fentlDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 2s, 1955 WANT ADS CLASSIFIED i RATES i binder 25 words -50 c each ! ad 5 times - $2.25 Ov- ‘ er 25 words - 2c word—Paid < In Advance All keyed ads < • 25c extra. FOR SALE FOR best results wlta ai) ' term animals, WAYNF FEED is the product for you to buy. You will find a com plete line of WAYNE FEET at FARMER’S SUPPLY Dunn. 8-17-tf-< ; FOR SALE: LARGE SELEC TION of good used radios, i Tilso complete radio repair service. Guaranteed parts and repairs. Bass Radio Ser- 1 vice. 404 E. Broad St., Dunn. 1 1-18-ts-c For Sale: Esso Station in good location. Well stocked. Doing good business. See Mr. A. L. Lockamy at Lockamy’s Esso Station on Dunn-Erwin Highway. Phone 3554. 3t-p-T-T-W FOR RENT FOR RENT: 3 room apart- Rnent, 505 Wake Street. $5 per week. Apply Mrs. Janie Register at that address or yhone 4734. ' 3-1-ts-c RENT: 3 room fur nished apartment. Running water. Semi-private bath. , $35 a month. 301 N. 12th St., Erwin. Phone 4837. Turk Bryant. 3-21-st-p FOR RENT: One duplex apartment, close in and equipped with electric water -heater and Venetian blinds *Call 2260 or 2638. 3-23-3 t-p FOR RENT: 4-room duplex house. Close in and to the Grammar School. Electric water heater. Wired for elec tric stove. Reasopab’e rent. Call 3194 after 4 p. m. 3-24-3 t-p FOR RENT: Small apart ment, close in. Wired for electric stove. Recently re decorated. Call Pete Shell, 402072 or 3178. 3-25-3 t-p FOR RENT: Furnished on first floor. Pri- Mvate entrances. Available April 16. Mrs. J. W Thorn ton, 310 S. Wilson Ave. , Phone 3426. 3-25-lt-p SPECIAL NOTICES LOOK—NEED CASH We’D lend you money on your ap pliances or furniture, SE CURITY LOAN CORP., cor ner Fayetteville and Cum berland Streets, Dunn. 1-29-tfn *|| LEV &fAN£IL b 6 VT Get Your Air Conditioner Off To A Good Start For The Hot Summer Ahead. Or If You Want To Air Condition Your Home Or Store Cal STANCIL HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING CO. Sales and Service. PHONE 36M 3-16-ts-c k 11 I * i^i ! l ji"iinu,.i,4i TV SERVICE CALLS P Sets repaired in the home or no charge. Evening calls till 10 p. m- REID’S TV, ERWIN PHONE 4527 £ 3-23-gt-p “LET GEORGE DO IT”— Call 4226, ask for George La .... ■' j .. ■ ». v * Preferred Residential ■ j|; on North Park Drive Fontaine or George Schnei der for the best car service in town. Cars washed,waxed, lubricated, oil changed, tires and batteries serviced - plus a tankful of that good Mobil gas. Mobil Service Center, , South Clinton at Duke Street. ] 2-25-22 t-c i IF YOU HAVE ANY KIND Df property for sale pri vate or auction contact Tohnson and Norris, Phone 1724 or P. O. Box 457, Coats, ■ *. C. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Don’t envy the home owner, be one. For All Types of Real Estate, Houses, Lots or Com mercial. Easy terms. Will Build House On Your Lot, No Down Payment. FHA or GI Financing. Derwood H. Godwin, N. Fayetteville Ave, Dunn. Phone Day or Night 4545. List Your Property With Us. 2-23-ts-c ALL YOU CAN EAT Only $1.50 CHILDREN FREE Old Fashioned Fish Fry Fried Fish French Fried Potatoes Cole Slaw, Hash Puppies, Coffee Served Home Style Children under 12 Free when accompanied by parents BIG 4 RESTAURANT Benson Highway • DUNN, N. C. Auto Finance AUTO LOANS • —REFINANCING— Reduce Your Present Payments Money in 10 Minuses - MOTOR CREDIT CO. DUNN, k C. ravetteville-St. Phone .5158 ~ i WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Heavy hens and country meats. Highest prices. Wesley Lee’s Store in Dunn. Phone 2371. 2-23-ts-c LOGS AND TIMBER WANTED < We pay highest prices for logs delivered to our ' mill. ' We also buy logs and timber in boundaries. WAFFORD’S MILL Located on Benson, Rt. 2 five miles south of Benson on Highway 50. 2-28-20 t-p WANTED TQ RENT: 4 or 5 room furnished or unfur nished house or apartment. For two adults and one child, aged 6. Call 4089. -22-3t-p WANTED: Milk route sales man; experience necessary. ' Apply in person to James Surles; do not phone. Gard-r ner Dairy Products, Inc., Dunn. 3-24-ts-c ~~HEiP WANTED OFFICE GIRL by Dunn bus iness firm. Apply in own handwriting giving - qualifi cations, experience, and ref erencgjs. Write “Office Girl,” care of the Daily Record. 