PAGE TWO BULLETINS (Continued From Face One) WASHINGTON (IP) Secretary of the Interior Doug las McKay today announced a series of ehanges in basic hunting regulations which will be in effect during the 1954-55 season for the shooting of doves, band-tailed pig eons, rails, gallinules, scooter, eider, and old squaw ducks. WASHINGTON (IP) The Defense Department said today that Defense Secretary Charles E. Wilson has chang ed his plan to witness an airborne demonstration tomor row at Ft. Bragg, N. C., and will be represented by Deputy Secretary Robert B. Anderson. MIAMI (IP) Detectives led a Cherokee Indian today to the bayside scene of the sex slaying of Judith Ann Rob erts, hoping that he might help solve the worst crime in this resort city’s history. The Indian, Walter Lee Yow, 44, was flown here from Marietta, Ga., after he first confessed the murder and then said a companion did it. BOLTON LANDING, N. Y. (IP) Vice President Rich ard M. Nixon disclosed today that the speech he will de liver tonight to the annual governors’ conference will bq based on notes prepared by President Eisenhower and will be “non-controversial.” ROCKPORT, Mass. (IP/ A Navy training plane crashed and burned near the Straitsmouth Coast Guard station today killing at least two persons, police reported. LONDON (IP The self-styled “Black Eagle of Har lem,” Col. Hubert Fauntleroy Julian, flew into London to day “to have a look at my new $22,400 Rolls-Royce.” The State Department picked up Julian’s regular passport when he returned to the United States last month from a frustrated attempt to buy arms in Sweden. It later issued a “limited” passport. WASHINGTON (IP The Defense Department an nounced that 23,000 men will be drafted for the Army in September. Draft calls have been holding steady at that figure for several months. ' ALLEGAN, Mich. (IP Society dentist Kenneth B. Small, who killed the New York industrialist he claims stole his wife’s affections, went on trial for first degree murder today. Small and his wife Edith, 30, met face to face in the 65-year-old red brick courthouse for the first time since he stalked into a luxurious summer home over looking Lake Michigan May 29 and shot Jules Lack, 45, president of the Majestic Air Conditioning Co., to death. WASHINGTON (IP —President Eisenhower today sign ed a bill authorizing the spending of 60 million dollars an nually for three years to assist states and local communi ties in expanding hospital and clinical facilities for the chronically 01, aged, and physically disabled. WASHINGTON OP New York apartment builder Gustave M. Berne testified today that George Grace, whose brother was then New York state FHA director, made a $37,500 profit on an apartment project insured by the FHA in 1950. WASHINGTON (IP The White House expressed hope today that it will not be necessary to seek a government injunction to prevent recurrence of a strike at the atomic energy plants at Paducah, Ky., and Oak Ridge, Tenn. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (IP The Air Defense Command said today it would be “several days” before it could determine definitely how much “damage” was in flicted on key U. S. cities in Friday night's mock ah at tack. JUAREZ, Mexico (IP—Shapely Broadway actress Bette PMd Mamed the bulls today for the showing that brought catcalls instead of curtain calls in Juarez’s ancient ring. A crowd of 4,509 hooted and howled at the antics of Bette last night as two small bulls knocked her down repeatedly before she managed to kill them with her sword. Churchill (CvottomC trom pace m with a* alternative other than creation of a new national army. 2. Revealed that disclosure of the tremendous power of the U. (3. hydrogen Bomb tests prompted him to request the meeting wtth PYesi dent Eisenhower. 3. Reported no agreement at aQ bad been reached at Geneva on Korea and It still was to be seen If any would be achieved on Indo chtta. Still Operator tCaotfrMMd Ina face o*»> careless and reckless driving, 60 days in Jail, suspended, for 12 months on payment of $25 and ddurt dost. Re Was further ordered to retrain from driving for the next 90 days. Hick Hrtvin. N. Fayetteville Ave nue, Dunn; public druidt, 30 days toja*. Ewood Godwin, charged with as sault. the case was dropped and Roy Bryam Was taxed the court cost for taking eat the warrant. James Victor Barbour. Raleigh, failure to dim head lights, prayer for Judgement continued on pay ment of court met. iigkjrz — iCI MIIWC fNHMH'IM of the town’s most influential ci- Mrs. Dan Avery of MorganUm! Mrs. Clarence Stamper of More head City, MrS. Sam Mirieilo of Mt. Carmel, Pa. and Mrs. Durwood Strickland of Erwin; his mother, Mrs. R. L. Oldham of Goldston; four brothers, J. M. Oldham of Richmond, S. K. Oldham of Ports mouth, Va„ M. H. Oldham of Ches ter, Pa. and H. R. Oldham of Long Island, New York; four sisters, Mrs. E. H. Herman of Goldston, Mrs. Lee David of Goldston, Mrs. O. C. Pennington of Raleigh and Mrs. NF. D. Eppley of Trenton; also seven grandchildren. ' Prisoner of Junta famifaiif reported leftist hotbed* Child's Death Held Accident Will Ralph King, 20, of High Point, has been absolved of all blame in the death of Joanne Ben son, five-year-old Durham child who was killed on July 4 seven miles east of Benson. The child was struck by an au tomobile driven by King and was pronounced dead on arrival at the Dunn Hospital. An inquest was conducted by Co roner James Pittman of Johnston County. It was Johnston’s first high