* WEATHER + Partly cloudy and continued quite warm this afternoon, tonight and Friday Scattered afternoon and evening thundershowers. VOLUME 5 BOAT WITH 25 REPORTED SINKING >7 Dr mBK : H NEW POLICEMAN SWORN IN—Mayor Ralph E. Hanna of Dunn is shown here administering the oath of office to James Truman Southerland,' a new member of the police force, as Police Chief Alton Cobb, right, looks on. The 22-year-old pe- Jh&AB mis JhinqA By HOOVER ADAMS mnSERTBILLVCARO, HWKHIMwiTrciSsW Lovely Miss Peggy Barfield, who will represent Dunn In the Miss North Carolina Beauty Pageant at Wrighteville Beach, made her de but on television Tuesday night over WNAO in Raleigh . . . She was interviewed bV Mike Silvers, who Is conducting a series of pro grams on the contestants . . . An. oesrirwr wl*h Miss, Barfield was black-beaded Cn-kv Cretin!, who ferifpsoritod the Jtwcees ... Both n«it. in henlthv nhiont ninny to five them more SUn nosl hut rot, anneprtrKr on the were President Boh pnd Tompr ptnne . . , Corky wes nicked hec«n«e he hod the prettiest CM heard . . . Hubert couldn’t stood his heard any lonver . . . H® Who eked It off ... A STOUT! Os Jtimn Pny Pcmits are «♦ Cemn Du rant this week . . . Cl tv Commis sioner Phi Bryan savs Dunn’s bnohkeenlna system 1« SO Olltmod «m that officials really don’t know what the financial status of the town ty on a dav.to-dav basis . . . Bill who started taking a corres nondence rfjnurse In ancountln? af ter h® was elected to the board, has (Continued on fM» Two) Large Dunn Group To Attend Meet Fifteen delegates from the Dunn congregation of Jehovah’s Witnes ses will attend an assembly at the Yankee Stadium In New York City., July 20 - Aug. i. Samuel Salter presiding minister here who will head the delegation, announced today that a total of 50,000 is expected to attend from various states. Samuel Salter de scribed this assembly as one of a world sweeping series of eleven Christian Conventions. "In 1953," Mr. Salter pointed out, “We had one international gather ing of ministers, at Yankee Stadi um that drew a peak attendance of 165,829 from 97 lands. Tins year we hope our combined attendance will double that.” The titles in the United States and Canada named as convention sites are Chicago, Vancouver, B. C, TELEPHONES 3117 - 3118 liceman is a native of Wilmington, attended Ed wards Military Institute and served’ for a year and a half ms a military policeman in the Army ot Baltimore. He married the former Miss Peggy Partin of Dunn. (Daily Record Photo.) Harnett Valuation Up Million And Half Beginning of the new fiscal year found the nation’s business whirling at a dizzy rate of prosperity and Har nett County was right in step, judging from the increase in tax valuations. Series Johnson, county tax su pervisor, ’reported yesterday that ' ter “TtfSwrtf County increased ‘one and a half million dollars during the past year. This brings the total tax. able property to $53,138,964.00. Johnson valued personal and real property In the county at $50,579,000. Not all corporate ex • cess properties, that Is outside firms doing business In Harnett, have been estimated. But last year this source of revenue was valued at $2 569.964.06. Tn 1954-56 real and personal pro nerty valuations stood at $48,840- •55. and in that year suffered a h|o fogs due to a sharp drop In the used car market. However. Johnson was aulck to note that this vear the county economy al ready has recovered from that loss «uA detveclotions suffered from Hurricane Hard to establish the npw sains noted. The tax supervisor credited the inrryft.cp of more than one and a half million dollars of taxable nmnorfy to general business nro-a neritv. good crop* and improve ments made bv countv huslness men. TOWNSHIP VALUATIONS A study of the valuation on a township basis showed that Aver asboro with $14.R99.365.00 valua tion is in toD place among the townships Duke, with property (Continued On Page Seven) Los Angeles, Dallas and New York Those in Europe are London, Paris, Rome, Nuremberg, Stockholm and The Hague. Arrangements are already under way to send over 4,500 delegates from the United States and Can ada to the European Assemblies. Delegates from Latin America, Africa, Australia and the Far East will also attend in Europe. Attending from Dunn are Joseph Dew and family, Mack Tucker and family, and Samuel Salter and fam ily. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (W The will of the late Sllliman Evans directed that his son. Stillman Evans. Jr., be elected to succeed him as publisher of the Nashville Tennessean. She flails Braird To Be Hanged For Murder DUBBSELDORF, German (IP)—A British court-martial today sen tenced Sgt. Frederick Emmet - Dunne to be hanged for the judo murder o fa fellow soldier, whose wife he coveted. Emmet-Dunne was convicted of killing Sgt. Reginald Watters and then stringing up his body in a barracks to make the murder ap. pear to be a suicide. His plot nearly succeeded. A cor oner returned a verdict of suicide and Emmet-Dunne married Wat ter’a pretty brunette widow seven months later. The tongues of gossips in the army community in which the Emmet-Dunnes lived aroused the suspicions of Scotland Yard and Watters’ body was exhumed. It was discovered the nthat he died, not from hanging, but from a powerful judo blow which crush ed his larynx. Emmet-Dunne then confessed the slaying, but claimed he acted