«J**>A* ArifeNOON. iolti. SSL. &*BH! WASHINGTON-The Senate passed last Thursday with amendments the Defense appropriations bill for fis cal 1965. AMENDMENT I was glad to see the Williams ame n d m e n t passed. It requires defense con tracts to be awarded in accordance with competitive bids. There have been attempts made to change this procedure which would result in serious trouble to employment in in dustry particularly textile in North Carolina and the South. We have had to be on our legislative toes to keep competitive bidding mandatory in these contracts. The Defense appropriations bill —approximately thirty billions of dollars of new money provides about eleven billion for the Air Force, ten billion for the Navy, thir teen billion for the Army, thirteen and one-quarter billion for the De partment of Defense and three quarter billion for interservice ac tivities. The new money will be supple mented by about fourteen and one half billion dollars in unobligated money carried over from appropri ations in previous years. UNEXPENDED BALANCE I voted against the Kennedy a mendment to boost the appropri ations by approximately $350 mil lion. Why? There is a carry- over of about forty - four billion dollars of unexpended funds in all armed ■—luuiauigi m 7 TJ A V i is im ■■wr—y—jiß TART'S AUTO SERVICE Repairs To All Makes And Modtfcr Ofcw Can COMPLETE MOTOR REBUILDING Pistons Expanded Bearings Resized Piston Pins Fitted Valves Ground Come In For Quick Service 8. Clinton Are. . Dunn, N. C. Quality Ik Parakeets^A All Colon „ 1 We Invite 70a to see them st our aviaries. Seed-Cages-SuppUe# CEDAR LAWN AVIARIES lames A. Surles, owner 611 N. McKay Avenue Day Phone 2446 Nit* 22*6 DUNN, N. C. D/D YOU KNOW That in Dunn-yen can-pour concrete for a porch or terrace 10 feet by 10 feet at a cost of— ■ '- v ' services. Add the new money t£e approximately thirty billion and we have unexpended funds of about' seventy - five billion to be avail able for expenditure by our armed services beginning on July 1," of which approximately forty-four-bil lion dollars are unobligated. In the case ot the Army, it was shown that there Is an unexpended balance of $5,798,939,000. My position is that we should have adequate national defense and not skimp one dollar, but we must not Continue to keep taxes high and the budget unbal anced when we have unexpended funds in the armed forces. I also be lieve that we should rely on sup plemental appropriations for de fense, geared to meet a changing world situation, keeping our research and preparedness at peak efficiency. On final passage, I voted for the bill. PROGRESS Passage of the defense bill the largest single money bill of the Congress was ahead of the same legislation during the last &3slon. After I came to the Senate last July 15, the bill was called up for debate. What a Job that was get ting all the facts together In ahort time in order to vote Intelligently I THIS - AND - THAT The President has sighed into law the bill to add the words “Under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag .The Army-Mc- Oarthy hearings recorded around two million words. . The Senate passed the bill to allow a three eighth basket, thus helping our fruit growers and shippers. It was the last bill presented by the late Senator Hoey. Services Sunday For Mrs. NetghlxH's Mrs. Bettie Jane Neighbors, Bs, of Benson, Roufc I', died In the Dunn Hospital Thursday after noon at 5 o’clock. Sha was the wid ow of Joe W. Neighbors: Funeral service* were held Sttndiy kfter noon at 4 o’clock frOMa'Pleasant Hill Church. Burial followed In Roselawo Cemetery, officiating was the Rev. George Talley, the Rev. J. D. Capps, and the Rev. 0. W. Kirby. Surviving are Mir daughters, Mrs. Amos Johnson of Benson, Route 1, Mr*. Weeley Lee.l Mrs! Paul HemittViy and MJrs. Ashley Nonter all of Dunn; three sons, D. O. and Howard of Benson and Kenneth of Benson, Route 1? 