way fatality of the year. According to evidence at the in quest, the child ran in front of the car driven by King, who said he was going 40 or 50 miles an hour. UNAVOIDABLE Tlie coroner’s Jury, after viewing the scene of the holiday tragedy, ruled that death was “unavoidable.” Members of the jury were Norman Duncan. Jesse McLamb, L. E. Clif ton. D. R. Stephenson. J. M. Adams and Otis Porter,, all of Benson . The child’s death was witnes sed by her father, J. Denton Ben son of Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Ben son and' their children were visit ing at the home of Mrs. Benson’s mother, Mrs. H. Kelly Harper, at the time of the accident. Benson told investigating! offi cers, Highway Patrolman Joe Whi taker and David Matthews that he went across the road to a garden and looked back to see Joanne fol lowing him. He said he saw the car coming and yelled to the child to turn back, but It was too late. Little Hungs (CMrtlMMd from wage ana) abeut It The first stop for How ard and Juanita after their wedding was at the swank Hotel Roanoke in Roanoke, Va., one of the na- < tion’s truly fine hotels... Howard couldn’t be satisfied with one room, He wanted a Whole suite—but ' he didn’t exactly want to pay the prjoe .. That was back in 1934 when hotel rooms cost only about half what they do now - How ard asked the price of the suite and the room clerk told him sl2 ... “That’s too much.” protested Howard. “I can’t afford it.” “Well,” replied the room clerk, “How much can you afford? ard told him, “about SB.” “pJC.,” said the room clerk, “you can have it for SB.” It wasn’t really the price of the suite that worried How- I ard.. It was just the satisfaction of talking the clerk into cutting off the four dollars But you can’t argue with success... And Howard Lee is a successful business man .... And he’s got money, too. BIRTHDAYS Celebrating birth days today are Mrs. Thad Pope, Doris Harrington. L. L Hamil and Annie Myatt. THINGAMAJIGS: Mlssle Mahone finally bought that snazzy Olds mobile Holiday convertible from Garvin Brothers It’s Jus* about the fanciest ear in town, too Kelly Joseph of Benson used to be a wrestler and a gdod one, too. In fact, he was invited to repre sent the United States on the O lympie wrestling squad back in his yeuth . Kelly owns Kelly’s Department Store in Benson and is a very successful business man He's a brother of George Joseph of Dunn Doris Day’s recording of “Someone Else's Roses” is gaining in popularity... Speaking of ros es. Sarah Moore of Erwin is still Uying to find out who sent her two dozen red roses last waek The box contained a poem, but no name... Several Dunn church es had guest ministers yesterday ... Sighed W. G. Patrick, local telephone manager, as he patiently waited during the rehearsals of his son’s wedding Saturday night at the Baptist Church: “IXf rather be putting in telephones than doing this.”— MORE NOTES: The big Clnema- Sbope production, “Rose Marie” o pened yesterday at the Dunn The atre and proved a big hit .. How ard Keel iSrrt nearly as httodbome m Nelson Eddy, who starred in the did production, but Ann Blythe liv ed up to the standard of Jeanette’s the second big Cinemascope musical role for Mi* Blythe, who also starred In “Stu dent Prince.”... Kenny Howard'ls raising about 7500 turkeys this sea son. .. J. D. Barnes has also bought a new Oldsmobtle convertible.. We forgot to mention Friday that there 1 are more than 50 yard* of nylon In the gown to be worn by Becky Lee as “Miss Dunn” in the “Miss North Carolina” pageant this week ... The gown is decorated with rhinestones—and it really glitter* ) UauiisliiK • (Cantinned Treat Page o*l GAR VALUATIONS OFF - Tt* drop in the coat of automobile va luations has kept the 1954-$6 tax lev, in the Town of Dunh about S£rto*Vmo£rtCi for the year win be about $d500,00(?, lust 1100000 more lmfct year. THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. CL ANDY RUSSELL WEDS IN MEXICO ~ Pk i aiimrW / * ‘ AWMCAH SINGH Andy Bussell looks over the shoulder of his bride, Vella Sanches-Belmont, as she signs the marriage certificate after their civil ceremony in Mexico City. She to the daughter of Eduardo Sanehez-Bebnont, former Ambassador to Holland. Andy plans to re main In Mexico to make several pictures. (’lnternational Soundphoto) Court At Benson Makes Fat Profit During its first Fear ot opera tion, the Bepson Recorder’s Court did a “boxoffice” business, netted a total of $18,037.88 profit for the town and turned over another $13,- SOt in fines to the county and $2,- 514 in fees to the State v The eoprt has just ended its first year and to beginning It’s second. R’s proving to be ova of the town’s biggest “money-making” op erations. Over 1,000 people were docketed off the Bauson police blotter dairy ifig the year and another 500 were cited to court and were tried. The equivalent of three-fourths of the town’t population appeared before Judge J. E nett Memorial Park. Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Joe E. Caviness and Mrs. Alex J. White of Lillington; one brother, James Spears Northam of Boydton, Va. BROTHER DIES Howarl Anson Taylor, 44, of Kins ton died in Chicago Friday while * attending Coyne Electrical Bchool. Among his survivors is Jarvis Tay- s lor of Benson, a brother. Funeral”'J services were held in Kinston Mon-.—. day ■■>) QUINN'S Funeral Home 24-HOUR j SERVICE PHONE 3306 2n * HMNtrT st | DUNN, N, C. I /rIH'L HostMS S. W* mtm 9m wUrfc£2) I iMi. Paufrfy| DCBN N. CL il