in self defense. He said he married Watters’ attractive German widow out of pity rather than love. Sheriff Arrests His Son On Rape Charge ORANGEBURG, S. C. IW The son of Orangeburg County Sheriff George L. Reed has been freed under $1,500 bond after he was dis missed as a deputy sheriff and ar (Continued On Page Eight) ! ,—..,1 HI,. DUNN, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 7, 1955 Adlai Attacks Ike On Failure To Aid Schools CHICAGO OP) Adlai E| Stevenson attacked the EH senhower administration a new front on Wednesday night, charging that it had, done “absolutely nothing” to solve the nation’s ptOM lie school problem. Stevenson the Democrats’ 1932 presidential candidate, urged a “elastic” billion - dollar assistance program to meet “fmmk tor ’s No. 1 domestic need—schoM* and teachers.” \ Stevenson has not yet said»wh*s|l he- he intends to make a secoiw bid for tttte presidency next yearJ he has directed severe criticism &tj various phases of the Eisenhower' program in recent speeches. Wednesday night’s address tab-J fore the 93rd annual meting of tile. National Education Association w*s| billed as his last major speech be-1 fore next fall. ; The former Illinois governor! firing from a bad summer cold! accused President Eisenhower of dodging an earlier promise to give “prompt, effective help” to the na tion’s schools. Instead, Stevenson charged, Mr: Eisenhower has asked Congress to pass “not a law but a miracle.” : The President told Congress only last February that the nation needs. 7 billion dollars worth of ne w schools. Stevenson said, but the ad-’ ministration program calls for’ grants of only 66 milion dollars a ; year for three years. “This is 33 cents a year to meet! everW $35 of admitted present. ures of economist Beardsley Rum! that the government should spend 700 million dollars next year and posibly as much as $3,500,000,000 a year by 1965 to “salvage" the nation’s school system. Clerk's Receipts Increase SI,OOO Receipts of various kinds, hand led during the month of June, by the Clerk of Superior Court total ed $4,816.98 Mrs. Elizabeth F. Matthews, the clerk, informed the commissioners this week. This was almost a one thousand dollar increase over the sum taken in by the same office in the same month a year ago. At that time, (Continued On Pago Eight) SHE SPURNED HIS LOVE, Confessed Slayer Will Be Arraigned LOS ANGELES (IPI Dist. Atty. S. Ernest Roll said a formal murder complaint would be issued today against law student John R. Crooker Jr., 34, confessed murderer of Mrs. Norma T. McCauley, 33-year-old socialite divorcee. Roll said the nearby Santa Mon ica district attorney’s office would issue the complaint and that the confessed slayer would be arraign ed la West Los Angeles Municipal Court. Crooker, after 14 hours of intense questionii)g by relays of detectives, broke down Wednesday and con + Record Roundup + MINOR WRECK There was no highway mishap over the fourth of July weekend in the Western half of the county which invol ved personal injury, the highway patrol proudly report*. But a col lision between a car and truck occurred last Friday afternoon July Ist on highway 15-A, almost a mile North of Lilllngton. High, way Patrolman Kerman Ward said a 1963 two door Ford, driven by inK+mm**: W BtoBMB *Jk • « HIISJ r jSSSfk 4. • M ' . ,1m J fa An M 1 BF BV V . W * 9* Jm 9 \ ATTEND CAMP DURANT Pictured above are several members of Troop 766 and their Scout master, Les Jones before they left for Camp Du rant last Sunday. The boys will return Saturday from the camp. Pictured, kneeling, left to right. City Council Meets Tonite Will Adopt New Budget 5,. Duftn’s city council tonight will take up the new budget, fix the tax 2at* for the year and dispose of a eadety of other matte-s , flfty Tax Collector J. E. Williams MCommenri to the board that: penalty per nuVith paid by August 1. Tlie board is expected to take action on paving petitions on S. Washington Ave., Canary St. and Godwin Street. City Manager A. B. Uzzle said the board will discuss a revolving fund for paving and curb and gut ter. A fund of $13,500 is set up in the budget for this. Continued on Page Six) Killjoys Don't like 'Em Short JACKSON, Miss. W) Central High School drum majorettes last year designed costumes with very brief skirts. This year critics de manded knee length skirts. Principal Charles Holladay 'ap pointed a special committee to work out a compromise. The new skirts will be midway between knee and thigh. fessed he killed the society matron in a fit of rage because she spurn ed his Jove. The law student, a former house boy at Mrs. McCauley's home, said he became infuriated early Tues day when the attractive woman fell asleep while he pleaded with (Continued on Page Two) Malcolm Leon Messer. 47, of Is lington. Route 2 was hit by a 1953 International Truck. The driver of the car was attempting to make a left turn on to a dirt road near the airport when the car was struck from the raar by the truck. Both vehicles were travel ing South. The truck driver. Ray mond Stone, of 507 Hines St„ High Point was charged with fol- I Continued On Page Eight) are: Bill Blackley, Jimmy Surles, Tommy Jones and Stuart Simons. Standing are Jimmy Mat tox. Les Jones, Scoutmaster: Jimmy Williams. Jim my Jordon, Tilghman Johnson, Tommy Carroll and Tony Simons. DEBAUCHED YOUNG GIRLS Millionaire Held inSex^mrrjrgy MINEOLA, N. Y.