16 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Bishop TOriilinSon May Sue Broftfer DALTON, Ga. (UP) Bishop Homer A. Tomlinson of the Church of God- said he plans to go to West Palm Beach, Fla., tomorrow to con sider court action against his brother who heads a rival faction of the church. HU brother. Bishop Milton A. Tomlinson, heads.the ri val. Church of God Prophecy. In a state Church of God con vention here. Bishop Homer Tom linson of New York,; said he may bring the suits in Florida and Georgia to recover property oVyy which he has been feuding with other factions for 3b years. Before iTou trod* Drive And Compare The New Dodge or The Now Plymouth Top Dollar For Yo v* NOW , Rhone 2127 or 2594 Naylor - Dfeltey Motors Dunn, Nt C. Dunn C||iE tCsHnssf *rm mm M) =- ** SERVED WITH OCHNEB • Dr. Johnson has returned to Dunh'alMr a year of advanced Surgery stf #at*s Hospital and three years at the famed Ochner Clinic in New Orleans, a clinic of inter national fame and reputation. While there; he served as personal assistant to Dr. Alton Ochner, one of the nation’s most celebrated sur geons and for several months be fore returning home „VSS chief sur geon at the big 300-bed hospital at Pinevllle, Louisiana, a charity hoapl tal. Dr. Johnson win limit his prac tice to general surgery an* the- LDRetaoin shrdlu m cmfwypjvbgkqj other three doctors will engage' hi the general practice of medicine. Drs. Byrd, Doffermyre and Jbhn son are well known here and en joy outstanding reputations in the medical field, and Dr. Lilly has come to Dunn with a splendid record and highly recommended as a gen eral practitioner. Dr. Johnson is a native of Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan M. Johnson, Sr. ATTENDED DUNN SCHOOL He attended the Dunn schools, Georgia Military -Academy, Duke University and Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. He served his internship at Rex Hospital and then ‘served for two years in the Navy. Most of his Navy duty was aboard, the transport. Clearfield. After His discharge from the Navy he returned to Dunn and practiced from 1947 to 1950; and then decided to enter the surgical field. He then served at Watts and at the Och ner Clinic. During his stay at Ochner, he as sisted Dr. Ochner in ah operation which was televised across the na tion. Dr. Johnson married the former Mildred May of Roanoke Rapids. They have five children. He- is a member of the Harnett and State medical societies, the American Med ical Association, and the. American Academy of General Practitioner*. Dr. Doffermyre Is a native of Pot, ecasl, son ot Mrs. Euzalla Doffermyre' and. the late L. Doffermyre.. He attended the Northampton County public schools, Wake Forest College, and Temple University In Philadelphia, where he received his medical degree. Di. Doffermyre served hi* in ternship at Norfolk General Hospi tal in Norfolk and served hU res idency at Lake view Hospital In Suf folk, Va. ■ He practiced In Erwin for three years before coming to Dunn lib 1941. . . . LEADER IN FROFESnUUjfI prominent in the medical pro fession of the State, Df. Doffermyre hap served as president of the Harnett Coupty MkrlcaJ Society, the Fifth District Medical Society. He has served for several years as. mi member of the State Board of Medical Examiners, which passes op the . qualifications of new doctors. He has also served as a director and as vice president of the State unit.of American Academy of Gen eral Practitioners. . , . , A cfyic, social #nd fraternal lead er Dr. Doffermyre la a M«pn, > Shrlner.a member .of the Wilming ton Consistory of Scottish Kite Ma sons, the Stripe of North America. He is a member, of. the Duntf Ro tary Club, the First Baptist Church, & fortner .city commissioner apd has held, various, othet positions In the total and county. Dr; D©r fermyre married the -former Efts# Margaret Johnson dT Sanfbi'K , Dr. Byrd is a native of Bun.nlevel, son of the late Mr, add, Him 3. O. JttTd. He attended % Harnett schools, Wajke Forest Wfifkd and Temple Uhlversity lh Philadelphia. His Internship was served at Church Home Hospital in Bglttmore, Md., sitter which Me- aamrt.ft*' four years In' tije Army a medi cal officer. Most of his service was in the states and in Bahama. He was discharged ju a Major., , After serving for. a, short while at Macqn Hospital, In Macon. Georgia Jse returned tb Harriett and. became associated here with. Dr. DofTfer “dunn-s.