TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 11, 1955 Mrs. Daniels Had Class Meeting Program Monday The McD Holiday Class of Hood Memorial Christian Church met Monday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. B. O’Neal. Mrs. Jack Daniels presented a ♦ most interesting program with the devotional taken from portions of 145th Psalms. This was followed by prayer by Mrs. Daniels. “Fall Forward’’ was the jheme for the program and recorded ar rangements of "Mighty Fortress, 4 ’ “Stand Fp For Jesus 4 ’ and “Great Is Thy Faithfulness’’ were played (I softly at intervals in the program. Mrs. Mangum Butler read an appropriate article and in a quiet meditation period Mrs. Daniels as ked each member to make a New Year’s resolution and Dr. George ) , Cuthreli offered the closing prayer. m Miss Bertha Westbrook presided ■ over a short business session. Mrs. O’Neal, hostess for the evening ser ■ ved delicious refreshments of r punch, pecan pie, toasted nuts and 4 candy from a beautiful appointed table centered with an arrange ment of camelias and flanked by burning tapers. Members attending were Mi-s. Jack Daniels, Mrs. Oscar Strick land, Mrs. Millard Massey, Mrs. Mangum Butler, Mrs. Paul Bare foot, Mrs. Flonnie Tart, Mrs. Da vid Wilson, Mrs. George Cuthreli, Miss Bertha Westbrook, Mrs. Hugh WWilliford, Mrs. Doroman Dupree, Mrs. Reba Marshall, Mrs. W. W. Carrpll, Mrs. Vara Lee, Miss Phy lis Buckner, and Miss Lois Can - nady. Guests for the evening meeting were Mrs. Curtis Ennis and Dr. / 4 l George Cuthreli. ’J •• VISIT HERE Mrs. Ernest McLamb of Golds boro and son Bobby of King’s -Ci Mountain spent Sunday with Mrs. -j Britt. /.. FROM RED SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Blnxley of Red Springs spent Sunday visiting Mrs. C. T. McGugan. M CONFINED TO BED ' Mr. G. W. Henry is confined to bed with mumps at his home. DO Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thomas of Fayetteville visited their parents here Saturday. Best-Known Home Remedy for suffering of A | ® uULUu .JlLvicks ft y? VVAPORUB Rub op Relief... Breathe jn Relief rfe*. P K vain®— now JH. * / HANS OW* I Nif v V HARRIET RtTBRARB AYER I HAND CREAM big l beauty bargain sak Y' cream ••• w>n^fly! Meh» into your skin to Smooth and soften. Pro • at your tecta against chapping when applied be , fore, and after exposure. Large 10 ounce Vi fingertips I size at leu than An# price—just LOO". ||, ?f Butler & Carroll Drugs, Inc. g- 129 E. BROAD ST. PHONE 2232 LIMITED TIME ONLY! Jordans Jewelry Store WILL BE CLOSED ML DAY ON WEDNESDAYS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE J. W. Jordan's Sons DIAMONDS - JEWELRY - SILVERWARE < * , ' ... , l 122 E. Broad St. Telephone 2205 Dunn, N. C. ‘ ' 4* Mr' * ? r*' OPEN HOUSE AT PINECREST Citizens of Lil lington, Route 1 greeted the new year in a beauti ful setting, an open house at the new Pinecrest Community Center, where over 100 guests regis tered the first hour. This marked the first com munity event in the beautiful new center, yet to be completed. Here’s the red and white refresh ment table where the pretty servers are Gladys ! Etta Jernigan Class Met The Etta Jernigan Class of Stoney Run Church had its regular monthly meeting January 4, 1955 at 7:30 o’clock in the church educa tional building. Mrs. Warren G. Tart and Mrs. Rudolph Barefoot were joint hostess for the occasion. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Lewis Lee Whittenton and the group sang “When We All Get To Heaven”. The scripture was read by the Presi dent and Mrs. Joe Jernigan led the prayer. The officers for 1955 were elected and are as follows, President, Mrs. Elijah Barefoot; Vice President. Mrs. H. W, Jernigan Jr.; Secretary and Treasrer, Pearl Barefoot; As sistant Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Leonard Strickland; Floral and gift committee, Mrs. Robert Hughes Jernigan and Mrs. Cortez Lee; Re porter j Mrs. Sheldon Blackman: Assistant reporter, Mrs. Lewis Lee Whittenton; Class Teacher, Mrs. Etta Jernigan; and assistant teach er, Mrs. Ruth Sessoms. The social hour followed with the hostesses serving peminto chees? sandwiches, olives, brownies and lemonade to 30 member and one, visitor. * • IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Barefoot and Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Barefoot left last Thursday for Miami, Florida where they will spend a few days. Johnson, Betty Sue Hardee, Mary Green, Eliza beth Sexton, Rosalie Mangum, Lodis Butts, Agnes Mangum, (at the punch bowl.) Old and young were there in their best attire and thse young men, Charles Blanchard and Harold Butts, in bow tie, made sure they didn't enter the new year thirsty. (Daily Record Photo.) ! BIRTHS i DAUGHTER IS BORN Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Pleasant of Angier have announced the birth of a daughter, Debbie Rae on Janu ary 7 at Rex Hospital in Raleigh. Mrs. Pleasant is the former Joan Osborne of Birmingham, England. DAUGHTER FOR