3-23-3 t-p CARRIER BOY tor paper route in east section of Dunn. Inquire at The Daily Legal Notice : ORDER AUTHORIZING $2,000,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS ( WHEREAS, The Board of Educa- , tion of Harnett County has certi fied to this Board a resolution ; passed on lehruary 7, 1955, find- , ing that it is necesessary in order j to eo.'irly with the constitutional requirement for the maintenance of schools in Harnett County six ; months in each year to erect addi tional schools buildings, remodel and enlarge existing school build ings, and acquire necessary land and equipment therefor in order to provide additional elementary and secondary school facilities, the es timated cost of which is $2,000,000; and, WHEREAS, said resolution re quests the Board of Commissioners to take all necesary steps, by the issuance of bonds or otherwise, so that such school facilities may be provided; and WHEREAS, the Board of Com missioners has carefully examined the facts and has determined and does hereby find as a fact that said statements of the above mentioned resolution are true and that it has become the duty of said Board of Commissioners, acting as an ad ministrative agent of the State in providing a State system of public schools, to order the issuance of bonds of the County of Harnett so that the school facilities mention ed in paragraph 1 of this order and in said resolution may be pro vided in order to maintain the six months’ school term in the County of Harnett as required by the Constitution; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED AND RE SOLVED by the Board of Com missioners for the County of Har nett 1. That, pursuant to The County Finance Act, as amended, and in order to maintain the sik months’ school term in said County of Harnett as required by the Con stitution, the County of Harnett, North Carolina, is hereby author ized to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other debt which said County may now or hereafter have power or authority to con tract, and in evidence thereof to issue School Building Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $2,000,000 for the pur pose of providing funds, with any other funds available lor sbeh pur pose, for erecting additional school buildings remodeling and enlarging i existing school buildings, and ac quiring necessary land and equip ment therefore in order to provide additional elementary and second ary school facilities in the County ' of Harnett. Record. ! $2.00 HOURLY possible do ing light assembly work at home. No experience neces sary. Write SANCO Mfg. Co., 7159 Beverly Blvd., Los An geles 36, Calif. 3-25-2 t-p NO GRAPPLING - NO GROPING - NO GUESSING OnTheNew Mill FA Til ivss Model rniLvU IV Television's Finest Picture At Your Finger Tips B T ; b “ As Low As 5169.95 CENTERVILLE FURNITURE CO. DUNN - ERWIN HIGHWAY Phone 3606 THE DAILY RECORD, DtMN, M.C. 2, That a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on said bonds when due shall be an nually levied and collected. ,3. That a statement of the County debt has been filed with the Clerk and is open to public inspection. 4. That this order shall take ef fect when approved by the voters of the County at an election as provided in said act. The foregoing order has been in troduced and a sworn statement, has been filed under the County Finance Act showing the assessed valuation of the County to be $51,410,819.02, and the net debt (including the proposed bonds) for school purposes to be $2,694,500.00. A tax will be levied for the pay ment of the proposed bonds and interest if the same shall be is sued. Any citizen or taxpayer may protest against the issuance of such bonds at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to be held at 10.00 o'clock A. M., April 4, 1955, or an adjournment thereof. , INEZ HARRINGTON, Clerk, Board of Commissions 24-lc Erwin News GUILD MEETING Mis. Payton Odom, with Mrs. El dridge Norris as co-hostess, enter tained the Methodist Wesleyan Guild