-mcM* 0* AM Pr. Byrd has been a leader hi practically nil' of the civic. affairs mt t>mi toeotto, wk*, *. a Woman Ends Bage <*«•• She set out from Buenos Aims Oct. t 1960, astride «elw« and leading Another bearttig her bag gage; Some people objected to her plans, but she Jockeyed herself in a blearing from Eva Peron, the late wife of Argentine President Juan Perch. ShO rode nearly 8,000 miles through 14 countries and territories, was robbed twice, got lost In a Co lombian Jungle for two months, was delayed another two months in Mexico Oltyi while her American entry documents were checked, and was hospitalised for 20 days when .a truck hit her. She clip-clopped into a corrall of red tape at the Canadian-United States border about two weeks ago. She was okayed for admiaion to Canada but her steeds had to be 'examined as possible disease car riers. It meant a further delay be fore she hit the road for Montreal. Horses From Fern She cantered out of Montreal for Ottawa about a week ago. On good days, she said, she covered about 25 miles. But often she stopped in towns, cities and villages to take in the sights and shops. She lost two horses on. the inter continental bridle path. One died In Peru and the other In Bolivia. She picked up two replacements in the latter country but they weren’t built for the long haul. The Peruvian government, how ever, presented her with two new broncs, a chestnut and a bay. The former was an old army horse and the latter a police mount. They’re still with her, although somewhat worse for wear. ju Tired, weather - beaten sal die sore, wih her Jet hair bleached almost blpnde by sun and sand, Seuorlta Beker is unsure when she will return home. But of one thing she is sure; ‘Til go home by boat.” DALLAS, Tex. (If Dr. Ralph Bunche, famous Negro diplomat, said radial segregation and discrimina tion in the United States will be •“broken” by 1963. Bunche, a United Nations Official told the closing session of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People convention last night that "the ‘struggle Is not won by any means.” •of the' town and county and in 1952 was chosen as Dunn’s "Man of the ■Year” for his outstanding service to the community. Dr. Byrd la a past president of the Dunn Rotary Club is ail elder in the (Firgt Preshytwtaa Chimch, Is a Director of the State Tuberculo ris Association. He has also held various other positions here, r He married the former Miss Jean ette Pool of Macon. They have three sens. ■ DR. LILLY VA. NATIVE ; DT. Lilly, wtio- is 32 years old. Is Ja- native y M. Check Elizabeth CTeg? 1.1)0 Johnnie Qksg 1.00 Virginia Pearl Clegg ldp- Fred Cbfleld S ’ George « , woke 1.05 Edward Coi( .... 1M Mrs. Daniel Culbreth 1.00 Mrs. Mary Culbreth Ld# Eula Darts. 1.00 Nkncy Davis .00 Nhncy parts 1.00 L, 6. Deaton Hasel Decater Jff D’ O. Eterihing (D6nriy) 2.00 FAye FlttwDfllard " P. ,0, Dillard IM jntanW Dockery LOO Eugene' DOnaldson. LOI Hardy Draughon 1.0 EllaabetM KBls' ' 1.0 t David EkaJT...; 14 -eafie* i4 J James’ ! • * ys, Qrifiia a-.... Jlft uhwN Lfll 100 , 63 :; $a i« i-'.v 1 • ' ’•*. ■ Mrs. 6. B. Hargis 1.00 Willie E. Hargrove 2.00 Robert Harper LOO James Harris 1.00 Curt Hawley 1.00 M. L. Hawley LOO Betty Haywood .50 David Lee Heath JO Robt. Hemingway 2.00 Eugene Herring J 0 A. B. Hester 1.00 Annie Js. Hicks .50 James .Louis Hicks 50 Bin Higpsmlth 1.00 W. 8. Hobson 1.00 R. C. Hodge 2.00 •VerHne Hodges 2.03. Earl G. Holland JO J. V. Holland .50 William B. Hollingsworth In Catherine Holmes 1.00 Catherine Holmes 40 Mrs. Stalejr Horne JO James Horton LOo‘ Mrs. Margaret House 30 Troy House JO' Dorolhy Howell LOO Ida B. Hudson I.oo’ Mrs. Florence Hughes £0 Rufus Huff ; ; LOO Mary B. Ivey 2tOo Mrs. Alone Jackson 40 Ohfcriie Jackson 1.00 Curley JaCkbonr M- Alton M. Johnson 1.00 Andrew Johnson 50 Billy Johnson 3.00 Clara Johnson 2.50 Herman Johnson r.OO - H. W. Johnson 8.00 totur Juntous Johnson ...... 