PAGE SIX Television Schedules Saturday, February 19 WTVD - DURHAM - 11 AM. 10:00 Happy Felton 10:30 Paul Winchell 11:00 Smilin’ Ed McConnell 11:30 Saturday Round-Up P.M. 1:30 Simple Food 2:00 The Clean Loop 2:30 Boston 2:45 Boy Scouts 3:00 NBA Pro Basketball 5:00 The Inside Story 5:30 Treasure Farm 6:00 Baseball 6:30 Soldier Parade 7:00 Mr. Wizard 7:30 Horace Heidt 8:00 Dotty Mack 9:00 Imogene Coca Show 9:30 Texaco Star Theatre | 10:00 George Gobel 11:00 Country Style m rife ML^i* TiKl It^ ' i Monday M U 6:00 P.M. M wTvp - Tv J BROUGHT TO YOU BY 7 DUNN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Bargain Days mm/f \ Extra Special W m BANANAS 10 lbs. -39 c Some For Everybody - We Have Made A Special Purchase of 5,000 lbs. U. S. No. 1 Old Potatoes 10 ibs. 39* CABBAGE TOMATOES 10 lbs. 39c 4 Cartons 39c SHOP DAYS OR NIGHTS AT THE Open Air Market WE NEVER CLOSE 12:00 Late News Final 12:05 WTVD Previews & Sign Off Sunday, February 20 | P.M. 1:00 Princeton ’55 1:30 Frontiers of Faith | 2:00 American Inventory 2:30 Youth Wants To Know 3:00 Background 3:30 American Forum 4:00 Legislative Report 4:30 College Press Conference 5:00 What’s Your Trouble. 5:15 The Christophers 5:30 Big Picture 6:00 Who Said That 6:30 Mystery Theatre 7:00 Liberate 7:30 Kings Crossroads 8:00 Colgate Comedy Hour 9:00 TV Playhouse 10:00 Loretta Young Show 10:30 Bob Cummings Show 11:00 Late News Final | 11:05 WTVD Previews & Sign Off : — Monday, February 21 I A.M. 7:00 Today I 9:00 Breakfast Club " ' *.'} ' .'' I HAPPY CROWD These smiles mean that after eight long, hard months of cooperative efforts, the stockholders of the Lillington Industrial Development Company have brought their dreams to reality. Here are some of the stockholders as they met Friday night in their new $135,000 industrial building to push the final stock sale necessary to finish payments on the building. No money was borrowed to buy the land or tp build; all costs of construction will be met by sale of stock. The Lillington Garment Company, makers of men’s sports shirts, already are occupying the handsome new structure, one of the state’s finest. Date of appropriate dedicatory ceremonies and an open house will be announced later. W. A. John son, (center, front row in light suit) was chosen president of the 10:00 Ding Dong School 10:30 For the Ladies 10:45 Sheilah Graham 11:00 Home 12:00 Tennessee Ernie P.M. 12:30 Feather Your Nest 1:00 Farm 1:15 News and Weather 1:30 Home Cookin’ 2:00 Home Theatre 3:00 The Greatest Gift 3:15 ’Afternoon 3:30 One Man’s Famiy 3:45 ’Afternoon 4:00 Hawkins Falls THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. G 4:15 Mapping The News 4 30 The World of Mr. Sweeney 4:45 Modern Romances 5 00 Pinky Lee 5 30 Howdy Doody 6:00 Kit Carson 0:30 Jim Thornton 645 Sportsview 7 00 Carolina News j 7:10 Today’s Weather i 7:15 John Daly News j 7:30 George Wash. Speaks 8.00 I Married Joan 8:30 Voice of Firestone 9:00 Masquerade Party 9:30 Robert Montgomery Pre sents 10:30 Fireside Theatre 11:00 Late News Final 11:05 WTVD Previews & Sign Off WNAO - RALEIGH - 28 Saturday, February 19 10:00 Test Pattern 10:30 Winky Dink 11:00 Western Time 11:30 Theatre 12:00 Big Top j 1:00 Theatre 1:30 Industry On Parade 1:45 TV Topics 2:00 What In The World 2:30 Youth Takes A Stand 3:00 Basketball - Big Ten j 4:30 Hilesh Park Races 6:00 Playhouse 7:00 Safety Film 7:15 Men Toward The Light 7:30 Beat The Clock 8:00 Jackie Gleason 9:00 Two For Money 9:30 Counterpoint 10:00 Professional Father 10:30 Willy 11:00 Wrestling 12:00 News Roundup 12:05 Sign Off Sunday, February 20 12:00 Winky Dink 12:30 Youth on The March 1:00 Early Show 2:30 Face The Nation 3:00 Now and Then 3:30 Adventure 4:00 American Week 4:30 The Search 5:30 Big Picture 6:00 Religious Town Meeting 6:30 You are There 7:00 Ramar of the Jungle 7:30 Private Secretary ALT. Jack Benny 8:00 Toast of The Town 9:00 G. E. Theatre 9:30 Stage 7 10:00 Father Knows Best J0:30 What’s My I,inf -11:00 News 11:05 Late Show 11:30 Sign Off Monday, February 21 9:00 Breakfast