on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Odom on East G Street. The meeting was opened with the devotional offered by Mrs. Leon McCaskill, followed by prayer. Mrs. Mike Crawford, president, then took charge aid presided over the busi ness session. Old and new business was taken up and Mrs. Shore Neal, who is leaving, was remembered with' a gift. Members attending were, Mrs. Jack Brock, Mrs. Mike Crawford, Mrs. Gorlon Ennis, Mrs. E. G. Pur cell, Mrs Leon MoCaskill, Mrs. Al bert Oldham, Mrs. H. S. Warren, Mrs. Marvin West, Mrs. Bill War ren, Mrs. Shore Neal, Mrs. Thur man Gaster, Mrs. Stella Satter field, Miss Lib Jones and Miss Pearl Surles. •• ALL GRAINS Custom Ground And Mixed. DUNN FCX SERVICE North Clinton Ave. Dunn BRING IN Your Seed Now To Be Cleaned t And Treated. DUNN FCX SERVICE l North Clinton Ave. Dunn To Make Room For Trade-Ins On The Great New '55 Dodge We Must Sell These Cars Now YOB CAN NOT TRADE OR BUY BETTER ANYWHERE . . M—■ Will 11 JTIIffIT JU— ■ I If You Don't Like Our Prices We May Like Your Offer . . GOOD LOW-COST TRANSPORTATION '36 Chevrolet 2 door sedan $ 95 '46 Chevrolet 2 door sedan $145 Plymouth 4 door sedan 95 , 46 Dod c|ub c ,45 41 Chevrolet 2 door sedan 95 '46 Nash 4 door sedan 145 ' 47 Ford 4 door sedan 145 '46 Plymouth 2 door sedan 145 '4B Ford 2 door sedan 145 T~—nBIHTTT 11 111 I ■! mi HMIII ■ I 111 Several Good Used Trucks Priced '4O Ford $375 2-door sedan; Extra Clean, one owner car; new engine install ed a few miles ago. This car is almost as good as when new. '4B Studebaker $245 Lots of riding on a little gasoline in Ibis Commander with Overdrivo; rooter recently rebuilt and it’s equipped with Radio and Heater; good economical riding with this Shiny Black car at this low price. '49 Ford $445 Custom 8 cylinder 4-door sedan wjth new Bright Red finish, Heater and good tires. This car will give you many miles of trouble free service. '49 Frazer $375 Manhattan Custom 4-door sedan equipped with 8-tube radio, fresh air heater, defroster, gas saving Overdrive, 2-tone cus tom interior, and 5 excellent tires; finished in shiny metallic green. , '49 Studebaker $375 Commander 4-door sedan finished in light gray and equipped with gas saving Overdrive. Radio, Heater, and white side wall tires '49 Packard $445 Get real luxury at a tremendous saving. Equipped with Pack ard Custom radio and heater, 5 excellent white sidewall tires; extra clean inside; original shiny gray finish. A fine car that you can be proud to call yours. 'SO Dodge $645 Coronet 4-door sedan, carefully driven and cared for by only one former owner. A clean car with 5 excellent tires, heater and defroster with fresh air system, new seat covers, no shift transmission and other extras. Finished in gleaming black. This car is a real buy at this low price. 'SO Buick .; $675 Special 4-door sedan with graceful body on road clinging chassis. This car has new 2-tone black and ivory finish, ac cessoried for the whole family’s comfort with rich-toned radio, winter warm heater, and easy sailing Dynaflow drive. Runs great, looks great, and priced to sell now. 'SO Chevrolet $595 You’ll be money ahead and trouble behind with this Fleetline 4-door sedan; has heater, delroster, new seat covers, good tires alt around, and pretty metallic blue finish. A comfortable de pendable family car. Comfortable on your pocketbook, too. 'SO Dodge v ........ s£9s Coronet Club Caupe. Carefully driven and cared for l)y only one owner. This car is extra clean, has excellent 4res aid ac cessories include heater, defroster, fresh air system, back-up lights, seat covers, GyroMatir transmission and others. A real comfortable, roomy, economical and good looking family car. Beauiiful metallic green finish. 'SO Plymouth $675 Coronet Club Coupe. Carefully driven and cared ter by only one owner. This car ip extra clean, has excellent tires and ac cessories Include heater, defroster, fresh air sy ideas, back-op Beautiful metallic green finish. 