1.00 11. C. Johnson ,».... 1.00 , R. H. Johnson, Jr. 1.05 :r3tny Jones , s i.fl# ’Jbsse Jenss 1.00 J. H Jesus 2.00 honzs Jones .... iM, 9. A. ones ... .-... 140 Henry Judd IM* -Basle Kelly i.o# Ozeel Kelly ............... 1.00 Kenneth Krily IML M’ Nfcftit .50 wm** w Mollie Langdon LOO* T. XAtamce .50 m $ Margie R.‘Lee 1.00 I t *>ben‘Ltes : «»•»' Led 24#' Eugene Lewis fjfo' mw... j* Thorites Locklear LOO Harold EOfferty .. 1.00 John Henry London .. ..... 3b William <3. taeWdenhllk .... 1.90 ■ Geraldine Lucas' 14# Jtiyee Imeac ijf L. c. mem j 00- Charles Llndberg Lyon 190 Chester Meßryde ............ 14# wiiw ■:::::. *4 Elaaora McCoy SO MiM'..,; ll »«nnle Edwin McDonald -.. l.oo’ ,imeS a^* cOomld 140 Seulk .... .. . . 14# Mafttha. McDowell 4,00 Roselle Jlclvot 140 : ; % Srit .fIL-v.v.v.. S£nh ft Joseph mm] Mr '..... 7 ft J T. pa# MaMe* EMpkii............. 3 W Nannie jHktedß .......... ran Amdk.vbSSSkF-'. j| Andr MANfet.A............i i C. A. Wter tip Dorothy Meirtaa*-. .... B ■? jfeSt** l * Sm Junter”~Mtl#mr... .v,l4e] MfriLoree_McLean .. pM rcP** 6 . JftllP>; : . > *•" •tv-vv .%m - -MM Bam. MfTjgU*»-- LWI —• • • HM fV ea •' ■ fwl jWkpmiiMMSU Alma Lee McNeill LOO Annie McNeill 1.00 Claretta McNeill GO Ernest McNeill IM EUsha McNeill I.o# George McNeill 1.00 Janie Mae McNeill 1.00 Lena McNeill 1.00 Lovely McNeill 50 Mary McNeill 00 Nettle McNeill LOO ; Patricia McNCin M Roosevelt McNelU Sam MdNeili 1.00 Vehr Susie McNeill 1.00 Z. A. McNeill 40 ' Wiflie Mcßlmon 1.00 Junior M»Jor .80 Deorge Mangum 1.00 l. S. Mangum .. J# A. K. Mason . ~ luO Maggie Massenglll ...... LOO James Massey .5# Robert Massey .98 Boe' Matthews M Charlie (Carlle) Matthews AO Christine Norris 1.00 Doris Matthews 100 Mrs. Evelyn Matthew# 1.00 Agra. Irene Matthews ........ 1.00 Rochelle Matthews iJn Rochelle Matthews I.o# William B. Matthews MR Georgia May 1 1.00 Mattie Melbon I.UO Luther Edward Miller 1.00 Freddie Mflferi l.Op A. -a Montague a m. Caroline Moore ...... .... .y9j ; Dfifton-, Moore .50 , X». A. Mdote fm > Hilary Mooee' fit j 4{ i^t ( Henry-ifurchißon A James Walter Wimchison ;... fM’ John Wesiqy Murchison .... tm rp. Murchison M Bertha Anirray iM TpoT-Mp^’..... • tW ■Hfetw Heart' Nbrris I'm NoM#, ..- .... &ta* Ndri*k fjm ®wfejrris'::::":::;:.«» Junior Norris LM' BMlby Norris *3 Leona Nonrls 2.00 m. j. imStt ,j. ctftfT”.... 4»- William P. Partin IM ,Kenneth-G;' Fayne ............. 4# \ fft ,Arthur Patterson 14#’ .James A. Patterson 2JKT P»t^fft "* %. »- Pipkin ...... .S P = ;: 1 CathMttP'lmy —........ .Kirlilj —lV 1 H gf ll * B Sffy* -•••'* wH Rayoy. .... £dEj *aimatjge.j|aynor ............ Issi ■ N | . - _tTWo-vi ■ • gfll ™ s - ........ 140,1 J *A* mOmi jUI —"a** -■i i* ... , , * • PAGE FIVE Amelia Smith '. Andrew Smith Buster Smith j^H Christine Smith 'wß E. P. Smith ..S Floyd Smith James Albert Smith Jesse Smith .i gH Joe Smith Levada Smith Lille Smith f. Loneda Smith vJ^K| Love Smith Mary Ruth Smith Ralph Smith Nolan Smith Regina Sm|th -*S| Tommy Spivey 3mSk Carson Stanch Andy Stewart Billie Stewart Billie Stewart H. B. Stewart John Stedart N| Mary Stokes Willie* Stokes Ben Stone ... Ctetinlhif Stone' Elmer Street Karel Striektend nH| ; 1 Qtorf* R Vaientiae writerf' sv&ir''" N. T. wfikins .v.v.v... ASotao William# . . .v. J. R. wiutem# —.. ,v. .-.v.v. y&jLSsS**-- i Kenneth WiUimu ..... • , Toble Wilson t ••••• j la. iguiumci^, % *«.«•« • • *'**>]&^^ft|fi 1