jgEDNBSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 14, 1954 Iwufh River R.E.A. Ladies Give Shower for Mrs. William Brinkley j.On Friday night, July 9, Mrs. William H. Brinkley, the former sbsß Evelene Honeycutt, was hon ored with a surprise stork shower u her home on East Broad Street, given by the ladies of the South JUver REA. A Corsage made of useful baby Js6hs Whs presented to the honoree ri her arrival. Mrs. Luby Warren the group in several amusing #unes, the winners of which were Jiresented prises. „ After refreshments consisting of lemonade, cookies, mints, peanuts, •fed potato chips were enjoyed by the guests, the honoree was pre sented with a shower of lovely gifts. YThose attending were Mrs. Thad Barefoot, Mrs. Elmon Honeycutt, £l. Edna Tew, Mrs. J. T. Honey t, Mrs. John C. Lockamy, Mrs. A. L. Jones, Miss Janie Jones. Mrs. Buis Bass, Miss Jean Weeks, Mrs. Kac Ray Honeycutt, Mrs. Luby arren, Mrs. Barbara Layton. Mrs. W. O. Honeycutt, Mrs. Lambert Home, Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Mrs. Hilda Dudley, Mrs. Perry Simmons, Airs. Robert Hudson, Mrs. C. G. Bowling, Mrs. Earl Murphy, Mrs. WRnPTffJTW IsErßS^ fir j rH ht[B |FUU 5'A FEET WIDE! FAMOUS FEATURES! Jr FAMOUS QUALITY I [ Bfe, all-steel 66" CABINET SINK *l34 9 £ , *189.95 VALUE • Twla, M-splash bowls. i—h O acid-resisting, j-rT' "mwf| MS BEmlfllitTinomtlsd S W 8® sajlf l* • n*»od, no-tip drainboorda. IMMEDIATE I ■ :Err.£r DELIVERY I IgM w n*w i winy jH, Mmpartmonts. .**« *L * j i||i|||l 0 yonilrvcti oei %. » I • fasy-V handles, chrome IH ■ MsDad. m I ■ MdAMB PLUMBING AND HEATING I I wnm. a a ■ Ijl hm—aw^J rum mi utrenas a» ml tie msmki ut efk msy as bees installing new equipment mi HUMES FOR DUNN'S FIRST SELF-SELECTION DRUG STORE Ib’n Oim Os Tie Snij Stores Selected By Rexsll For Inerica’s fewest Inovation In Dm; Store Imkmlisint WATCH THE DAILY RECORD FOR OUR ANNOUNCEMENT , In The Meantime Cone li For Quality Drugs At Lowest Prices Ami Finest Service WARREN'S CUT-RATE REX ALL DRUG STORE Phone 2149 -C. O. Warren - Mrs. Allan* Warren Fairley - ■ Dunn, N. C. Franklin Coleman, Mrs. George Jackson, Mrs. Callie Norris, and Mrs. Carl Faircloth. Those not present who sent gifts were Miss Betty Hudson, Mrs. Beniva Bass, Miss Joyce Faircloth, Mrs. Mary Faircloth, Mrs. Thelma Lewis, and ■Mrs. Addle Voung. Dorcas Class Meet Held Tuesday Night Mrs. Charles Skinner, Mrs. Oliver O. Manning and Mrs. R. J. Peter son were hostesses to members of the Dorcas Bible Class of the First Baptist Church at the July busi ness and social meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Skin ner. For the occasion the -.tinner home was thrown ensuite and beautifully decorated with a pro fusion of early summer flowers. Mrs. T. A. Core gave an inspir ing devotional on the topic, "Liv ing A Day At A Time.’’ She used as scripture reference Vatthew 6:11. Mrs. Neighbors Named Leader Os Christian Circle Mrs. W. W. Carroll was hostess Monday morning at ten o’clock to members of Circle Number 1 of Hood Memorial Christian Church. Mrs. Herman Neighbors was named new leader of the circle. During the business meeting, others named in addition to Mrs. Neighbors were Mrs. David Wilson, assistant leader: Mrs. Jerry Butler, secretary-treasurer: Mrs. Houston Jernigan, World Call secretary: and Mrs. George Cuthrell and Mrs. T. B. O'Neil, Calling Committee. The program for the morning was presented by Mrs. Carroll who used as her text, the thirteenth chapter of Corinthians. The group joined in sentence prayers. Light refreshments of Coca Colas and dainty sandwiches were served to the following: Mrs. Jerry Baiter, Mrs. S. N. Butt. Mrs. Houston Jernigan, Mrs. J. B. O’Neil. Mrs. Herman Neighbors, Mrs. George Cuthrell, Mrs. Wilson Stanley, Mrs. David Wilson, Miss Lois Cannady, and a guest, Mrs. Pat Lynch. The meeting closed with the re peating of the Christian Women’s Fellowship benediction. Mrs. Perry ’Thomas, class presi dent, presided at the business ses sion at which time the various class activities were discussed. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given by Mrs. Lillian Hoad. A special prayer for members of the class who are ill was led by Mrs. Ralph Maxwell. Plans were completed for the annual picnic which will be held August 11th at Tyler Park. Mrs. R. J. Peterson was appointed chairman of the menu committee. Mrs. R. J. Denny appointed Mrs. C. A. McLean and Mrs. Perry Thomas to serve with her and Mrs. Charles Skinner as a nominating committee. Mrs. C. T. McGugan and her group will serve as room and flower committee during the next month. The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Mrs. Skinner. A delightful social hour was then enjoyed at which time the hostesses served chocolate cake punch and salted nuts. Members attending were, Mrs. Paul Strickland. Mrs. R. J. Denny, Mrs. J. P. Thomas, Mrs. L. C. May nard, Mrs. R. A. Draughon. Mrs. J. H. Tyner, Mrs. Lila Adams, Mrs. Joe W. Wilson. Mrs. E. Ralph Max well, Mrs. Mack M. Jernigan, Mrs. T. A. Core, Mrs. J. C. Jones, Mrs. Lillian Hood, Mrs. J. S. Farthing. Mrs J. P Crumpler, Mrs. C. T. Mc- Gugan, Mrs. I. W. Keene and Mrs. George Arthur Jackson. THIS OLD DOG MUST GO 47 Ford 4 Door GOOD RUNNING CONDITION FIRST SIOO GETS IT W. & S. MOTOR COMPANY Tour DeSoto Plymouth Dealer Used Cor Lot On Benson Hgwy THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. O. Buffet Supper Given Mary Allred On 16th Birthday Miss Mary Allred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Allred, was hon ored on the occasion of her 16th birthday Tuesday with a lovely buf fet supper at her home. Guests arrived at 6:30 and as sembled In the living room where graceful arrangements of Ivy 1 pre vailed. From a table appointed with a centerpiece composed of sweet peas, guests served themselves fried chicken, potato salad, sliced toma toes. hot biscuits and iced tea. After Mary had opened her gifts, the party gathered on the lawn where they enjoyed a watermelon slicing. Those attending were, Misses Meredith Cromartie, Jan and Linda Aycock, Barbara Reddish, Ethelyn Maxwell, Laura Belle Carr. Jean Young. Mary Lou Nuckols of Win ston-Salem, Kathryne Thomas, Frances Crumpler, Linda Hardee, June Register, Yvonne Tripp, Rita McLean, Virginia Turlington, Lil lian Hartley, Joyce Godwin, Janice Fowler and Alice Stewart. Mrs. H. D. Hood Has 82nd Birthday Mrs. David Henry Hood, beloved pioneer Dunn citizen and known to many as “Mama Hood”, celebrated her 82nd birthday on Tuesday. July 13 at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Prince. Mrs. Hood is the former Miss Rosalie Herman, daughter of a Methodist minister. She married Mr. David Henry Hood in 1891 and came to Dunn to make her home that same year. Mr. Hood died In 1942 at the age of 'll. Mrs. Hood has four children liv ing. Mrs. Prince, with whom she makes her home, Mrs. James Best of Washington, D. C„ Mr. Paul C. Hood of Dunn and Mr. Thomas C. Hood of Clearwater, Florida. IN JACKSONVILLE Mrs. Corbett Godwin and son, Randy and Mrs. A. J. Collins of Lilllngton left today for Jackson ville to take Mrs. Lanier, mother of Mrs. Collins, home. Mrs. Godwin and son will remain for a visit there. ON HOUBEPARTY Miss Martha Anne Butler Is at tending a houseparty at Nag’s Head as the guest of Miss Sylvia Turner of Jamesvllle, N. C. IN SILER CITY Miss Kathryn Butt Is visiting her aunt, Miss Kathryn Douglas Butt, in Slier City. WEEKEND AT BEACH Mr. L. A. Tart, Mrs. Jerry Butler and son Robie are expected to spend the weekend at Myrtle Beach as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vic An derson. AT WRIGHTSVIIXE Mrs. Herman Godwin, Jeanne and Joanne, and Johnny Godwin, Mrs. Davis Catlette and Norma Jean Catlette left Tuesday to spend the remainder of the week at WrightsvlUe Beach. ATTENDING CONFERENCE The Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Llne berger are attending the Missionary Conference at Lake Junaluska. They will leave Junaluska on Thursday, July 23. AT WHITE LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Jessie B. Lee and daughters Jess and Joy, Mrs. Nick DeMai, Sr. and her grandson, Nick DeMai, 111 are at White Lake this week. IN ARLINGTON Miss Libby Raynor, Miss Betsy Lee, and Miss Ann Byerly are visiting Miss Raynor's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Char les Smith in Arlington, Virginia. * fears for Mate ' ikk i I MU. JACK DAVIS is shewn in Frankfurt, Germany, anxiously awaiting word concerning her husband who was one of the seven U. S. soldiers seized recently by the Reds near the Czechoslovak ian border. On a sightseeing tour, they wore accused of "spying.” City Vehicles Using Much Gas City cars and trucks in ounn bum around 2,000 gallons of gaso line each month City Manager A. B. Uzzle stated today as he fig ured up the consumption for June. Last month the total gallons used was 1,965.7, just short of the 2,000 mark. Os the gallons burned, 1239 is used by the public works division, Including garbage trucks; and 531.4 is used by the Police Department. City Manager Uzzle is expected to recommend that the town buy its own gas pumps at a meeting of the Board Thursday (tomorrow) eve ning. Town Asked