Club 10:00. Kitchen Kamera 10:30 Anything Goes 11:00 Camera Carousel 12:15 Homer Briarhopper 12:30 Sidewalk Supt. 12:45 Homer Briarhopper 1:00 Early Show 2:00 Robert Q. Lewis 2:30 Theatre 3:30 Bob Crosby 3:45 Guided Tour 4:00 TV Topics 4:30 On Your Account 5:00 Panorama 5:30 The Christophers 6:00 Adventure Time 6:25 Cartoon Theatre 6:30 Star Time 6:55 Capitol Digest 7:00 Farmer’s Alamanac 7:15 Sports Report 7:25 Weather 7:30 Doug Edwards 7:45 Perry Como 8:00 Burns & Allen 8:30 Badge 714 9:00 I Love Lucy 9:30 December Bride 10:00 Facts Forum 10:30 News 10:35 The Late Show 11:30 Sign Off WNCT - GREENVILLE - 9 Saturday, February 19 10:30 Winky, Dink and You 11:00 Kiddles Comer 11:30 Superman 12:00 Big Top, 1:00 News and Weather company to spearhead the long drive which represents the com bined efforts of the majority of Lillington citizens. Other stock holders shown at the Friday night meeting, are, front row: Hen derson Steele, Ray Johnson, Selwyn O’Quinn, Grayson Biggs, Billy Sexton, President Johnson, Johnny Wilboume. Ray Womble, W. R. Cranford, C. S. Loving; and back row, left to right, J. C. Hobbs, M. P. Crews, Jr., Sion Wilborn, Ralph Medlin of Fuquay Springs, .Mayor Joel Layton, Jr., George Carroll, Jr., Roger Mann (half hidden) D. P. Ray, Jr., John Spears, Ernest 'Clark, C. S. Fowler, .Chester Brown, Theron K. Johnson, Eddie Davis, Grady Johnson. It. .VI. Turlington, contractor was the builder. (Daily Record Photo.) 1:15 Farming for Tomorrow 1:30 Farmers Home Adminis tration 1:45 You and Social Security 2:00 What In The World 2:30 Teen-Age Parade 3:00 NBA Basketball, 5:00 Rocket Rhythm 5:10 Western Theatre 6:00 Down Home 6:30 Inner Sanctum 7:00 Cisco Kid 7:30 Silent Flame Jamboree 8:00 Ford Theatre 830 So This Is Hollywood, 9.00 Two for the Money, 9:30 Badge 714 10:00 Professional Father 10.30 Hit Parade 11:00 Sona 11:10 Wrestling Even the bumps are smoother v in the '55 Buick ride j ? ’ jF * ~ HOTTEST BUICK IN HISTORY B '' No won j er you to mo ny 1955 Bulcks on the It X *-Nfc*fcSW*Ji *. u...'C. highway* they're rolling up bigger sales than Lgj , -rms* o** 0 ** ever In history— topping the popularity that Era be h b [Vet even the real rough ones turn out a lot And that’s not just our say-so. New owners tl of these new beauties keep telling us that. . ,_ „ • n Local Delivered Price of f Do youmay wonder-how come? What’s dis- the 1955 Buick SPECIAL 1 nrn* aa « ferent about the Buick ride that makes it 2-Door, 6-Pais#ng#r Sedan, **M*oo I such a marvel? The answer is-plenty. _ .. M< f* l4 * ( "r tra,ed| ; lt ,-v . „ . * * Optional equipment, accessories, state and local taxes, if any, * Most cars have coil springs on front wheels Even th. factory-initah.d extra! you may want ar. bargain!, | j , , , . , V, , .... Micb at: HmMi l Defioiter-W1.70; Radio & Antenna-SW. JO. only# Buick has them dll oroutid —■ and this year they’re newly calibrated for even , . . , - v ... . . 0 bounce plus a special front-end geometry to deeper smothering of jounce and jar. So . ~.. «, . ~ , ■ , f 3 t • r ?. v . if# , , . , . stabilize cornering plus tubeless tires on here your ride is balanced, buoyant, level, . ~ . , L ... serenely smooth. $ extra-wide rims for softer, steadier riding. Most cars drive through the rear springs. Surety, you owe it to yourself to try this Buick drives through a torque-tube that * reat ® ulck travel » J llßl to J ud « e thm^s for takes up all driving thrust, wipes out yourself. rear-wheel wiggle and wag, steadies your Ybu’ll find it the nearest thing to velvet on going to a sure and solid track. wheels—and made even more so by the silki- And no other car in all America has these J I6BB of record-higi V 8 power and the abso great comfort extras plus the backbone of a lutesmoothnessofVariablePitchDynafiow.* massive X-braced frame plus both direct and <^ome v,Blt us tkis week * or Bure * & lever-type shock absorbers to snub after- on RotdmMtr ’ Thrill of tfiG yaay is Buick C STRICKLAND MOTOR CO. 1 102 E. EDGEBTON ST. PHONE 2290* DUNN, N. G V T " 11 ■^—