STEWARTS Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Stew art of Raleigh announce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Kay on January 9 in Rex Hospital in Ra leigh. Mrs. Stewart is the former Miss Elise Vann of Erwin. Mrs. Bill Lilly Special Guest Mrs. Bill Lilly was a special guest Friday night when members of the Fairfield bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Floyd Furr for ail evening of bridge. Before Play began, the hostess served fruit cake topped with whip ped cream and coffee. Later she passed Cokes and cornettes. For the evening party, pomset tias decorated the home. When ■ scores had been tabulated, it was found that the highest score was held by . Mrs. Kenneth Howard Jr. She received a straw basket. Hijacs went to Mrs. Leon McKay for her runnerup score, and the consola tion gift, ashtrays, went to Mrs. C.D. Hutaff 111. Those playing were Mrs. Lilly, the guest, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Mc- Kay, Mrs. Hutaff, Mrs. Palmer Davis, Mrs. Sam Clark, Mrs. Glenn Hooper, Jr., and Mrs. Henry Hutaff. VISITS SISTERS Mrs. J. M. Waters of Arapahoe spent the weekend in Dunn visitin'* her sisters, Mrs. C. H. Pope and Misses Blanche and Pauline Bell. IN DUNN Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Godwin and Velva of Favetteville spent Sunday in Dunn visiting Misses Blanche and Pauline Bell. FROM VIRGINIA Mrs. W. Claude Bell and Mrs. James D. Hogeard of Portsmouth, Va. visited in Dunn with their hus band and father, W. Claude Bell and other friends for a few days this week. , IN DISTRESS NORFOLK, Va. tIIWA two mast ed sailing vessel with three persons aboard radioed the Coast Guard to day it is i ndistress in rough wea ther off the North Carolina coast and in danger of sinking. *ANNAPOLIS, Md. (IP>—Eddie Er delatz. coach of Navy’s Sugar Bowl football champions, signed a new five year contract today to remain ae head coach at the Naval Aca. demy. THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. C. Cradle Shower For Mrs. Johnson Mrs. J. C. Johnson of Durham was honored at a Cradle shower, Saturday night at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. M. M. Whittenton, with Mrs. James Lee and Mrs. Leonard McLeod as co-hostesses. Mrs. John son is the former, Shelby Jean Fowler of Dunn. Throughout the evening games were enjoyed and winners of the prizes were Joyce Stephens and Mrs. Johnson. The hostesses served delicious re freshments consisting of potato chip, pimento cheese sandwiches, white and pink cake squares, and hot chocoloate with marshmallows to the following: Mrs. Wallace Tart Mrs. Nora Fowler, Mrs. C. W. Kir by, Mrs. M. J. Weeks, Mrs. Fernie Tfiipp, Mrs. Gerald Byrd, Miss Joyce Stephens, Miss Linda Whit tenton, Miss Ruth McLeod, June Ruth Fowler, Mrs. Issac Johnson, Mrs. Geraldine Griffin, Mrs, Cor bett Coats, and Miss Thelma Ivey. SAILS FROM GERMANY Dr. and Mrs. Bain have received word that their son, C. D. Bain, Jr. and his (wife and daughter, Diane and son C. D. 11l sailed Sunday on the U. S.S. America from Germany for home. He was stationed in Eng land for 2 years and has been in Germany for the past year. He held a position with the Air Rescue Squadron as communications’ offi cer and participated in the rescue work of Hunstanton flood last year and also did rescue work on the C-47 which was forced down in the Alps, recently. After a few weeks leave, he will begin his new as signment as instructor in the school of electronics as Keesler Field in Biloxi, Mississippi. They will land in New York. IN RALEIGH Mrs. Irene Beasley and Henry West speht Monday in Ral eigh, While there, they visited Mrs. Beasley’s sister, Mrs. J. C. Barbour. STOCKHOLDERS MEET—Stock holders of the Lillington Industrial Development ..Company, Inc. have been called to meet at the court house in Lillington on Tuesday, January 18, for the purpose of dis cussing plans for raising the bal ance of funds necessary to finance comDletion of the modem factory building now being erected. Notices are signed by W. A. Johnson, presi dnt of the development company which will rent the building to the Lillington Garment Company, ma kers of men’s sports shirts. PARACHUTE TO SAFETY MILES CITY, Mont. (If) Thirty two soldiers parachuted safely from an Air Force Flying Boxcar near here today after one of the big air craft’s engines caught fire. LOCAL OPTION COSTLY RALEIGH (W—State legislators j were told today the added cost In. | volved in enecting the admlnistra tion’s “local option” school segre gation bill woull be only about $40,000 a year. MUSCLING IN WASHINGTON (IP) Senate Re publican Leader William F. Know land said after a conference with President Eisenhower today that the Democratic National Commit tee and other '“outside organiza tions” should not be allowed to "muscle in” on scheduling of legis lation for congressional considera tion. WASHINGTON HP) The Se curities and Exchange Commission’s division of corporate regulations today approved the