PAGE EIGHT Wishorts Honored At Dinner Mrs. G. W. Henry enter .-lined a: a buffet style c! nor hi- Su: for mem .. .m.: h nor of M -ter S and M -. D E. \ h Gi - many where they \v. ; make then home for the next thrae years. Those .he d aciou din ner were: Mrs. Homer Baker and daughter, Patsy of Wilmington, Mr. i and Mrs. C. E. McLaurin and Nan- • cy and Buddy of Bumberton, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Claude Lti.-s of Frw’n j and children Ralpli. Jot- and Mike, Graham Ho ;• . i , uily, Mar garet Ann and 3: A , n. Mas ter Sgt. an:! Mrs. "l. ii. Wi.!' r* and children. : Henry, and Ray, the honor: : ts. and M r. 1 Ruth Lewis of Wilmi: -..ton. ATTEND CONFERENCE Alice Prince. Virginia Turlington, and Janice Fowler attended Un christian Vocations Conference in Washington, N. C. over' the week- I end. They arrived home yesterday f afternoon. HOME FROM GEORGIA j Granville Tilghman, wao is a I student at Barling ton in Roms-, Georgia, is visiting here with his ! parents and friends during the spring holidays. HERE FOR WEEKEND Sally Whitehead vi ited here over 1 the weekend with relatives and friends. She is a student at E.C.C. iij Greenville. fc^»^tfi|"LlNEN-LOOK w MADE TO OUR RIG,D SPiancAT, ° Ns| FULL CUTI FINE FABRICS I LOW PRICE I 3-Pc. ENSEMBLE - 2.98 - textured rayon plus Whites! Pastels! Stripes! Woven fancies! See the neat, extra* ■ dacron—shuns wrinkles c,ose precision stitching, feel the smooth, fine Sanforized* Wl fabric. They're full cut in all the right places to assure trim fit; -nllH K long-lasting good service. Choice of regular, widespread, or vPH m M JC jaßfc button down collar styles; barrel cuffs or French cuffs avail* ) I g ylßrr able in *° me styles. Shop! Compare! Archdale dress shirts are y°« r b*** buy! 14-17 neck, 32-35 sleeve length. 'Too get anextra pahaf eortrmffng sloda! Ami you'll heweD-drewd for olf **"' 11 " « es Spring! Up-to-the-minute linen-textured rayon... teamed up with just a 4 touch of Dacron! Thot means crease-resistant I Grey with blue slocks; charcoal Aliy Auin HonaflfldS With light gray; tan with brown; natural with brawn. Regulars, shorts, longs. VUI V VVII Ifldlldlj IV abet 2-piece linen-look suit, 24.95 l SNOT. SOU Mbrfbnt, fcftbr koplJJUYgflJri br tSftMhd frgtor ALL WOOL SLACKS BELK'S DUNN , n. c. I Big Selection Os Mght, Medium 1A As | And Dark Tones To Match Or II jf ft New Easter Fashions Originate At Belk's Contrast. 28-42. ™ Mrs. Ellis Is Shower Honoree Mr L T. Ellis, Mrs H. E. Kin t and Mrs. R. T. Butler were • :nt-hosi--«- -a; a stork shower turdrv in, March 19 at the Kit, 1 • home in I.illington, honor hit; Mrs Jack Ellis Refreshments consisting of eook j :es, potato chips, candy and Cokes j Were served to: Mrs. H. E. Trog ! don. Miss Vila Ellis, Miss Joyce : Lucas, Mrs. J. M. Langston, Mrs. ! Billy West. Mrs. Ken Black, Mrs. I W. A. Vann, Mrs. Jimmy Wimber ly. Miss Marie Kinton, Mrs. Fred ! Prone, Mrs. Larry Ellis, Mrs. Mack Thomas, Mrs. Bill Ellis, and Mrs. Monroe Mills. Mrs. Ellis is the former Dixie , Brown of Linden. MRS. THOMAS HERE Mrs. Howard Thomas of Fayette ville visited Mr. and Mrs. H. P. i Byrd Wednesday. BARKERS VISIT RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Parker, Jr. | and daughter. Tommy of Fayette i ville visited relatives here last Sat | urday. IN VIRGINIA Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Byrd visited several days in Emporia, Virginia last week. FROM ST. MARY’S Martha Ann Butler, student at Saint Mary’s in Raleigr, spent the weekend visiting with her parents and friends here. HOUSE GUEST Wallace Pollson of Virginia was the house guest of Miss Libby Raye Cromartie last week. IN WILSON Mrs. J. W. Thornton, Sr., and John Thornton, 111, spent the week end with the W. B. Boles family in Wilsoru Mr. and Mrs. John Thornton, Jr., and Alice and Martha went up Sunday and brought them home. HERE OVER HOLIDAYS Frank Spruill, Jr. is visitisg here during spring holidays with friends and relatives. He is a student at Duke University. IN RALEIGH Laney Hodges, Lindy Wood, Pa tricia Lanier, and Granville Tilgh man were in Raleigh, Friday night. VISITS PARENTS Jewel McLean, student nurse at Watts Hospital in Durham, spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude McLean. IN VIRGINIA Becky Lee, who is a Duke Uni versity student, is spending the spring holidays with Judy Bailey in Roanoke, Virginia. RETURNS HOME Larry Godwin, who was recently hospitalized is an accident, has re turned heme and is reported to be improving nicely. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Godwin. -THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. C WEEK-END GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Bill O’Daniell of , Elizabethtown were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lee. VISITS SISTER Mrs. Roinmie Williamson spent the weekend visiting her sister in Durham. HOME FROM MEREDITH Margaret Godwin spent the weekend visiting friends and rela tives here. She is a student at Meredith College in Raleigh. Smith Services Held On Sunday Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Quinn Funeral Home in Dunn for | Mrs. Rosa Smith, 69, of Bunnlevel. j She died Saturday morning at 1:25 o’clock in the Dunn Hospital. Officiating at the funeral was the Rev. Charles McCord, pastor cf the Pilgrim’s Holiness Church at Fayetteville. Burial was in the Cedar Falls Cemetery, near Fay etteville. Mrs. Smith, who had lived in Bunnlevel for the past 16 years, was the widow of Raz Smith, who died several years ago. > Surviving are five sons, Perry of! Fayetteville; John W. of Clinton,! Route 1; Curtis and James, both of j Angier, Route 2; and Noel of Bunn- j level; two daughters Mrs. W. P. • Dills of Fayetteville and Mrs. John D. H. McGill of Benson, Route 2; , one brother, Del Register of Ben- I Williams Dies In Greensboro GREENSBORO (IP) Funeral services will be held here tomorrow ' for the Rev. R. Murphy Williams, retired pastor of the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant here who was called Greensboro s “No. 1 Citizen.” Williams died at a hospital last night of a heart attack. He was 86. Honorary pallbearers will be offi cers and elders of the church and all ministers of the Greensboro area. MR. DAUGHTRY DIES Nalkan Ethra Daughtry, 57, of Faison, Rt. 1, died in a Clinton hospital Sunday morning at 6:30 from a heart attack. Funeral ser vices were held Monday from the Goshen Methodist Church and bu rial followed in the Hillcrest Ceme tery at Newton Grove. Among his survivors is Mrs. A. C. Williams of Newton Grove, a sister. SISTER DIES Mrs. Emma S. Lewis, 64, of Fai son died early Sunday morning in Wayne Memorial Hospital at Goldsboro. She was a sister of Mrs. Lillie Autry of Falcon. son Route 1; two sisters Mrs. Law rence Register of Faison and Mrs. Jane Jemigan of Godwin; also 15 grandchildren and one great grand child. Cold Kills (Continued From Page One) services until highways are cleared. PEACH CROP HARD HIT By UNITED PRESS Carolinas peach growers, facing near-ruin in the wake of a record early-spring cold wave, estimated orchard losses in the millions of dollars today. State and federal aid was sought. Representatives of the North Carolina peach industry scheduled a meeting at Raleigh tomorrow night with Gov. Luther H. Hodges and State Agriculture Commission er L. Y. Ballentine to discuss the situation. In Washington, Hep. C. B. Deane (D-NC) said he was asking the Agriculture Department to deter mine what aid might be available. Unofficial estimates placed los ses in North Carolina from the shriveling of looms alone at more than 3-million-dollars. Other mill ions of dollars may be lost if trees aso were killed by the'bitter week end cold wave. Three More (Continued From Page One) here and a capacity crowd is ex pected. Miss Becky Lee, the current "Miss Dunn” will serve as hostess for the pageant. MONDAY AFTERNOON MARCH 2S, 1955 ' ✓ : li|". 5>V ; Iji|! |V j New spring patterns t Carefully tailored 1 \ SPORT COATS J I 19.95 Topflight selection right now —at start of the season. You get' all wool fabrics—whether you V choose one of the new soft-hued ' « pastels, a medium shade or a T smart daflcl Slimming .two-button 1 style with casual patch pockets. Sizes 36-4 Q; regulars, longs, shorts.