'SO Chevrolet ss9s Styleline 2-door sedan, is a roomy model with lots of trunk space. It’s extra clean inside and Ims original skiny Hack finish. You needn’t worry when the children rsssg lo the back seat of this 2-door. Equipped with radio, heater, seat covers. It’s solid, good-looking and a real buy. Ready-to-Sell Salesmen To Serve Youl Maurice Bailey - Claud* Glover - Sol G. Baker - Henry Jackson We Can Finance Any Car Under SSOO Without Any Insurance Costs . . . A Written Warranty That 1$ Worth A Lot To You With Almost AH Cars We When You Trade With U* We Are Never Satisfied Until You Are DICKEY MOTORS y YOUR DOOGE-PLYMQUTH DEALER ' | i* Telephones: Used Car Lot 2594 - Qfftce, Parts and Service 2127 -21 f 8 DUNN, N.C. —- -- -- - ■ - ■ ■ -- Low- Come Look Them Over f ST Chevrolet $745 Styleline DeLuxe 2-door sedan, is finished in original factory metallic green, is a clean one owner car. You’ll drive it with pride wherever you go. We know fhis is an outstanding buy and you’ll agree when you see and drive thi* ear. 'sl Studebaker $695 V*B Commander 4-door sedan. Want a gas saver? You’ll have it with this car equipped with Overdrive, radio, heater, and 5 excellent tires. Finished in striking light green. A clean one owner ear. Priced low to go. 'sl Oldsmobile $1095 A snappy looking dark blue “98’’ Holiday 4-door sedan that’s all shined up and ready (o roil. Stop in today and note the extra clean interior and the equipment such as radio, heater, Hydramatic drive, and 5 good tires. This car will give you years of dependable service. An extra clean one owner car. '52 Dodge $895 Wayfarer 2-door sedan, made for easy parking, easy driving, and is easy on gasoline. Accessories include radio, heater, new seat covers, and others. Here is your chance to own a real good used car that will give you the long life and economy you have always wanted at a real low price. An extra clean, low mileage, one owner car. Shiny light green. '52 Plymouth $895 You can’t find a better buy for the money than this Cranbrook club coupe. Equipped with heater, seat covers, chrome wheel covers, and other accessories. This car has 5 excellent tires and is a clean one owner car finished in beautiful light green. '52 Dodge $1095 Here’s a Meadow brook 4-door sedan that has been kept regu larly serviced and in perfect condition. It’s been carefully driven and cared for by only one owner, is extra extra clean and has 5 new white sidewall tires. It’s finished in beautiful 2-tone green and is equipped with heater, defroster, radio, back-up lights, no shift transmission. This car is a real value at this price. '53 Plymouth .. $1275 4’ran brook club sedan. Finished in pretty 2-tone blue. Equipped with radio, heater, gas saving Overdrive, chrome wheel covers, and excellent white sidewall tires. One owner car that’s a buy. '53 Ford $1375 Custosnline 8 cylinder 4-door sedan with beautiful dark blue finish, completely equipped with radio, heater, defroster, seat covers, and has 5 excellent tires. This Is an exceptionally clean one owner car. '53 Plymouth $1275 Cambridge club sedan. This car is an extra clean one owner car, rides, drives and looks almost as good as when new. Equipped with radio, heater, defroster, seat covers, excellent tires and finished in beautiful 2-tone green. See it, drive it, and. you’ll boy it. 1 '53 Chevrolet V $1375 This Bel Air 2-door is finished in pretty light blue, is an extra clean, one owner, low mileage car, equipped with radio, healer, defroster, seat covers, 5 good white sidewall tires. You’ll drive it with pride wherever you go. We know this to be an out standing buy and you’ll agree when you see and drive this car. '53 Dodge sl64s There is no better used car buy anywhere. You’ll say so when you see and drive this car. Coronet 8 cylinder 4-doer sedan. Extra Extra clean, locally owned by only one careful owner. This beautiful 2-tone green is Dodge’s finest series with lots of chrome and the best of interior trim. Not a scratch or blemish inside or out Equipped with all the extras, radio, heater, fresh ah system, defroster, beautiful plastic seat cov- . era, 5 brand new Goodyear white sidewall tubeless tires, Gyro- Matte traansmission, tinted glass and many other accessories. Very low mileage. Drives and looks almost like new. Prised so that you’ll buy now. PAGE SEVEN