controversial Dixon-Yates power contract. Day Phone 4607 Nights Can 4531 For Ftoest RADIO * TV SERVICE IA/CCT RADIO * TV I SERVICE S. ctihton Arc. Dm Club Met At Bass Home For Bridge Monday All members of the Gay Eight bridge club met Monday night at the home of Mrs. Betty Ba.ss for an evening of bridge. Mixed carnations were arranged on the dining room table, and in the living room were colorful dis play of winter berries and greenery.. Upon arrival, the guests -were served apple pie with ice cream and coffee, Later Mrs. Bass passed iced drinks, potato chips, and candy. Mrs; Lee Sandlin won the high score prize, a necklace and earring set. The consolation gift, a scarf; went to Mrs. R. A. Duncan Jr„ and for being the winner in a game of bingo, Mrs. Hal Jernigan was given a novelty vase. Those playing were Mrs, Sandlin, Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Jernigan, Mrs. Woody Meyers, Mrs. Ed Wade. Mrs. Marvin Godwin, Mrs. Garland Roe buck, and the hostess. Mrs. Jackson Was Hostess To Club Mrs. H. B. Jacskon was hostess January 4 tb the Just-A-Mere Gar den Club at the home so Mrs. C. G. Williams. During the business session, a financial report for the year was given. Plans were made for the club to be hostess to the Lions’ Club of Dunn January 27. Mrs. L. A. Warren gave a very interesting devotional on thoughts for the new year. She gave resolu tions made by people in the Bible and urged that each member make and keep resolutions for the com ing year. The program chairman, Mrs. Her bert Jernigan, introduced the guest speaker, Mr. W. H. Riley, from the Conservation and Development De partment in Raleigh. He showed a very interesting and informative film entitled “Pipeline to the Clouds.” After this, he spoke to the club and answered questions asked by the members. Mrs. C. S. Smith brought the ar rangement of the month, a very attractive display of berries and greenery. The hostess served delicious fruit cake with whipped cream, nuts, and coffee. VISITS NEW JERSEY Mr. G. S. Corq,of Dunn visited his daughter, Mrs. Anthony Guliano in Matawan, N. J., recently. While there they, visited some of the towns and cities in New Jersey. They are Keyport, Keanburg, Ideal Beach Port Manmouth, Belford, Leonard and Atlantic Highland’s, one of the highest points in New Jersey called Scenic Drive, the Atlantic coast re sorts, the estates of Rumson, and the new section of the Parkway which runs through the state of New Jersey. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Altman and family of Angier, Rt. 2 want to thank each and every one of the many people who have been so kind and generous to them during the trying period, caused by the acci dent which occurred October 9. May the good Lord bless and keep them from harm throughout the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Altman RETURNS HOME Mrs. C. D. Bain has returned from Cary and Raleigh after visiting re latives and friends there last week. Enterprise Gas & Appliance Co. Distributors Os I Superio rßOmro GAS Service HAS MOVED Formerly Located On South Clinton Avenue We Are Now At 411 North Layton Ave. In The Building With Fitchett Home Oil Company For Pyrofax Gas |>i For Gas Appliances r 110116 j|j| ROBBIE CREECH .was honored on his eighth birthday with a party given by Miss Patricia Wat son on Friday afternoon at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. William Creech on Soulh Middle Avenue. GUESTS OF BLANCHARDS Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Nobles and Miss Janice McNeil of Red Springs, and Mr. and Mrs. p. E. Lohr of Lumberton were guests of the A. W. Blanchards at Lakewood Cottage at Holt’s Lake Sunday. IN DURHAM Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Byrd visited Mr. Herbert Taylor at McFerson’s hospital in Durham Sunday. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Suggs. Mrs. D.M. Thomas accom panied the Byrds to Durham. IN HOSPITAL Master Ken Stewart, son of Mr and Mrs. Eugene Stewart of Coats, is a patient in the Dunn Hospital. , There's More Cold Weather Ahead Be Prepared - See Our Specials On Perfection Heaters Cabinet Model Wnw COO O S Was $129.95 Cabinet Model With U-... CI4A AA Blower - Was $199.95 NOW $1 00.00 Take Advantage Os This Clearance Offer— Hurry! Hurry! - Only A Few Left!! PURDIE Equip. Co. • Paying by check eliminates the neces sity of standing in line to pay bills. They * give you a bonafide receipt (a cancelled e check) lor every payment. Checks tell < you exactly how much you pay and lor i what. They do away with the hazards • ol keeping large amounts of money at home. ■ Another fact is that more and more people are using First-Citizens' checks. Stop in and see how easily you, too, v • can enjoy all these advantages.^ til 'jZiancfc. *dunn nm -benson i^mmHHWj^H •ANOIfR -NEWTON GROVE JI f 1 U| HP eastern North Carolina MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION AUTO BANK LOANS through (he dealer of your Choice! Time to Trade! PAGE THREE