Steinberg of Charleston, 8. C. The group attended the Bay Mltz vah Os Mrs. Steinberg’s son. David. " at the Bethttfael Synagogue in Fayetteville on Saturday. BIRTHS ) Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clyde Womack of Lining ton, Route 3, announce the birth of a son, Del • bert Clyde on April }2 at Good Hopo Hospital. Mrs. Womack is the ; former Miss Dorothy Jean Cald well. Mr. and, Mrs. Don Ferrell Den ton of Coats, Route 1, announce the Mrth of a son, John Randall, On April 13 at Good Hope Hospital. Mrs. Denton Is the former Miss Ruth Yvonne Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore of Benson, Route 1, announce the birth Os a daughter, Linda Sue, On April H, .'1954 at Good Hope Hospital. Mrs. Moore is the former MiSs Let tie Norris. J Mr. and Mrs. James Gfaham Capps of BensOn, Route 1, an nounce the birth of a daughter on "Aprtl 14 at Good Hope Hospital. Mia. Capps Is the former Miss Dorothy Mae Holland... Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Denning! Gdegory Os LS*inct»n, Route 1 4 ahnounce the birth of a daughter, Srfah Fancies on April 14 at Good Hope Hospital. Mrs. Oregory is the farther ‘Miss Isabelle WUborn. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lee West of DUnh, Route 3, announce the birth of a son. 'Danny Bruee, on April 1’ at Good Hope Hospital. Mrs. West is the former Mias Jac queline Sue Whittington. * J2L*!EISJELI ,ljj J ■■■■' teggL'MULri —» /16