To Widen Street Members of the Safety Commit tee of the Finer Carolines program in Dunn have filed a request with the Town Board for the widening of N. Orange Avenue from Broad Street to Edgerton. Herman Green, chairman of the committee, stated in his written request to the Board that the street is unsafe as Is. Recently he attended a session of the Board and pointed out that the street is a traffic hazard during the school year. The Board Is expected to act on the committee’s request at its reg ular meeting tomorrow evening. VISITING SISTER Miss Becky Bryant is visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mike DeLapp in Relds ville. NIECES HEBE Misses Peggy and Sue Wester of Angler, nieces of Jimmy Barbour, are spending sometime here with the Barbours and Miss Anne Con ner. RETURNS HOME Mrs. R. R. Raynor has returned from Watts Hospital and is re ported to be greatly improved. VISIT LANGDONS Mr. and Mrs. Donald Langdon had as guests ovar the week end Mr. and Mrs. Roecoe Langdon and children Bran and Mark of Colum bia, South Carolina. Also visiting the Langdons on Monday night were Mr- and Mrs. J. B. Ruwoldt of Buffalo, New York. Christian Church Circle Meets With Mrs. Williford Circle No. 2 of Hood Memorial Christian Church met on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hugh Williford. Summer flwers decorated the home and Misses Mary Faye and Pattle Lou Williford served sand wiches, cookies, nuts and cold drinks. Attending were Mrs. *. C. Du pree, Mrs. Freeman Wood, Mrs. Larry Baird, Mrs John Riley, Mrs. R. S. Jernigan. Miss Mary Phil lips, Mrs. Fletcher Jernigan, Mrs. W. P. Williford and Mrs. R. G. Tart. Visitors were Mrs. Pat Lynch and Mrs. Wilson Stanley. Six Lions Return j From Convention i i Six Dunn citizens have lust re turned from the Lions Internation al Convention held in New York. The convention ended last Satur day. Attending the sessions were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Capps, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Jernigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oouwin. The North Caro lina delegates were housed at the Astor Hotel. Sessions were held at Madison Square Garden. Capps is the immediate past president of the local Lions Club He was succeeded by Frank Belote. Graham Leaves Hospital Today ASHEVILLE, N. C. llP)—Evange list Billy Graham expects to leave an Asheville hospital today, much i improved from his opeartion for removal of a kidney stone. Dr. Thomas R. Huffines, kidney specialist who operated on Graham Monday, said the 35 - year -old evangelist probably would be able to leave Memorial Mission Hospi tal today. He said Graham had a "very excellent” day yesterday. Ferrell Baby Dies At Birth Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ferrell an nounce the birth and death of a son at Good Hope Hospital in Er win Sunday. Graveside services were held Monday afternoon at Kennebec Baptist Church ceme tery, conducted by the Rev. Nor wood Dorman of Angler. DR. CHARLES BYRD DR. RANDOLPH DOFFERMYRE DR. GALE JOHNSON AND DR. WILLIAM LILLY Announce the formation of THE DUNN CLINIC With offices located at 119 Lucknow Square Dunn, North Carolina Dr. Gale Johnson will limit his practice to general surgery. Dr. Doffermyre, Dr. Byrd and Dr. Lilly will engage in the general practice of medicine. THOUSANDS FLEE DANUBE Ftp' 7 HpjSSiPir -■ ■ AS THE WORST FLOOD in more than 50 years swept over large sections of Central Europe, some 50,000 persons were reported evacuating their homes. Sixty hours of rain and melting Alpine snows caused the Danube and many of its tributaries to go on a rampage. Hardest hit was the Austro-German border, where 15 are reported dead. Shown here is an inundated farm area near Burghausen. (International) RUPTURED SEE TIIE DOBBS TRUSS Ed F. Hill, Truss Specialist, will y-fs ' ' be at Hood's Drug Store in Dunn, Ip*""! Ha FRIDAY JULY 16th, for Free De ‘ XT 5 nionstration. ‘JAM to SPM, Only. Investigate this most unusual of all trusses the BULBLESS, BELTLESS. STRAPLESS, DOBBS TRUSS. Its patented CON CAVE PAD is designed to hold the rupture up and in like the palm of your hand, automatically adjusts itself to every posi tion and gives amazing comfort and holding power. Unlike old style trusses with fixed screwed on rounded pads, it will not force the muscles further apart, but supports them in a more natural position. Don’t delay until your rupture becomes ir reducible, when no truss can benefit. See the Dobbs Truss now. For men, Women and Children. NOTE THE DATE AND COME IN, DEMONSTRATION FREE. PAGE THREE